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Protestors start vandalizing...


Active Member
Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
My wife and I came across the damage yesterday right after getting off the zipline (tremendous fun:D)

Please see the attached photos.



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  • 1230.jpg
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think you should cite the word of the law and toss them in the tank..somewhere out in Hope...and let them walk home.

Honestly, the peacefull hippie protesters will not argue that move.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
BCCLA having a second look regarding Saturday's melee

The Executive Director of the BC Civil Liberties Association admits it was a mistake not to attend Saturday's rowdy protest in downtown Vancouver that saw windows smashed by mask-wearing vandals, "Our observers were asked not to be there for a couple of reasons. The organizers were concerned that we had been infiltrated by the police and they were also concerned that the footage that we shot might be used against them in Court. In hindsight, maybe not the best decision. but certainly we had no idea about what was planned."

David Eby says it was frustrating and disappointing to see what happened given the efforts of civil rights activists in assuring police they would not have to be heavy-handed during the Olympics.

Three people have now been charged in connection with that protest.

silver fox

Jun 30, 2002
Dirty Money
...concerned that the footage that we shot might be used against them in Court.

In other words, "we're going to commit criminal acts so don't be there..."

One guy charged is from Washington State!!!

My complaint when I see this stuff on t.v., is that the cops never beat these losers enough to my liking. Taser indeed....and then a ride in a paddy wagon over the roughest roads out there!!!!! :mad:



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
To educate a few of the more extreme rednecks on here (yeah, I know that some of you are taking the piss, but some aren't): the hooligans causing this vandalism are not protesters. As has already been stated on here and by legitimate protesters, these people are just thugs. They have no cause other than to provoke violent response from the police and security.:mad:

Legitimate protesters do not include the ones who blocked Commercial Drive with barricades to deprive some small school kids from seeing the torch procession either. The legitimate protesters were the ones who were out on Friday night peacefully but noisily doing nothing more than waving signs to draw attention to their causes. They are the ones who will tell you that the thugs from yesterday morning have wrecked public perception for them and for all of us who have to live here and deal with the repercussions.:mad:


The problem with left wingnuts, is that you justify civil disobedience in one form or another, and to one degree or another. People, we live in the BEST country in the world. In the BEST city in said country. If you feel that it is not so, take a hike. I am sick and tired of people protesting and complaining. I suggest you spend some time in Eastern Europe or the Middle East if you feel like your civil liberties are being infringed upon.

In the words of Archie Bunker (yes this is tongue firmly in cheek) "If you don't like it, you can lump it....take it down the street and dump it"


Also, I feel the police should crack some more skulls. Make 2 or 3 of the first protesters bleed and the rest will disperse toute suite!!!! :D

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Obviously neither of you read what I posted, so I will try to simplify it for you.:rolleyes:

  1. real protesters don't break windows.
  2. real protesters don't block traffic.
  3. real protesters don't advocate violence, or attack police or bystanders.
  4. people who break windows and block traffic aren't real protesters.
  5. people who break windows and block traffic are hooligans and thugs.
  6. people who chain themselves to public places to block traffic are not real protesters either.
  7. people who participate in "critical mass"-type actions are not real protesters either.
  8. obstructionism is not a valid form of protest.

Now, is that simplistic enough for you redneck knuckledraggers to understand? Nowhere in what I wrote did I justify "civil disobedience" as defined by Bronco (Archie Bunker - nice role model, btw - a total parody of the average 70's redneck :D). Protesting is a valid form of expressing a disagreement in a democratic society, just as disagreeing with a protest is. Protesting, however, is not the same as vandalism, inciting rioting, anarchy, arson, property damage, or willful obstruction. Stop calling these people protesters. They are not protesters. End of.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
protesting is a fuking waste of time....

It doesnt work, never has worked and never will work..

Let me fuking starve myself to prove a point... Brilliant!

Nothing more then a bunch of people with attention deficiencies.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
No it's not. Voting is.

yes.. example below



The recent “Tea Party” protests where protesters are demonstrating against President Obama’s economic stimulus package.

The people who passed the stimulus — the Democrats in the House and Senate and President Obama — were duly elected under the Constitution. For that matter, it’s not like something like this massive stimulus wasn’t discussed in the fall election campaign that put these people in charge.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Obviously neither of you read what I posted, so I will try to simplify it for you.:rolleyes:

  1. real protesters don't break windows.
  2. real protesters don't block traffic.
  3. real protesters don't advocate violence, or attack police or bystanders.
  4. people who break windows and block traffic aren't real protesters.
  5. people who break windows and block traffic are hooligans and thugs.
  6. people who chain themselves to public places to block traffic are not real protesters either.
  7. people who participate in "critical mass"-type actions are not real protesters either.
  8. obstructionism is not a valid form of protest.
Now, is that simplistic enough for you redneck knuckledraggers to understand? Nowhere in what I wrote did I justify "civil disobedience" as defined by Bronco (Archie Bunker - nice role model, btw - a total parody of the average 70's redneck :D). Protesting is a valid form of expressing a disagreement in a democratic society, just as disagreeing with a protest is. Protesting, however, is not the same as vandalism, inciting rioting, anarchy, arson, property damage, or willful obstruction. Stop calling these people protesters. They are not protesters. End of.

You definitely deserve a good tasering........seriously.

These idiots have made arses of themselves and our community.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
One of the big black eyes our game have world wide is the 3 meter high fencing around the 100 m radius surrounding the Cauldrons.

Wonder why they need to be fenced off?

So idiots don't go and bring it to the ground as a form of "protest"

Trece, unfortunately for us, most left leaning thinkers aren't as 'balanced' as you as to what should be fair game and what shouldn't be.

Our "poor and downtrodden" (read: lazy, entitled, and addicted) bring us shame in that if something doesn't go their way they break things, or cause havoc in critical mass style nuisances... Other idiots looking for media pretending to advocate for those that cannot do it for themselves...

The entire thing is shameful, when if they just crawled back in to the holes that they crawled out of, the world wouldn't ever see them when the spotlight is on us, and they might consider coming back, with their chequebooks in hand, thereby creating more revenue to be wasted on these blights of our society.

All these homeless were offered shelter, food etc during the games, yet while we were standing in line for the Bay yesterday, two of them are lying beside the line at the Seymour exit of the Granville St Station. Why? This guy and gal stunk, wouldn't take the free food a young man had brought them from the 7/11 across the street. They were lying there in their sleeping bags as some form of protest, that they shouldn't BE homeless. Also, why take a chance at passing on the opportunity to panhandle when everyone around is ready to spend spend spend? I'm sure these panhandlers that are remaining and dodging the cops are making a killing!

That girl actually looked at me in horror when my daughter who is almost 3 looked at her and pointed at her from her stroller and started rambling on about what was wrong with her...Like I had some duty to inform my toddler of the cruel hard facts of life and how it's somehow MY fault she hasn't had a shower in weeks and has no place to call her own.

Damage is done. :mad:


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
One of the big black eyes our game have world wide is the 3 meter high fencing around the 100 m radius surrounding the Cauldrons.

Wonder why they need to be fenced off?

So idiots don't go and bring it to the ground as a form of "protest"

Trece, unfortunately for us, most left leaning thinkers aren't as 'balanced' as you as to what should be fair game and what shouldn't be.

Our "poor and downtrodden" (read: lazy, entitled, and addicted) bring us shame in that if something doesn't go their way they break things, or cause havoc in critical mass style nuisances... Other idiots looking for media pretending to advocate for those that cannot do it for themselves...

The entire thing is shameful, when if they just crawled back in to the holes that they crawled out of, the world wouldn't ever see them when the spotlight is on us, and they might consider coming back, with their chequebooks in hand, thereby creating more revenue to be wasted on these blights of our society.

All these homeless were offered shelter, food etc during the games, yet while we were standing in line for the Bay yesterday, two of them are lying beside the line at the Seymour exit of the Granville St Station. Why? This guy and gal stunk, wouldn't take the free food a young man had brought them from the 7/11 across the street. They were lying there in their sleeping bags as some form of protest, that they shouldn't BE homeless. Also, why take a chance at passing on the opportunity to panhandle when everyone around is ready to spend spend spend? I'm sure these panhandlers that are remaining and dodging the cops are making a killing!

That girl actually looked at me in horror when my daughter who is almost 3 looked at her and pointed at her from her stroller and started rambling on about what was wrong with her...Like I had some duty to inform my toddler of the cruel hard facts of life and how it's somehow MY fault she hasn't had a shower in weeks and has no place to call her own.

Damage is done. :mad:

Taught my daughter about the homeless last week.. young man with His dog Holding sign.. "Hungry with no money" I explained alot of these people are homeless by choice.. help is thier but they dont want to follow the same rules as the majority of society... To make along story short we went into safeway and bought 12 cans of pedigree dog to happily donate to the homeless man :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money

Some are for sure lost in the mess, with healthcare cutbacks etc, some are on the streets with no help or family because places like Riverview are closed or running really tight with no room left at the inn.

That being said, BC, and specifically Vancouver and Victoria metro areas are hamstrung by the entire Country's homeless, these two areas are really the only place that someone can be truly homeless and survive exposure 12 months of the year. That coupled with a large sense of entitlement to housing and food (two basic needs for human survival) is the problem. You don't GET these two needs simply because you were born in Canada, yes we as a nation should be able to provide this, but you can't if everyone that COULD afford them (able bodied folks unwilling to work etc) chooses to not.

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