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Premier VMSL free agency period

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Kalsa/Pac96ers

Originally posted by whataboutbob
If you amalgamate the Nashville Preditors and the Minnisota Wild, you still end up with a shite team.

That is funny Wab, but Khalsa has a very strong team in the PCSL this year, with many of the Khalsa players playing for the 96ers in the Winter.
The joining of these two teams scares me actually, when you think about the amount of money both these clubs have, and the players that they can attract with that money. Remember the days of Boot Allowences, Free Beer, Paid road trips, and Nice Kit every year. Money could help to attract strong Vancouver players.

Side Note, Victoria is once again Top of the League in the PCSL, and the VISL has the B.C. champs two years in a row. What is going on, on the Island that we don't know about.
I think they have kept their top leagues small and more competitive, so that all Island soccer is stronger.

HOS wants a change in the VMSL, change from 14 teams back to 10 teams, and bring the B.C.'s back to the VMSL.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

Our CAT team could sure use a keeper!

When you get home from the parade Sunday, give us a call.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Weather Channel?


What the hell are you doing watching the weather channel in the middle of the day anyway?:)


New Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Khalsa 96ers


My point exactly. Between the two sides, they do have some excellent players and a LOT of money. This is why I think the team sounds good (or the potential to be good). Whether it works out or not is a different story but I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if they did well this season.


Actually, I don't think Khalsa bought the spot outright. Instead they have combined with the 96ers but it will be Khalsa management who are calling the shots.:eek:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: HOS could wear HOOPS in Richmond or Backstop Sap CAT

Originally posted by Reccos
Our CAT team could sure use a keeper!

When you get home from the parade Sunday, give us a call.

Word on the street is that Khalsa has joined/bought/taken-over/emalgimated with P.Diddy 96ers.

The official name of the team next year will be Want to Kill Matt Damon Khalsa96ers;)

I don't think that the league or anyone should have a problem with this, because Khalsa has no part of the VMSL, and Surrey F.C. did the same thing with N.S. Pegasus a few years ago.
I don't think there is a problem with buying a team, as long as they remain in the same division and league.

One to the big move, that has some big player moves that go with it, could see a huge one two punch of the bigman Didar coming up huge behind the solid Benji (no pun intended, even thou Benji put 5 past me in I-tal league).

This sure adds alot of intrest to the premier league and the movement of players that may or maynot takeplace in the next month.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Khalsa 96ers

Now that is an interesting thought - the 96ers and Khalsa. Swords and kirpans. What a combo!

HOS: Hey, be careful where you are putting those lips Sunday!!!!
Is the grail some mystical sort of thing that you find at a parade of a certain sort?


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Khalsa 96ers

Originally posted by Reccos

HOS: Hey, be careful where you are putting those lips Sunday!!!!

Update on the parade, it is a fabulous day in the west end, just don't bend over to pick up your garbage.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Khalsa 96ers, with Parm at the Helm

Originally posted by yowen

Instead they have combined with the 96ers but it will be Khalsa management who are calling the shots.:eek:

I have played for Parm in the past and it was a good experience, I think that the 96ers are going to surprise a few teams this year, on the same level that Sapperton did when they entered the league 10 years ago. I also think the ACM is going to be alot stronger than people think, making the relegation POOL any ones game this year.

I say that it Croatia's year to be relegated, and mabey even Slurrey, they were shite in the PCSL this year.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: are you on drugs!!!

Originally posted by over the top
What makes you think Croatia will get relegated???
Been smokin the crackpipe buddy??????:D

Hate to bring this up, but alot of Croatian footballers play for Khalsa in the summer now that the croat's don't play in the pcsl anymore.

I don't think there is the loyalty to certain clubs that there was in the past.

Side Note: rumours Pegasus keeper going to FireMem, MF striker going to Inter, PEG defender going to HOOPS.


real player

Not Bright
Aug 6, 2002
Dirty Money
what about bob !! sounds like you are very jelous and envious and considering you are a Sapperton Rover I can certainly understand the jelousy and envy that must be burning inside you since Sapperton foolishly tried to forge an alliance with Khalsa a couple of years ago but were unsuccessful cause B. Weavers the all star rugby player turned amateur soccer player was too selfish ! By the way Sapperton had 22 players come out and did they actually last through Weavers selfish egotistical ranting and ridiculass practice for furniture repairmen !!

You SAP's should have the usual boring , uninspired , tragically boring hack infested butchering type team you have always had.... oh did'nt Parm score some game winners for you guys a couple of years ago, quite a feat considering the majortity of your team is over 35 and are all bum buddies with b. Weavers, and are horribly white in complexion with no creative ability at all with the ball.......Sapperton would hammer the ALL BLACKS IN RUGBY !


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Real Player,
ridiculass practice for furniture repairmen
The way you spell, maybe you should come over to SAP, because for a dim-witted, uneducated moron, this will be your best chance at a future career (bum buddies at no extra charge).

As for B. Wevers (note the spelling), a.k.a. WAB, being too selfish when it came to an alliance with Parm and Khalsa. Where do you get off? Bitterness runs deep inside you, little man. This is such old hat, but I'll bite.

With all due respect to Parm and Khalsa, Parm never lived up to what he promised. He promised to bring at least 5 players to the club but he only managed to bring 1 - himself. "Thanks for coming out, Parm. The club is yours!" Ya, right!

The last time I looked, SAP belonged to its founders and players. We make the decisions. Nobody is going to come to this club for 2 months and take over. Not Khalsa, not Explorers, not Firemen.

real player

Not Bright
Aug 6, 2002
Dirty Money
Well WHAT ABOUT BOB !!! you should know one thing that absolutely no one and I mean know one from Khalsa and anything to do with Sapperton cause believe me Parm tried his best to convince people that B. WEVERS is a good guy and knows how to run a team and no one bought into that so I would'nt blame him or the club I would look inwards at how you guys have operated .......by the way I believe Parm was a man of his word cause he followed through with his intentions to help.......but no one soccer player in the lower mainland could be convinced that the Sapperton Rovers would make the appropiate changes and get rid of B. Wevers bum buddies ....who all must be at least 40 by now, some CROATS were interested but could not be convinced along with the Mori brothers that Sapperton would be an open atmosphere for growth, by the way these are my observations and things I heard in no way to I speak for Parm or Khalsa , as far as I think he must have had incredible amounts of patience and a open mind to leave CROATIA for the ROVERS: But I have to admit it was quite intimidating to see Parm, K. Hearns and yes even B. Wevers on the pitch, I would'nt want to get into a tackle with either of them !!! Anyways don't take digs out of petty jealousy boys cause it will always backfire !!! HAVE A GREAT SEASON !!!


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
What Croats play for Khalsa other than the Marcina brothers?

Just wondering who may be thinking of leaving...:(

real player

Not Bright
Aug 6, 2002
Dirty Money
Well from what I know Darko Jelic, Tomaslav Babic , Randy Celebrini and the Marcina brothers all play for Khalsa......I don't believe anyone of them will leave Croatia, however Randy Celebrini could possibly make a move......but anyways Croatia will be strong this year I have faith in the young guns of Hrvatska !!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
My Kind?????

No room for growth and other players???? WTF

We have always been open to new players, so I'll ignore all that. I'll tell you a story, Real Player. When Parm was around, after 1 training session, 1 young defender that came out told me that he was going to play with Indo because they were "his kind". That doesn't sound like a guy looking to see if he fits in with the team, but rather if he fits in with the ethnic makeup of the team. WTF?????? If this is the reason why some players didn't come to SAP, then it is obvious that they, not SAP, have problems. As for the Mori's. Matt played with us 2 years later. He very rarely showed up to practice, but obviously we were cramping his "growth". :rolleyes:

If you want to see and talk about SAP for yourself, come on out to a SAP training session and get the real story.

By the way. Are you still jealous about being in Div. 1?:eek:

As for the ages of SAP. Our roster consists of players from 19 to 35. If you want to talk age, look at PEG and Westside.:eek:

I will leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Realplayer - a load of bullshite

Other than your comment about the hacking that some undertalented Premier players are guilty of, most of what you are saying here is complete rubbish!

Anyone who has played the game at the professional level has a better sense of appreciation of the game (at all levels) and the players than you seem to have. You say you are a superstar here but fail to say who you are? What are you afraid or something? Perhaps you should be given how much shite you have been pedalling.

I can attest to what Sapperton is like from having moved my entire team there last season. There hasn't been a situation yet where any of the players wondered why we did it or if we should continue with what we have been doing as part of Sapperton.

The players including Bryan Wevers are all good guys who get along, play hard and work together. Bryan really is the heart and soul of the club and he works tirelessly for the benefit of all. Why would you be attacking him with such a frigging lame story about some guys who were going there but didn't?

Realplayer: a lot of guys might not like all the people at Sapperton but you are alone in how you describe the club and people. Prior to our team voting to join Sapperton, there were Premier players from other teams telling our guys how good the Sapperton group were from a players point of view. We have yet to have it proven otherwise.

I am not sure if all Premier teams used their CAT team players regularly but in every league game last year there were CAT players in the Premier team line up and vice versa. In fact, I recall the Premier guys (Bryan Wevers) lining the CAT field for home games. For what it is worth, a look at how Sapperton operates.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Realplayer - a load of bullshite

Originally posted by Reccos
In fact, I recall the Premier guys (Bryan Wevers) lining the CAT field for home games.

WAB is very good about these kinds of things. This past I-Tie season, WAB was the head of alcoholic and carbonated beverage security for the Abruzzo Soccer Club. His duties included parking his ass on the cooler for the entire summer, and intense cheerleading. There is no telling where that lid might have ended up if WAB wasn't so dedicated to the cause, or tried something drastic, like participating in one of Abruzzo's matches.

Thus, I would have to agree with Reccos that Wevers is an excellent team guy who is willing to do anything to further his club, both on the field and off it.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Plus, if WAB got a hold of realplonker it would be the chunger of the year!!!:D

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