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Canada / USA / Mexico joint WC Bid


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Just noticed my awesome autocorrect above, meant Guadalajara. That is, of course, unless Guatemala joins the bid, LOL.

This is unreal, can’t wait.


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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Canada just qualified for 2026 World Cup, awesome!


We have 8 years to plan an epic TTP road trip - who's in?
Hmmm, just read that it hasn't been decided if the 3 joint host countries get automatic qualification... that is still to be decided and if they do, it will come out of the CONCACAF allotted spots.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
CONCACAFF will likely have 4 spots by then, no? Can’t see them not awarding Canada a host spot, especially in light of CPL getting up and going....but you never know. Actually qualifying would be nice. Hosting should help keep the dual citizens in Canada vs choosing another nation, plus CPL...good time to be a soccer Canada supporter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
interesting going back and reading the comments about the NDP's decision to have Vancouver opt-out... I'm completely with djones on this one - and we'd both have loved to have watched a World Cup game in Vancouver (thought not together because whenever that happens his team always wins and mine always loses but I digress)... FIFA expects a blank cheque for expenses they won't remotely itemize or estimate for you, and takes a ton of the revenue to boot... I have clients who give better profit shares to their street dealers... our health care system is bursting at the seams, our social assistance and comparable social support programs (e.g. legal aid) haven't seen increases in decades, yet we're going to write a blank cheque for one of the most corrupt organizations on the face of this planet? Count me out.

And yes, for the same reasons I was dead set against spending the money for the Olympics. I generally favour small government, but if government is going to spend money, it should be to benefit as many citizens as possible, not foreign entities...

Anyway... anyone know when the decision is made on who gets automatic berths? Any early bets on whether we score a goal this time, assuming we get an auto berth?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I won't rehash my moan on not having games here. Yes, costs associated, but if we want to be considered one of the world's elite cities, you pay those costs. The London's and Paris's of the word don't think twice about these sorts of things. The security "costs" issue remains a red herring IMO. We've hosted the Olympics and the FIFA Women's World Cup (same "corrupt foreign entity"), including the Final and a security detail for Vice President Joe Biden. We survived and had a great time at both. Sorry, it all just doesn't hold water.

Whatever, we're out and there's nothing to be done about it.

Hopefully it has the desired knock on effect in terms of soccer in this country growing. A professional league and a real chance to play in the World Cup (seems likely that we will be in) should give top talent a place to develop and a reason to keep wearing the red and white.

Who knows where we'll be in 8 years but if I can I am sure I will be at as many matches as possible. Just sucks that I will have to drive/fly hundreds of kms instead of just taking the skytrain...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
what doesn't hold water, with respect, is your complete disregard for how we are treating the less fortunate members of our society, or the fact that many people in this province couldn't care less about a sport in which our national team has a permanent ranking in the triple digits...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
what doesn't hold water, with respect, is your complete disregard for how we are treating the less fortunate members of our society, or the fact that many people in this province couldn't care less about a sport in which our national team has a permanent ranking in the triple digits...

Fcuk right off. You don't know me or my background, or my political leanings or how I feel about the "less fortunate" and what ways I may or may not be working to make this world a better place for everyone from every walk of life.

Like this money that's supposedly being "saved" is going to be spent on any of the social programs you mention. Please. It's just not going to be spent on the World Cup. This isn't some short sighted, entitlement temper tantrum. I did the math and I think hosting adds up to a net gain. You add it up differently and we'll never know who is truly right because there is no parallel universe where Vancouver said yes to the World Cup to compare it to eight years from now.

I think hosting the World Cup is a great thing, you don't. People are allowed to have different opinions, no need to be a cnut about it. Just because I disagree with you it doesn't make me a monster, we don't need to be mortal enemies...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
i apologize, i must have missed the part in your comment where you weighed the positives and the negatives and concluded that the former outweighed the latter...


New Member
Oct 10, 2006
Dirty Money
TSN seemed to suggest decision on auto berths wouldn't occur until late 2023.
interesting going back and reading the comments about the NDP's decision to have Vancouver opt-out... I'm completely with djones on this one - and we'd both have loved to have watched a World Cup game in Vancouver (thought not together because whenever that happens his team always wins and mine always loses but I digress)... FIFA expects a blank cheque for expenses they won't remotely itemize or estimate for you, and takes a ton of the revenue to boot... I have clients who give better profit shares to their street dealers... our health care system is bursting at the seams, our social assistance and comparable social support programs (e.g. legal aid) haven't seen increases in decades, yet we're going to write a blank cheque for one of the most corrupt organizations on the face of this planet? Count me out.

And yes, for the same reasons I was dead set against spending the money for the Olympics. I generally favour small government, but if government is going to spend money, it should be to benefit as many citizens as possible, not foreign entities...

Anyway... anyone know when the decision is made on who gets automatic berths? Any early bets on whether we score a goal this time, assuming we get an auto berth?

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