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2005 RRSL-Airport League [Summer]

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Mar 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

stew said:
Most of our players are over 30 (some of us well past it :rolleyes: ), so any chance we get to take it to a younger team we relish. I think your game last week was against AC BC (not the strongest side in the league), so it's difficult to gauge. Too bad your geezers won't be out to play against our geezers; I like being able to give Doug a hard time.


I have no idea of the players this year other than us geriatrics but I found out we have a 4th old guy and 2 of our young guys from our winter team so we may actually have a pretty good team this year. M.Campbell and Ricky or GK are with us from winter. M.C. lead Div. 1 in scoring this year. Doug may be there. He's still out of shape and Jimmy is fitter but he still has a piano tied to his arse.

If you're flopping around like a Tuna in goal, I think your goals against average will suffer. Thankfully Randal is not around. He dives like a beached whale.


trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League


I'm not a goalkeeper by choice, only by necessity, and dire at that. I don't really flop; like I said, it was more like a duck in a shooting gallery than a tuna. My average won't suffer any more, because I won't be between the pipes any more.

Re our offensive capabilities, who knows. All depends on which 15 guys show up that night. That being said, 3 unanswered goals in the 2nd half last week ain't too shabby... :p

We'll see how things go tomorrow night, if I'm not too worn out from berating Captain Shamrock tonight.


stew :cool:


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

I've just realized that CHAB and me are/will be on the same squad this summer. As mentioned earlier, Jimmy is running the team, and yes old Dougie is playing, or at least he was in our 8-1 drubbing lastweek.

I don't think CHAB was at the game? :confused:

Anyway, I won't be at tomorrow nights game, however I may join up with Vinnie tonight at Boyd :eek:



New Member
Mar 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

club_i_champ said:
I don't think CHAB was at the game? :confused:

You're right. I was in Whistler last wednesday for work so I missed out in the drubbing. Guess I'll see you next week as Jimmy said we play on Wednesday next week. He still has a piano tied to his arse. It was a grand piano last year, I think it's shrunk in size a bit. :D



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

Champlain 2-2 Malt 'n' Barley

I'm glad I made it out of there in one piece is all I have to say. If this is what is to be expected then I may as well say it was fun the first 2 years. One bad apple (first name Frankie) is all it takes to turn a good game in the first 15 mins into a free for all hack fest (I wonder if this is the same try-hard from the co-ed league?). Of course having John as a ref never helps. So where to begin. Oh yeah 15 mins in our mid kicks the ball up field and gets taken out and as he's falling over him accidently kicks the guy on the side of the head. Nothing malicious and it looks like nothing will happen when all of a sudden as buddy from the other team is stepping over our player, who is still on the ground, he decides to jump both feet in the air and land on our players shin/ankle area. Most disgusting play I've seen in soccer and the sad part is John see's this and gives only a yellow :eek: . I wouldn't normally complain since it's summer but that kind of set up and ugly game until finally with about 25 to go in the 2nd said try-hard above and one of our players start throwing punches and get booted, game settled down. Captain Shamrock I'm heading on my way to being a gimp like you ;) , maybe reffing is in the future for myself?

Anyways Club I Champ with a nice goal to get us going, also got hacked the most. We were up 2-0 before they scored on a give away in front of our goal and PK to tie it up. Good game once it settled down and if this Frankie guy (who called us cnut, fukcers and so on wasn't on the field it would have been a much better time). I'll apologize on our teams behalf but there is only so much crap you can take and at halftime I felt like walking away which is totally out of character for myself. Looking forward to next week and hopefully a cleaner game. Sorry about the rant.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League


Da Termato, formerly known as Chumplain's Keeper.....see my earlier post about who's playing for who.


"Frankie?" Sounds like Animal could be getting cranky again? :D Barley's goon squad appear to be back in contention for more anger management classes. Wee Stevie up front is usually the worst of the bunch, with old Gary a humourless close second.


Still can't decide who to play for? :D See you next time, whoever you decide to suit up for.


stew :cool:


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

This 'Frankie' fellow is Animal, and as he'll remember, I politely asked him not to kick me all game right at the start. He did his best, but ended up catching me just once giving away an silly foul. Unluckily for him, I buried a BEAUTY in the top corner. :) BTW, where is my pint for that Animal? :D

I must say, with refs like John, and teams like Malt N Barley, someone soon will be in the hospital :( No need for some of the stuff that occured on the pitch lastnight. Both sides are partly to blame, but with that being said, the prick playing left back, and the Frankenstein looking putz upfront either need to settle down if they want to keep playing, or go back to the schoolyard, fcuking DONKEYS.


I've chosen my team, I was only helping out my main man Vinnie for the night, so no need to worry, I'll bury a couple on your lot soon enough time :D ;)

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

I'll bury a couple on your lot soon enough


Take a number :rolleyes:

CHAB's no-stars 6 stew's no-shows 2

I fcukin' HATE it when players jam out on you just because of a bit of rain. :mad:

We played with 10 for most of the game; FastMan showed up with about 12 minutes left and we popped in our 2 goals. Not enough time to do any more; wish we'd had the numbers for the whole game.

No Hands in goal for the 1st half; Gurps in for the 2nd, after aggrevating a booboo on his ankle (we had to chain him and the cooler to the goalpost to keep him from running away) :D

Canadians had both Dougie and Jimmy (and his piano), as well as a pack of doofuses up front who didn't understand the word "offside" (luckily for us :rolleyes: ). No CHAB or CIC. Both teams suffered from Father John and his Random Call Generator in the middle.

Talked to Father John after the game and mentioned the 2-footer on your guy from your previous game; he said he "didn't see it." Talked to Dougie as well; he is trying to get Bob out to at least a couple of games this summer. Problem is, he can't take the direct sunlight (or the pounding rain like we had Thursday). Hope to see him at least one more time.

This week's schedule from El Presidente (all games at 6:45)


AC vs Spurs @ Hugh Boyd #4
Champlain vs Inter @ Hugh Boyd Oval
Justice vs Canadians @ Walter Lee
AC BC vs UN @ Mitchell School


Malt 'n' Barley vs Cosmos TBA (Walter Lee/Diefenbaker)

Amalgamation Cup also coming up soon....


stew :cool:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

I fcukin' HATE it when players jam out on you just because of a bit of rain.

Yah, it's almost as bad as people saying they're going to show up for a fundraiser and not doing it. Right, CIC?

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League


Touché. My sincerest apologies for not making it out to the fundraiser as promised. Unfortunately, money issues preclude me from doing a lot of things that I would like to do, and as a result, when people offer me work, I have a tendency to jump at the opportunities.

I fix computers for other people. I used to do it for a large company, but I was laid off last August. Since then, I've been doing it freelance, trying to build up a client base, while looking for fulltime stuff in the meantime (damned kids won't stop eating - go figure).

Now, unless I've got the nights completely fcuked up, your party was Thursday night (correct me if I'm wrong, please). I got a call from a desparate client just before I headed out the door to my game Thursday. I plead off doing work for her immediately, as I had a large amount of my team's gear with me (jerseys, balls, nets, flags & water), but promised her I would see her by 9 that evening.

I bolted after a modicum of sociable discussion after the game, and made it to my client's home office on time, with Kid #1 in tow, as Mrs. Stew was out earlier at a "surprise work function" and I didn't have time to arrange a sitter for the wee terror. The issue took me an hour and a half to rectify, by which time Kid #1 was well on his way to sawing logs, so I gratefully accepted a cheque from my client, and bundled the kid into the car and took him home and threw him into bed.

I then picked up Kid #2 from the neighbour's house he had been staying and sleeping at (same mini-soccer team) and took him home and threw him into bed as well, noting that Mrs. Stew was not yet home (not unusual for her) so I was in for a bit of a wait (not by choice). My plan was to head out when she came home, and get in a bit of pinting with you and the happy hooped folk. Alas, she didn't come in the door until 12:30, so I figured I was SOL getting to the fundraiser, and packed it in for the night.

I should have sent this message to you sooner, but I was a bit preoccupied. My employment status changed drastically on Friday, and I now have a gainful fulltime situation. This is a good thing, but necessitated some coordination which precluded my TTP habit. I also ended up in Kamloops this weekend (relatives) so I didn't get to check up on things until tonight.

I hope things went well for the fundraiser. Here's hoping a good time was had by all, despite the SPL results over the weekend. I sincerely regret not making it out, because keeping my promises means a lot to me, and I definitely don't want to seem like a hypocrite with statements like the one I made previously in this forum. People who know me will attest to that (although for some of them it may take substantial quantities of alcohol).

I'll have to owe you some bevvies from my next batch of homemade.

Lang may yuir lumb reek,

stew :cool:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

stew said:

Touché. My sincerest apologies for not making it out to the fundraiser as promised. Unfortunately, money issues preclude me from doing a lot of things that I would like to do, and as a result, when people offer me work, I have a tendency to jump at the opportunities.

I fix computers for other people. I used to do it for a large company, but I was laid off last August. Since then, I've been doing it freelance, trying to build up a client base, while looking for fulltime stuff in the meantime (damned kids won't stop eating - go figure).

Now, unless I've got the nights completely fcuked up, your party was Thursday night (correct me if I'm wrong, please). I got a call from a desparate client just before I headed out the door to my game Thursday. I plead off doing work for her immediately, as I had a large amount of my team's gear with me (jerseys, balls, nets, flags & water), but promised her I would see her by 9 that evening.

I bolted after a modicum of sociable discussion after the game, and made it to my client's home office on time, with Kid #1 in tow, as Mrs. Stew was out earlier at a "surprise work function" and I didn't have time to arrange a sitter for the wee terror. The issue took me an hour and a half to rectify, by which time Kid #1 was well on his way to sawing logs, so I gratefully accepted a cheque from my client, and bundled the kid into the car and took him home and threw him into bed.

I then picked up Kid #2 from the neighbour's house he had been staying and sleeping at (same mini-soccer team) and took him home and threw him into bed as well, noting that Mrs. Stew was not yet home (not unusual for her) so I was in for a bit of a wait (not by choice). My plan was to head out when she came home, and get in a bit of pinting with you and the happy hooped folk. Alas, she didn't come in the door until 12:30, so I figured I was SOL getting to the fundraiser, and packed it in for the night.

I should have sent this message to you sooner, but I was a bit preoccupied. My employment status changed drastically on Friday, and I now have a gainful fulltime situation. This is a good thing, but necessitated some coordination which precluded my TTP habit. I also ended up in Kamloops this weekend (relatives) so I didn't get to check up on things until tonight.

I hope things went well for the fundraiser. Here's hoping a good time was had by all, despite the SPL results over the weekend. I sincerely regret not making it out, because keeping my promises means a lot to me, and I definitely don't want to seem like a hypocrite with statements like the one I made previously in this forum. People who know me will attest to that (although for some of them it may take substantial quantities of alcohol).

I'll have to owe you some bevvies from my next batch of homemade.

Lang may yuir lumb reek,

stew :cool:


My comment was towards CIC, not you. :D Have a great week. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

Captain Shamrock said:
Yah, it's almost as bad as people saying they're going to show up for a fundraiser and not doing it. Right, CIC?

Sorry, I was hauled away upto Harrsion for the weekend, if I had a time machine, maybe I could have done both, but alas, I don't have one. Do you know where I could pick one up? Cheers.

~The Sellout :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

Nice to hear your one sided version of our game. Not even going to talk about the game just the incident in which I got a red. Your player took a swing at me so I threw back, and he was nice enough to come apologize to me after the game. You see I won't throw the first punch in a soccer game, I will wait for my opportunity and just go through you the next time you have the ball. If you guys would have showed a little class and respect early on in the game, on your corner kick we may not have been so unhappy.


can'twaittoplaytheseguysagain. ;)

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League


see you tomorrow...what colour will your team be wearing (we normally wear green too)?


Are you guys going to play on Thursday or take the bye?


piss off or I'll get IanD to chase you in his Mercedes :D


stew :cool:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

animal said:
Nice to hear your one sided version of our game. Not even going to talk about the game just the incident in which I got a red. Your player took a swing at me so I threw back, and he was nice enough to come apologize to me after the game. You see I won't throw the first punch in a soccer game, I will wait for my opportunity and just go through you the next time you have the ball. If you guys would have showed a little class and respect early on in the game, on your corner kick we may not have been so unhappy.


can'twaittoplaytheseguysagain. ;)

What one-sided version? I said we were guilty as well but there is only so much crap you can take. Noticed once you went off how the game settled down again. You took a good chunk out of me earlier and I loved your response which was don't hold onto it that long. Gee thanks. Next time I'll remember to bring my cage along and lock up the Animal. ;)

Also what happened on the corner which made you guys unhappy?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: RRSL-Airport League

BTW Stew,

You have a classy bunch of guys, playing most of the game down a man and conceding a few goals usually brings out the bad in some squads, you lot kept your chins up and kept playing, good on ya.
It was also nice to put a face to the name Gurps; unluckily for him, he got a look at my face after my screamer top shelf :D ;)
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