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Premier The FVSL Premier League 2003 / 2004 Part I

Who will win the FVSL's Premier league?

  • Peace Arch United

    Votes: 26 24.3%
  • Golden Ears United

    Votes: 14 13.1%
  • Poco City Dominion

    Votes: 15 14.0%
  • Sikh United

    Votes: 11 10.3%
  • GN Sporting

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • Aldergrove

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • North Delta Lions

    Votes: 11 10.3%
  • Delta United

    Votes: 10 9.3%
  • Chilliwack Rapids

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Langley United

    Votes: 7 6.5%

  • Total voters
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crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Premier - 2003 / 2004

Just wanted to see what you lads thought about the new ten (10) team Premier league as compared to the eight (8) team format last season.

Even though we get two additional teams, we actually will play three (3) games less. Is that good or bad...?

With the two (2) additional teams, do you think the league will be more competetive...? ( This is based on the two new teams only and not the league in general as it appears some of the existing teams will have stronger squads this season.)

Should relegation from Premier and promotion from Div 1 be mandatory...?

More than one club team in Premier.. Yes or No..?



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Should relegation from Premier and promotion from Div 1 be mandatory...?
Of course it should! I don't understand how you can be called a serious league if any different. Otherwise, why doesn't the FVSL just call their "premier" division for what it seems to be - a glorified tournament.




Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Teams should be promoted and relegated for sure, but teams shouldn't be allowed to just drop out(Alouette last year). They should either a) be required to fill the spot by selling it or b)stick a team in there and take a lumping if they have to. What Alouette did last year was a joke. They shouldn't have been allowed to do that.

I wonder if they're regreting it now?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

I think the league has voted to change the name from Premeir to "Teams that bought a spot or asked to play here"



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Why not

Just scrap the CAT league because it seems that half the teams want a chance of their own at getting into premier so they go to Div1 anyways.

Make a Div 1A out of remaining CAT teams and the top 4 or 5 Div 1 teams, and a B division out of the remaining teams. Then have promotion and relegation from there.

CAT is supposed to be a feeder team but half the premeir teams don't have a CAT team anywasy so what's the point.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Teams should be promoted and relegated for sure, but teams shouldn't be allowed to just drop out(Alouette last year).
Like the 10 team format. 21 league games plus Cup is a tough schedule to complete. We were lucky last year w/ great weather.

Standings will not be as tight this year with the 10 teams as it was with 8.

Only one club...but if a Premier team also owns a dominant 1st div team, shouldn't the league assist in brokering a deal whereby the 1st div team goes independent and accepts promotion to Premier?

I think the league needs to be more proactive on issues like this, instead of leaving them to fester until the last week. It seems that this year they may have their shop in order early, which is great news.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

My 2 bits since reading for days....

Is the League set in stone, black and white???
or the usual proposal this and possibly that (sorta, kinda, maybe)???
I've seen people all over the shop here posting who's in Div.1/Premier/Div.9, but really isn't it all specualtion or can it truely be confirmed??? What is the allignment???

As for my take on this whole promotion/relegation thing, I wand to know why is everyone always hating??? The young Lions could fold like a cheap Zellers tent or compete and grind out a middle of the pack season... The Aldergrove and Poco arguements are simply daft... Why promote a team because they "put in their time or payed their due's"??? Old Skool schmold skool!!!
Don't we want the best competitive league possible??? I could careless if the Rangers put in 3 teams this season, if they are good enough to play in Premier, I have no problem with it... Yes it looks mickey mouse (from an over the hill balding crooked teeth 7 ft tall moderator) when the FVSL annually alters it's constitution, BUT the reality of it all is year after year teams change, guys jump ship and stronger teams emerge as traditional powerhouse clubs/squads begin to deplete...
I'm going in house and will take PAU for example... 8-10 years ago, White Rock had a very competitive squad, then they dropped off the radar for about 5 years. However, since Sir Alex Cainy has taken the gaffer role things couldn't be better for the reining Premier League Champs... Unlike some uptight, grudge holding, law abiding, no skilled, don't call me stoborne individuals (not really having a go at anyone in particular here) Cainy and Co. are excited to see the league get more competitive...
After all isn't that what makes us better??? Tougher competition week in and out will draw closer comparisons to the VMSL... The difference between the two leagues is more than FVSL players like to admit, BUT it isn't half as far away as the snob knob gobbling wanks that claim to rep. for the VMSL continually spout off about!!!
Yes one game doesn't mean much, but Jimmy Holiday will certainly attest that some people may have the wool over their eyes before they come into a match against a FVSL squad... ;)

Why not strive to be the most competitive league possible rather than squabble over who got the breaks and who got stiffed???



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
After all isn't that what makes us better??? Tougher competition week in and out will draw closer comparisons to the VMSL...
And you do this by not demoting teams that got slaughtered last season. Right, good one. No wonder PAU is supposedly all excited :rolleyes:

No one here said anything about how good or shite your top teams are so why pull the VMSL-SNOB card? I'll answer that... because you haven't got an orginal thought in your formerly brillo-pad heed!

Why not strive to be the most competitive league possible rather than squabble over who got the breaks and who got stiffed???
Familiar Analogy: Helping Surrey United strive to be the most competitive team possible rather than sqaubble over who sits on the bench or not.

Am I close?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

You make one really key point: the objective, every summer, should be to aim to make the Premier division- and by extension, the whole league- stronger.

Just curious: if you were the FVSL “Commissioner” for a day, what would you do (besides commissioning a giant bronzed statue of me to keep in your living room)?

Personally, I’ve always thought that in addition to a firm promotion / relegation policy, the league should consider poaching over one of the stronger VMSL 1st div teams. One of the East Indian teams, for example. They all seem to have a strong club system in place already…surely the idea of having a better shot at the provincials, plus the attraction of better facilities would make sense. Of course, that may also just foster bad blood w/ the VMSL too.

Also, I have to admit to being a bit baffled on the Aldergrove issue as well. I would have thought the Storm would be considered before any Aldergrove teams.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude
Personally, I’ve always thought that in addition to a firm promotion / relegation policy, the league should consider poaching over one of the stronger VMSL 1st div teams.

That would be kind of like the WHL trying to poach NHL teams!!;)


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
my 2 bits...


You trash Guinness about his lack of "original thought" yet you don't stop to think rationally about the problem with our premier division. Yes, a promotion/relegation system is a must if a league is to improve every year, but that can't happen this year...

The league got put into a tough postion 2 years back when Surrey U and Alouette decided to drop... they couldn't fill those spots on short notice, so we played with 8 teams last year. Personally, I thought it was a tougher league with 8, but I agree that we need 10 teams to provide more balance/variety etc.

Now, there's no way the league can demote anyone, cause we're looking to add 2 already... that's why no up or down happening this year. I beleive a similar thing happened in the VMSL when Slurry U and FC were allowed in? Anyhow, talking about relegating teams this year is moot.... we need to add two more.

As for the whole Delta situation, I say let them in and see what they can do. Crafty, you guys should relish the fact that you can prove to them how wrong they were to leave YOUR team.... should be a good derby, I know I'll be there to watch the bloodbath!

Aldegrove used to be alright in premier, and letting them back in is good too... I'm sure they'll get there program sorted and sign some guys that'll help them win.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

"Originally posted by Moderator Slappy"
Familiar Analogy: Helping Surrey United strive to be the most competitive team possible rather than sqaubble over who sits on the bench or not.

Am I close?


Nice piss take :rolleyes: however, my playing time with the BC Champs was a personal choice and had no bearing on the players surrounding me... Actually they won, so I guess I did them a favour!!!:( Kinda of like you bailing out on Club I???

Yes it looks mickey mouse (from an over the hill balding crooked teeth 7 ft tall moderator) when the FVSL annually alters it's constitution

I thought I was just spreading the love???:D (notice the Puller-esq teeth on the wee fella)

BACK ON TOPIC: 2 more teams hopefully will strengthen the league over time and bring the Valley League back to a high level... By adding a strong young team and a great older team with loads of experience should move things in the right direction!!!


crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Crafty

Originally posted by Guinness
My 2 bits since reading for days....

Is the League set in stone, black and white???

I'm not sure about the rest of the divisions but Aldergrove & ND Lions are now part of the new ten team Premier division, that is straight from the horses mouth.

For those of you that have any grievances with the way the league has handled this, or any other issues, there is a meeting on August 21st, 2003:eek:

Better make sure I take my valium and rydlin cokctail before I show up for that one.;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Re: Crafty

Originally posted by Crafty Cokcney
Aldergrove & ND Lions are now part of the new ten team Premier division

Better make sure I take my valium and rydlin cokctail before I show up for that one.;)

I am guessing that you are upset with the league's decision to promote ND and Aldergrove :)
If so, perhaps you consider the following. Are you aware of what other teams applied for the two open spots? Perhaps there was no better choice, meaning the league has chosen the best of the applicants. I believe almot everyone wanted 10 teams, if so the league did as we asked.

I am not completely aware of what teams applied but my sincere guess tells me the best two available teams (OR clubs) got the nod.

If they suck then I am sure they will get demoted.....


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Applicants for Premier,

I know there were a few teams that applied for the spot. For one there was a team from the Richmond League (Van. United). I don't think they were awarded the spot because they are outside the FVSL. Another team that applied for the spot was SUFC from Div .2. I heard they were bringing in about 6-8 quality players if they were given a chance. Along with the players, I heard they are entering a u-21 team and are willing to put a team in the Cat division to go along with another team in either Div 2 or 3. Sounds like a pretty solid club structure.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
As an outsider looking in, it would have lent more credibility to SUFC's application had it been made under Temple, or an established club from the VMSL.

Now I see the real reason Big T was so bitter.;)

Don't know anything about Van. United.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
RE: Application

Originally posted by Dude
As an outsider looking in, it would have lent more credibility to SUFC's application had it been made under Temple, or an established club from the VMSL.

Now I see the real reason Big T was so bitter.;)

Don't know anything about Van. United.


I was not aware that we had "officially" applied for a spot. If the team's management thought it was in our best interest then they probably did apply. I don't know how thisbuds4u gets the info before I do. :confused: ;)

As for Temple, we are a separate and disjoint club from them....we would not apply under a different club name....I think our club is getting stronger in the FVSL by adding a u-21 team this year and is continuing to build a foundation. I think Temple's goals are to be a top club in VMSL and I doubt if they have any aspirations of being part of FVSL. Old HardOnBallz can comment further.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am always bitter. :D


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