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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Enjoy playing at NAP, the pitch SFC play on is a beauty and a true pleasure. It has the dreaded turf inserts in the goal mouths, but otherwise is a beautiful swath of grass.

~ Shaven

we played DU on the new Jericho Turf...BEAUTY!! it was like real grass
and then back to Montgomery...it is a shame
i must say though...we have yet to have a game postponed @ Montgomery because supposedly it drains well :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
we played DU on the new Jericho Turf...BEAUTY!! it was like real grass
and then back to Montgomery...it is a shame
i must say though...we have yet to have a game postponed @ Montgomery because supposedly it drains well :rolleyes:

Stay off our home pitch, no Man U fans allowed! :wa:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 1 SFC Piranhas 4

they scored a goal within the first 10 minutes on a nice low hard shot from just inside the 18
this girl (#14) is quick and has a good shot on her
our defender let her blow by her and it cost us

their 2nd goal was a bogus PK that was awarded by the referee who was out of position and made a bad call
our girl got all ball and the girl basically fell over the ball
unfortunate for our girl who made a good tackle...BUT...it is always risky making a tackle anywhere inside the 18, good or not
their girl steps up and hits a nice shot post and in. i didn't have a chance even though i dove the right way

it was 2 nil at half time

we scored a nice one from a cross into the box where it was struck by one of our players...bounced off their defender, right into our strikers path and was poked in. Good goal! we're thinking we are in the game now
about 15 minutes later, the same girl, #14, comes down the right side...stops...our defender holds her there...i yell "don't let her shoot" and she takes a nice hard shot and it sails right over my head, far corner. fcuk!
at this point, our team has run out of gas. we had 3 subs, but barely as a couple of them were hurting.

with about 10 minutes to go, our sweeper gets involved with one of their players and ends up shoving her to the ground, and they are awarded yet another PK...yay for me!!! she scores

we had about 80% of the possession all game which made this a hard loss to take home
we were the better team, but we couldn't capitalize on a lot of our chances, and a lot of credit has to be given to their keeper who had a stellar game and i would say made about 5 quality top notch saves

there was a point in the first half that i wanna mention
they were up 1 nil
the ball goes out of play...throw in for the Piranhas...one of our players is down due to injury. the referee whistles play down and comes over to check on her. I, as the keeper, grab my water bottle and come over as well to give her a drink and check on her. a few of my players come over as well, and as our player who was shaken up is recovering, a few of my players are grabbing a sip of water...not at all holding up the play as it has been whistled down. the coach of the Piranhas yells out "WHAT IS THIS A WATER BREAK? IS SHE EVEN HURT?" our players take offense and yell back that she is hurt and she needs a moment. their sideline starts yapping, and the coach says "don't sink down to their level." WTF?! it is 15 minutes in...they are up 1 nil...they get to take a throw in in our half of the pitch, and our player is taking 30 seconds to compose herself. what kind of bullsh*t is this?? it was unbelievable!!

we don't play this coming week due to a rescheduling which is why we played that wednesday night vs. Delta United
so, we have a couple of weeks to compose ourselves and get back to winning some games


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Shaven...1-1 vs. Mavericks
do tell

I will tell indeed, striker... though there isn't much to tell to be quite honest. We started slowly, a slow start that in fact lasted 45 minutes (the entire first half, how about that) and found ourselves down 1-0 at the half. Mavericks goal came as a result of a poor giveaway in our final third and subsequent lack of tracking back to correct it. Cross, great save by our keeper however two Mavericks standing virtually unmarked in front of her resulted in the rebound being deposited in the back of our net. We missed a PK (handball in the box, correct call) with about 10 to go to half which was unfortunate but a decent save by their keeper to be fair.

Second half, after I lit a fire under the ladies, we dominated for the second 45 and played out as we should have from the opening kickoff. Scored 20 minutes into the half to draw level, and had two glorious chances to score the winner that we simply couldn't quite get on frame and past their keeper, respectively.

There really isn't an excuse for us to not have won this match handily, as we should have in Week 2 as well. All comes down to effort and focus, and we didn't have enough of it on Sunday. A result that wasn't disastrous, though disappointing is it was a full three points we left out there and have no one to blame but ourselves. The Mavericks are leaky at the back, and we should have made them pay for it as they didn't generate much at all in the second half and it was sheer lack of effort on our part that allowed anything they created in the first. Very physical team, they play hard (and perhaps a bit dirty... just a bit, not dangerously so in most cases) and aren't afraid to have a rip which I believe explains their GF total.

Back home this Sunday v SFC, looking forward to posting another W.

~ Shaven

P.S. striker, what's happening on the Jaguars back end? 6 GA in the past two matches? Lack of effort, organisation, skill, or something else? We know it can't be the keeper's fault :wa:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
P.S. striker, what's happening on the Jaguars back end? 6 GA in the past two matches? Lack of effort, organisation, skill, or something else? We know it can't be the keeper's fault :wa:

ha ha...why thanks for assuming it isn't my fault, but, i can be to blame for a few of them due to bad clearances
the past game, we were missing 4 of our natural defenders, so we had to improvise with other players who are clear mid fielders
i can only save so many, and also with 2 PK's last game, i didn't have much of a chance. i dove the right way on both, but they were quality shots that both went post and in.
it has been a weak spot with me (our GA's) and i am trying my best to keep it down
i might actually be stepping out from between the sticks come the new year as one of our players who was in net last season isn't doing all that well playing out (due to injury), so she might take over and i might be forced to play out, SO WATCH OUT!! ;)

our next game isn't until the 20th and it is vs. the 1st place team, so that should be quite a test

don't count the Piranhas out, but if i can be of any help to you...keep an eye on #14 down the right flank and #10
#14 only has a right foot, so keep her outside and you should be just fine

good luck



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Westside FC Shamrock Rovers 2 - 3 SFC Piranhas.

We were garbage today. End of report.

Moving on to Friday night @ J.O., looking for a better effort against Delta.

~ Shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Westside FC Shamrock Rovers 2 - 3 SFC Piranhas.

We were garbage today. End of report.

Moving on to Friday night @ J.O., looking for a better effort against Delta.

~ Shaven

i hear ya Shaven
i want more details, but I will allow some healing time
if i had to give details SO DO YOU ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
should be an interesting game this weekend with our ENTIRE defense line out
we are missing 4 of our regular girls, and another just emailed saying she is leaving the team completely due to not being able to commit


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
should be an interesting game this weekend with our ENTIRE defense line out
we are missing 4 of our regular girls, and another just emailed saying she is leaving the team completely due to not being able to commit

Whoa, that's not a great situation at all. That said, it is the sort of situation that will have those there rise to the occasion or wilt at it. Hopefully the former, best of luck striker.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Whoa, that's not a great situation at all. That said, it is the sort of situation that will have those there rise to the occasion or wilt at it. Hopefully the former, best of luck striker.

~ shaven

now you are stoked for December 4th, aren't ya?! ;)


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Always want a fair match, and to play teams at their best. Don't wish ill-fortune on any opponent :)

I was already looking forward to the match striker :wa:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Westside FC 3 - 0 Delta United

Nice to get back to winning, great effort by us Friday night at J.O. We went up 1-0 in the first half, and held that at the half after hitting the bar twice plus a post. Delta didn't have much into our final third, as we controlled the middle and took away so much of what they do well there. We tallied two more in the second half, again dominating play and hitting another post as well as squandering two clean breaks from just inside the halfway line. Easily could have been a 6-0 final, and that's not an exaggeration. Delta came with a small squad, few subs, and while they played hard (and a bit cheap as they are wont to do) and physical they couldn't match our pace and intensity. Once we figured out their high back line and offside trap, we were consistently putting through balls to our strikers who had Delta's back line measured for pace.

Delta disappointed me a little Friday night, as I expected better from them. While it is great to dominate the match, I was expecting better quality from Delta than they gave. They may have trouble winning another match this season, as they don't really have much quality of finish up front and are leaky at the back. The heart is there, the skill doesn't quite match it well enough unfortunately.

On to next week, first meeting of two in the final four matches with West Coast.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Westside FC 3 - 0 Delta United

Nice to get back to winning, great effort by us Friday night at J.O. We went up 1-0 in the first half, and held that at the half after hitting the bar twice plus a post. Delta didn't have much into our final third, as we controlled the middle and took away so much of what they do well there. We tallied two more in the second half, again dominating play and hitting another post as well as squandering two clean breaks from just inside the halfway line. Easily could have been a 6-0 final, and that's not an exaggeration. Delta came with a small squad, few subs, and while they played hard (and a bit cheap as they are wont to do) and physical they couldn't match our pace and intensity. Once we figured out their high back line and offside trap, we were consistently putting through balls to our strikers who had Delta's back line measured for pace.

Delta disappointed me a little Friday night, as I expected better from them. While it is great to dominate the match, I was expecting better quality from Delta than they gave. They may have trouble winning another match this season, as they don't really have much quality of finish up front and are leaky at the back. The heart is there, the skill doesn't quite match it well enough unfortunately.

On to next week, first meeting of two in the final four matches with West Coast.

~ shaven

sounds like a good game for your ladies Shaven
Delta is a good team, and should never be taken for granted, and we learned that in late October
but yes, they seem to fall apart at times and they are VERY cheap...1 word...BRAIDS

big game for us tomorrow vs. West Coast
we beat them 1-0 last time we played them, and it was quite the battle
hopefully we can do the same


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm hoping that's exactly what happened last night, looking forward to your match report today.

~ shaven

not such good news


DAMN!! we had no subs...missing our entire back line...and it was F'N COLD!!! :(
they scored 5 minutes in when it was a scramble in our box, and their girl poked at it and in the net
i played out for a whole 5 minutes and then between the sticks i went
about 15 minutes later, a corner kick for them and in off a nice header, short side

it was 2 nil at half time

we had majority of the play the first 15 minutes of the 2nd half
we had a shot on net and in it went

they came back and a misread by me, they pop another one in. it was one of those ones where you think it's going wide and it squeaks in. DAMN!! i felt shame
their 4th goal came off a free kick. a great shot! i got my fingertips on it, but it made it just under the bar

we continued to battle...never gave up even though we were 3 goals down.
we popped another one in and that is how it ended

we had 2 shots on net and both went in, so it goes to show that if we just got a few more shots on their keeper, the game could have been ours!

WCSFC are a decent team, but very beatable. they have this one girl, #9, who can't shut up. she is the biggest whiner i think we have played against this season. it is VERY easy to get under her skin, and she will be very vocal if you do so. if you get her going, it's quite the show to watch. she will start crying and throwing elbows, whine to the Ref at any touch. it's hilarious!

If we had a few of our regulars and a couple of subs, this game would have been ours. The team we had out there played a strong game, but unfortunately, we got tired, we were playing out of our normal postions and made a few silly mistakes which cost us. We were caught out of position on quite a few occasions, which led to fouls, and 1 of those fouls cost us when their girl took a cracker of a shot and scored (4th).

our next game is vs. Richmond Stingray...9am Minoru Turf...WHY SO EARLY??!! i can only imagine how cold it will be. feck!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

we played as well as we could with 11 players
our team is diminishing
we have lost our entire back line as i mentioned, and we can barely get our players to games on time, let alone at all
a 9am start time is ridiculous, but we can't use it as an excuse

my own player scored an OG about 25 minutes in, after i was having a good start in net with 3 big saves before the OG
how frustrating, but it happens

it was 1 nil at half time

we had some quality chances that went off the crossbar and post, or straight at the keeper
their keeper was clearly not that great...sorry...and we just didn't test her enough to show it

they scored their 2nd one off a mess in our 6 yard box and they just got a toe on it before we could recover
their 3rd one...i honestly can't remember because i was seeing red by this time

our team will have 2 of our regular defenders back next game...THANK GOD...but we will still be low on numbers
we just can't seem to pick anyone up
i check the website often but there is nobody looking for a team unfortunately

Shaven...i see you lost your game vs. Westside...care to give details?



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
We'll see you Sunday afternoon striker... lets just say you owe us 3 points, and leave it at that.

See you at the slop you call Montgomery.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
We'll see you Sunday afternoon striker... lets just say you owe us 3 points, and leave it at that.

See you at the slop you call Montgomery.

~ shaven

we can't all be blessed with a turf pitch
that's how us East Van girls roll
you should see our practise pitch...beaconsfield gravel...brutal
you would think after 13 years in the league we would get a little more respect, eh?

lookin' forward to the game
should be a good one
i think both teams are hungry for 3 points
we are on a 3 game losing streak that we need to break


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