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Pakenham Cup 2005 Pakenham Cup Final

Who will be the 2005 Pakenham Cup Champs??!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
PAU 4- Poco 2

Poco were up 2 - buzz when I showed up. Studs up scored a cracker :rolleyes: to make it a game late in the first half. Second half came and it was ALL PAU. It seemed like Poco did everything but pack up the tent and go home at half time. Young Keegan was causing all sorts of shite out left for most of the second half which lead to a bunch a good scoring chances the PAU forwards just couldn't seem to get on the end of. Cainy made what is sure to be the best coaching call of his short career so far and took out Lion, who was playing well, for Billy Jackson with about 10 to go... BJ's first touch was to head a long throw off a poco defenders grill and into the back of the net. 2-2.

OT came and PAU let Poco back into the game a little bit but it was still one way traffic for the most part. Loads of dangerous free kicks and crosses from Guinness should have sealed it in the first 15 but Poco some how dodged the bullet time and again. On numerous occasions balls were just skipping past the post. PAU's third and the winner came when young stalwart veteran Mark Avery cleverly banked his sure sitter off the cross bar from 4 yards out angling it in just such a way it would go off the poco defender right to Rusty who threw every inch of Labia he had left at the ball to make it cross the line after bouncing of 9 different legs on it's wayhome. Uppal, for once in his bloody miserable life, was in great position to see that it was actually in. Mo scored a late break away after a piss poor c0ck up from the defense which sent the PAU side into a frenzy.

Well deserved from the second half on, IMO. PAU were definitely the better side today. As much shite and abuse as I throw his way Cainy I thought, was outstanding and worked tirelessly in the middle. Congratulations to Aves, Orso, Cainer, Carson, JC, Mo, Rusty, cuddler et al for this great win.

If you like the Roxy at all you better get there early because something tells me there won't be much left after tonight.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats PAU !!!!!

Cainy boy, well done brother finally.

Skip, Guinness, Sage , Aves, Kness, Studs, Lion, Red Dragon, and so on.
Well done boys, you know we were behind you full strength lads.

PoCo , unlucky again but you guys are the true class off the Valley.
Always there and always battling to the end. You desreve better boys!

What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christ did we get spanked!!!!

P A U . Pakenham Champs 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our friends are on top tonight!!!!!!


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Studs here with a quick post as Aves, skip, and I have to get on the sd 36 web site to book soom subs for manyana. Great character win for the ROCK today. Nice to hoist the Pak, before i take it back to the shop on Tues for repairs after the roxy.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats to PAU on a well deserved win. Poco was a little unlucky with the two goals that were scored against them (the first was alright but a cracker doesn't bounce 3 times befroe gong in) but in the end PAU deserved to win.

Good luck in the BCs


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
2005 Pakenham Cup Champions!

It's been a long time coming!......but was well worth the wait!! :D

Let me first say congratulations to Poco, who battled hard yesterday as expected. I feel for the boys in red, especially being up until late in the game. It's tough to come as far as a Cup final, and walk away just short of the prize. These guys were hurting afterwards, but showed amazing class in congratulating us on the win. Thanks boys, and good luck in the BC's.

I can't say enough about my team-mates! Every single one played a part in this big accomplishment, and all should be proud of their efforts this season. A character win yesterday, done in the most dramatic fashion! I could say something about every player, but a few stand out in my mind:

Studsup, playing on one leg yesterday, and scoring a big goal to get us back into the game.

Billy-fukcing-Jackson, who came on late in the second, to score the tying goal and send it into OT!

Markus Haab, who came off the bench (on numerous occassions I might add) to score the game winner!, playing a HUGE role!!!

Sage, the MVP, who had an amazing game yesterday!

Cainy, bleeding (literally) for his team on the pitch.

Young Drew in the back, solid as always. A future all-star!

I could go on and on, but I know most won't care to read my ramblings. I'll end by saying, it's been an honour, and a pleasure to take the field with you all! I'm a happy man. :)

"Cometh the Man
Cometh the hour
You are the Man!
This is the hour"!

Peace Arch United - 2005 Pakenham Cup Champions



New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Cup Crazy!

Let this be a lesson to all future Cup winners!

This is what happens when you let too many immature, overly-excited, extremely drunken players take the Cup to the Roxy!!

Note: In future, players should refrain from making love to the Cup on the dance floor......tossing it from man to man inbetween bouts of pouring it's alcoholic contents down many thirsty throats, and using it as a helmet whilst doing a jig.

Not to worry though lads!!

$1.28 worth of various screws, washers and bolts from Home Depot, and some creative craftsmanship.........and she's good as new! :D


crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to PAU on the victory yesterday. Worthy Champions at the end of the day after coming back from a 2-0 scoreline to take "Precious" to the Rock for this season.

Lots of emotion out there yesterday from both teams. The look on Skips face compared with that of Osame's at the final whistle said it all. Every player from both teams gave their all which gave the crowd, what I thought, was a decent final.

Well done boys, good luck to Poco and PAU in the BC's.


I'm assuming Knees United found his bag and shoes, which mysteriously disappeared after the game. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
There appear to be four or five guys holding beers in that team shot Skip. Best I can tell, it wasn't taken in the beer garden. That is a $400 or $500 fine according to the FVSL website. :rolleyes:

Congratulations PAU. Good luck to both you and Poco in the BC's. As well as Langley and Chilliwack. Make us proud.


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Ever since then we've been the Champ!

My head hurts. My body hurts. Typing this hurts.

First off, I want to say congrats to Poco for a great cup run and a good game yesterday... you guys play us hard every time and it makes for exciting games. Keep the heads high and give 'em hell in the BC's.

I won't go into great details about the game cause KNVB gave a good breakdown of what happened. I just want to add to Skip's post, and highlight a few things:

- In my opinion, Hoss is our most valuable player and worked his ass off this whole year, and during the cup run. He's the engine that runs our team and without him we're not nearly as good.

- Matt Cooper is a big reason why we made it to the final in the first place, playing some of the best soccer I've seen him play during the run. He was almost in tears when he hurt himself last tuesday and couldn't play in the final, and I'm happy we could win it for him.

- Skip already meantioned Markus, Cainy, Carson and Drew and I'd like to add Keegan to the list of impact players...he is an amazing player and will dominate for years. Guinness has also been great for us during this streak.

- Lion has been the best pickup for us in along time... the guy's an Italian Stallion for sure. He's big and strong on the ball and can make guys look stupid. Can't ask for a better strike partner!

- Billy Jackson... my brotha from anotha mutha... the guy still is one of the best strikers around. Cups in three decades, enough said!

"They're the best duo I've seen since the Chickletts!!"

- Orso (aka Skip) ... I am so happy to see him finally lift that cup. As captain he makes tons of sacrifices for the good of the team, taking on all kinds of responsibilities (Cainy is in this category as well). It was worth winning the thing just so you can lift it buddy :D Too bad you couldn't see it cause I was blinding you with the champagne :p Don't worry though, I got a picture for ya!

Anyhow, enough strokin my teammates :p We gotta start looking forward to the BC's (after a few more days of celebrating off course :wa: )

Knees United

Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
crafty cokcney said:
I'm assuming Knees United found his bag and shoes, which mysteriously disappeared after the game. ;)

Crafty - I want to say to yourself and crew, that you did a great job yesterday and the days leading up to it to give all the games a chance of being played yesterday. No piss take (this time). I think you guys really worked hard for other teams to enjoy the day so hats off to ya'!!

HOWEVER, I did NOT get my gear back and I sincerely hope that someone picked it up by mistake. The bag was left unattended in the change room for 30 minutes.... it was the time between the final whistle and PAU receiving the hardware. I cannot believe that anyone would actally STEAL someone's kit bag (boots, wallet, car keys, gear etc.) so lets hope that someone picked it up by mistake. I do believe that some of the Poco Raiders were around the locker room...maybe one of them took it by mistake??

If anyone knows of its where abouts (it was a Blue Addidas kit bag) or a contact number for someone on the Poco Raiders team it would be a great help. FEEL FREE TO "PRIVATE MESSAGE" IF YOU PREFER.....

Sincerley disappointed.....(and hung over)


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
congrats PAU!!! helluva game.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
I still can't stop smiling 24 hrs later :D After i broke the cup,( don't worry all you history buffs it was the keeper not the real thing) Skip and i checked it into the coat check in four seperate pieces. I'm glad to see it got home safe ;)
I just want to thank my teamates for their effort over the season, in particular on the final Sunday. Sometimes during a season you question your teams strength of character. Yesterday those questions were answered bigstyle. I don't want to single players out because it truely was a team effort. Although it was extra special to see Skip hoist the cup. Cheers skip ;)
From a fans perspective i'm sure most will agree, Poco and PAU put on a good showing, and i hope it was a game people enjoyed watching.


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Great win...nice "glow" as the sun came out and we scored a few goals to win the cup...followed by a nice "glow" throughout the night...and of course for years to come.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
PAU 4 Poco 2

Originally posted by: MVP
I've got a prediction too:
Skip will walk up, shake some FVSL-guys' hand, then hoist the cup over his heed, at which time a giant roar will be heard... and the bartenders at the Roxy will shake in their boots... for the cup will be making a trip: and most likely come back in a few pieces
How the hell did you know all of that??? ;)
Whoa, what a way to win "precious"... I cannot say enough about Poco's character to the very end... Class all the way... Obviously going in to the match they had last year on their minds and it showed early in the contest... However, I think our over all skill and depth is what made the difference... I felt for Osama in the beer garden afterwards... He sat in disbelief of what happened drowning in his beer... The man simply looked totally drained after a hard fought battle... To be honest I felt just as shattered after 120 minutes, but the victory obviously lifted me... ;)

Crafty and crew: cheers for putting on a great day regardless the weather... It was nice to see the sun from the second half on... The cheers and beers were brilliant...

Match officials: absolutely first class... We as players can only ask for consistantcy and you did that and more yesterday... I honestly don't remember a missed call or a fabricated one, cheers...

I guess all has been said about the match itself, but I cannot post without giving a shout out to another great team that was unlucky to not be in the final... The Rangers were absolutely brilliant in song and support for PAU yesterday... Thanks lads for all your banter and the loud roars when we scored, especially after Mo's goal to seal it... Pure Dead Magic!!! (late nights after training @ NAP was great)...

To my teammates: thanks for making yesterday a day I'll never forget... We all knew going in it was going to be a match won in the trenches and you all brought your work boots and hard hats!!! The heart displayed by each and everyone of you was amazing... No one can take away our accomplishment boys!!!
BTW, going to war with Hos at your side on the pitch is always a pleasure, but just let him by you a shooter after the match at the bar, it will undoubtably end up fruitty!!! :rolleyes: Normally I'd have a go at anyone for pulling that shite, but he is the beast!!! (beast on the park, pussy off it) :eek:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to PAU on the big win.

Wish i could've been there to witness... no... wait, thats a lie... i dont. I am perfectly happy here in Maui. Dude - it was 27 yesterday... leave the bike at home and bring the sticks instead!!!

Sounds like the match was a true battle. Would have been something to see. and the ranger support on the lines always makes it more fun.

Red Dragon with the winner?? What way to go out... announcing on TTP that this was his last game with PAU Premier a few weeks back. Congratulations.

Will we be seeing a picture of PAU on the wall at the roxy soon?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, here is goes...

Time to suck it up and offer sincere congrats to PAU. Admittedly, if there is any team one likes to watch lose, it is PAU. It's not that you guys are dirty, or a bunch of cnuts...it's just that, well, you're all so pretty (with the exception of Aves, Red Dragon, and Guinness). Having said that, one usually finds oneself silently rooting for certain individuals. TTP, as much TTPing we give one another, has also given guys the chance to get to know one another off the pitch.

The Billy Jackson story is a great one...getting a critical goal against the team that dumped him, getting that 3rd Cup in three decades, and probably retiring now from an incredible span playing at the top level in the Valley. The guy has always been a blast to play against, you can battle like hell with him on the pitch, and always enjoy a beer with him after. A true warrior.

Skippy, from what I understand by reading here you've been chasing the Cup a long time, something I can relate to. That first sip out of it is magical. I'm happy for yah man, even if you did move what could be the post of 2004 to the Langley Dance Thread. Bastard.

Studs: to come back the same year from an injury like that shows mental toughness, and desire. For that reason alone, you deserved to win. I've known this guy a long time, since we both manned the right flank in the now defunct BCIT soccer team. Back then, you could barely get this guy to come out of his shell...just a quiet guy trying to become a shop teacher (who hurt you?). But, he played through injury then, too...one memorable big game against Trinity when he got his beak busted in the 1st half, stuck toilet paper up his nostrils, then proceeded to feed yours truly the cross for a huge, dying minute game-tying goal to keep our dismal season alive.

Guinness: you're not really Irish, and you don't have an accent. Stop using words like "daft". (Congrats anyhow, you wee fcuking gnome.)

Cainy: you're a class act. Not only do you run a great program, but you're a genuinely good guy. Hell, you even drove that spastic girl home, didn't you?

Others I've gotten to know and have had a beer or two with over the years (Dragon, Lion)- congrats.

Gotta say, I was rooting for Poco...would have been good to see some old friends like Jason, Chris, Matty, and Slivy win it again. Tough luck boys, but great run.

sixfyv said:
Wish i could've been there to witness... no... wait, thats a lie... i dont. I am perfectly happy here in Maui. Dude - it was 27 yesterday... leave the bike at home and bring the sticks instead!!!

Now, on to more important matters...Sixfyv: I'll be bringing the sticks, but I will be riding Sunday and Wednesday afternoon (using one of the local guys' DH rigs). That said, I think that I can golf for sure Tuesday (after some morning surf), possibly Wednesday morning, and possibly Friday morning (after morning surf). I'll have to keep it to one beer per every two holes...can't be too hammered while I'm "working" ;) . Go ahead and book the tee times.
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