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Development League Results (U-21's)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, my coaching debt was a partial bust. A much older team Victoria smacked around our boys. Checking the rosters our average age was 16 and theirs was close to 19. That’s a pretty big difference, especially to some of the 15 and 16 year olds that played. They (Victoria) also played all 3 of their allowable “over aged” players. Twats. Two of which score 3 cracker goals. The first half if anyone is still reading, was all Victoria, they threaten every time they counter attacked. Which was ever other time we touched the bloody ball. The first came off a shoc-king turn over and an even more shoc-king defensive miscue. The old, I’ve got him, no I’ve got him presto no one has him, breakaway goal. Their second came form their 22 year old and a solid free kick at the top of our box. 2-0. 500 turn overs later, it's Half time. Thank God.

I remained calm cool and collect learning the art of Zen and mind control by studding the legendary Ballbaby after a night of sub par training by his young troop. I made 3 midfield changes fumbled my way through a Captain Shamrock quote or two and we were off. A very sold defensive second from our boys we even managed to break into their half once or twice. Their third came off a wicked first time volley 30+ yards out. (22 year old again.) The damn ball was still on it’s was up when it hit the top corner. No chance for our keeper, who BTW, played quite well. The 4th if I remember correctly came off a miss kicked corner and landed on the foot of the luckiest kid in Victoria for a 4-yard tap in.

Not the way I wanted to start really, but after our first half debacle I will take our solid second and build on it. We really did play quite well despite the goals in the second. We ran most of the play a tackled every thing that moved. I was pleased.

Captain, I'll need a few quotes for this weekend when we travel to Kamloops where I’m hoping to have most if not all of my first team squad back. 4 of which were playing for the men’s side as mentioned earlier.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
0 fer 2

I took the lads up to Kamloops this weekend to play and we ended up on the wrong side of a 3-1 game. A much, MUCH better performance than the previous week in Victoria, but we’re still not there. I ended up getting back two of my starters but lost another 5 players to “commitments” plus 2 to the PCSL team and one to band camp of all fcuking things. "This one time, at band camp" will be ringing through this kid's head come Tuesday night let me tell you. The game started well with the guys busting their asses to win loose balls and headers and such, but they could hold it together long enough. We managed to score our first goal before we collapsed totally upstairs. Mental errors and some bad positioning in the midfield and especially poor marking on free kicks I think cost us in the long run. We did have a few more positives to run with though, like we finally got a shot off and it went in. I told them about this whole shooting thing, but they didn’t believe me until now. :rolleyes:

Their goals were gifts from us for the most part. The first a semi break away with our backs caught napping and then they must have tripped over our sweeper who had to be in a coma to not see the through ball coming. 1-1. The second was a free kick and the ball ended up rattling around in the box until it fell on to their striker’s foot and he hammered it home. A very nice shot actually. The third was keeper error. He tried to tip a SOFT cross over the bar, but it ended up hitting it and bouncing right to one of their players. Surprise, look what I found 2 yards out. Goal.

I don't get how we could do so many things wrong agaist a young Kamloops side, but as soon as we kit 8 of these guys up and put them against PCSL players they play like they're suppose to. It couldn't be the coach, could it? :rolleyes:

It doesn’t get any easier this week as we play host to Westside. They, if I’ve been told right, are the UBC varsity team or a majority of the players are from there, so age will factor against us this weekend as well as coaching.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The coaching won't. You'll be fine in that department. Seriously.

Here are a few quotes you might want to try with the lads....I'll be interested to see how the gentlemen respond to these sort of quotes.....

now and then there is a person born who is so unlucky that he runs into accidents which started out to happen to somebody else.

My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened

Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us--and those around us -- more effectively. Look for the learning.

Hopefully these quotes will send you on your way to the Promised Land........

Go Devils

We Shall Not Be Moved


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
We lost again this weekend 4-0. Basically it was a one man wrecking crew up front for Westside. Their 20 year old was 6'4 and about 200lbs. He had the skill and ego to match his size. He potted 3, but our OG in the first ten seemed to set our tone and mood for the day. I can't say I was overly happy with our performance, but on the plus we keep improving the quality of our play with each game. We also had a full complement of players to draw from for the first time, 22 to be exact. Unfortunately none are over the age of 18.

I was VERY disappointed in some of the guys and their willingness to give up when they were down. It was bad enough that we had a brief discussion more a monologue about it after the game. I had 9 different starters including the goalie who asked to get out for various reasons, 4 in the first half, most were just asking for a break. Seth Campana was our man of the match again, running until he puked. Literally. He's a solid little left mid player from the states. I'm quite proud of his heart. Then again the Tin man would look good compared to some of the guys. He does what he's told with-out question, and gives himself totally on the park. Even when I "suggested" in not so many words that their forward was the lippyest fcuking puke I have ever seen in my life and if I was on the park I would certainly let him know I did want to hear it. It's too bad he waited until the cnut had three before he got stuck in. :rolleyes:

Captain, I used
Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us more effectively. Look for the learning.
after the game while I talked about the past 3 games and looking ahead. There was no reaction. :D

Next game is June 17 vs. Richmond out a Minoru.


New Member
May 21, 2002
Dirty Money

you should have a decent match against Richmond because they have a lot of young guys on their squad. They do supplement their youth with some veteran experience like Colin Elms, but i recognised some 15 and 16 yr olds on the park, nationally identified nonetheless. On the day they beat us 1-0 but our finishing was horrible and we will be expecting better next time.

And as added entertainment they have a forward sporting the world's worst ever hairstyle...MULLET... Its hard to believe that at one point that actually was in style.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Rev, there is nothing like a mullet sighting to inspire the troop. Ask Captain Shamrocker. I'm glad to hear there is a least one other young side in the league. I actually wanted to bring in our 3 allowable over aged players for the game, knowing full well how old and good Westside was, but when you have a team of 22 and they all show up it really wouldn't be fair to the guys who come to training.

Are you coaching the Fraser Valley development team or playing? I think I've read you're on the PCSL squad too.


New Member
May 21, 2002
Dirty Money
young squads


I am only 19 so i have been used as a sub in 2 of our 3 pcsl games and was the captain and kinda felt like on-field instructor of our U21 team's only game. Richmond has a good mix of guys and will be quite competitive. I dont know when we play but we are quite young as well. I think your team and a few others have the right idea about this league. Its a "Development League", and we are treating it as such. We had no overage players in our game and i think that i was the only one with some senior mens experience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Rev, our two teams meet Wednesday June 26th @ Cloverdale then the following Wednesday over at BC's best pitch ,Trinity Western. I may be playing in that game. I'll take any opportunity I can to have a run on that pitch.

I look forward to poaching you then.... What number are you so I can keep a look out? ;)


New Member
May 21, 2002
Dirty Money

If im playing Ill make sure to introduce myself. I'll jump at any oppertunity i can to meet a TTP/VMSL celebrity like yourself.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Twat a celebrity ........

I'll jump at any oppertunity i can to meet a TTP/VMSL celebrity like yourself.

Rev, make sure when you jump at knvb, you go with two feet :D.


New Member
May 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Weekend results

In an upset we lost this weekend 3-2 to the Kamloops Heat.

I dont really know where to start with this one... I am usually not one to complain too loudly about refereeing but this was by far the most poorly officiated game I have ever taken part of! We came out flat to start and dug ourselves a hole after they oppertunistically capitalized on a break. Shorty thereafter a suspect at best penalty was awarded to them to force us into a 2-0 hole. A late first half goal made it a game going into half. A spirited halftime talk and some needed substitutions inspired us and we came out in the second half meaning business. We tied the game at two early in the half and were taking the game to the ****y Kamloops side when the call of a lifetime occured. A break down our left side produced a dangerous cross into our box. A mistimed clearance header turned into a far post flick on, and one of our players who was tracking back had the ball deflect off of his shin. Our goalie made a great diving save to stop the ball from going in for an own goal. Unfortunately he couldnt make a save on the ensuing indirect kick from the 6 yd line. And when it didnt look like it could get any worse we scored again to tie the game up but it was called back on an offside. The only problem was that the player who the referee declared to me was offside had the ball headed back to him. A play that is physically impossible. At this point I realized that winning or tieing this game was not in the cards.

I told the lads before the game that when you come to Kamloops and often the island that before the game starts you are already down a goal. It turned out that on this day we were down three. In all fairness this is a development league for both players and officials but this referree had to much developing to do and ruined what could have been a good physical game.

Overall I think we have a pretty competitive team and we still have not won a game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Still waiting on our first win.

Richmond Sportstown 2- Surrey U 0

There is nothing like playing a game one man down starting in the 6th minute. Our young back, who shall remain nameless, and armless if he does it again, deliberately handled a ball off the goal line. Sportstowns forward headed a WEAK ball across the front of the goal and our keeper and it was heading towards the net when it happened. I doubt if was going in, but I guess he felt it necessary to make sure and put us in a giant fcuking hole to start. All I could say to him after was "it’s better to be a goal down early than a man." (Feel free to use that one Captain. :rolleyes: ) As it happens, we were both.

Now, I have no problem with teams bringing in older players to play. It’s in the rules and part of this league, BUT when you’re awarded a spotter is it really fcuking necessary to send one of the three to take the kick? I find that very dodgy. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway he fcuking potted it. Cnut. From there the game and possession was actually in a favor. We controlled the ball very well and created a number of goal scoring opportunities. We were the man down, but seemed to have all the space and time on the ball. They even dropped one of their forwards back to help pick up in the middle. I was quit proud of the composure the guys showed being short a man. There were very few times that they found it necessary to lump it up the park. They almost always looked to play instead of kicking higher and harder like we have been.

We hit a cross bar or two and their keeper made a couple of saves when we were inevitably caught up field pushing and they counter attacked. In a scrabble to clear the ball we gave up what I thought was a dodgy free kick at the top of the box. I actually thought it was another spotter, but I think the ref cut us a break. Of course Johnny 28-year-old red boots bent the cnuting thing around our shoddy wall didn’t he? The finial whistle blew moments after.

Improvement is the name of the game (I guess) and we are definitely doing that. The win, goals and confidence are coming you can just see it. This was also the first time the guys really worked for each other and gave it all they had for as long as they could.

Next up Revolutionary and Fraser Valley (I believe) on Tuesday or Wednesday.

I almost forgot, the MULLET! Unbelievable. I’ve never seen a 16-year old kid with a mullet before, but there it was staring us down. It was every bit business up front and party in back. One of the guys had yelled from the side, hey #14 your dad called. He wants his hair cut back. Not the best effort I know, but the kid it came from can barely tie his boots, so you take what you can get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Tre-men-dous find Rev. :D

No boys and girls this is not Captian in Grade 10 this picture was taken in 2003.


New Member
May 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Another loss

Mental errors and dumb mistakes gave away three goals. We could only finish one of our chances. I thought it was a very evenly played game, but they clearly had the edge in possession but didnt get waves of chances like we had been giving away. Frusteration has hit a peak. I dont think I have ever lost three games in a season let alone three in a row. With my frustration this high I may just have to kick someone in our next game! :D

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