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Best/worst Refs


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] October 2009 Banter and Results

Why because they compliment each other...."your the best dad" "no your best soccer player ever son" "together we are best in BC" lets hug it out.....fuk me

Give your head a shake Hector

Indeed.... Tom is the most unhappy lookin camper of all time...
BTW.... the refs read all these threads.... so keep yer heads up when they ref your games, they know pretty much all the aliases here, and who they don't know, isn't hard to find out... not that I care, cuz I like ALL of the refs.... they're all good, and they are Gr8 guys :) yes even you flyin' Phil ! !

All time favourite, and this goes back to the early 80's (for you KH)... Rob Brown. I've never seen another handle the game and the players, and still earn huge respect from all of them, like he does. Still is tops in the league!
Nigel is pretty damn good.... (even if he did gift wrap a provincial final for Columbus with 5 minutes left... We're up 1 - 0, and Dom (insert Italian slur here) took a dive (NO... An Italian diving?) and Nige fell for it hook, line and sinker... spottie ties it, goes to peno's, and thier ex new york Cosmos keeper steels the show to win... thank Nige, you owe me at least 1 beer for that one ! .... yes I was the losing goalie :( I am ashamed !
Herb is just..... Herb. he's older sure, but a great guy, and you know where you stand when he's out there. Players are usually left on the honour system when he's there, which makes for a pretty good game.

Frenchie: "9 times out of 10 a "Hint" of liquor?!?!? Try co ed with him.... he usually refs 3 or 4 in a row during the day... between each game (and half) he "liberates" a beer from one of the teams cooler, and by the last game, yer pretty much on yer own for making calls... still, a great guy!
Hey Herbie, if yer reading this thread, you owe the Guru's cooler $120 from this season alone... ;)


New Member
Sep 6, 2008
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] October 2009 Banter and Results

funny no one said a thing about Tin Pooh? I thought he was bad before but he's gotten better. once you get to know him and talk to him with some respect he's fine.

He's the one that sent me off last year for asking him how you can disallow a goal that was a shot. i may have used a choice word or two but he told the coach after the game that he heard swearing and "what else was I supposed to do". got 3 games for that and missed the quater finals. But napoleon is the most consistent bad ref AND asshole. Herb at least is a nice guy.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] October 2009 Banter and Results

He's the one that sent me off last year for asking him how you can disallow a goal that was a shot. i may have used a choice word or two but he told the coach after the game that he heard swearing and "what else was I supposed to do". got 3 games for that and missed the quater finals. But napoleon is the most consistent bad ref AND asshole. Herb at least is a nice guy.

Don't talk to Tin.... he'll claim you threatened his life and abandon the game !


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] October 2009 Banter and Results

Guys, can we get off the officials and get back on topic to division 2 banter please?

If you want you can start a thread on officials in the general FVSL forum.



Wank !

Hey, who's the worst (and best) Mod in Div 2 thread history ? ? can we start a poll please ? guarenteed the Mod who starts this will be the best :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
For my money the better refs I have seen over the last long time are:

Mark Thomas (consistant, great if you keep your trap shut, allows the game to be played and doesn't make himself the show)
Pete Thomas (See above)
Kevin Uppal (See above)
JB (Consistant, and has fun while reffing, let's the players know about it too, love that everyone on the field is 'lad')

Worst: I'm not going there anymore :D

NDU Alumni

If Uppal played half as well as he reffed we would be unstoppable!!! So we really have no problem with him doing 10 games in a weekend and missing our games!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
For my money the better refs I have seen over the last long time are:

Mark Thomas (consistant, great if you keep your trap shut, allows the game to be played and doesn't make himself the show)
Pete Thomas (See above)
Kevin Uppal (See above)
JB (Consistant, and has fun while reffing, let's the players know about it too, love that everyone on the field is 'lad')

Worst: I'm not going there anymore :D

Smart idea.

I don't know that I'd have JB in there as one of the best, but he's far from the worst. He's actually had some good games, but I think he struggles in higher intensity matches, where there are higher stakes (Cups), and potentially situations that need to be managed. That's where those other officials stand out: they have control, like them or not.


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Keith is one of the best for me in my 3 years of playing in FVSL.

Who is that old English ref - he is very good. Talks to the players throughout the game, tells them when they do something good and also when they do something bad. Quick to stamp out any serious problems as well. Do you know who I mean KH ?



Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Guys ..I have to agree JB does a pretty good job and when he makes a mistake he admits it right there and awards the ball or drop ball and quickly gets on with it.

Team Canada

Mar 19, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Div 2] October 2009 Banter and Results

BTW.... the refs read all these threads.... so keep yer heads up when they ref your games, they know pretty much all the aliases here, and who they don't know, isn't hard to find out...

I was a referee for almost 15 years, and personally, if I was doing a consistantly bad job I'd want to know about it so that I could fix that. Refs have bad days just like players do, and sometimes games just go to shite and there's not much that can be done about that, believe me I know. And I know with men's league it's especially tough... but it doesn't say much for the referees in this league if they're coming on here making vendettas from what is, for the most part, fair criticism.

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