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Breaking the Silence


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by knvb
There was a couple height jokes there I was hoping they would just go over your head.

That's quite good.

Just don't start with the fat jokes.:D

Big fan of Cainy; big fan of Marty.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't resist

RF, sorry in advance...
Like a fat kid on smarties!!!:eek:

Guinnessneedingtothrowhismootpointin!!! ;)


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
advise (?), there is 3 sides, there was a couple, etc.


After reading your posts in this particular thread, I have come to the conclusion that you certainly do play in the VMSL......but your were educated in a Trailer Park.

Grammatically Correct Buckfast



New Member
Jan 19, 2002
Dirty Money
The Irish Truth!

Ok lads, here we go. Since I was in the good books I can respond.
#1 - Marty - got off the phone with you, we had our go.
#2 - Dave - Give me a break. There is a line between taking the piss and being a shithead. You crossed it. Calling us quiters and saying we took the easy way out. Hmmm. Remember when you quit Surrey FC and took the easy way out when you were getting ten minutes here and there. Also, I wonder about a guy who posts at 1:30 in the morning when his wife is sleeping ten feet away. Come on man, she's not that bad!!!!
#3- Carson - excuse us teachers for going to parent teacher interviews and doing our job. If you taught some educational courses and were not busting your ass to "work to rule" instead of working, you would probally be at these events too.

:D :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
shite head? Me? TED I never quite Surrey FC I just crawled back to Div 1 like a good little boy. Take my comments with a grain of salt big guy. I know some were a bit offside, but seriously play nice. Skip and I have kissed and made up can we? :rolleyes:

shite head of the week, KNVB


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money

Hey hey hey! we did not open the door over here MF did. I believe HIS THREAD IS CALLED BREAKING THE SILENCE Ya you beat us quite handily this weekend, with out three of our first eleven, and ten men for 65 minutes. Granted the game was over by then anyway, But for MF to post for his first time right after, and have a go at our team and our players and his explayers (dodgy) some may say petty.
He just proved what most think of him:eek:

I never left the team for being left out the the side, get your facts straight. The last game I played for you lot was in Kelowna (apple bowl) remember the terential rain that night, pacific coast league.I had to ask to come off because my Knee locked. You got injured that night aswell playing in the under twenty one game.

the reason I left the side was because I had two surgeries in a twelve month period the last being a reconstuction of the pcl three months in a straight legged cast when you have a mortgage will cause you to do some serious decision making. I took a year off and coached the team I first started my mens soccer career with and decided to stay when I was able to return to playing.
The trivial and petty things I spoke of were not few and far between most happened before you were with the club, I could go on and on with the infamous MF stories but I won't because it would sound like Whining from a bunch of cast offs. Which we are not, we chose to play together once again because to be honest your club did'nt have much to offer the guys who came to my side. They didn't want to play VMSL div 1 with a bunch of 18 to 20 year olds who they didn't know and wouldn't stick around for a pint after a game. That div 1 team was a revolving door of players, who did'nt want to be there.

You asked if I had ever washed kits or lined fields, or made 18 phone calls to get the team sorted about practise and games. The answer is yes Who do you think does all that stuff for PAU? ME donkey, But just because I'm the coach doesn't give me the right to be a dickhead

I will finish by saying Davey I think your a great player who has earned everthing that you have right now through hard work dedication and passion. You were a good teamate who I could always count on to be at training and bring pints:D If I could have suggested a replacement for my armband it would have been you, I believe I told you this once. Furthermore I hope you never get a caree theatening injury, you might be singing another tune then. Good luck next weekend do the Fraser valley animals proud.:D

PS I have to go wash the jerseys from the weekend they are starting to ming.
PSS studs up ! thumbs down I luv you like a brother man but this weekend was the first time I had been in the visitors change rooms at cloverdale athletic, they need a pressure wash and a taping table;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
First it's MF, now it's Cainy.:(

Listen, there's only so much my chick-flick heart can take for fcuk's sakes.

All in all, much better.

Let's all agree to play nice from now on.





Congrats on "coming out of the closet". We all knew it was simply a matter of time. FYI this is my first and probably last post on take the piss and I have saved it all for you! You are an ass and always will be - that is just common knowledge for anyone who has ever played for you, played against you, or who has had to listen to you rant and rave about this and that as phlegm and foaming saliva shoot out of your big fat mouth. You are a dishonest backstabber who has little or no concern for "friendships", "loyalties", or maintaining decent relationships with any of your former players. Many people seem to be asking on this thread why guys stayed on SU if it was so shitty. Well to be honest Marty, when a player is the "flavour of the month" or a golden boy of the year or half decade then everything seems to be just fine. I was (and still am) a pretty decent keeper who helped win league championships, President trophies etc with a great bunch of guys on SU. We worked hard for each other and yes, had some great times. Unfortunately MF, the problem occurs when players (A) get older, (B) get married and start a family, (C) fall out of Marty's good graces or (D) decide to pursue something else in their lives besides hanging out at a soccer pitch 7 days a week with 18 different teams like you do (you see Marty some of us do enjoy a life outside of the wonderful world of footie!). As Skip said, when you are finished with a player and they no longer serve a purpose for you "personally" then you simply shyte and piss all over them (as you did me!). Why do you think so many of your ex players want to "jam it down your throats"? I personally Marty despise very few people in this world - but you are the top of my list! At least I am in good company with quality guys like Cainy and Bayman who you have also royally screwed over!

PS: Don't worry about us over at PAU Marty. Whatever we decide to do (i.e bringing in some young blood?) we won't fukc over our friends in the process like you do on a yearly basis. We have a great bunch of guys in the dressing room who know what the words "loyalty", "honesty" and "integrity" mean. Look them up in the dictionary some time.

PSS: To the players of SU - good luck the rest of the way in the BC's!

PSSS: Piss off Pear Man and get a life.

Glen Sandve


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Does someone other than me want to point out this is his second post on TTP? I'm going to stay out of this thread from now on. It's to hostile for even me.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
This thread is getting a little rediculous... I've re-read MF's post through the Slurrey mouth-piece here on TTP and is it just me or are some people going WAY fcuking overboard on their reactions?

It's fcuking TAKE THE PISS for fcuk's sake!

Have some fun with it.

I mean, really, at the end of the day you're all still FVSLers so it doesn't really matter :rolleyes:



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Start a Union


Start a union. They have them for police, garbage men, plumbers (I am sure you are familiar with this one), and other jobs. Then there would be some job security. Unions are very successful in managing things; just like the government is. Maybe every time there is a decision we could have a union vote. Maybe you could get the union to approve 20 training absences a year without having to sit on the pine. Maybe every player on the team should play the same amount of minutes; we would not want any one to get to tired or have to play overtime that would not be fair. I have a great idea. Just send Regs $25 like everyone in the TTP union already has and I am sure he could be your union rep. I am sure he could organize a strike in the next week or two to get better uniforms, fields, young talent (no, Regs we don’t need that), just get us some more of that old bitter beer we can't get enough.

PS And I thought I was just getting out of bed to take a piss


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

You actually go to bed??? I know you don't sleep...:rolleyes:



Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Comical

Originally posted by Skip
You have a great club now. They are very talented, and very deep.


I think what you meant to say is that SU has a deep team now. Their club is not looking so deep with both the FVSL Premier and Div 1 squads finishing near the bottom of the table. However, the SU VMSL Premier team is a great team with some really talented players.

BUT ... it sounds as if SU would've had a contender in the FVSL as well if the club had set aside politics. Look at Peace Arch this year .... tied for first + two BC games.

One team a club does not make .....



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Hidden messages!


I think that was a shot at your club from Bullocks. Something along the lines like, even though Surrey United currently has the best team in Surrey, SFC is by far the better club. I’m pretty sure that’s what he meant.;)

I think he also called you a closet living, homosexual Swedish Meatball. And I’m sure there is a hidden slag about your relationship with MF somewhere in there. He also said you dress funny. I’m sure of it.:rolleyes:

Casting a line,


This is the best soap opera on TTP since BJ left Dominion!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude, have you got 8 passes yet?


Our club is doing just fine. Admittedly the FVSL didn't have a strong year, but our Ladies Premier team won the league and are in the semi's for Provincials.The guys tied for top of side A and are in the Semi's for the Provincials Our Cat team came in 2nd in the league behind a strong Metro Ford team. Our U-21 won the league (I think) and are in the Semi's of the Provincials. I even think our Div 2 team finished in the top 3. Our Over 30's team got fatter and balder and still made it to the Semi's.

Your right, one team does not make a club. Perhaps if you still had a VMSL team of your own, you may then know of the problems of having teams in two different leagues. Do you want to compare SFC year vs. Surrey United?

he also called you a closet living, homosexual Swedish Meatball.
That wasn't very nice :rolleyes:
Now since neither of us is bashing MF right now I think we're off topic.

I'm so confused. :rolleyes:

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