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2009 men's senior B cup championships

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Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I know this is going to sound like sour grapes and maybe it is but Johnny Bluenose is not entirely correct. Sure the NK players drank themselves silly and didn't sleep much at all on Saturday night and the All Blacks earned there two goals with hard work and tenacity but we will never know what the fair final result to this semi final would have been thanks to the mother of all asss fukcings the officials laid on NK Hrvat. I would like to think that the officials do not favor any outcome but their behavior in that game was inexplicable. NK tied it just before the half with a clean goal that deflected of an All Black defender to a open NKer running to the far post. Three seconds after the goal the retarted son of a biatch linesman (who cant see our striker getting his ankle steamed through kleats up two feet out of bounds right under his nose but can see me standing out of the designated team area by one foot from thirty yards away) raises his flag after hearing All Blacks whine offside. The scabby ref (see his body) looks over and sees the flag up and doesn't over rule. The NKers were still reeling from this garbage when a secong goal against the flow made things all the more urgent being down two at the half. So with our top striker maimed and our tying goal taken away the ref starts making up new rules. With the All Blacks in a shell and NK coming in waves finally the break thats going to change everything comes as an NK player is dragged down by the arm in the box as he is about to blow it by the goalie at close range. Then, What the Fukc? The ref calls it an indirect free kick on the six because he says it was only obstruction. Then a little later during a scramble in front of the All Black net a defender passes it to his goalie with no chance to do anything but pick up the ball.So he did. The NKers started screaming but were given the play on hand wave. Sur Fukcing real. Congrats to the All Blacks for beating the Dragons in an uber entertaing final. Losing sucks it was really our first loss all year. My point to Bluenose is that there are div 2 teams that can beat those guys.

PS.... You should have heard the scabby ref talking shite up on the balcony during the final with a couple of beers in him about how he thought the All Blacks were the best team all along. I don't know how I restrained myself. I had contemplated requesting Alan who officiated the final to do our semi final game as the 2nd and 3rd game refs we had were sub standard but I didn't as it seemed out of line. If only I had known how bottomless that lake was.


Sep 17, 2007
Dirty Money
If that shite is true then it really is ****ed up.

How can "obstruction" in the box taking away a clear scoring chance merely be a indirect freekick? Granted I never saw the play, but surely thats a penatly shot?

I know Nk has a really young team with some young guns starting and a couple coming off the bench, so I guess you didnt bother to restrain them the night before the semi final knowing full well that in their naive youth they'd go out hours before such a game to drink and attempt to score off the pitch.

Should have attempted to reason that you dont get many chances to play in the provincials during ones life and that there will be plenty of time to party afterwards if able to defeat a aging All Blacks team who probably went to bed at 9 pm and had their wheaties for breakfast in the morning:D


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
When I was there age I could do both! :cool:

.......and get laid which I don't think any of them managed to do! :cool: :wa::knvb::bronco:


New Member
Sep 22, 2008
Dirty Money
. My point to Bluenose is that there are div 2 teams that can beat those guys.

I'd agree, the dragons seemed much much stronger then the Allblacks, who gave up a bunch of good chances to us early and for the last 20 min were just barring the door as we held them in there end.
They did seem beatable, surprised to hear they won, but last team standing deserves it.


Sep 22, 2002
Dirty Money

Really shite way to lose in the semis to the All-Blacks ,we were robbed on a number of calls!Really was a succesful season by NK and tournament as well but in the end I think we all feel a bit slighted by this travesty!It honestly looked like the ref from the semi was gonna woop out his wang and beat off after the All Blacks won!With adoration in his eyes and scabs on his elbows this cnut actually had the balls to yell "cant wait until you guys come back "and "I knew they were the best team here" sickening really!I should have taken a year suspension and popped the scabby bastard but didnt want to go home with lepracy and herpes,So i just came home with the love bumps!And whoever predicted that final ,way to go out on a limb picking the 2 premier teams to be in the final must have taken alot of thought!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If that shite is true then it really is ****ed up.

How can "obstruction" in the box taking away a clear scoring chance merely be a indirect freekick? Granted I never saw the play, but surely thats a penatly shot?

I know Nk has a really young team with some young guns starting and a couple coming off the bench, so I guess you didnt bother to restrain them the night before the semi final knowing full well that in their naive youth they'd go out hours before such a game to drink and attempt to score off the pitch.

Should have attempted to reason that you dont get many chances to play in the provincials during ones life and that there will be plenty of time to party afterwards if able to defeat a aging All Blacks team who probably went to bed at 9 pm and had their wheaties for breakfast in the morning:D

"Obstruction" hasn't existed in the last two years.......


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Dragons vanquished by All Blacks
Written by Ted Clarke
Citizen staff
Monday, 15 June 2009
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All Blacks? Wearing white shirts?
Maybe they should have changed their name to Dragonslayers.
In an all-Richmond final Sunday afternoon at North Cariboo Field, the All Blacks survived a late-game comeback from their crosstown rivals -- the IG MicroMed Dragons -- to claim the Keith Miller Cup senior B provincial club soccer championship with a 4-2 victory.
After a scoreless first half, the All Blacks jumped ahead 4-0. Two goals each from veteran forwards Ben Scoble and Erik Henderson put the two-time defending champions under unwanted scrutiny. The Dragons responded by making a close game of it.
"We've had a number of challenges against the Dragons, coming from the same league in Richmond and we were lucky enough to beat them in the (Challenge) Cup final but we knew we'd have a great challenge today and they didn't disappoint," said All Blacks captain Lee Howarth.
"It just happened we got some lucky chances and finished when we needed to."
All Blacks goalie Peter Proctor set the tone late in the first half with magnificent diving save on a hot shot drilled by Ray Pang. The shot rolled off Proctor's fingertips and just managed to clear the top bar.
With 10 minutes left, Proctor was at the mercy of David Griffey on a penalty shot and Griffey won that battle to kickstart the Dragons' offence. Griffey then set up Garret Kusch with a centring pass that required Kusch to leave his feet and slide to get to the ball in front of the net. That goal came with about three minutes left in regulation time. The Dragons nearly got another one a minute later when Chris Bradley bounced the ball off his forehead that sailed over the crossbar.
"They did well to finish their chances, the ones they had -- we had four breakdowns and they got four goals and we just couldn't finish," said Dragons 35-year-old defender Richard Hikida. "They outplayed us, they did well."
The Dragons won the Richmond Premier League regular season title, but lost 2-0 to the All Blacks in the Challenge Cup playoff final.
"They're a really good team, they've got some ex-national players and to beat them twice in a row, we're really happy," said Procter.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Chiropractor breaks other teams’ backs Print
Written by Ted Clarke
Citizen staff
Monday, 15 June 2009
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At his day job, Garret Kusch makes spinal adjustments as a sports chiropractor.
On evenings and weekends, he’s more inclined to make scoreboard adjustments on the soccer pitch.
He was about as much fun as a spinal tap to the guys on Formula Contracting FC Sunday morning at North Cariboo Field, scoring three goals to lead the IG MicroMed Dragons to a 4-1 semifinal win over Formula at the Keith Millar Cup senior B men’s provincial club soccer championship.
As leader of a veteran-laden crew of former semipro and national team players, the 36-year-old Kusch rose to the occasion once again to eliminate the only Prince George team to advance to the playoff round.
“The last couple games, everyone’s shown up to play and it was nice to get an early lead and have a lead late in the game to sit most of our player for the final,” said Kusch, a former Vancouver Whitecap who played seven years with Canadian national team.
“This (Formula) team was good, they tried to break us down but we played very defensively and low back just to hold it off and we did.
“Experience goes a long way, especially against teams that are fit and want to run. It’s just a matter of staying composed and that’s what we did most of the game.”
The Dragons were the defending Keith Millar Cup champions, having cruised through their Richmond league undefeated at 18-0. If soccer skills are inherited, the future generation of Dragons could have plenty of talent to choose from in-house.
Averaging 38 years old, the Dragons players have 33 offspring and one grandchild.
Conversely, all but five of the 22 Formula players are in their early-20s, who play fall soccer for the UNBC team.
Formula got to the final after wins over Mr. Jake’s Steakhouse of Prince George (5-0) and Douglas Park of Vancouver (2-0) and a 3-3 draw with Gordon Park of Victoria.
The Dragons defeated Real Richmond (2-1), Athletic Club of B.C. - Vancouver (5-1) and Victoria West VIP Spurs (4-0).
“You could tell right from the get-go that they’re a quality team and that’s something we expected,” said Formula player-coach Sonny Pawar.
“They had big strong guys in the back that handle the ball in the air very well, and Garret Kusch does a lot of damage when he gets the ball up front.
“Playing a team like that, each player knows what’s expected of him at their position, whereas when we put players on, we’re filling holes, giving guys rests. That’s very important for our kids to learn and you learn that from playing teams that play that way. We’ve got some young legs and they competed in the four games very well, so we’re proud of them.”
Sipho Sibiya was the most productive Formula forward, scoring five goals in four games.
He nailed the post with a header early in the second half Sunday, with his team trailing 3-1. Not long after that Kusch provided the crusher, which gave the Dragons enough of a cushion they could afford to rest for the final against the Allblacks of Richmond.
Formula players Scott De Bianchi, Shawn Basi and Matt Mehrassa showed flashes of brilliance in the semifinal but their young legs were no match for the savvy positional play and finishing touches the Dragons brought to the field in abundance.
“We have a good team and I think we can play with them, it’s just their experience (that proved the difference) at the end of the day,” said Sibiya.
“If you make mistakes it’s in the back of your net and we did that and were down early.
“For the most part I’m proud of the guys for the weekend.
“We showed we can play with a lot of the teams down there, but that team has been playing like that all weekend.
“They never give up. It’s a good measuring stick for us. We showed well for P.G.”
David Griffey opened the scoring for the Dragons five minutes into the game.
Pawar had the lone goal on Dragons goalie Steve Lucovic, shooting low on a penalty shot at the 12-minute mark.
Kusch scored two in the second half.
Mr. Jake’s finished second to Formula in the A-pool with a 2-1 record.
The other Prince George team, Accelerated Physiotherapy, finished up 0-3.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Love it.

Guys posting articles bragging on the teams featuring former pro's, semi-pros, and national team capped guys playing a B Cup final. :rolleyes:

I think I just ROFL'ed a little bit ;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Lee Howarth is one of my ride mates taking on the Ride-2-Survive this Saturday. Nice job Lee...true weekend warrior with back-to-back massive efforts on concecutive weekends.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
I know this is going to sound like sour grapes and maybe it is but Johnny Bluenose is not entirely correct. Sure the NK players drank themselves silly and didn't sleep much at all on Saturday night and the All Blacks earned there two goals with hard work and tenacity but we will never know what the fair final result to this semi final would have been thanks to the mother of all asss fukcings the officials laid on NK Hrvat. I would like to think that the officials do not favor any outcome but their behavior in that game was inexplicable. NK tied it just before the half with a clean goal that deflected of an All Black defender to a open NKer running to the far post. Three seconds after the goal the retarted son of a biatch linesman (who cant see our striker getting his ankle steamed through kleats up two feet out of bounds right under his nose but can see me standing out of the designated team area by one foot from thirty yards away) raises his flag after hearing All Blacks whine offside. The scabby ref (see his body) looks over and sees the flag up and doesn't over rule. The NKers were still reeling from this garbage when a secong goal against the flow made things all the more urgent being down two at the half. So with our top striker maimed and our tying goal taken away the ref starts making up new rules. With the All Blacks in a shell and NK coming in waves finally the break thats going to change everything comes as an NK player is dragged down by the arm in the box as he is about to blow it by the goalie at close range. Then, What the Fukc? The ref calls it an indirect free kick on the six because he says it was only obstruction. Then a little later during a scramble in front of the All Black net a defender passes it to his goalie with no chance to do anything but pick up the ball.So he did. The NKers started screaming but were given the play on hand wave. Sur Fukcing real. Congrats to the All Blacks for beating the Dragons in an uber entertaing final. Losing sucks it was really our first loss all year. My point to Bluenose is that there are div 2 teams that can beat those guys.

PS.... You should have heard the scabby ref talking shite up on the balcony during the final with a couple of beers in him about how he thought the All Blacks were the best team all along. I don't know how I restrained myself. I had contemplated requesting Alan who officiated the final to do our semi final game as the 2nd and 3rd game refs we had were sub standard but I didn't as it seemed out of line. If only I had known how bottomless that lake was.

Watcher & McDirty,

Here's what I might suggest for your squad to be more succesful at next year's B cup provincial tourney:

1) Take it easy the night before the semis. The real contest is on the pitch and not in the bar.

2) Wait until at least the 2nd half to make enemies out of the officials. Telling the lino that you're going to drop him after the game is never going to help your cause.

3) Have all your coaches and players read and understand the most recent copy of FIFA's Laws of the Game.

Better luck next year.
Mar 29, 2009
Dirty Money
I did think that the standard of referees was pretty poor. We had some really dodgy calls in a couple of our games. I do beleive that the ref in the final is being added to the FIFA roster this year. I'm not sure who the scabby ref was but there was one guy in his 40's-50's with glasses who was gobbing off on the balcolny after a beer about our game. Maybe it was the same one?? Not the shorter bald head tanned one. Even though he wasn't good either.

In all i thought it was a great weekend. We didn't play well at all and a lack of subs certainly didn't help but it was still good fun. Prince George was a little quiet and a little scary at 3am but that might have been the NK's on the prowl for women!! The Victoria teams were excellent guys and a lot of fun. It was the funniest thing I have seen in football seeing a goalie piss in the goal after an afternoon drinking and get sent off!!


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
Watcher & McDirty,

Here's what I might suggest for your squad to be more succesful at next year's B cup provincial tourney:

1) Take it easy the night before the semis. The real contest is on the pitch and not in the bar.

2) Wait until at least the 2nd half to make enemies out of the officials. Telling the lino that you're going to drop him after the game is never going to help your cause.

3) Have all your coaches and players read and understand the most recent copy of FIFA's Laws of the Game.

Better luck next year.

You two can't still be busy reading and trying to understand?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I did think that the standard of referees was pretty poor. We had some really dodgy calls in a couple of our games. I do beleive that the ref in the final is being added to the FIFA roster this year. I'm not sure who the scabby ref was but there was one guy in his 40's-50's with glasses who was gobbing off on the balcolny after a beer about our game. Maybe it was the same one?? Not the shorter bald head tanned one. Even though he wasn't good either.

In all i thought it was a great weekend. We didn't play well at all and a lack of subs certainly didn't help but it was still good fun. Prince George was a little quiet and a little scary at 3am but that might have been the NK's on the prowl for women!! The Victoria teams were excellent guys and a lot of fun. It was the funniest thing I have seen in football seeing a goalie piss in the goal after an afternoon drinking and get sent off!!

WTF did he get sent off for? :confused:

Indecent exposure is not an offense to send someone off.......last time I checked.
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