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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter February 08'

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Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Watched the second half Indo/Temple - Sapp game yesterday. I was very surprised with the lack of urgency from the Sapp team. Indo/Temple were definitely the better side on the day and deserved to win. Cory was unbelivable in net before he got injured. Hopefully he is ok. Sahil was dangerous and was involved in both goals.

Sad to see Indo/Temple get relegated. The team itself was decent but were clearly missing a true striker especially in the last 6-7 games. A Danny Sankur type would have definitely have given them some much needed scoring power. However, there are not too many Danny S. type players in our league, much less the Indian community.

Next year, it appears that there will be 4-5 Indian teams in Division 1 which should make it interesting.

Mithee Bundha

New Member
Jun 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Yo, Burnsie! Who the fcuk were those chumps in the corner drinking indian tea, watching the indo-sapp game?


I think those guys were just enjoying watching Sikh Temple being relegated for the second consecutive year:wa:….. now that has to be a VMSL record… mind you not many teams get to stay in the same division that they just got kicked out of….
See you next year...Unless Indo management decides they are going to find another partner….

ps.... CS I think you did a hell of a job coaching...... but it's very hard to win more games with two guys who know nothing about the game playing arm chair quaterback... and if you don't believe that then go ask the players who stopped showing up.....


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Arm chair quarterback? Nice one. :D

As for the ones who stopped showing up, that's news to me but thanks for the info. :) I don't recall anyone significant who 'stopped showing up' / packed it in. :confused: I know one player had personal issues and he would have helped us this year but it wasn't to be. Hopefully next year he will try it again. He's a good guy and player when in form.

Good luck against Columbus-Clan. It would be great if Akal and Indo were fortunate enough to win their first Imperial Cup games this year. Wouldn't you agree, Mithee? :)

Mithee Bundha

New Member
Jun 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Good luck against Columbus-Clan. It would be great if Akal and Indo were fortunate enough to win their first Imperial Cup games this year. Wouldn't you agree, Mithee? :)

a very tough task to get by Clan... if that dream second round match happens it would be a great game.

Good luck vs Primo....


Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Sad to see Indo/Temple get relegated. The team itself was decent but were clearly missing a true striker especially in the last 6-7 games. A Danny Sankur type would have definitely have given them some much needed scoring power. However, there are not too many Danny S. type players in our league, much less the Indian community.

I think the addition of Sihail in the last 4 games gave them that goal scorer that they have been missing both this year and last. When you look at any of the top Premier teams they all have 1 guy consistently able to score 8 goals or so year after year. Would things have been different for them if they had him from the beginning of the year? tough to say, but I think so.

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money

I agree with you that things could have been different although I think as teams heard more about this kid, they would pay closer attention to him and not give him as much space as he got. Eitherway, a very good player.


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
Dirty Money
Yo, Burnsie! Who the fcuk were those chumps in the corner drinking indian tea, watching the indo-sapp game?

I guess those chumps were the ones Temple fcukd over...so why not let them join in on the relegation party...I must say you got what you deserved getting relegated from Premier two years in a row, and don't forget that you also got relegated from div 1 to div 2 in the same year...this will probably go down in vmsl history..Glad to see that TEAM INDIA did well Sandman..Even with the big payroll you still couldn't get it done...Now you have the rest of your life to ponder,that when you fcuk people over you actually fcuk yourself...on that note Good luck in Div 1 Indo /Temple or whatever you wanna call yourselves...


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Good luck to Sapperton next year - a quality club/organization that belongs in Premier. They've accomplished a lot - including a recent provincial title...hopefully the core sticks toghether.


PFC 10

New Member
Feb 10, 2008
Dirty Money
hey guys,

all the banter about akal and indo, what do expect, captain you are new to the community. As for me PFC is in div 2 now.

In regards to the dropping to div 1, i think you had a decent team but were lacking in several positions. Defense was not a strong point this year, but your a new coach, u have to try everyone. I think this team would have been better if you had some of the akal guys on your team, no matter how much these two teams hate eachother, you have to admit both teams have quality players. I think Indo management approached this season in the wrong way, back stabbing is not the way to go. This team could have been very good. Captain I don't if u watched Indo play last year but it was more the akal players than Indo holding the team up. Didar was good but why do you think he left, too much drama with indian teams. Look at us (PFC) Temple promised us players, they never came, now were in div 2. we barley had 9 for every game, Peter was our best player! As for the akal guys watching the game G spot, if Indo had done what they did to akal to you guys, you would be wathcing with a smile on your face too!

I like the temple team but u joined the wrong crew, what did u expect from them, they have always had problems,i'm surprised Captain they didn't fire you, like they did to that coach a few years back. Honestly Captain, I don't wanna name names, but u had Indo palyer playing up front that ran with the stick up his a@#. You had quality players goldie, jag,joey why did they leave??? because Indo wanted there guys on the field!!!

overall everyone lost out, no indian team in the premier, bad blood between teams, Sandman u should honestly leave the soccer scene, seems like u are always getting the blame.

tough to say but this is true!:cool:


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
PFC 10,

I've been reading this banter all day, and all I can say is wow!!! Great 1st post. Maybe the most honest and candid 1st post of alltime. Obviously, you have some inside information pertaining to all 4 teams involved (Indo, Temple, Akal and PFC). It really is too bad that Indo got relegated.....no Indian teams in Premier currently (I know the Hurricanes have an outside shot), but it really is unfortunate that we as a community can't field our best team because ego's get in the way.


You did a great job this year with what you had to work with and deal with. All of this banter isn't directed towards you, so don't take it personally. However, my question to you is where will you be next year? with Indo or Ireland:D?



Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Look at us (PFC) Temple promised us players, they never came, now were in div 2. we barley had 9 for every game

It's funny that you say that because the day you guys were submitting your registration forms I happended to be at the office talking with one of the guys from Indo/Temple who happended to run into your manager I presume and an offer was made to send some of their CAT players over, I remember you guys saying you had 25 guys signed that there was no need. What happened to the other 16?

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
I have been reading this banter and, PFC, your post was probably one of the most honest posts I have read today and I agree with most of your comments.

Looking back, the best solution would have been for Indo/Temple/Akal to merge as was the solution 2 years ago but ego's from certain players and management from all 3 clubs did not allow that. Temple had just made it to Premier and deserving wanted to give it a shot on their own. However, combining the three teams would have probably allowed for a much more competitive team on the field as each club had very good players. The problem with our community is that there is so much political shite that goes on behind the scenes. Clearly, what transpired behind the scenes in this situation is stupid. (Indo/Akal merger, Indo/Akal being promoted back to Premier, Indo/Akal staying in Premier in year 1, Temple getting promoted to Premier, Temple getting demoted to Division 1, Indo/Temple merging leaving Akal to go back to Div 1). It is like a soap opera or as the WWF would go similiar to Vince screwing Bret. Management's of different clubs trying to get the best for their particular club (which is fine) but at the same time screwing everyone else (which is not fine).

In the end the biggest losers are those players who just wanted to play competitive amateur soccer. Sad to see...That is my two cents and last post on this matter.

The Big Boot

New Member
Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
It’s interesting to read all the banter when it comes to Indo-Canadian teams. Each Indo-Canadian team seems to wish each other the worst and unfortunately there are individuals who enjoy the process of cutting other teams or guys down on TTP. But I guess that is what TTP is for (I actually thought it was for witty banter, but for the Indian teams it is a forum to rip into each other while hiding behind a computer…but to each their own I guess)

In regards to Indo-Temple (ICST), I am sorry to see the guys go down. Contrary to what some people may say on this forum, these guys are a fantastic group of guys, both Indo and Temple. (Although I don’t know any club that wouldn’t say their group isn’t a great bunch) In my opinion, over the last many years, Indo has earned respect within the VMSL for Indo-Canadian soccer, not only with opposing teams and clubs, but also with the players in the league. I’m sure many of the non Indo-Canadian players would probably agree with me. Temple is a team that has been in the VMSL for over 20 years and has worked towards getting to premier for so many years and has achieved that goal (albeit a short stint). Good on them for not giving up! It’s just too bad that they weren’t able to get over the hump in premier to stay up together. Some will argue with me and others will say I am probably biased, but the guys running the show at ICST this year were quality guys. I’m sure Captain Shamrock would agree! ;)

What bothers me is how a guy like Sandman, (who in my mind is truly a quality guy and a stand up guy) has been treated by many “haters” over the last year. Some may not agree with him for some of the tough decisions he has had to make on behalf of Indo over the last few years, but it is a fcucken disgrace how he has been treated this year. Be it through ttp monikers like “sandwoman”, or even worse the non-stop and relentless prank calls through out the year, or to straight up physical threats! The immaturity was and is at preposterous levels and is an embarrassment to all indo-canadians soccer players.

Can the Indian teams ever get along? Probably not. Can I understand one team enjoying the defeats of another? Yes I can. Would the three team merger ever work as AB suggests? I doubt it. Do the people who are writing info about the merger or the failed mergers actually know what they are talking about. In most instances, NO! Will another indo-canadian team make it back up? In time I know one team will. Will it always be a soap opera? Fcuk I hope not.

I do hope the core of ICST stick together as it has the foundation and simply needs to add some pieces to the squad to try to make it back up. I think at some point the players need to understand that although they can break off and play for other competitive teams it is important to prove to soccer community that an Indian run organization can work and be successful and that we can play at the highest community levels, but the players need to believe in that and need to want to be a part of making that happen. I also hope that individuals like Dave Morris, Drew Smiley, Kyle McDiarmid, Stephen Burns and others who have played with Indo, Temple or in fact other Indo Canadian teams over the years will be able to say to their friends that we are not run like a fcuken circus and it was a fun and enjoyable experience.

This is a topic that we have killed, pulled out of the grave, shot it again a few more times, but the fcuken thing doesn’t die. Too all you idiots out there, say your peace once and for all and move on...enough is enough!!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
You had quality players goldie, jag,joey why did they leave??? because Indo wanted there guys on the field!!!

In regards to each of the players you mentioned.....I've already discussed one of them in an earlier post.....one didn't work hard enough defensively and one didn't want to work for his position. Is that enough for you? I had nothing against any of the guys personally and still don't but you weren't at every practice and you didn't see who was there and wasn't there.......of the 3 you mentioned, one player decided to play 1CAT and one player decided to stop playing for reasons not related to football. One decided to transfer because he wasn't being played where he wanted. That's life and I don't regret anything at this point, other than the fact we didn't win more games that I felt we deserved to win. It was a great experience for me and I enjoyed the challenge this year. I'm really hoping like the rest of the boys, for a good Imperial Cup run. We'll see if we have everyone available......

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
PFC 10,

I've been reading this banter all day, and all I can say is wow!!! Great 1st post. Maybe the most honest and candid 1st post of alltime. Obviously, you have some inside information pertaining to all 4 teams involved (Indo, Temple, Akal and PFC). It really is too bad that Indo got relegated.....no Indian teams in Premier currently (I know the Hurricanes have an outside shot), but it really is unfortunate that we as a community can't field our best team because ego's get in the way.


You did a great job this year with what you had to work with and deal with. All of this banter isn't directed towards you, so don't take it personally. However, my question to you is where will you be next year? with Indo or Ireland:D?


I don't take anything personally except losing. :(

As for next year, this year isn't over yet so I can't comment on anything. :) We still have a chance to win Provincials. :D ;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It’s interesting to read all the banter when it comes to Indo-Canadian teams. Each Indo-Canadian team seems to wish each other the worst and unfortunately there are individuals who enjoy the process of cutting other teams or guys down on TTP. But I guess that is what TTP is for (I actually thought it was for witty banter, but for the Indian teams it is a forum to rip into each other while hiding behind a computer…but to each their own I guess)

In regards to Indo-Temple (ICST), I am sorry to see the guys go down. Contrary to what some people may say on this forum, these guys are a fantastic group of guys, both Indo and Temple. (Although I don’t know any club that wouldn’t say their group isn’t a great bunch) In my opinion, over the last many years, Indo has earned respect within the VMSL for Indo-Canadian soccer, not only with opposing teams and clubs, but also with the players in the league. I’m sure many of the non Indo-Canadian players would probably agree with me. Temple is a team that has been in the VMSL for over 20 years and has worked towards getting to premier for so many years and has achieved that goal (albeit a short stint). Good on them for not giving up! It’s just too bad that they weren’t able to get over the hump in premier to stay up together. Some will argue with me and others will say I am probably biased, but the guys running the show at ICST this year were quality guys. I’m sure Captain Shamrock would agree! ;)

What bothers me is how a guy like Sandman, (who in my mind is truly a quality guy and a stand up guy) has been treated by many “haters” over the last year. Some may not agree with him for some of the tough decisions he has had to make on behalf of Indo over the last few years, but it is a fcucken disgrace how he has been treated this year. Be it through ttp monikers like “sandwoman”, or even worse the non-stop and relentless prank calls through out the year, or to straight up physical threats! The immaturity was and is at preposterous levels and is an embarrassment to all indo-canadians soccer players.

Can the Indian teams ever get along? Probably not. Can I understand one team enjoying the defeats of another? Yes I can. Would the three team merger ever work as AB suggests? I doubt it. Do the people who are writing info about the merger or the failed mergers actually know what they are talking about. In most instances, NO! Will another indo-canadian team make it back up? In time I know one team will. Will it always be a soap opera? Fcuk I hope not.

I do hope the core of ICST stick together as it has the foundation and simply needs to add some pieces to the squad to try to make it back up. I think at some point the players need to understand that although they can break off and play for other competitive teams it is important to prove to soccer community that an Indian run organization can work and be successful and that we can play at the highest community levels, but the players need to believe in that and need to want to be a part of making that happen. I also hope that individuals like Dave Morris, Drew Smiley, Kyle McDiarmid, Stephen Burns and others who have played with Indo, Temple or in fact other Indo Canadian teams over the years will be able to say to their friends that we are not run like a fcuken circus and it was a fun and enjoyable experience.

This is a topic that we have killed, pulled out of the grave, shot it again a few more times, but the fcuken thing doesn’t die. Too all you idiots out there, say your peace once and for all and move on...enough is enough!!!

Can't argue with ANY of this. Big Boot, you're spot on. It has been a very enjoyable experience coaching the boys this year and I've said that many times to friends in passing. I hated the results as much as the players did and wanted nothing more than the team to succeed. Unfortunately, things didn't bounce our way this year but the guys I've worked with have been nothing less than top notch on and off the park. It really is a shame that there are so many 'splits' in the Indian community because if the groups were able to get it together, there would be very few teams out there who would be better. I'm very positive about that.

How does ICSTCI sound for next year? :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Not that I haven't enjoyed reading about the soap opera that is Indian Football, but...

1 West Van FC 'A' 19 11 3 5 38 22 36
2 Firefighters FC 19 8 5 6 29 27 29
3 ICSF Inter 16 8 3 5 24 18 27
4 Columbus-Clan FC 16 7 3 6 32 21 24
5 Delta Metro Blaze 16 6 5 5 15 17 23
6 AFC Leopards 'A' 18 5 3 10 23 54 18
7 Sapperton Rovers 'A' 19 3 6 10 20 29 15

Inter still has a chance to tie (in points) for first in the Side A standings... with three games remaining against Sporting, Columbus-Clan, and Surrey... I can only assume that WV will keep top spot, though... considering they won BOTH head to head matches.

Sapperton is officially relegated... and AFC will have a playoff against either Westside or Metro Ford GoWestside


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
If Firefighters have already played 19 games, how can Inter have one of their remaining games against them? :confused:
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