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The Un-official TTP Christmas Gathering.

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It's all about angles. It really is. It was a decent night and I am happy that I went to piss in the women's washroom.......

It was nice to meet Demolition and most importantly, nice to make fun of Ballbaby's shirt. Special Olympics were calling and they want their shirt back. Your wife even thought the shirt was a shoc-king choice at the end of the night. I know my track pants and Emerald Soccer Academy sweat shirt were weak BUT there was worse kit than that present. Did anyone see Guinness's shoc-king Canucks' jersey? CRAP.



New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
ok , someone help me... I reduce it on photoshop to fit 25k by reducing the size and res. but it shows up on my computer as 1/2 the size (12k) after posting it...thereby making it smaller than needed I guess...what's the best way to make it fit without making it too small?

enquiring 1 am minds need to know...but I think it can wait 'til the morning:rolleyes: :)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
How convenient. I was just about to roast knvb but then you (Captain) posted as well. Hence, I can kill two birds with one stone. (or at least try)

knvb your quote:
Hey, put the good picture back arse hole.

Aren't we reaching a little? What good picture? I took most of them that included you in them, other than the muppet show, and you should be thankful that Aves picked this picture to depict your finest features. Good picture indeed!

Captain, I guess I will have to repeat myself. I am certain after a few pints and your subsequent feeble attempt to TTP out of my wardrobe, you meant to say that my shirt will be donated to the Salvation Army instead of the Special Olympics. This faux-pas is likely due to the extreme excitement and anticipation of competing in this said event next summer. However, let us cater this false conclusion regarding my now infamous shirt. If I did donate it back to the Special Olympics, I am certain that we would find Captain Shamrock donning it come January when school is back in session. Such is charity. Still, you wouldn't look as good in it as I.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice try, Timmy.


Your shirt was shoc-king. Your wife was laughing after awhile, realizing the mistake she may have made. I can't believe you had a dig at my sweat shirt and sweat pants. They were mint compared to your Timmy gear. The only good thing about the way you looked tonight was Mrs. Ballbaby. Sue, you're still on fire and thanks for the hug at the end of the night. I was a little disappointed by the intro. :(



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, I must say…the OFFICIAL 2002 TTP Christmas party was an overwhelming success.:D

First and foremost, Mrs. Ballbaby came…and she is hot! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrowllllllllll!!!! (Ballbaby looked pretty damn good too!):eek:

KNVB showed up, despite a critical, family emergency (his son has started acting gay. I think it is a world record for someone so young to be sowing homosexual tendencies this early). BTW, Fastshow: KNVB wants you to stay from his kid. Fagbait.

Guinness showed. It was impossible to miss him with that bright orange & red, Fastshow looking watch. Ask Guinness for the time…he’ll give it to you.

Ballbaby looked good.

Coach turned up…I want what he’s on.

Skytrain showed, and proceeded to tell us about the time he picked up a couple of 13-year-old girls. Ask us if we were surprised.

Who I really missed:

· HOS: Big disappointment, not seeing this guy here. Hopping to meet the legendary Kalsa keeper, Apu. I hear he’s a cnut, anyhow.
· Notty: the Mucker said he’d show…I’m hoping he was busy nailing the waitress we ran into earlier in the day at the Seymour Pub. She was cute…but she’d look cuter with my dick in her mouth.
· Fat Monkey: you’re pussy wiped. Either that, or you’re too busy getting one of those wax sessions that consume more time that a Cheers Franchise of episodes.
· TheRob. His wife was there, though. Of course, she came on to me. Can you blame her?
· Any VMSL players.
· Regs…just wanted to congratulate you.
· CDK…wanted to meet the legendary Croatian sensation. Or maybe that was a bowel movement coming on. Not sure.
· Demo: said he’d show, but was invisible.;)
· Mrs. KNVB. No worries…I saw her about 9-1/2 months ago. Nice girl.

In any event, it was great to meet some of the infamous members of TTP: Crafty Cokcney, Mrs. Ballbaby, ParkRoyal, Balsa, Aves, Mrs. Ballbaby…:eek:

I sincerely wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and a safe, prosperous New Year!

(BTW: congratulations, Regs.)


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I couldn't agree more. Congratulations, Regs, on your recent engagement. That would be the only reason why you didn't show tonight, so we are all with you in heart. Dude, thanks for the shooter you promised me. :rolleyes: Ballbaby, thanks for keeping me laughing all night with that shoc-king shirt. Mrs. Ballbaby, thanks for the great hug at the end of the night, and tellling me that KNVB really is a liar, especially when it comes to picking winners in college football.

For tomorrow, I don't know yet. We shall see. God Bless.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
KNVB showed up, despite a critical, family emergency (his son has started acting gay. I think it is a world record for someone so young to be sowing homosexual tendencies this early). BTW, Fastshow: KNVB wants you to stay from his kid. Fagbait.
Actually, I want YOU to stay away from my kid. I caught wind of your arrival and quickly ushered the missus and the wee'n out the back way... Sociopath that you are.

Ballbaby, your choice of Timmy Hillfinger shirts for the night was spot on. It brought out all the colours in your helmet. Don't let get Captain bother you, he just wanted a ride on your bus.

TheRob, quiet as always.... Thank you for setting everything up last night and for the ride home plus, the chance to stare at your wife's fab-u-lous arse. The pleasure was all mine. Trust me.

364 more sleeps until Mrs. Ballbaby. :)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Synopisis of the evening

This should be mentioned before anything else. There were four wives in attendance last night. KNVB's wife (Jenna) was there early but after their new child kept trying to latch on to ranger's boob, knvb prompted his wife to scurry him home. I don't think that this new child is showing any gay tendencies because I too felt like latching on to ranger's boob, and I am most certainly not gay. I just like nice full breasts. The Rob's wife Tara, Captains's wife Natasha, and my wife Sue, were the other three. They are all beautiful women who obviously have a lot of patience and understanding. Imagine, grown men chatting about calling each other by their handles. The wives were pleasantly amused. :rolleyes:

It's funny, but breasts dominated the discussion if not because of the latching episode by the newborn. After rangerforever dried the wet stain on his suede shirt, the discussion turned to breasts, lactating ones, pre-lactating, post-lactating, present-post-lactating ones etc. Knvb's head was glancing in all directions as he studied all the breasts around him. Subtle? I don't think so!

Aves was the saviour of the evening with that complicated digital camera of his. Many pictures were taken and posted courtesy of Aves. He looked very dignified sipping on a Scotch.

Dude was in fine form and had to find his own way home at the end of the evening when everyone found out he lived in the opposite direction. Imagine that, Dude being opposite to everyone again? He looked lost without Jinky in attendance. I recommended a good book for you to read Dude but I have a feeling you will have fogotten it as you awake this morning.

Sliver, the brain teaser genius was there, but I had a hard time holding a discussion with him. He was busy trying to figure out his bill and his shirt buttons were out of sequence which he was also trying to figure out. Genius? ;)

Most entertaining was observing the dialogue between Parkhead and Captain Shamrock. Lots of saliva flying. Encrypted vocabulary. Laughter, then silence to allow their mouths a chance to swallow, hopefully in an effcient manner, but always some left to be shared with the others around them. :rolleyes:

Demolition and his gimpy knee was enjoying his beverages. He had to go home early hours before he actually left. He's your typical, "Nah, I don't need another one, had enough. Well, OK, just one more." kind of guy. He asked me if I was always so liberal with my wife and I replied, "yes I am." :D

Most intense moments of the evening was the heated debate between Coach and Crafty C o c kney. I didn't hear the conversation but I was watching it from time to time. Lots of hand movements and pointing, nodding, and luckily chuckling in the end.

Skytrain, sorry I didn't have a chance to talk but you were to busy ogling Tara. The Rob didn't leave his wife's side and a nice side it was. ;)

I'm glad my shirt made for good dialogue near the end of the evening. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Anyone need some cream for their coffee?

The biggest compliment I received of all time was from Ballbaby last night when he first saw me:
"Wow, you're not as big as I thought you were".

Thanks? :confused: :D

Thanks to all who showed up to the Valley TTP Christmas Bash, we really appreciate the patronage.

I decided to bury the hatchet with Skytrain (Precisely through the centre of his back) :D and had a good laugh with his sidekick Sliver.
Cainy tossing chuckles could be heard in his absence after he fcuked off for his "date".
Whatever. ;)

Extra special thanks to Yoda for coming.
Sorry mate, in all the mayhem I just didn't get a chance to share a laugh with you and chat.
You were almost invisible like when we meet on the pitch.
Next time. :mad: :rolleyes: :p

Merry Christmas chaps - have a safe and happy one.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Who gives a fcuk if it wasn't the "Official" Xmas bash???

First and foremost, Congrats to Regs on whatever it is everyone else is congradulating you on???:rolleyes: Also, well done TheRob for organizing and to The Bigin' RF, top notch mate for the lift home and cheers for the rounds of pitchers!!! Although Captain thought the whole jug left on the table was his!!! (the man is obsessed with jugs):p

For the rest of the TTP lads that travelled the 100 miles up hill both ways in the snow, cheers... A tame, but enjoyable night for me due to the enormus hang over that I am still feeling the effects of...

Coach was last seen cornering RF in the boys room, apparently a few of his prodegy's didn't show so Ranger was getting a bonus cheque??? :eek:

"Mini KNVB" was loving the attention... Wee Jacko came, saw and almost conquered until out of the corner of his wee eye, noticed that queer Dude strolling through the Esquires parking lot with a mocha expresso chino (or whatever it was) whistling to the tune of drummer boy... He immediately started screaming and I think he may have uttered his first word??? Something like "Gaylord"??? :eek: Needless to say Missus KNVB snuck him out the back door before the hucker could notice!!!

Mrs. Ballbaby summed up the dodgy kit Ballbaby so elligently put together for the evening...
"Yes it's true I bought him that top, I admit it"...
"I didn't have the heart to tell him that it was a birthday purchase almost 20 years ago and after realizing what a daft looking flannel it was, had been hiding it with all of the fashionable garments he has bought me over the years"...

Ballbaby can normally pull off those types of shoc-king tops because knowone usually notice's anything other than his well rounded rear end... From the above comments:
(Ballbaby got a shooter.)
and this one:
(Ballbaby looked pretty damn good too!)
It is quite obvious the to normal red blooded heterosexual male that Dude has a whole different agenda than us!!! (normal red blooded heterosexual males)...:(

Captain shamrock had the best angle of the wooly mess, it had been drapped all over him from the time he arrived... I think Ballbay was playing that game where the wives hang out together so he assumed the Captain wanted to "Hang out" with him???

Jinky and CDK, we were a little disappointed that you chose to be loners and sit in front of your PC's waiting for everyone to get home when you could have stopped by for a couple??? Jinky's ma and da live 10 minutes away and CDK (still living with his parents) is a stones throw from Kelly O's... :rolleyes:

All in all, good event at this time of year, Guinness:knvb:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for the free pitchers, RF. Unfortunately, the bill for the Captain and Parkhead was over $120. Oh well, it tis the season, I suppose.

Ballbaby, great flannel top. Al Borland would have been happy with that cracker. I still can't believe you commented on my elegant track pants and Emerald Soccer Academy sweat shirt, when you were wearing that monstrosity. No offense to Sue of course. Maybe it would have looked good on Bo or Luke Duke but not during this era.........Sorry for bringing this up again but I am still laughing.......

It was nice to meet a lot of people last night and hopefully our next excursion(hopefully be another night at the races?) will bring twice as many people out.

Once again, congrats on the engagement, Regs.



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow...I'd like to say I missed the event cause I got engaged to the waitress from earlier on in the day...but that excuse was used.

Congrats Regs...BTW...what did Mrs. Regs say???:D :D :D

Way to go bud!

As for missing the event...it sounds like I missed a good one!

I'll be there next year for sure!

Merry ho ho to all.

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