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Premier VMSL 2002/03 Premier League Results

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Change his name Regs, He is no Longer Coach

Originally posted by coachk
seen your short ball game....better go back to the long one

You are now just "k" to me. As for long ball vs. short ball, just ask the Fiji Flash how I feel about short ball in my end of the park, I snaped on friday night. If you can have the ball in the other teams end, you are making me happy.
A team can only score on you if the ball is in your end, and with the poor quality of guys first touch and add in shiit fields, you get many turn overs that can end up in the back of the net.



New Member
Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Knotty, my comments are getting weaker? you still have not replied to the core issue of my comments, all you do is attack me personally, please stop, you're hurting my feelings man!!!!

Your lack of insight to form an educated opinion on the game itself is quite apparent. (should i translate that for you?) or are you still busy chizzling the concrete off your shoes?

You're that fcken stupid that you didn't even notice that I was actually prasising your team in alot of ways, I just don't agree with the way you guys play. If you want to continue and make stupid idiot comments, well then, I just won't waste my time.

Hands of Stone, are you trying to tell me that Westside played long balls when they were winning championships? You must be confused with the Deep Cove Royals, their jerseys were the same color.

As for Knotty, look forward to another one of your stupid comments.

This was fun while it lasted, I'm out!

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Notty, It is quite clear that tps is just knocking your style of play. I think you are making this issue a bit bigger than it really is. You have not responded to any of his comments with anything but b.s. You guys are a good team in the VMSL but it is pretty easy for you to slag a first year team who is just trying to stay afloat. It is true that without Argentina , ACM would be going down but thats life. BBY has alot of skill in the middle of the field and are quick and could probably be more effective if they played the ball out of there a bit more but they get results and thats all that counts.

Good Luck Cement Shoes.....


New Member
Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Apprentice, you are the voice of reason! Could not have said it better myself.

O.k. I'm really out now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sap vs Surrey U

KNVB writes:
It's been such a long time since Sapperton last won.....

Knob, we're 4-1-1 in our last 6 (too bad we were 1-5 in our first 6), but let's look at the facts:

Sapperton 5 wins
Slurrey 5 wins

You get to play the Argies twice (everyone on Side A)
Side A vs Side B Head to Head 5 - 5 - 2
We play the winless Argies 2 times
You play the winless Croats 2 times
We play 2-game-winner Milan 2 times
You play 2-game-winner Sportstown 2 times


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Lets get Besty's or K's view on this Issue

Originally posted by tps
Hands of Stone, are you trying to tell me that Westside played long balls when they were winning championships? You must be confused with the Deep Cove Royals, their jerseys were the same color.

If you went and watched any of these teams play when they were winning these championships, you would have seen the style, Loooong Ball!
You may not be old enough to have gotten out to those games.
All of these teams had very good mid-field players, but a big part of thier game was to win knock-downs and 50-50 balls, and then defend thier assses off.

The only other team that had success during the 90's that didn't consistently play Long Ball is Pegasus, and even that team would use the long ball if they did not have the time to play out of the back or mid-field.

Perhaps ACM would have a little more success in the Premier this year if they played more conservitivly.
The Capitals can play, it shows when they have played on the Turf, but they do not take any chances when thye are under pressure, that is why they give up so few goals with keepers like HOS playing with them in the past.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Sap vs MightKhalsa

Originally posted by whataboutbob
We play the winless Argies 2 times
You play the winless Croats 2 times
We play 2-game-winner Milan 2 times
You play 2-game-winner Sportstown 2 times

Give me a break WAB, at least Croatia has given teams a game, and Sportstoon has tied many of the top teams in the league.

Your lot is playing teams that don't even give you much of a game. The Argies are an absolute joke in this league, and ACM has been competitive, but they have not been tieing anyone like Sportstoon has.

Your side is much weaker, but you can think how you like.

OK, ya we did get to play lowly slurrey twice, by the way we shut them out both times, but that is only one weak team on our side.




Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Just an observation from a lowly Div 1 player that has played many a friendly vs good Premier sides................

We are a team that has good skill but are too often to thick to be direct and thus want to play everywhere on the park! Vs the brutal teams it doesn't matter as you can usually out score them and make the game seem easy. But vs decent teams if you constantly play around in the back and the middle of the park, you'll lose 9 tiems out of 10! This is usually why we don't have ANY success vs these teams in our friendly's and why we have yet to be promoted but are always considered a contender at the start of the year:(

If any team in the entire league were good enough to play a complete possesion style they wouldn't be playing in this league! Factor in the time of year we play in and the general state of parks at this time of year and you get a looooooong ball game.

I am sure that Bby and many other teams would prefer to play that way but at the end of the day it is the result that matters and why we play right???????????



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Play it Around!

Columbus from the 80's. Great team, great skill. This is where tpp (top physical....ehem...shape) watched his brother grow up playing and winning. This was some of the best soccer ever played in BC. So you can see where tpp's point of view comes from.

Notty started with the shite QPR teams and the Firemen....so you can see where he is coming from. Both styles have been successful.

But on the world stage, the skilled game wins out 9 times out of 10. Brazil, France, Italy, Holland and the likes. England, Ireland, Scotland will never have a hope in hell of winning anything. Germany was the only exception. But they had heart and determination like no other (mixed in with some awesome strikers and a few great mids over the years).

And please, don't start refering to a study done at UBC in the 80s about how the long ball wins games. The sample was made up of the EPL teams and lower divisions.


New Member
Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
I think you guys might me misinterpreting this "long ball" thing. I am not saying that long balls have not been part of any successfull team, don't take long ball literally. Any good team diversifies their attack, whether it is long ball or short game, you have to play the best option, and sometimes that means knocking a 30 or 40 yard ball, nothing wrong with that. What is wrong though is when a team almost bypasses midfield entirely, and uses 40 yard balls as the central component of their system, especially when the team has good players that you can play throgh in mid-field and upfront.

On sunday's game between ACM vs BBY, I never once saw a BBY forward show in the channell, get the ball to feet and play back into midfield, and then turn and get again in the space, not once. Everything was in the air and flicked on or pumped in from center into ACM mixer. What happened to switching the ball, knocking it wide and playing forwards into space for a cross.

It is this style of game that will always win in the end. A great example are the Germans, they play the perfect blend of possession, direct, and composed soccer.

Hands of Stone, I am that old, and don't be fooled in thinking that Firemen in their heyday were not skilled, they played a "direct" style of game which included toughness, skill, etc... Their midfielders were great players. Don't confuse "direct play" with "long ball" type soccer, there is a difference

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
My point Exactly

Originally posted by whataboutbob

Are you talking about the 2 - buzz drubbing in the Provincial Cup against Sap last year.:eek:

If you recall that game, all the Looong Ball boys were hurt or on the bench. Notty was playing hurt, Millar was hurt and on the bench, and HOS had hurt feelings on the bench.

All three love Long Balls.

As for the FireMen teams, I did not say they were not skilled, but just look at the field that they chose to play on, Clinton Park, if you did not play long and muck it up, you lost.


cerebral smallsy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2002
Dirty Money

really? i thought it was pretty good....still havin' a bit of a chuckle.
i do agree though, time to hit the hay again. although makes for a tough night's sleep after shitin the bed the last two weeks.:(

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