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[VMSL Masters] Banter/Results - Nov & Dec 2006

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Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results


By way of clarification, you are almost correct with your sartorial advice (actually not bad for a guy who rides a bike, wears a spilly talker sweater and those rib rider shorts).

The correct advice is:

Do not wear white shoes after labour day, unless of course you are a bride's maid.

Also, guys, never wear a shiny jacket, shirt or pants, unless you are an astronaut.

Skanky CDMTC Blonde has those excellent white boots that are scraped on the heel from havin a smoke drivin the camaro.

Her motto: "when we win, we smoke, when we smoke we drink, and when we drink, we drive!"


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Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

On the way home to the Wall Centre the other night (after partying with half the VPD outside the Trap and Gill -- I didn't know you guys carried automatic weapons), I noticed that the Air Canada girls' official uniform is white boots. No wonder the new found fascination with white, boots, smoking and camaros.

Wear white if you must... we will break out the red and black (all the better for sneaking around in the dark.) Just don't blame me if Purdy keeps asking your guys if they want to party.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Skanky CDMTC Blonde

Isn't she on the West Van farce?

J: of course the VPD don't have automatic weapons. Those were Fisheries officers. Fish are quite dangerous, you know. Just ask Hanno. He'll tell you.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results


Wickham vs West Van
Inter vs PCOV - Tie (Inter on 4 ties in a row)
BRM vs Sapperton
Firemen vs Idiots Alumni
Westside vs Metro Ford - Tie
SFU vs Columbus


Cross-over Records so far:

Side A (W - T - L)

Sapperton 3-0-0
MF 1-1-2
WestVan 1-1-1
PCOV 1-2-1
Columbus 1-1-1
Idiots 0-1-2

Side B (W-L-T)

BRM 4-0-0
Westside 2-1-0
Inter 0-0-3
Firemen 0-0-3
Wickham 0-2-1
SFU 0-4-0


Side A has 7 wins 7 ties for 28 points
Side B has 6 wins 7 ties for 25 points

Pretty close for "Which side is tougher" arguements!


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

maybe another way to look at it would be to eliminate the top and bottom teams from each side and compare the rest head to head...for example the A side all have one win but are they all against sfu?

We've played some skilled teams this year and some hard working teams but not too many with both qualities at the same time. Although we haven't lost we very easily could have lost a few (Columbus pissed on us for 25 mins)...we've had some good breaks to get an undefeated record and have been getting good numbers out which helps a lot in this league. From the other side, I expected more out of West Van and MF to be honest.
Just heard our home field is closed so the SAP-SU match up will have to wait.

next week we play in Richmond on fri night...suggestions for post game pinting festivities?


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Aves said:
Just heard our home field is closed so the SAP-SU match up will have to wait.

Aves - is that all the grass fields at Cloverdale or just the lower two? Help a fellow SU-er out here...:)

Hey - now that the women's Premier side has won three provincial cups in a row and a National title, can we share in the BRM title? ;)

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Aves said:
We've played some skilled teams this year and some hard working teams but not too many with both qualities at the same time. From the other side, I expected more out of West Van and MF to be honest.

OK thats it...

Well yes it is 5pm but the team has spoken..............

Could you please kindly take West Van out of the Sir M Power Rankings!

Simply put here Aves! The Van F F ranked 8th is disgusting!!!!!

They have won one game man and shite the bed in the Westerns............................................................................................Yes they beat us and then we beat them, and then they beat you, and then they tied you didn't they Aves! And then we tied them too, so there!!!!!!!!!!

Go on with your rankings man but to have that team ranked above us now is simply a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aves........................two years before that we beat that other Surrey team who won the BCs a couple of years ago didnt we!!

8th place ..............come on man!

We lost two games this year to MF and you do you realize that our whole last years midfield were kayaking off Newfoundland painting an iceberg man!!! and

VAN B side Metro league leader Boys continue to strut

Yes, Surrey U made us boys look like a waste of time out there on last Sunday and still you toot you leagues horn.

Who has won the B.C,'S over the last five years here man, well OK you did but that was like three years ago........... come on man!!!!!

We have only been around for a while now, but to have us ranked lower than most of your league is simply a joke!

Come on Aves to slag.............Metro Ford like that ...... No offence Francis but for gods sake earn your rankings!

10 th spot after losing six or more if you count the Provincials games in four years..........

Surrey U is spot on for number one big man..........But tenth spot for a team that goes head to head with them every time......................................................................

One win ..............Fireman number eight......What a Joke!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we the best ???????No

But your tenth place ranking is now being called out to what it simply is......................A joke!

Skanky CDMTC Blonde

New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Sir M said:

By way of clarification, you are almost correct with your sartorial advice (actually not bad for a guy who rides a bike, wears a spilly talker sweater and those rib rider shorts).

The correct advice is:

Do not wear white shoes after labour day, unless of course you are a bride's maid.

Also, guys, never wear a shiny jacket, shirt or pants, unless you are an astronaut.

Skanky CDMTC Blonde has those excellent white boots that are scraped on the heel from havin a smoke drivin the camaro.

Her motto: "when we win, we smoke, when we smoke we drink, and when we drink, we drive!"


I can read you know! (even though my motto in hi school was why do the homework when you can do the teacher).. But PLEEAAASE Boney M, a Camaro:eek: I havent been in a camaro since 86 when that sexy Rob from 15th was in me! (just kidding!!)

But listen here you big SNOB in case you havent noticed its a RANGEROVER not a CAMERO Helllooo have you ever heard of DIVORCE SETTLEMENT! I may even take a little johnt down to Griffin to watch the pegausus (or should I say that little hottie and my neighbour Jonnie Clemente) tonite since you hotties are up in my neighbourgood! Although I may get pretty wet that its embarassing out there! Is antyfan in his fort still in this weather?

Bye boys kiss kiss...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Speaking of Jua, where is he these days? Is he still on the WV squad ?!?!?


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Sir M said:
OK thats it...

...........................................................................................Yes they beat us and then we beat them, and then they beat you, and then they tied you didn't they Aves! And then we tied them too, so there!!!!!!!!!!

sorry Sir M...us suburbian white picket valley boys ain't into that kinky uptown kinda stuff . You must have me mistaken for them Ranger vmsl-wannabe fellas. ;)
...or perhaps Ballbaby.:D

bmr-ettes and their boytoys: only heard the lower two fields were closed.

I'll be setting up a Lions tailgater in Langley.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

Sir M said:
OK thats it...

Well yes it is 5pm but the team has spoken..............

Could you please kindly take West Van out of the Sir M Power Rankings!

Simply put here Aves! The Van F F ranked 8th is disgusting!!!!!

They have won one game man and shite the bed in the Westerns............................................................................................Yes they beat us and then we beat them, and then they beat you, and then they tied you didn't they Aves! And then we tied them too, so there!!!!!!!!!!

Go on with your rankings man but to have that team ranked above us now is simply a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aves........................two years before that we beat that other Surrey team who won the BCs a couple of years ago didnt we!!

8th place ..............come on man!

We lost two games this year to MF and you do you realize that our whole last years midfield were kayaking off Newfoundland painting an iceberg man!!! and

VAN B side Metro league leader Boys continue to strut

Yes, Surrey U made us boys look like a waste of time out there on last Sunday and still you toot you leagues horn.

Who has won the B.C,'S over the last five years here man, well OK you did but that was like three years ago........... come on man!!!!!

We have only been around for a while now, but to have us ranked lower than most of your league is simply a joke!

Come on Aves to slag.............Metro Ford like that ...... No offence Francis but for gods sake earn your rankings!

10 th spot after losing six or more if you count the Provincials games in four years..........

Surrey U is spot on for number one big man..........But tenth spot for a team that goes head to head with them every time......................................................................

One win ..............Fireman number eight......What a Joke!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we the best ???????No

But your tenth place ranking is now being called out to what it simply is......................A joke!
I'm not one to quote posts, but that was pretty bloody good. :D I guess even though the old are slow, forgetful, dangerous behind the wheel and a general drain on society they do still serve a small purpose.

Thanks for the reminder Sir M.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Regs, Jua is awaiting knee surgery, it shouldn't be too bad, maybe a month after he gets it done he will be back, I think he will have it done within the next week or two. He, along with quite a few others have yet to play a game for us this year, although tonight Stevie Mac suited up for the first time and is getting very close.

Tonights North Shore Derby result was West Van 5, and Wickham 0.

Danny Vaughan scored 4 goals in the first 40 minutes.


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

You would think that after a couple we would figure it out, its not like he's a mystery to us North Shore types. I do think someone should check his toes though...

A rare start at forward led back into goal for the second half to relieve a shell-shocked Loungo -- and if it couldn't get any worse, had my arm broken on a collision trying to clear a low cross. Volleyed by my own player, but the resulting "nightstick fracture" sounds suspiciously VPD inflicted. I think Sir M might have slipped one to Brolly, he was running like he had something down his shorts...

See you all in January. Rats.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results


As long as it's not your drinking arm you'll be okay. Guess you're relegated to Saturdays and Wednesdays with the rest of the geezers now...:D

Doesn't Brolly always run like that?

Sir M: Have there been any sightings of Jua's brother Gino and his magic thumb lately? Lost touch with the guy ages ago...

Two weeks in a row without a Sunday game - I'll have to go back to Saturdays too. I'm losing too much weight...:rolleyes:



Aug 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Trece Verde...at least you can say "you haven't lost in 2 weeks"


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Trece yeah Gino is still around, I run into him from time to time. We grew up together, but he was never the soccer player his younger brother is. Jua is one of my all time favourites.

Gino always had a crazy side to him, but always a really good guy in the neighbourhood.

We are all pretty tight up here in case you haven't noticed. And few of us leave.

And the women?...well they are all sisters.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

For a second I thought you were gonna say the women were all tight up there as well.



New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Tight sisters, nice.


Talk to Giovanni, for a litre of homemade wine he'll fix you up on the winning side. Marchello was in the Dominican for two Saturdays, so no peanuts, Papa Johns raised their pizza prices, a distinct lack of birthdays in October, and Hanno has a job -- I'm skin and bones! Come to Saturdays and bring food. Please.

FYI, since we are in the Legends thread...Jimmy Jackson's service is Wednesday.

Getting a plate in my wing tomorrow, maybe I'll be ready to suit up next Sat? Wild horses and all that... plinking for sure.

Skanky CDMTC Blonde

New Member
May 18, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: VMSL Masters November 2006 Banter/Results

Regs said:
For a second I thought you were gonna say the women were all tight up there as well.


Give me strength, (ha ha).

And Coleman J I could not understand your massage, maybe it was a code or... WHATEVER.

I like yor name though its cute it reminds me of my cooler up at the Merrit Mountain music festival! :knvb: (this isnt me im a way better dancer)

Bye boys! smooch smooch:)

(2cute2B4gotten;) ).
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