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Div. 1 2011/12 - Predictions, Results and Banter


Jan 31, 2011
Dirty Money
We'll see you Sunday afternoon striker... lets just say you owe us 3 points, and leave it at that.

See you at the slop you call Montgomery.

~ shaven

So what happened u two. Been waiting for the results and game summery


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 3 Westside Shamrock Rovers 3

The rovers opened the scoring with a great shot from the top of the 18 yard box from a corner kick. Our coverage was horrible and we left the shooter open and she took full advantage.
We tied it up not long after with a fantastic shot from our forward who took the ball down, turned and cracked it far top corner. No chance for the Rover goalie.
We went into the half tied at 1 a piece
We went up 2-1 with a beauty free kick. Our girl took a shot right over the Rover wall and in the back of the net. Beauty!
It was myself, the goalie, who was to blame for the Rover's 2nd goal. I had a total brain fart and decided to roll the ball right up the gut to one of my defenders who wasn't even looking at me. She turned to the ball just as a Rover girl came over. My sweeper almost cleared the ball from the Rover forward, but it ended up getting passed to another open Rover (again, horrible defending) and all she had to do was get it on net, and that she did. FCUK!! I might as well have put a big Green ribbon on it! :mad:
With maybe 15 minutes to go, the Rovers were pressuring quite a bit, and one of their girls had a semi breakaway to my left. I came out hard and knocked the ball away from her...it went to another Rover who was open...she had a shot and one of my mids cleared it from pretty much 2 feet out from the goal line, right onto yet another open Rovers foot and she didn't make any mistake and buried it. Our defending on that goal was non existent. If we just had everyone on their check, they wouldn't have had the chances they did. It was like my entire team stood still and watched it all unfold.
In the dying minutes our team is pressuring for the tying goal. We get a few chances and were fortunate enough to bury the last chance we had. YAY! *thank god*

both teams go home with a point

Not sure what Shaven is going to have to say on this one, but it's probably going to come in some sort of "we should have won this one" kinda form, which isn't true at all. Jaguars definitely should have walked away with 3 points. I can't wait to hear his play by play.

P.S. Shaven...one of our girls is a paramedic and was being a great help to your girl on the pitch who was complaining of neck pain and chills. Instead of telling us all to back off, how about a "thanks for your help, i got it from here." You came across as a DCIK, but i am not even sure if you care?



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
See you at the slop you call Montgomery.

~ shaven

p.s.s. i still can't believe you emailed the league to see if they could find us a turf field to play on, a week before our game
did you actually think you could just send an email and POOF, here ya go, a nice shiny turf?? :rolleyes:
do you know how long we have been in the league and we get Montgomery as our home pitch, while you guys get a turf pitch?
it is sickening actually


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
p.s.s. i still can't believe you emailed the league to see if they could find us a turf field to play on, a week before our game
did you actually think you could just send an email and POOF, here ya go, a nice shiny turf?? :rolleyes:
do you know how long we have been in the league and we get Montgomery as our home pitch, while you guys get a turf pitch?
it is sickening actually

I will address this one first; yes, I did try and find us a turf pitch as it is highly unusual that Montgomery is open this late in the fall and if it is, it is a mud pit. You know this though, so I'll continue. Given the weather, and how usually inconvenient it is to have make-up matches, I simply proactively looked for options. That's it, that's all, trying to do both teams a favour. If you don't ask, you don't get... so, I asked. See it as you will striker, but that's all there was to it.

As for you having Montgomery, your fate there is in your own hands. You want a turf slot, work harder (and smarter) to get one. You think that they're just handed to teams? No, teams work hard to both be good and lucky. When they are available, jump on one. Also, make it clear you want one... and be relentless until you are offered one. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to apologise for having a great turf slot. We also pay through the nose for it, and won't apologise for that either. I believe it is triple what you pay for Montgomery, at least. No apologies.

~ shaven


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 3 Westside Shamrock Rovers 3

I will agree with most of your assessment, except for:

We went up 2-1 with a beauty free kick. Our girl took a shot right over the Rover wall and in the back of the net. Beauty!
- Our keeper should have had this, as the strike was dead centre and right at our keeper... and right through her hands, as she was there for it. Should have been stopped, I'll cede it was a strong strike however shouldn't have gone in.

P.S. Shaven...one of our girls is a paramedic and was being a great help to your girl on the pitch who was complaining of neck pain and chills. Instead of telling us all to back off, how about a "thanks for your help, i got it from here." You came across as a DCIK, but i am not even sure if you care?
- No, I don't care. I was concerned for my player, and a crowd around her wasn't helpful. When I got out there, the ref and one of my players (also trained to assist) were the two knelt down and aiding her so... no, I don't care. Thanks be to her for the help, but I won't apologise for being concerned about my player and warding everyone else away. I care not how I come across in such instances :D


You as well, hope the rest of the season goes well for you. :)

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
- No, I don't care. I was concerned for my player, and a crowd around her wasn't helpful. When I got out there, the ref and one of my players (also trained to assist) were the two knelt down and aiding her so... no, I don't care. Thanks be to her for the help, but I won't apologise for being concerned about my player and warding everyone else away. I care not how I come across in such instances :D

a crowd around her? you are kidding right? there were maybe 5 of us and we are all genuinely concerned...that is what other decent teams do is we make sure everything is ok? i had water in my hands to offer and she seemed very happy to have the help and the concern and then you came along and were a complete dick and asked us to basically get lost. whatever
the thing i hate most about other teams is when nobody offers help and just walk away from an injured player and let her lie there in the cold. we were all having a chuckle when your injured girl cracked a joke and a smile, and then again, like i said, you came along


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Whatever striker, you're nit picking so go right ahead if that makes you feel better. That player has a history of neck issues, which you didn't know until now so you'll perhaps understand the concern a bit better with that knowledge. The paramedic will tell you, by the way, First Aid 101 - clear out obstacles/people. You didn't like that, that's your issue. The concern is/was appreciated, don't confuse the issue by insinuating it wasn't. Of course it was, to suggest it wasn't is just petty.

By the way, 5 players over/around a player down on the ground equals a "crowd". Seriously, you've been around long enough, I need to lay that out for you? Man you are difficult.

~ shaven


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
not being difficult...just telling it like it is
the way you asked us to clear out was rude and down right nasty, and even the referee made a comment about it, but again, i don't think you give a sh*t
that's all i am saying
we all understood the concern, hence the reason we had our girl come over to talk to her
it's not like we were all on top of her
none of your players seemed to mind that we were there

see you next year


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

Jaguars are ready for 2012 and are hoping for 2 final wins before Playoffs
Our last 2 games are against the 2 teams at the bottom of our pool, but we can't go into the games with that mind set
Stingrays made us pay a couple games back with a 3 nil win. We play them on Sunday, Jan 15th on our home pitch, and not at 9am so hopefully we can have a good result.
White Rock United got a couple past me the last time we played them...they were both stinkers, so hopefully my head will be in it and we can get the 3 points and finish a bit more respectively

Our Playoff pool is a tough one

CCB Ajax (1st in their pool)
West Coast FC Impact (2nd in their pool)
Delta United (6th in their pool)
Vancouver Jaguars (5th)

Playoffs begin first week in February

Shaven...tough first game back of the year for your ladies. Game Plan?


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Indeed striker, we do have a tough match next Sunday night @ West Coast FC. For starters, we're on a great pitch to that should bode well for both sides as it will equal everything out, may the best side win. Game plan? Just win, baby (with respect to Al Davis). That's always the game plan, anything else is a minor detail :cool:

We did lost the first match to WCFC, 2-1, close match that in reality could have been won by either side. Tale of two halves, they managed to score two in the first and we couldn't finish enough of the gift-wrapped opportunities we had in the second. Not a bad result against a team headed to Selects next season, and one that gives us confidence we can best them by at least that score if we come out to play our best. Next Sunday at 8pm, we'll know how this comes out.

Cup play looks to be quite tasty this season, a few groups where there isn't a clear favourite (such as ours, Group F). striker, your group should be tough, Ajax is a perennially strong side, the Impact are built for Selects and Delta... well, as we all well know you just never know what you'll get from Delta until the whistle blows. I hope you've worn off the Holiday turkey, as you're going to be a busy keeper! No doubt you're up to the challenge, though :D



Jan 31, 2011
Dirty Money
Indeed striker, we do have a tough match next Sunday night @ West Coast FC. For starters, we're on a great pitch to that should bode well for both sides as it will equal everything out, may the best side win. Game plan? Just win, baby (with respect to Al Davis). That's always the game plan, anything else is a minor detail :cool:

We did lost the first match to WCFC, 2-1, close match that in reality could have been won by either side. Tale of two halves, they managed to score two in the first and we couldn't finish enough of the gift-wrapped opportunities we had in the second. Not a bad result against a team headed to Selects next season, and one that gives us confidence we can best them by at least that score if we come out to play our best. Next Sunday at 8pm, we'll know how this comes out.

Cup play looks to be quite tasty this season, a few groups where there isn't a clear favourite (such as ours, Group F). striker, your group should be tough, Ajax is a perennially strong side, the Impact are built for Selects and Delta... well, as we all well know you just never know what you'll get from Delta until the whistle blows. I hope you've worn off the Holiday turkey, as you're going to be a busy keeper! No doubt you're up to the challenge, though :D


Looks like Shaven you are happy with your cup draw? I can say that the Surrey team has a striker that may be the fastest in the MWSL and all they do is kick the ball to her and she can out run everybody. Be careful she can win the game on her own if you dont have someone mark her and then someone else drop off. Beside her they are pretty ok with a weak right side.
Striker you have the easier of the teams in CBB. They are not what they used to be and have a tough time scorng besides the one striker who is pretty decent, thier goalie is the only one who is worth watching out for.
Good luck u two


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Striker you have the easier of the teams in CBB. They are not what they used to be and have a tough time scoring besides the one striker who is pretty decent, thier goalie is the only one who is worth watching out for.
Good luck u two

CCB Ajax 12 6 3 3 35 23 12 21

tough time scoring? 35 goals for? that is a pretty good amount of goals for
those are numbers that goalies like myself do not want to see
their keeps let in her fair share with 23 GA
i have 28 GA and that is the worst in my pool...BUT, again, I am a striker that decided to play keeper this season, so I get some slack ;)

Delta United are always a pleasure to play...but there are 1 or 2 nasty b*tches to look out for

good luck to u as well lovers


Active Member
Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Delta United are always a pleasure to play...but there are 1 or 2 nasty b*tches to look out for

good luck to u as well lovers

Delta United? You must come from Surrey.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Delta United? You must come from Surrey.

are you referring to me saying they are a "pleasure to play"
if so, they are because it is always a good battle and you never know who is going to win it
there are unfortunately a couple of nasty ones on there that ruin the party
DU have been together forever, as have the Jaguars, so we have had a few run ins over the years


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Delta United? You must come from Surrey.

VanCity here as well, although back a few-ish years I played in the Delta Club and knew the DU ladies a bit. I echo striker's sentiments about the side.

From a bigger-picture perspective, I would like to see DU split their squad and have their older core either move down a division or finally move to Classics, and put together a younger and more competitive Div. 1 side. It would be great for all of us, IMO, if there was a truly competitive DU side (or more than one) to balance out all the Surrey clubs on that side of the river a bit more.

~ shaven


Jan 31, 2011
Dirty Money
Just got the A cup draw. We got stuck with Surrey United and NSGSCRenegades. Urgh tough battle. Does not look good for us:)

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