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Bert's suspension

How many games will Bert get?

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Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I thought the rest of the regular season and the first round would have been fair. That way he is punished but the rest of the team wont be punished as well. Bert is going to be hard to replace, and I think a second round exit is more likely now than a week ago

I heard that there is a "We Love Bert " Rally scheduled at the CBC building downtown on Saturday at 5:00. Should prove amusing.

Burke's comments this morning on the media and their handling of this was spot on !

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
hammerhead said:
I heard that there is a "We Love Bert " Rally scheduled at the CBC building downtown on Saturday at 5:00. Should prove amusing.!

I will be there, and I am putting on the foil, so look out. They thought the 94 Stanley Cup Riot was bad, look out on Saturday. "Hell No, Bert Can't Go".



Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
So I guess It's safe to say no one will be hitting Naslund ever again.

Oh ya and anyone who thinks Burke will not be resigned after all this should pack his bags and move to New York where Bert will most definetly be traded.


Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
LucVanLierde said:
Oh ya and anyone who thinks Burke will not be resigned after all this should pack his bags and move to New York where Bert will most definetly be traded.

They'll both be back next year, without a doubt!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
sensei_hanson said:

The problem with the premeditation and marked man arguments is that the Canucks did not invent such acts. This is part of the fabric woven into the NHL. When Ken Hitchckoc says that somebody is going to make Havlat "eat his lunch", he's not talking about Handzus taking him out to Pizza Pizza for a slice.

Retalitory fighting is legal in the NHL. The Ottawa-Philly game was a pretty good example of that. Not a single combatant in that game suffered a lingering suspension from the fisticuffs that ensued. Yet anybody who had a clue knew the whole incident stemmed from Havlat hitting Recchi in the face with his stick. And what, exactly, did the NHL do to reprimand either of the clubs involved here? I didn't see any fines totalling a quarter mill being handed down. And the only reason Havlat didn't get beaten to a bloody pulp was due to the fact he was either in the penalty box or hiding at the end of the player's bench.

If what Burke said is true, that he and Crawford were briefed for all of 13 minutes on things they could have done to diffuse the situation, then the fine is completely overboard and just another example of the NHL buckling like a cheap belt at the public backlash the incident received. For shame.


I agree with what you're saying but the key difference between the Ottawa/Philly EVENTS on the ice was obviously the fights were all face to face, which is obviously allowed in the league. Perhaps the coaches(Hitch in particular) could have been fined for making such comments but inconsistency has been an issue when it comes to the NHL handing out fines/suspensions. The reality is Bertuzzi went overboard and the incident was disgusting. Of course, this is going to be punished more. In Philadelphia, the fans enjoyed every minute of the last period, as it of course reminded them of the old Broad Street Bullies. In Vancouver, after the 'incident', there was a disturbing silence(kind of 9 - 11 like :mad: :rolleyes: -fcuk off, Pratt). I really don't think both games can be compared. I'm sure Bettman was cringing(sp?) with what happened in Philly but since they did nothing about the coaches comments beforehand, and everything was above board(legal), there was absolutely nothing they could have done. Perhaps I should go check TSN. ca or Sporsnet.ca before having opinions in the future. What do you think, Keeper? :rolleyes:


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
I think being gone for the whole playoffs was a little much but the kick in the crotch is Bert having to apply for reinstatemant just before training camp. Which probably is just a formality.

I imagine he should be available for the world cup this summer. There was a voice clip of Gretz and he didn't really have at Bert which leads me to think that he'll be playing.

But what the hell do I know.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock,

Ya know, you're right. This incident is not comparable to the Ottawa/Philly dust-up... the lead-up to what happened in Philly was way worse :mad:

Let me ask you this: What exactly did the Canucks coaching/management do that was not "above board"? Did Burke try and break into the Aves dressing room? Did Crawford say Moore was going to eat his lunch?

There is nothing stopping the league right now from 'going back' and fining the flyers $250,000. Nothing.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Captain Shamrock,

Ya know, you're right. This incident is not comparable to the Ottawa/Philly dust-up... the lead-up to what happened in Philly was way worse :mad:

Let me ask you this: What exactly did the Canucks coaching/management do that was not "above board"? Did Burke try and break into the Aves dressing room? Did Crawford say Moore was going to eat his lunch?

There is nothing stopping the league right now from 'going back' and fining the flyers $250,000. Nothing.


Sure, Regs, the lead-up may have been worse BUT they dealt with it like men. Obviously the league wasn't worried about both of the lead-ups BUT Bertuzzi did something extremely stupid. Therefore, Crawford should be held responsible since he sent him on the ice with Moore. Therefore, the GM and Canucks team should be punished. Flyers and Ottawa should be left alone. They did set a record in that game, which should count for something. :p ;) BTW, do you really think the league will 'go back' and fine the Flyers?

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
well said regs. i think bert deserved a stiff suspension, but it's unfortunate that the NHL's main motivation in this was to yes, punish the crime, but also i can't help but believe that the reputation and all the other woes the league is facing were a motivator in making this a precident example. i think they are attempting to save face.

does anyone know if nicolishin will be suspended for being the third man in? or does that count as a third man in since it wasn't really a fight.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I find it funny all the tough guys around the league saying how bad what Bert did to Moore from behind.
The media even talked to Gino about it, he was on the Golf coarse at the time, he siad it was terrible what he did to Moore from behind. The media then went on to say that they had a clip of Gino doing the exact same thing. They then showed Gino punching some guy in the back of the head and then jumping on him and punching him. Gino then said, ya I may have done that a couple of times, but no one got hurt.
It is a joke, lots of guys in the league have sucker punched other players, but no one got hurt, that is the problem, start handing out suspensions for the act, not the injury.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, do you really think the league will 'go back' and fine the Flyers?
No, I don't and that's my issue with this $250,000 fine and I'll admit this is fuelled by my hatred of fcuk-wit Pratt and his rant about Burke was at fault :mad:

I said yesterday that the league did not outline exactly what the coaches/management should have done to prevent the Bertuzzi incident. Why not? I'll tell you why. It's because the fine was media inspired... or to be more specific, American media inspired. CNN had it on their news ticker yesterday. For the league to now fine the flyers would be picked up by the American media which would then put more bad press focussed on the NHL (it would add credit to the american media stance of this stuff happening all the time, baseball brawls, pitchers throwing head beanballs be damned).


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
I said yesterday that the league did not outline exactly what the coaches/management should have done to prevent the Bertuzzi incident.

Regs, I think part of the reason the Club was fined $250,000, is that it is very hard to fine the individual player a significant amount of money because the Players Union is sooo strong. Yes, Bert is losing money for the last 13 games, but the league doesn't get this, nor do the Nucks organization, it goes to the Alumni association. So the Club pays (Berts contract), the fans pay (not as good Hockey), and the league pays (the game looks bad). But Bert does not pay anything out of his own pocket.

I think it is wrong this Club fine, and it should be fought.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
But Bert does not pay anything out of his own pocket.
So the half a million his contract/salary says he has 'coming to him' that will never actually reach his piggy bank doesn't count as coming out of his own pocket?

Please bash your head repeatedly on a brick wall and try again.

Must be low tide, dude's trolling...

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Please bash your head repeatedly on a brick wall and try again.

Listen GugHead, he is not playing any games during his suspension, why sould he be paid, to sit out during a suspension. Sure he will not get that money, but neither does the Club or the NHL, it is going to the Alumni, that Bert will be a part of one day. So no, he does not get a real fine that he has to pay, he just loses during the suspension, but nothing on top.

Bashing my head with the joker.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You're not working and you're getting paid aren't you? And this time you don't even have to sit by TheRob. You're point is moot.

Find a harder wall the one you've got isn't working.

Fcuks a GugHead?

Edit; Note to self: Type faster than peanut gallery..

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Fcuks a GugHead?

A Gughead is way worse than a JugHead.

As for getting paid, who is going to compensate Mr. McCaw for all of this, he is the one paying Berts contract, and he is not getting a top player on the ice for it. Plus, his team now has far less of a chance of going far in the play-offs and that is where the owners make their money in this whole thing. The NHL has fukced McCaw over in this whole thing, he is the one that will end up paying all the fines and suspension money. It doesn't work that way in the NFL or NBA, the players have to pay.

hos looking for a better wall for GugHead

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