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Rrsl 2010


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Heard there were a couple scraps in the Richmond FC vs. Alemania game last night...

Can anyone elaborate on what happened?

steve a.

Not Bright
Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
First Half : Idiots 2 - Alemania 1
Second Half : Idiots Checking Line 2 :D - Alemania 0

Final Score : Idiots 4 - Alemania 1

Not much really to report other than their wanker decided to attempt a ninja kick on animal and was only saved cause I held him back. As shortly after that another melee breaks out and their guy gets hit a few times , pretty much end of story. Quite a lot of whinning from a young Alemania team who if memory serves were never as bad as that at having a moan. But when you get younger that's usually what happens the veterans were not as evident on their squad and it took a toll on their composure. To be honest I thought this game was gonna get abandoned but it somewhat calmed down after the fight. All in all good win for the lads probably could of done without a ninja kick and a scrap but every now it's entertaining and it gives dezza something to talk about ;)

Anywho on to next week ,

cheers the rattler


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
Absolutely shocked that animal was involved. I could have gone pro if it were not for him and his careless tackles...:cool:


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Rino B 3 - 1 Hammerheads

Curious how the green/black vertical stripes vs. green/white horizontal stripes match went last night? (RFC vs. Club I)
I think I saw Bronco turn up to ref it...

Westside derby tomorrow - Rino vs. Rangers - should be a cracker :wa:


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
All Blacks 7 -Tsw Royals 5

4 PKs, 1 red, a whole slough of yellows, jimmy eating jelly donuts in the center circle, Royals keeper breaking his hand after punching his post for being angry about letting in a goal. This game had it all except for quality.

Royals have one the Royal Tenenbaums playing at right back. God I love yellow headbands.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money

Blaze 2 Bingers 0

Our hardest battle of the summer to date, as well as the most rewarding. The ref last night was absolutely brutal, for both squads mind you. Missed fouls, offside calls made from 18 yard boxes, and to top it off, it appeared that he struggled with the English language. He also played EXACTLY 45 minutes in both halves, not a second on injury time which I found odd, in any case I certainly hope we don't get said individual in any upcoming fixtures. Captain do you know who I'm on about:confused:

My second rant goes to the 2 bloody plonkers on Bingers, Andy #22 and Corey #6. Why is it that these 2 decide to try and police the game themselves. I realize frustration can be apart of it, when you get turned inside out for 90 minutes but FFS, people have jobs, school etc etc to go to the next day. Corey could have broken my leg on 3 different occasions had I not been too quick for him, standard. Sure, I kicked him early in the 1st half, and I could have got a card but didn't, so get up and get on with it, I certainly had too after multiple hacks. I know that when we play Bingers, whatever squad I may be on, it will surely be a hard fought battle, and quite often clean. Those 2 mugs tarnish that thought and make the rest of your squad look bad which is unfortunate, because guys like Matt Campbell, Big GK and even Nobby Stiles are good dudes. That's my 2 cents, eager for a Bingers reply...

On to RFC...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
...people have jobs, school etc etc to go to the next day...
On the other hand, some people have jobs, school etc that they came to before the game and don't need to be kicked right at the start.

Stop kicking people first if you are worried about your job and/or school. Seems simple enough :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
On the other hand, some people have jobs, school etc that they came to before the game and don't need to be kicked right at the start.

Fair enough big mouth, but I came from work yesterday prior to the game, and was rewarded with a mouthful of elbow less then 5 minutes in so what's your point? I suppose it's a two way street :)

Back on topic, what is the playoff format exactly once league play is done? I've heard a couple different things..


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I don't recall any discussion of the playoff format at the AGM this year...

Since the schedule currently only runs through June, I'd like to see another round of games added. Then we could get CIC vs. Gloucester Boy Rounds 2 and 3 before playoffs start :)

What have you heard in regards to the playoff format? I can ask the league what it is after I spend all of next frickin week making player ID cards to submit to them :mad:

Nobby Stiles

New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money

Blaze 2 Bingers 0

Our hardest battle of the summer to date, as well as the most rewarding. The ref last night was absolutely brutal, for both squads mind you. Missed fouls, offside calls made from 18 yard boxes, and to top it off, it appeared that he struggled with the English language. He also played EXACTLY 45 minutes in both halves, not a second on injury time which I found odd, in any case I certainly hope we don't get said individual in any upcoming fixtures. Captain do you know who I'm on about:confused:

My second rant goes to the 2 bloody plonkers on Bingers, Andy #22 and Corey #6. Why is it that these 2 decide to try and police the game themselves. I realize frustration can be apart of it, when you get turned inside out for 90 minutes but FFS, people have jobs, school etc etc to go to the next day. Corey could have broken my leg on 3 different occasions had I not been too quick for him, standard. Sure, I kicked him early in the 1st half, and I could have got a card but didn't, so get up and get on with it, I certainly had too after multiple hacks. I know that when we play Bingers, whatever squad I may be on, it will surely be a hard fought battle, and quite often clean. Those 2 mugs tarnish that thought and make the rest of your squad look bad which is unfortunate, because guys like Matt Campbell, Big GK and even Nobby Stiles are good dudes. That's my 2 cents, eager for a Bingers reply...

On to RFC...
hopefully in the words of this website you are taking the piss, otherwise you live in a very small world, smaller than we previously imagined. Although you are a very good player you are also known to be a very chippy player. You could have been carded twice in last night's tilt before the said incident with our #6. The ref was terrible, way out of his league at this level. Only the good nature of the two teams involved kept it from getting ugly. In the end Bingers was the second best team on the night and the Blaze earned the points afer winning most of the battles out on the pitch. All this said, take ownership for the way you play, you get what you give!!!!

As for the time, we started at 7:00 sharp and finished at 8:30 sharp which means that either we didn't have a half time break ( we had at least 5 minutes) or the ref was in a hurry to get out of there. Perhaps he had another game at Holly Park to get to?? He was very proud to show me his watch which showed 45 which means very little as he could have set that at the beginning of the half time break.

Captain you always send us good refs, you deserve better than to have to hear about this guy who was embarrassingly inept in the middle.

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