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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter September 2007

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Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Jomo, thats the best 45 min I have seen Inter play in a LONG time, and you were not on the park so go figure.

When did Inter become S****horpe United! Get the ball and BOOOM up the park!

Second half DX killed you guys and didnt leave the center circle, your two full backs looked like rookie DBs playing against Peyton Manning.

Best shout of the game Ivan Lee telling me to turn on ch54 to check the score when you were up 2-0, wonder if hes checked the ticker lately.:confused:

Instead of worrying about us worry about your own team and try to find a way to beat us cause what your doing isnt working. We'll gladly take Tino, have fun with Christian the Italian Bomber SWEET signing that was! :eek:

Last time I checked Charles Best was a high school not a tanning salon.

When I left the park, I saw Oranje, sitting on the ground eating Lays Original Flavor chips looking like he lost his dog.

BTW tell your dad hes welcome for the tickets.

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Yesterday was obviously a tough loss to handle. Up 2 - 0 at half and we were controlling the entire game. DX came in and definitely changed the game as he was able to pick people out with great passing. Our team was definitely not as fit and we decided to defend the entire second half.

Clanbus is definitely on a run right now. 3 goals in 15 minutes against us is not good and we must get better. It is week 1 so there is a lot of time to improve.

It was nice to see Tino given the captains armband although I must admit I did not know he was even playing yesterday. Leaving our club b/c he thinks he deserves to play as he is a former Whitecap is sad. He could definitely be an asset although his fitness and commitment level is poor. It is interesting how a week before he leaves us he is ripping all of the Clanbus players and then after he decides to join them. Great team guy I must admit. :confused:

Zenga --didn't Clanbus win the imperial and provincial cup without you???


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
AB, you still dizzy? Felt sorry for you out there I told DX not to pick on you but he didnt listen.

We actually like when your on the pitch, we know what side to attack.

Have you won any thing?


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Dirty Money
To address your excuse filled/whining post Jomo:

First off, I caught part of the game yesterday and thought Clan was full marks for the win. Watching them you just got the feeling they could turn it on at any time.

"The real Italian club": Columbus has Xausa, Zenga, Bellisomo, Tony G, Gino G, Scigs, DeBlasio, Carm, Mollica, Cucca...all full blooded woppers....You guys have much less than that! I think its obvious who the real Italian team is. Columbus has much more history than Inter and has accomplished a lot more than you could ever hope to. You guys are nothing but the New York Rangers. Really just a bunch of posers who are more worried about matching their hair, tape and sock color and looking good. Columbus are real men with character which shows everytime you play them. You guys should just give up cause you'll never beat them! They've beaten you in every big game and will continue to do so as they've got you mentally beat before you step on the pitch.

Great class calling out Cucca...he played on the Caps for 4 years and, therefore, has played at a better level than most of you posers, including yourself! He will help Columbus and it just sounds like sour grapes on your part. You guys have raided players from almost every team and when 1 guy leaves you start crying...be a man and get on with it.

As for Clan's celebrations after whooping you guys, deal with it. I guess we'll never see how you guys would react as you'll never beat them.

DX ripped your sorry backline apart and all they could do was pump it up the park...they showed the composure of a high school girls team when under pressure! If you want to improve, find some better fullbacks.

AnkleBreaker just shutup already you puppet. You're one of those inter "players" with no character. A fair weather player who leaves his mates in tough times...(leaving Indo and Khalsa the years after relegation but we made it up back up anyways without you).

Anyways, just had to vent a little at these "holier than thou" inter guys. you guys really aren't that good.


New Member
Nov 28, 2006
Dirty Money
Scoopy, your a muppet. You're giving credit to a different club with a storied history. Get a history lesson first but I'm happy I got a rise out of you.

Zenga, I thought the write up was fair and I clearly indicated our shortcomings yesterday. No excuses necessary, now get back to work.

Robbie Cairns was still the difference and Tino was a non factor for us last year as much as he was yesterday.

wow, one honest post and the TTP gallery come out to defend the people's team. Isnt' this fun...

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money

Obviously you know a lot about me and I have played with you so why don't you come out and state who you are instead of hiding behind your computer.

BTW..I left Khalsa the year before relegation due to other reasons which you are probably aware of and although Indo are a great bunch of guys...going to training every week with the same 3 guys was not fun. This is why Indian teams have a hard time going anywhere..there is no commitment.

What have you won in your playing days. We never have stated we are a good team. However, everyone keeps talking about us...

Zenga...not as dizzy as you must have felt with all those concussions :) We had chances to finish you guys in the first half but could not. You made a couple of good saves in the first half and we missed a couple of other chances. Our forwards can't seem to figure you out yet. Hopefully next time.

You guys won and it is over...what happended to Clanbus TTP ban...it is over?? I like when you post..makes it interesting reading

On to next week


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Jomo, Fifa or NHL tomorrow?

AB great stuff about the concussions, maybe run me like you boys did and maybe you'll score. TTP ban is still going, but when a teammate gets called out we stand up for eachother.

I have been fined by management for breaking the Columbus no TTP posting, now we have money for chips after the game.


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Dirty Money
but i guess training with 3 guys was ok as long as we were in premier:rolleyes: funny how your desertion coincided with our relegation.

nice slag on "those" indian teams by the way....maybe you better take a look in the mirror bro. you're part of the problem.

this is my last post on the matter dhamidoni........:cool:

prove all the doubters wrong this year. good luck:bronco:

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money

Perhaps you are one of the three that were there every week but it is not a slag...just facts...as a community whether it was Indo or Khalsa everyone wants to come to games and just play...practices consisted of 3 to 5 guys showing up. It is not fun to go train with 3 to 5 guys in the rain if nobody else is there.

Training with 3 guys was not ok..however, leaving a club half way through the season after you make a commitment and sign is worse.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
This is why Indian teams have a hard time going anywhere..there is no commitment.

Definitely have to bring this to practice tomorrow. :D :)


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Second half DX killed you guys and didnt leave the center circle

That is because he could not leave the circle. Still, a skilled player, but he did not make the difference.

When I left the park, I saw Oranje, sitting on the ground eating Lays Original Flavor chips looking like he lost his dog.

I like chips. Maybe you could have come for a chat like some of your teamates, I would have offered the dip too. :D My dog is fine. He is more reliable than most soccer players.

Do you really think that was a performance that would get you anywhere? Don't stop believing. Oh yeah, that was Scigs' 8 track from the parking lot so obviously you have not stopped. Is Steve Perry still alive????


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah we really missed your Euro Dance Trance mix, so we had to make do.

Dont fancy your self too much, I dont think my teammates came over because they wanted to, I think they were parked over on that side.

Double the fine now we can afford our own dip.



Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Yeah we really missed your Euro Dance Trance mix, so we had to make do.

Dont fancy your self too much, I dont think my teammates came over because they wanted to, I think they were parked over on that side.

Double the fine now we can afford our own dip.


I am so great, I am so great, everybody loves me because I am so great...

Just ask me.

Fun group, fines for having a bit of banter. Wow. Gee whiz, like anything anybody says here should motivate anyone else. One should not need a pisstaking to motivate oneself. Pretty weak if that is what it takes.

We'll miss you. Let us know when you have a permission slip to come out to play.

Oh well, back to the dance trance, whatever that is. If I am lucky perhaps I can make Bangra night at Celebrities (wherever that is).


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

....and I thought the tension between Inter and Columbus-Clan was over ....

In the much anticipated match against the team that almost won everything last year ........ etc, etc etc

Looking forward to playing next week and good luck to everyone for the season!

Jomo, now tell us what you really think.

And they say Italians have no heart or passion....




New Member
Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Hey Scoopy1... why are you starting fires with Inter and Ankelbreaker...aren't you the one who usually helps putting fires out:cool:


New Member
Nov 17, 2006
Dirty Money
Jomo, thats the best 45 min I have seen Inter play in a LONG time, and you were not on the park so go figure.

When did Inter become S****horpe United! Get the ball and BOOOM up the park!

Second half DX killed you guys and didnt leave the center circle, your two full backs looked like rookie DBs playing against Peyton Manning.

Best shout of the game Ivan Lee telling me to turn on ch54 to check the score when you were up 2-0, wonder if hes checked the ticker lately.:confused:

Instead of worrying about us worry about your own team and try to find a way to beat us cause what your doing isnt working. We'll gladly take Tino, have fun with Christian the Italian Bomber SWEET signing that was! :eek:

Last time I checked Charles Best was a high school not a tanning salon.

When I left the park, I saw Oranje, sitting on the ground eating Lays Original Flavor chips looking like he lost his dog.

BTW tell your dad hes welcome for the tickets.

To address your excuse filled/whining post Jomo:

First off, I caught part of the game yesterday and thought Clan was full marks for the win. Watching them you just got the feeling they could turn it on at any time.

"The real Italian club": Columbus has Xausa, Zenga, Bellisomo, Tony G, Gino G, Scigs, DeBlasio, Carm, Mollica, Cucca...all full blooded woppers....You guys have much less than that! I think its obvious who the real Italian team is. Columbus has much more history than Inter and has accomplished a lot more than you could ever hope to. You guys are nothing but the New York Rangers. Really just a bunch of posers who are more worried about matching their hair, tape and sock color and looking good. Columbus are real men with character which shows everytime you play them. You guys should just give up cause you'll never beat them! They've beaten you in every big game and will continue to do so as they've got you mentally beat before you step on the pitch.

Great class calling out Cucca...he played on the Caps for 4 years and, therefore, has played at a better level than most of you posers, including yourself! He will help Columbus and it just sounds like sour grapes on your part. You guys have raided players from almost every team and when 1 guy leaves you start crying...be a man and get on with it.

As for Clan's celebrations after whooping you guys, deal with it. I guess we'll never see how you guys would react as you'll never beat them.

DX ripped your sorry backline apart and all they could do was pump it up the park...they showed the composure of a high school girls team when under pressure! If you want to improve, find some better fullbacks.

AnkleBreaker just shutup already you puppet. You're one of those inter "players" with no character. A fair weather player who leaves his mates in tough times...(leaving Indo and Khalsa the years after relegation but we made it up back up anyways without you).

Anyways, just had to vent a little at these "holier than thou" inter guys. you guys really aren't that good.
hey tossers..."form is temporary,class is permanent"....


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
After reading all this I actually miss the I-Tie forums...

We took it in the back-end from Sporting on the counter attack. No spit, straight in.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry Lads......looks like I missed a good one out at Charles Best. Lots of goals and banter here between Inter and Columbus, sounds like the game was a tale of two halves. Columbus have been very lucky and fortunate the past 4 weeks, first to comeback against Hurricanes with 1/2 hour left down 3 buzz in ACBC, and this weekend to score 3 goals in the last 15 minutes against Inter. Guess the old saying is true, "you have to be good to be lucky, or lucky to be good" Good LUCK at Nationals!

"The real Italian club": Columbus has Xausa, Zenga, Bellisomo, Tony G, Gino G, Scigs, DeBlasio, Carm, Mollica, Cucca.
I believe the "real Italian team" plays in the Nations Cup consisting mainly of Columbus and Inter players. After reading this banter, how did they ever co-exist? Someone can correct if I'm wrong, but I don't think Columbus has any of their players left playing on the current team.

Deblasio, Chou, Poli - Westsiders
Gaita x 2, Mollica, Cucca - Inter
Xausa - Metro Ford
Richards, Bellisomo, Quan, Mceachern, King - SFU/Burnaby
Scigliano, D'onofrio - Peg (okay I believe Carm did play Columbus)
Dallapace - Columbus?!?!

Looks like free agency has built a good team in New York....sorry at Columbus.


Herb Jr.

Jun 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey guys...

Herb Jr. here with a brief and boring review of the AFC nad Fireman game....

Fireman 3

Goals for Fireman from Pete Bergholz, Trevor Rosencrantz and Thomo. Hard fought match with both teams shaking off the rust, and Fireman getting the fair result. AFC look to be a depleted team to start with lots of new faces and missing bodies.

My vote for coach of the week has to be the AFC skipper who used all 5 of his subs in the 1st 25 minutes of the match leaving the tired and injured AFC lads without chance for a break.

That's all I got....now....back to the Clan and Inter banter...laced with some Ankle Breaker and Scoopy personal shots.

Someone start with the "yo mama jokes":D
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