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Scottish Premier League News 2005/06

Anton Rogan

New Member
Mar 31, 2006
Dirty Money
alikira said:
Yes, I see UEFA has no balls much like Rangers back line this year. :D

Sends quite the message to future Rangers supporters, doesn't it?


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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
What was once one of the top threads/forums on TTP has slowly deteriorated into what it is today.

Well done.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yah, it is a shame. :( There is no place for bigotry and sectarianism anywhere, especially the football ground........:(

Championees 2006


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
How about they Jambos then?

Fcuk off.
All of ye.


Gordon voted player of the year

Hearts goalkeeper Craig Gordon has been voted Player of the Year by the Scottish Football Writers Association.
Gordon is the first non-Old Firm player to win the award since Dundee United's Maurice Malpas in 1991 and the first Hearts man since Sandy Jardine in 1986.

Gordon said: "The last goalkeeper to win it was Andy Goram (1993) and that was a good while ago.

"So it's very special as not too many goalkeepers win it and not too many Hearts players as well."

The 23-year-old Scotland international has been a key player for Hearts in their quest for trophies this season.

And he recently signed an extension to his contract with the Tynecastle club, which ties him to the club until 2009.

Gordon beat off competition from team-mate Paul Hartley and Celtic's Shaun Maloney to win the award.

Also picking up their prizes on Sunday night will be Celtic boss Gordon Strachan for Manager of the Year (Boooooo - ;) ) and Kilmarnock's Steven Naismith, who was voted Young Player.

Poor wee baloney Maloney.....:D

I smell a Mason conspiracy...

The deterioration of this thread is due to Jinky, and Jinky only. :rolleyes:
I hope you're happy Joe. ;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: How about they Jambos then?

Rangerforever said:
Fcuk off.
All of ye.


Gordon voted player of the year

Hearts goalkeeper Craig Gordon has been voted Player of the Year by the Scottish Football Writers Association.
Gordon is the first non-Old Firm player to win the award since Dundee United's Maurice Malpas in 1991 and the first Hearts man since Sandy Jardine in 1986.

Gordon said: "The last goalkeeper to win it was Andy Goram (1993) and that was a good while ago.

"So it's very special as not too many goalkeepers win it and not too many Hearts players as well."

The 23-year-old Scotland international has been a key player for Hearts in their quest for trophies this season.

And he recently signed an extension to his contract with the Tynecastle club, which ties him to the club until 2009.

Gordon beat off competition from team-mate Paul Hartley and Celtic's Shaun Maloney to win the award.

Also picking up their prizes on Sunday night will be Celtic boss Gordon Strachan for Manager of the Year (Boooooo - ;) ) and Kilmarnock's Steven Naismith, who was voted Young Player.

Poor wee baloney Maloney.....:D

I smell a Mason conspiracy...

The deterioration of this thread is due to Jinky, and Jinky only. :rolleyes:
I hope you're happy Joe. ;)

Yes, a great selection. Of the final three players, 2 were from Hearts, who currently sit 18 points behind the Champions. :D Nice bit of work by the Mason writers indeed, RF. You're finally starting to understand how things work in the SPL......:D ;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Lawrence Donegan
Thursday April 20, 2006
The Guardian

In a ruling that had the chief constable of the Keystone Kops swooning at its incompetence, Uefa's disciplinary body announced last week that Rangers fans had been found not guilty of singing sectarian songs at a Champions League match this season.
It was a tough case to crack, apparently, with very little concrete evidence being presented for the prosecution - apart from video footage of Rangers fans repeatedly chanting "**** the Pope" and singing Billy Boys - a song which, amid much mouth-foaming rhetoric, contains the line: "We're up to our knees in Fenian blood."

Clearly Inspector Clouseau has nothing on Geneva's finest when it comes to missing the vital clues.
Football's governing bodies at every level have a long and inglorious history of not tackling the game's real problems, particularly when there are smaller fish to fry. Why do something about racist chanting that infected many grounds in Europe for years when you can spend your time fining players for having hand-written messages on their T-shirts? Even so, Uefa's ruling in the Rangers case plumbed previously unmined depths of cowardice.
In defending the indefensible, a Uefa spokesman argued that Billy Boys had been sung at Scottish football grounds for a very long time and, as such, was now tolerated in Scottish society. "Given this social and historical context . . . the control and disciplinary committee said they considered Uefa cannot demand an end to behaviour which has been tolerated . . . in view of this, the body ruled that despite the behaviour of their fans, Rangers had not infringed the disciplinary regulations."
This analysis might just about earn a pass in GCSE sociology but as a manifesto for ridding football of prejudice it defies both logic and natural justice. It is like saying the MCC should never have cancelled its 1968 cricket tour of South Africa over the racist treatment of Basil D'Oliveira because apartheid had been tolerated in that country for years.Clearly, this is not an isolated view. Gerhard Kapl, an Austrian Uefa official who compiled the case against Rangers, may not know much about cricket but he knows a cop-out when he sees one and has launched an appeal against his own organisation's decision.
Needless to say Rangers, who might have faced a large fine and the closure of one of Ibrox's stands for their next European home game, are determined to fight Kapl's efforts to have them properly punished. "Our lawyers are standing by to scrutinise the written reasons behind this appeal," the club's chairman David Murray said yesterday.
Murray and his expensive lawyers are entitled to scrutinise as much they like, just as people like me are entitled to suggest their time and efforts may be better used trying to tackle sectarianism rather than tackling a man trying to tackle sectarianism.
As Rangers pointed out during Uefa's initial investigation, the club has made efforts over the past five years to eradicate sectarianism from its terraces with its Better Than Bigotry and Pride Over Prejudice campaigns. Progress has been made, although it is probably best to hold on to the Most Tolerant Fans In Football trophy for a while yet, as anyone who was at Ibrox last Saturday to witness another rousing rendition of Billy Boys will attest.
Anti-sectarian campaigns are one thing, successful campaigns are quite another and, if the evidence gathered by Kapl is anything to go by, Rangers' efforts to clean up their act have fallen some way short of success. The club must bear some responsibility for this failure, not least because it was years behind behind its neighbours and rivals Celtic when it came to addressing sectarianism.
More than that, Rangers failed because they were allowed to fail and for this the blame lies elsewhere - with the Scottish Football Association, which stood idly by for decades while Rangers refused to employ Catholics at any level of the club; with Uefa, for the reasons explained above; and last but by no means least, with the media.
Every few years a documentary film-maker/journalist from some corner of the globe will land in Glasgow with a mission to "lift the lid" on the sectarianism that divides this poor benighted city. Invariably, these people will find what they were looking for thanks to some idiots who will spout any old rubbish for the price of a pint. When they finally appear, these stories always resort to the hoariest of clichés - a plague on both their houses; one side is as bad as the other; Rangers fans are are no more or no less sectarian than Celtic fans.
To the casual observer, the sectarianism found at Ibrox is worse than anything you will find at Parkhead, or indeed at most football grounds in Europe. To suggest otherwise is bad enough, but the consequences of doing so are even worse: by perpetuating the myth that one side is as bad as the other, it gives licence to those who spew their sectarian poison at Ibrox to keep on doing it, on the grounds that the other mob are just as bad.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
With the name "Donegan" surely he wouldn't have a slanted view when suggesting, "To the casual observer, the sectarianism found at Ibrox is worse than anything you will find at Parkhead, or indeed at most football grounds in Europe."

A little dose of reality for you........



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Captain Giruy

One sided my arse!!! Why the fcuk do you keep bringing up this shite anyway??? Celtic won the League, well done...
However, for some unknown reason Captain Hipocrit is trying to portray Rangers supporters as Bigots, rasists and sactarian animals??? To the average, normal, easy going un-educated (on the subject) individual Canuck he may be doing a bang up job... But then again, the Catholic Church has nothing to hide!!!
Get over the slagging already, we are not all hateful, we don't all feel such helplessness to be brain washed by some loathing higher power faith and sometimes we use the term "Follow, Follow" in support of our football team... Not a marching band...

Anton Rogan

New Member
Mar 31, 2006
Dirty Money
You see nothing wrong with singing "we're up to our knees in Fenian blood", Mr. Guinness? I'm sure a nice fellow like yourself doesn't see the humour in it, can that be said for thousands that will be singing it come sunday? As a Celt it saddens me that future generations of Rangers loyal will be singing it without realizing the hate.

26 points behind the Champions come sunday...and counting.



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I really don't want to get pulled into this. Again. There isn't a TTP Rangers' supporter denying nor condoning said sectarian songs. It's the glass houses, holier then thou attitude from several TTP Celtic supporters that does my fcuking head in. Practice what you preach. Please.

51 League Championhips. And counting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Good shout Bucky.
I still have yet to figure out wtf Faith has to do with the fitba.
I understand that Rangers were a Prod Organisation, and Sellick sprouted from a Catholic School.
But are the players really involved, save a few like Boab Malcolm and Neil Lennon?
Do you think Dado Prso gives a toss? All the Croats I know are Roman Catholic.
Do you think we Tommy Buffel cares?! What about Nakamura?
It is stupid to say the least, and I totally agree Bucky. Glass Houses. The fact of the matter is that their is blood on everyones hands, fenian or not :p , and that a guy named Donegan should think twice and maybe watch that nifty little link that Bucky posted before he pens such an atrocious little dig like "To the casual observer, the sectarianism found at Ibrox is worse than anything you will find at Parkhead, or indeed at most football grounds in Europe."
My $0.02

Oh, and congrats to the Hoops on their title. Well done, best of a bad lot and all that stuff...
How any team wins a title with a guy like Telfer on their back line is beyond me, but anyways....
And what the H-E-Double Hockey sticks are yous gonna do when Stillian(The most influential and best player in all of Scotland) Leaves in the Summer for Newcastle or Everton?
I think Hartley becomes the best option at that point untill Dermott opens up the cheque book.
LeGuen is supposedly getting 18 mil to start "Le Revolution" -We are being linked to names like Govou and Coupet, and the best option for Celtic is Hartley. What is going to happen if both Petrov and Nakamura leave?, other than the need for so much bleach on the socks and shorts to remove grass stains going down...,
You think 26 points is a big gap... I can't wait to see what next year looks like.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Buckfast said:
With the name "Donegan" surely he wouldn't have a slanted view when suggesting, "To the casual observer, the sectarianism found at Ibrox is worse than anything you will find at Parkhead, or indeed at most football grounds in Europe."

A little dose of reality for you........


Yes, Bucky.......reality........:)

We'll leave this shite for now but the bottom line is there is FAR too much crap going on in Scotland.......it's a shame it has taken this long for something to be done about it. And it has been both sides.........although one side certainly is worse. ;)

Guinness, you're a fanny. That's all you need to hear. BTW, I posted an article. I know you're as thick as **** but I just cut and pasted it. It is newsworthy and since there is an SPL team involved, it should be here. Do I need to slow that down for you? BTW, are you playing with England or Ireland in the Nations Cup this year?


If we lost Petrov and Nakamura next season that would be huge. Don't find it funny though how these stories always come up before an OF match? :D You really have to love the Scottish media. :)

I am predicting a draw tomorrow.........2 - 2.......and I'm sure the Huns will be very pleased with that since they would be taking points of the champions who are 23 points ahead. :D

Hail Hail

Stand up for the Champions

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A ****ing horrible game........first 0 - 0 draw at Celtic Park since 1996.........

Celtic with a couple of good chances in the first half and Rangers with a couple of good chances at the start of the second half. A boring game to be honest, one which Strachan got all wrong in terms of his player selections/substitutions......he was probably even worse than big Eck today. :)

Celtic will be gubbed in Europe if they put that team out......Hartson/Telfer/Petrov(who will obviously be leaving)/Lennon/Varga........time to move on, Bhoys, some for obivous reasons........


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
YEs Captain, oh Captain, I do notice these stories always seem to surface from the rubbish rags that are the News Media in Scotland...
I have seen conflicting stories where Nakamura wants to stay, and some that say he needs a bigger challenge than thumping 9 or 10 teams and having real games infrequently against Herts and the Gers...
Although I would love to see Petrov and Nakamure leave the Tatty-Drome for obvious reasons, it would be a massive blow to Scottish Football, and to the Gers and Hearts, who seem destined to be big spenders next season. With Players of that Ilk (Nakamura and Petrov) leaving, it would seem to be tough to attract similar or better talent to the Jamtarts or to the Gers.
This season has been a total Shambles even for 23 points leaders Celtic, who got stomped by a Team from the Middle of Nowhere in Europe... Their Defending is Appalling.
Hearts Management Musical Chairs is embarrasing, three managers in one year!? That has to be some kind of record...
And the disgrace Eck has been all year...Playing one way in Europe and losing points domestically.

Here's to next year, and a miracle for the Ibrox men to get into second so the Old Firm end up where they belong next year IN Europe.

And how could ANY woman, no matter how much drink she may or may not have consumed, ever be attracted to that Mess and get knocked up...
At Least she isn't going Kobe Bryant on him and accusing him of rape... Always Look on the bright side eh!?

Speedy Recovery to Barry Ferguson. He has been mostly crap all year, hope he comes back in some decent shape and can run like he used to.


New Member
Jan 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Regs said:
What was once one of the top threads/forums on TTP has slowly deteriorated into what it is today.

Well done.

Whats wrong with having a melting pot for sectarian issues on a scottish football thread? Btw it's still the top Thread.

We have all been here before, lets leave the sh!t off the threads. We can all read the BBC reports and feel justice was or was not done. Rogan though for my liking crossed the line with the picture of the young Panzer drivers. Theres a big difference between a sectarian singsong and a holocaust.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
BlueNoseJohn said:
YEs Captain, oh Captain, I do notice these stories always seem to surface from the rubbish rags that are the News Media in Scotland...
I have seen conflicting stories where Nakamura wants to stay, and some that say he needs a bigger challenge than thumping 9 or 10 teams and having real games infrequently against Herts and the Gers...
Although I would love to see Petrov and Nakamure leave the Tatty-Drome for obvious reasons, it would be a massive blow to Scottish Football, and to the Gers and Hearts, who seem destined to be big spenders next season. With Players of that Ilk (Nakamura and Petrov) leaving, it would seem to be tough to attract similar or better talent to the Jamtarts or to the Gers.
This season has been a total Shambles even for 23 points leaders Celtic, who got stomped by a Team from the Middle of Nowhere in Europe... Their Defending is Appalling.
Hearts Management Musical Chairs is embarrasing, three managers in one year!? That has to be some kind of record...
And the disgrace Eck has been all year...Playing one way in Europe and losing points domestically.

Here's to next year, and a miracle for the Ibrox men to get into second so the Old Firm end up where they belong next year IN Europe.

And how could ANY woman, no matter how much drink she may or may not have consumed, ever be attracted to that Mess and get knocked up...
At Least she isn't going Kobe Bryant on him and accusing him of rape... Always Look on the bright side eh!?

Speedy Recovery to Barry Ferguson. He has been mostly crap all year, hope he comes back in some decent shape and can run like he used to.

Totally agree, Bluenosejohn. It has been a horrible year for all 3 teams......and that is even with the double. Let's not forget about being knocked out by Clyde in the FA Cup. :( I read an interview on UEFA.com about Nakamura and he seems to be very happy with his choice. That came out just under a week ago. Petrov can go **** himself now.....nice timing, 2 days before an OF game. He will end up at a smaller club - (Everton/Fulham) and never get to Europe. If that's his goal, then so be it. Hopefully we'll get 5 - 6 million for him, which I don't think will be impossible.

As for Rangers next year, they can only be better....at least in a managerial sense. Their team is shite mind you......so they're going to have to unload a few players before Mr. Moneybags opens the vault again.......:D Haven't we heard that before somewhere? For every 5 Celtic spend we will spend...........:D Bosmans are us Loyal. ;)

Hearts could be the wild card next year but they've gone through more managers than Guinness' strikeout average on a Friday night at the Roxy. They owner is a little bit crazy but MIGHT be able to bring some talent in with money alone......Hibs are still one of the better footballing sides but seem to lose decent players, GAry Caldwell not being one of them. :(

Anyway, I'm off to ref now and let's hope Celtic don't ruin Rangers' CL aspirations by fielding the same shite team it did against Rangers yesterday. I would throw our reserves on against Hearts...:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Aye, I know you would.
Hibs will be sans Riordan and Scott Brown next year. Riordan will go South or to either end of Glesga. There goes the plot.
It's too bad really. I enjoy watching Mowbrays men, they play the game the way God invented it to be played.

"Their team is Shite Mind you..."
I hear you, and If I was Monsieur Le Guen I would be keeping only
Ferguson, Lovenkrands, Ricksen, Hutton, Smith, Boyd, Prso, Buffel, JRod and Burke. The rest of them can GTF for all I care. The problem will then be how do you sign 12 others with 18Mil? that can have any impact? I know we are going to get stuck with the like of Kygiakos(Who has had 1 game that anyone would be able to call productive, which was the frist leg vs Inter, since he came back this season.)
We will probably have Boumsong back as he has been totally out of his depth down south this season. And the rest of the Frenchies will be following Coupet and Govou.
You never know, a Juninho Pernambucano may end up with a Blue shirt on Soon enough...
I can hope can't I?:D

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