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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
This is fcuked up. This is a album cover from a band called The Coup. It was put out about two months ago. I think they might have to change it. Don't you?:eek:


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry about the crappy picture. It was scanned out of the newspaper.:)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
what they're talking about now

Take a look at this picture that has been verified as 'undoctored'. Religious nuts in the states are freaking out. A close-up picture to follow.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Gotta admit, it does resemble what people think the devil would look like.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
in my inbox

This is interesting as well... sent by email earlier today:

Nostradamus' prediction.....

So thus Nostradamus hath said:

" In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great
leader will succomb.

"The third big war will begin then the big city is burning"- Nostradamus 654

"In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror...

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city..."

2001 is the first year of the new century and this is the 9th month.

New York is located at the 41st degree latitude.

From the prediction the GREAT THUNDER is the EXPLOSION, TWO BROTHERS TORN APART is the World Trade Center, while the FORTRESS (meaning the PENTAGON) endures, the GREAT LEADER (which means the US) will succumb, the Third Big War will begin when the city (NEW YORK) is burning.

He also said that this will be the third World War and it would be bigger that the last two wars.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
. . . and straight to my outbox.

Near the end he says something about me winning the lottery.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Speaking of predictions . . .

What happens if a big asteroid hits the Earth? Judging from realistic simulations . . . we can assume it will be pretty bad.
Now that's creepy.

TheRob, get out of Maple Ridge -- I hear they burn witches out there.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
need a history lesson

Apparently the Nostradamus crap I posted above is a hoax.

Shame on me.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
A slight hoax

Again, the Discovery Channel has shown the way. Although the bit above was not Nostradamus, it was however written in 1997 by a Brock University student. He was trying to show that anyone could write Nostradamesque type stuff. I doubt he'd ever though it would crop up again.

Nevertheless, creepy as well.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Michael Moore will undoubtedly be lynched by a mob of his 'civilised' American compatriots after writing this but, of all the hyperbole and American propagandist shite spewed out by the world's newspapers in the past few days, this is one of few pieces that looks at the real issue(s).

Dear friends,

I was supposed to fly today on the 4:30 PM American Airlines flight from LAX to JFK. But tonight I find myself stuck in L.A. with an incredible range of emotions over what has happened on the island where I work and live in New York City.

My wife and I spent the first hours of the day — after being awakened by phone calls from our parents at 6:40am PT — trying to contact our daughter at school in New York and our friend JoAnn who works near the World Trade Center.

I called JoAnn at her office. As someone picked up, the first tower imploded, and the person answering the phone screamed and ran out, leaving me no clue as to whether or not she or JoAnn would live.

It was a sick, horrible, frightening day.

On December 27, 1985 I found myself caught in the middle of a terrorist incident at the Vienna airport — which left 30 people dead, both there and at the Rome airport. (The machine-gunning of passengers in each city was timed to occur at the same moment.)

I do not feel like discussing that event tonight because it still brings up too much despair and confusion as to how and why I got to live… a fluke, a mistake, a few feet on the tarmac, and I am still here, there but for the grace of…

Safe. Secure. I’m an American, living in America. I like my illusions. I walk through a metal detector, I put my carry-ons through an x-ray machine, and I know all will be well.

Here’s a short list of my experiences lately with airport security:

* At the Newark Airport, the plane is late at boarding everyone. The counter can’t find my seat. So I am told to just “go ahead and get on” — without a ticket!

* At Detroit Metro Airport, I don’t want to put the lunch I just bought at the deli through the x-ray machine so, as I pass through the metal detector, I hand the sack to the guard through the space between the detector and the x-ray machine. I tell him “It’s just a sandwich.” He believes me and doesn’t bother to check. The sack has gone through neither security device.

* At LaGuardia in New York, I check a piece of luggage, but decide to catch a later plane. The first plane leaves without me, but with my bag — no one knowing what is in it.

* Back in Detroit, I take my time getting off the commuter plane. By the time I have come down its stairs, the bus that takes the passengers to the terminal has left — without me. I am alone on the tarmac, free to wander wherever I want. So I do. Eventually, I flag down a pick-up truck and an airplane mechanic gives me a ride the rest of the way to the terminal.

* I have brought knives, razors; and once, my traveling companion brought a hammer and chisel. No one stopped us.

Of course, I have gotten away with all of this because the airlines consider my safety SO important, they pay rent-a-cops $5.75 an hour to make sure the bad guys don’t get on my plane. That is what my life is worth — less than the cost of an oil change.

Too harsh, you say? Well, chew on this: a first-year pilot on American Eagle (the commuter arm of American Airlines) receives around $15,000 a year in annual pay.

That’s right — $15,000 for the person who has your life in his hands. Until recently, Continental Express paid a little over $13,000 a year. There was one guy, an American Eagle pilot, who had four kids so he went down to the welfare office and applied for food stamps — and he was eligible!

Someone on welfare is flying my plane? Is this for real? Yes, it is.

So spare me the talk about all the precautions the airlines and the FAA is taking. They, like all businesses, are concerned about one thing — the bottom line and the profit margin.

Four teams of 3-5 people were all able to penetrate airport security on the same morning at 3 different airports and pull off this heinous act? My only response is — that’s all?

Well, the pundits are in full diarrhea mode, gushing on about the “terrorist threat” and today’s scariest dude on planet earth — Osama bin Laden. Hey, who knows, maybe he did it. But, something just doesn’t add up.

Am I being asked to believe that this guy who sleeps in a tent in a desert has been training pilots to fly our most modern, sophisticated jumbo jets with such pinpoint accuracy that they are able to hit these three targets without anyone wondering why these planes were so far off path?

Or am I being asked to believe that there were four religious/political fanatics who JUST HAPPENED to be skilled airline pilots who JUST HAPPENED to want to kill themselves today?

Maybe you can find one jumbo jet pilot willing to die for the cause — but FOUR? Ok, maybe you can — I don’t know.

What I do know is that all day long I have heard everything about this bin Laden guy except this one fact — WE created the monster known as Osama bin Laden!

Where did he go to terrorist school? At the CIA!

Don’t take my word for it — I saw a piece on MSNBC last year that laid it all out. When the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, the CIA trained him and his buddies in how to commits acts of terrorism against the Soviet forces. It worked! The Soviets turned and ran. Bin Laden was grateful for what we taught him and thought it might be fun to use those same techniques against us.

We abhor terrorism — unless we’re the ones doing the terrorizing.

We paid and trained and armed a group of terrorists in Nicaragua in the 1980s who killed over 30,000 civilians. That was OUR work. You and me. Thirty thousand murdered civilians and who the hell even remembers!

We fund a lot of oppressive regimes that have killed a lot of innocent people, and we never let the human suffering THAT causes to interrupt our day one single bit.

We have orphaned so many children, tens of thousands around the world, with our taxpayer-funded terrorism (in Chile, in Vietnam, in Gaza, in Salvador) that I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised when those orphans grow up and are a little whacked in the head from the horror we have helped cause.

Yet, our recent domestic terrorism bombings have not been conducted by a guy from the desert but rather by our own citizens: a couple of ex-military guys who hated the federal government.

From the first minutes of today’s events, I never heard that possibility suggested. Why is that?

Maybe it’s because the A-rabs are much better foils. A key ingredient in getting Americans whipped into a frenzy against a new enemy is the all-important race card. It’s much easier to get us to hate when the object of our hatred doesn’t look like us.

Congressmen and Senators spent the day calling for more money for the military; one Senator on CNN even said he didn’t want to hear any more talk about more money for education or health care — we should have only one priority: our self-defense.

Will we ever get to the point that we realize we will be more secure when the rest of the world isn’t living in poverty so we can have nice running shoes?

In just 8 months, Bush gets the whole world back to hating us again. He withdraws from the Kyoto agreement, walks us out of the Durban conference on racism, insists on restarting the arms race — you name it, and Baby Bush has blown it all.

The Senators and Congressmen tonight broke out in a spontaneous version of “God Bless America.” They’re not a bad group of singers!

Yes, God, please do bless us.

Many families have been devastated tonight. This just is not right. They did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! Boston, New York, DC, and the planes’ destination of California — these were places that voted AGAINST Bush!

Why kill them? Why kill anyone? Such insanity…

Let’s mourn, let’s grieve, and when it’s appropriate let’s examine our contribution to the unsafe world we live in.

It doesn’t have to be like this…


Michael Moore
Michael Moore Home

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Great post, Fasty.

I was having this exact discussion at my school today with some of the teachers. As hard as this week has been to absorb, I feel that the U.S. has helped fuel this all along. Just hearing the fcuking

U. S. A. U.S.A. U.S.A. chant drives me nuts. Too many arrogant Americans have helped in this tragedy. Of course, I am not even remotely justifying these horrific events but the U.S.A. has no problem bombing civilians anywhere else, as long as it maintains their Superpower status. Unfortunately for everyone, they have apprently met a group that has so much built up hatred towards them, that the group would be willing to organize something for years, just to rub America's nose in it. It is frightening and those images will stick with us for a long time. I just hope the U.S. decides to keep its guns and bombs hidden and focuses on capturing the perpetrators. Bring these guys to justice and avoid repeating the innocent killing of civilians....

Captain who is too lazy to edit now........


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm with you, Captain

These attacks were brought on by the American goverments "foriegn policy- its enforcer-to-the-world-attitude and its arrogance to, and ignorance of, other cultures."

Their have been many instances of the US (and US backed Isreal) bombing and killing innocent civillians in the Arab world. We rarely hear about it.

I can't justify the killing of innocent people but I can understand why they would choose to fight this type of war with the US. It's their only alternative...


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Long time reader...


Before I wade into the murky waters of my own irrelevance I wish to express my astonishment at reading your so-called “real issue(s)”, article. I find it hard to believe that a self-proclaimed Thatcherite like yourself would agree with the espousals of a left-of-centre fundamentalist like M. Moore. That’s not to say that he isn’t spot-on regarding many of his observations. However, I find it hard to believe that you read anything written by some out-of-touch yank who expresses his own form of utopian idealism by promoting the notion of a benevolent communist state. Yeah, why don’t we all hold hands, sing hymns, and rid the disparate world of hate, demarcation and income inequality? Hey, while we’re at it, why don’t we assure everyone an equal wage, eliminate all forms of competition, and allow Jinky to sing Tom Jones twenty-four seven in a thong?

No, my problem with the Moore article, and the most of the posts written on this forum, revolves around the over-simplification of the whole ordeal. From my self-professed lofty vantage point, it appears that many on this forum want to condemn Tuesday’s events, while back-handedly finding fault with American foreign affairs. How many times will we have to endure comments like “I am not even remotely justifying these events but…” But nothing. Zilch. Nada. Fcuk all. Under no circumstances can terrorism be morally justified. We live in an age when the idea of universal moral standards is under severe attack. According to the sophistry of moral relativism, almost anything can be condoned. The idea that ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ is akin to comparing the colour orange and a big fat hairy lady eating an ice cream on the beach at Southsea. There is no comparison. Even when the terrorists speak on behalf of the majority, it is still impossible to exculpate their modus operandi. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not a pacifist: the use of force is a necessary evil in the modern world, but terrorism is a special form of violence that is perpetrated against innocent civilians. And, claiming that the Americans are guilty due to some asinine notion revolving around concepts like ‘the sin of moral equivalence’, is absolutely –in the words of the BFG- “redunculous”.


Well simply put, they’re not alone. We all do it. The Americans just happen to be the biggest, wealthiest, most technologically advanced nation on the planet; hence, they’re the best target. The UN, EU, NATO, and a plethora of other acronymed organisations all partake in the same oppressive activities. Should we -well, I mean you lot, because it’s fairly obvious that Britain has nothing to do with this whole sordid affair- Canadians accept it when some Pakistani dissident decides to destroy the architectural abortion known as BC place simply because we sold nuclear intelligence to their rivals way back when. Of course not. So how can you justify it now? How about the Philippines? Maybe we could all sit back and allow them to fire bamboo shoots across the ocean because on some esoteric level we ‘deserved it’, ‘it was our fault’, or maybe even because we chant a tad loud, and a touch too often.

The definitive history of twenty-first-century terrorism has yet to be written. Nevertheless, the events of the past few days will systematically alter the international –not American- arena, and fundamentally change the way states deal with terrorism. However, if anything positive is to come from this tragedy, it may be that the monolithically menacing Arab world seems to be fragmenting faster than the Twin Towers themselves. This in itself debunks the myth of Arab and Muslim homogeneity and shows perhaps that circuitous religious wars are becoming moribund. And that, at the end of the day, can’t be a bad thing –although I’m sure someone will disagree.

Oh, and I had another thought after digesting the comment that the Americans (although I’m sure you meant NATO) should keep their arms hidden, catch the perpetrators, and bring them to justice. What is this? Find fcuking Waldo? Let’s guess where the baddies are, issue a subpoena, and bring them to trial. Yeah, that’ll work. But let’s not forget that the American contingent will have to stop off in old Eire first to pick up the arsenal and funds that have been on loan to all those philanthropic “politicians” for the past several decades.

And to quote the eminent academic Jack Nicholson, speaking on behalf of Uncle Sammy, ”you rise and sleep under the very blanket of freedom that I provide and then question the manner in which I provide it”.

Pure hypocrisy.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome to TTP

Nice post Roni... :D

I agree that flushing out the perpetrators and bringing them to trial is absolute bunk and will not only not solve the problem but will only fan the flames, so to speak.

I'd be highly interested to know your opinion regarding this whole Jerry Farwell situation. Do you, or anyone else here, think that this clown should be brought up on charges of inciting hatred?



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Did I mention Southampton won today?


Jerry Farwell, like all extremists, is inherently self-obsessed with the sound of his own voice. He believes that he has a divine right to critique society in the name of the Lord. The only problem with this monstrosity of a human pimple, and men like him, is that his own infamy feeds his notoriety, which in turn breeds a bigger pimple. For many, the answer lies with the media. Religious detractors claim that if the ‘entertainment’ conglomerates had the wherewithal to ignore this militant ‘angel’, we would all be better off. I, on the other had, contend that this is entirely the wrong approach. In my not so humble opinion, we should give this man a soapbox big enough that the entire planet can hear. Hopefully, if he speaks loud enough and long enough he might lose his voice. Of course, this only works if his audience is intelligent, something I wouldn’t want to bet my toe clippers on.

As an aside, Jerry Farwell shares many of the same qualities as our very own theological scholar, Jinky. You see, before this forum existed, I happily followed my beloved Southampton through season upon season of mediocrity. However, now, due to his declamatory posting of all things great, green and white, I will follow him through the Gates of Hell in order to preserve the reputation of Scotland’s finest ever football team. He is my leader, and I will follow him in the sort of unabridged, dogmatic fashion rarely witnessed on these shores; for this sort of dedication to the ‘cause’ is needed if we are to progress as a planet. I say pick a side and let Darwinism do the rest. I know keeper agrees with me, after all, he was clever enough to use the swastika as an accompaniment to his moniker. He's a bright boy, isn't he?

Did I ever answer your question? No, charges should not be laid.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
intelligence at least!

Dear Sheps and Roni,

As lame and impotent as it sounds, as much as I'd like to get into this first real sign of intelligent debate on TTP, needs must and I must endeavour to continue impressing my new-found capitalist employer. At least for another hour and, after that, my access is limited exclusively by my refusal to pay in a cafe for connection.

I'd be interested to hear when I ever confessed to being a Thatcherite. Methinks you've confused my politics with those of Burnsie and his love of those halcyon days of Britain in the 1980's. Anyway, as much as Michael Moore's opinions have, historically, been diametrically opposed to those of my own, as you have proven in your post, even over-educated gobshites are capable of sense on occasion. The trouble I have with your opinion is not that it differs greatly from my own but that you find fault with the over-simplification of the arguments previously posted on this thread. While even I am not delusional enough to think that this is something that, if you can forgive the unfortunate turn of phrase, is black and white, surely it comes down to, as CDK pointed out, American foreign policy and the complacent, arrogant nature with which they have always presented it.

Of course 'we' (and in the use if 'we' I assume you mean the great democracies of the West, none of whom, of course, are half as 'great' nor as 'democratic' as the great unwashed masses to your immediate south) also dabble in meddling with the affairs of others and, if history serves, I seem to think England was once accused, as difficult as it is to imagine now, of being ruthless in her quest for further empire. The great difficulty I have in giving any creedence to your argument is that the terrorists didn't attack anywhere else in the world last Tuesday. They attacked the U.S.A. You're saying that, were it not for a bit of luck, those planes could have been re-routed to crash over London, or Ottawa, or Brussels? Rubbish. Whoever masterminded this cruel act of revenge had clearly been driven to commit these untold evils by the self-confessed 'civilsed capital of the world'. We're meant to believe it was Osama bin Laden, public enemy number one in his luxurious Afghan tent, dining on raw camel and pulling the strings of unspeakably evil men and women all over the world , more of whom are flushed out of their hiding places with every passing hour as the miracle of ineptitude and woeful short-sightedness that is the American secret service is forced to quell the mounting public and political bloodlust by arresting arbitrary Arabs, most of whom have probably never even met Osam bin Laden.

I like your cute Jack Nicholson quote but, given a bit more time, I'd start to argue the toss with you about how the blanket metaphor in the great statesman's quote has anything to do with me, a Canadian/British subject. That bit of your post is reminiscent of keeper's sadly freudian and revealing cokc-up after duly reporting the disaster;
All air travel, nationwide, and in Canada is halted.
I prefer this Winston Churchill quote; 'The United States always does the right thing even if it's the last thing they try'.

As I asked last Tuesday after hearing of the tragedy, 'who are the real terrorists'? We, and in 'we' I mean the great Western democracies, never hear about what really happened in the Gulf and quite why Saddam is still lounging about snickering at those who, supposedly, won that 'conflict'. We had a few weeks of grainy, nighttime pictures of red splashes across our screens and some retired American Colonel telling some CNN bimbo that those, we could be assured, were scud missiles and were 'without shadow of a doubt' hitting their intended target(s). Did we ever see any of the obvious war-induced fallout? Any displaced families, injured women or children, religious leaders bravely attempting to save lives from the burning embers of a building left prostrate by the 'allied coalition's' 'smart bombs'? Of course we didn't because 'no lives were lost during the making of this television programme'. Were we ever told why anyone would think us stupid enough to believe that there were fcuking 'smart bombs'? Why are 'we' meant to feel as though that 'conflict' was resolved and that 'we' won? Why do 'we' feel anymore outraged at scenes of fiendish, evil, Muslim women and children dancing and rejoicing in the streets at news of the New York terrorist attack than when 'we' are force fed clips of 'heroic' , 'civilised', yanks shouting into cameras about 'nuking the bastards', their hands covering their hearts in brainwashed reverence as clips of one of their earlier defining moments are shown of American soldiers raising their flag at Iwo Jima shortly before 'winning' WWII by dropping two atom bombs on an 'evil' threat to civilisation. It's all propaganda.

Fcuk this for a game of soldiers, I'm off like a prawn in the sun, this has been fun, Fastshow.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
This is a quote I found reading articles on the net, thought others might like to read it.....

This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.
America: The Good Neighbor.
Widespread but only partial news coverage was given
recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from
Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television
Commentator. What follows is the full text of his
trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the
Americans as the most generous and possibly the
least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany,
Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy
were lifted out of the debris of war by the
Americans who poured in billions of dollars and
forgave other billions in debts.

None of these countries is today paying even the
interest on its remaining debts to the United
States. When France was in danger of collapsing in
1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and
their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the
streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
United States that hurries in to help. This spring,
59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes.
Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman
Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged
countries. Now newspapers in those countries are
writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is
gloating over the erosion of the United States
dollar build its own airplane. Does any other
country in the world have a plane to equal the
Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the
Douglas DC10?

If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the
International lines except Russia fly American
planes? Why does no other land on earth even
consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You
talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios.
You talk about German technocracy, and you get
automobiles. You talk about American technocracy,
and you find men on the moon - not once, but several
times - and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put
theirs right in the store window for everybody to
look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued
and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most
of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are
getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to
spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were
breaking down through age, it was the Americans who
rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the
New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an
old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name
me even one time when someone else raced to the
Americans in trouble? I don't think there was
outside help even during the San Francisco

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get
kicked around. They will come out of this thing
with their flag high. And when they do, they are
entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are
gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada
is not one of those!"

Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!!

This is one of the best editorials that I have ever
read regarding the United States. It is nice that
one man realizes it. I only wish that the rest of
the world would realize it. We are always blamed for
everything, and never even get a thank you for the
things we do.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

What was that about Burnsie and the 1980s?

It is always interesting to listen to a couple Artsy Fartsy go at it. I usually don't understand most of the language because in Phed we were just taught to throw and catch, but it is entertaining reading nonetheless. BTW, I fully agree with Fasty on the issue. Saint received too much help from Ronny. As for the issue at hand, I just hope the U.S. does the right thing, for a change.....



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
You're a clset Thatcherite, Burnsie and you know you are....

The trouble with all this is that any opinion and viewpoint can be argued to a credible level. The problem I have with Canadians, traditionally, is that having an opinion isn't a particularly forthright characteristic. Of those who have posted regarding this terrorist attack only CDK (a Croat shepherd), Saint (a shandy drinking nonce with an unnatural interest in Dean Richards), and the Captain (born in Britain) have voiced their side on the issue and, whether you agree with it or not, at least having an opinion is a sign of life. Waiting on the sidelines to see what part of the fence to quietly jump from is a rather sad Canadian characteristic in my most humble of opinions. Let's see if that has any effect.

A problem with the gushing article posted by 5BT is that in today's paper there were pictures taken from within Afghanistan of the abject poverty and utter destruction incurred on all their cities in the five years since the Taliban has been 'governing' the country. Five fcuking years!!!! Where have the yanks been in that time? What happened to the solidarity the Americans enjoyed with the Afghans during their conflict with the evil Soviet hordes? A conflict, incidentally, funded by the shining light of world freedom. A conflict for which the USA trained their new poster-boy for evil. 20 million people live in Afghanistan and now, under massive threat of another hackneyed attack by 'freedom fighters', the people are naturally moving en masse to the nearest borders in an effort to save themselves. At least they have the luxury of time to get out, unlike those trapped in the World Trade Centres. Still, upon reaching the Pakistani border yesterday, the refugees were turned back after the Pakistanis closed their lines after increasing American pressure. On the news at lunchtime a British journalist went deep into the American countryside to try and guage what those considered rednecks by even their own countrymen thought of recent matters. Interviewing a woman on her 'porch' in Shitkickersville, Iowa or some such place, her massive American flag flopping impotently above her, her fat Denny's-inspired arse slopping over the sides of her bench, this creature, to whom the word 'female' seems too generous, sat and screeched, while chewing on her gum like cud, 'How dare they? Don't they know we're the world's only superpower? How dare they? ' When pressed to resond to whether or not she would be keen to have her sons enlisted, should a draft be forthcoming, her immediate reply, delivered in her siren-like accent, was 'No, fcuking way, mister! No sons of mine are going to die for those A-rabs, we should just drop a bomb and rid the world of them forever'. Civilisation at it's apex, obviously.

Tony Blair's keenness to snuggle 'shoulder to shoulder' under the duvet of anti-terrorist rhetoric with the Americans is beginning, very slowly, to backfire on him as public opinion over here, in some circles, has begun to turn. How can a man stand up and crack on about the terrible tragedy in New York while he has had terrorists in his own back garden and has even released those responsible for the Omagh bombing and it's subsequent loss of hundreds of innocent lives in an effort to aid a 'peace process' that has stalled so many times? Don't even get me started on Mugabe and his Zimbabwean henchmen. I was under the impression Zimbabwe was in the Commonwealth. Or does today's Commonwealth only exist in order to enable Britain, Australia, and Canada to win medals in athletics at a meet in which few countries are able to compete? Where do the 'allies' stand on those two issues?

For the yanks to expect a deluge of sympathy from those of civilised disposition and sane mind is reasonable; for them to expect a smoothly run 'coalition' with the rest of the world bowing to their arrogantly proclaimed supremacy is unreasonable and obnoxious in it's complacency. The same kind of complacency, in fact, that has resulted in so many innocent lives lost in the past week.

But that's just my opinion.

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