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Div. 1 2011/12 - Predictions, Results and Banter


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 1 West Coat FC Impact 2

The game started with the Impact scoring within the first 30 seconds. Our ladies didn't even have a chance to touch the ball before they had it in the back of the net. We fell asleep and we have no excuse for it. It was a great shot top corner.

It was a battle, and with us having no subs, we knew it was going to be a long game against a very good team. We had to play smart and make sure to have possession. We were able to capitalize about 25 minutes in when our girl slammed home a rebound. With about 5 minutes to go in the first half, our team decided to take a nap and give them another shot at me from the top of the 18 and she made no mistake. I had no chance on this goal either...another great shot. They literally had 2 shots on me and they both went in. Both great crackers!

2nd half was a battle. At one point their striker came in on me HARD and while the ball was in my hands she gave me good stiff right boot to the gut. It was as if she was taking a shot so there was no let off at all. She was carded for it and not even an apology. As i look up after catching my breath, she is standing there smiling at me. Unbelievable!
We had a few great chances but just couldn't bury it. At one point with only a few minutes remaining, our girl got a shot off from close range and it almost squeaked through the goalies arm and we are still shocked that she held onto it.

It was an intense game and our girls played hard for the full 90 minutes.
It is unfortunate that we were missing about 5 of our girls. A sub here and there might have been the answer as we had a few girls cramping up, a couple who haven't played 90 minutes all season, so it took its toll, but everyone battled as hard as they could.

Next game is vs. CCB Ajax...a MUST win!



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Jaguars are in a MUST win situation for Sunday and it sounds like we picked up another injury
good ol' beaconsfield gravel field takes down another player of ours
we are down to possibly having 2 subs for Sundays game
we battled hard with zero subs last game, so hopefully we can leave it all on the pitch and pull out a HUGE win

we also really need Delta United to win on Sunday
not sure that is going to happen, but as we know, DU tends to pull off miracles at times so PLEASE DELTA...PLEASE!!

good luck to everyone



Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
What league is this?
Total of three guys post in this thread. Could you not exchange phone numbers and text each other.
Wtf is this?!?!?


Too much of the vino rosso for super bowl???

Who the fuk drinks wine and watches the super bowl anyway?

Guess we know the answer now!

Goooooooooo Lion!

P.S. Learn to count

HA ha


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 2 CCB Ajax 4

Well...our Cup run is over
The Referee played a HUGE part in this game
He gave our player a red card for cursing, and it wasn't aimed at him or anyone in particular...IN A CUP GAME
if this was a mens game, he would have been sh*t kicked, but again, because we are women, we should be lady like and not swear
IT IS SUCH BULLSH*T!!!! oh sorry...that's not very lady like is it? :rolleyes:
it's amazing what these referees can pull off
he even said to someone on our sidelines after the game that he felt bad for giving the red card...W H A T ????
too little too late you idiot

anyways...they scored fast with a shot that i was barely able to get to...it went off the post, hit my knee and in...fcuk!!
we scored about 25 minutes later to tie it up
they scored their 2nd goal off of a free kick...it deflected off one of our girls covering her check...changed direction on me...i got a hand on it but it went off the post again and in
their 3rd goal was purely due to our defender sleeping and letting her check run in on me and a nice low shot opposite corner
about 5 minutes left in the first half, one of their girls goes hard to a ball with one of our girls...she runs into our girl, falls, starts screaming in pain...the free kick is given to us because our girl wasn't at fault. as this girl is on the ground, the referee is walking over to our sideline to explain the situation to our coach...one of their players is swearing at our players claiming it is our girls fault...one of our girls turns to her and says "what the fcuk did you say?" and the referee hears this...walks over to our player...STRAIGHT RED...no warning...no talking to...STRAIGHT RED
while this is happening, our sidelines is going nuts, and the Referee walks over to our coach again and continues to talk with him...as this is happening, one of our "fans" is standing there shaking his head...and i sh*t you not, that is all he is doing...the Referee says to him "i see you shaking your head...leave the field"
W H A T ??????
anyways, all that nonsense gets worked out...we, the Jaguars huddle up while their player is being tended to, and the Referee walks over to the other team who are huddled together...joins their little huddle and they all start joking and laughing and we are left standing there wondering wtf is happening??!!
we get our free kick and we score on it...beauty shot!!
3-2 at half time
the 2nd half was a battle and they end up scoring another one and we just couldn't fight back
the Referee killed us
end of story

good luck to all of you still in it



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Striker 14, sounds like the Jags got really burnt by the ref. More women teams should send reports about the refs into the MWSL. The sooner you all join together to get rid of these refs the sooner it may happen. Especially since you girls have that female ref who is now in charge of ref scheduling!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Shaven...bit of a bonus that you drew West Coast FC Strikers in the Quarters, eh?
Sure, they are a good team, but very beatable
At least you know the team by now

I wish you luck!!

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