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Numb from the Covid


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Apparently World Juniors still going ahead in Alberta with fans. How many people from different countries attend this?
The Albertan Government...
clowns GIF by The 90th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Personally just so sick of early data suggests and our study showed. The problem is the vast majority of readers don’t understand none of this would ever be published in a peer reviewed journal. So many of these articles, ages vary, vaccination status varies, underlying health issues, race, ethnicity. There aren’t the controls needed to give real data yet. But off we go with omicron data showing it’s mild, next day, it’s no more mild then delta, vaccines showing they aren’t working, vaccines are 20% effective. Zero integrity in any of this shite and no wonder it’s become so political.
As Dude said it’s just started to pit people against each other. I do think people should be vaccinated but at this stage don’t tell me to not hang out with unvaccinated people. fcuk off, all the data Is showing we all pass it on, vaccinated or unvaccinated. If they want a higher risk of death, they can live with that if it goes badly. Christ what’s next don’t hang out with people with hoodies they look like thugs. Bonnie starting to sound like my mom when I entered high school.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Personally just so sick of early data suggests and our study showed. The problem is the vast majority of readers don’t understand none of this would ever be published in a peer reviewed journal. So many of these articles, ages vary, vaccination status varies, underlying health issues, race, ethnicity. There aren’t the controls needed to give real data yet. But off we go with omicron data showing it’s mild, next day, it’s no more mild then delta, vaccines showing they aren’t working, vaccines are 20% effective. Zero integrity in any of this shite and no wonder it’s become so political.
As Dude said it’s just started to pit people against each other. I do think people should be vaccinated but at this stage don’t tell me to not hang out with unvaccinated people. fcuk off, all the data Is showing we all pass it on, vaccinated or unvaccinated. If they want a higher risk of death, they can live with that if it goes badly. Christ what’s next don’t hang out with people with hoodies they look like thugs. Bonnie starting to sound like my mom when I entered high school.
I don’t disagree it’s all based on their “models”, but those models are widely used across the sciences to make these predictions about many different things no? They aren’t making them up even though it seems that way most of the time.
I feel like if they didn’t over react to it all and went along the route of just letting it play out, we’d still have this thread, just we’d be arguing that the government didn’t do enough etc etc, and all the anti vaxxers and govt haters would just be complaining about the fact they let way too many people die, get sick, flood hospitals, whatever. They’re really in a no win situation. I’d be surprised if there was a govt anywhere that had a plan that pleased 100% of the people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
...first 2 doses didn't work so let's get a 3rd??? Fack me it doesn't make sense.
But apparently, if you get a breakthrough case you are suddenly 'super immune'.

I swear they are making shite up as they go.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
...first 2 doses didn't work so let's get a 3rd??? Fack me it doesn't make sense.
But apparently, if you get a breakthrough case you are suddenly 'super immune'.

I swear they are making shite up as they go.
They call it a booster because the 5G isn’t strong enough yet. ;)
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Some of us were saying, "we are all hiding from a cold" earlier, when that was a angry, sarcastic statement. Most realize the first strains were definitely worse than a cold, but still not nearly as deadly as first made out.

Now we seem to be truly hiding from a cold.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
After media complaints that she do more, and Quebec banning fans at Canadians games and Ontario said 50% at Leafs, Sens and Raptors games, Bonnie had to follow suit.
And no, not all vaccine clinics are closed over the holidays. The BC run clinic in Burnaby will be open, I get my 3rd shot there on the 30th.
I prefer BC's booster strategy to that of Ontario and some other provinces. Do not want to see a healthy 40 year old get a booster before a healthy 70 year old.
She didn't "have" to follow suit, unless she's privy to information that she's not sharing with the citizens of this province. Otherwise, it would have been within her discretion to say "not yet". She wouldn't have been the only epidemiologist on the planet saying "relax" at this point.

I still plan to go to the US over Christmas to see family. Should be able to waltz into a Walgreens and get a booster there. Seems like "essential" travel to me - just trying to do my part after all...


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
She didn't "have" to follow suit, unless she's privy to information that she's not sharing with the citizens of this province. Otherwise, it would have been within her discretion to say "not yet". She wouldn't have been the only epidemiologist on the planet saying "relax" at this point.

I still plan to go to the US over Christmas to see family. Should be able to waltz into a Walgreens and get a booster there. Seems like "essential" travel to me - just trying to do my part after all...
I would have to think that with all the death threats she wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t necessary. Probably why she’s always on the verge of tears everytime she makes an announcement to shut things down


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I would have to think that with all the death threats she wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t necessary. Probably why she’s always on the verge of tears everytime she makes an announcement to shut things down
Personally, I've been pretty light on Bonnie mainly because she's kinda got the shittiest job in BC right now, and I call 100% bullshit on her being the authority having jurisdiction. I bet there is all sorts of political override on her decisions.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The vaxxed will lead the revolt if more restrictions are imposed and they try to keep people separated from families for the holidays again. Sorry but I listened and did my part. No chance I'll listen if someone tells me I can't take my old man some Christmas dinner this year. Try me. :rolleyes:
This. The apathy is thick. People are fcuking so done. I’m on a ferry tomorrow, to do exactly this: see the old man, take him to dinner with my wife and 7 year old, who he’s barely seen in two years.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money

Is it time to roll down the sleeve and unmask? Super small study but compelling results...

Study finds the double-vaxxed who are later infected are better protected against Delta variant​

Researchers say the antibodies following infection were 1,000 per cent more effective at neutralizing the Delta variant than those produced two weeks after a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Is it time to roll down the sleeve and unmask? Super small study but compelling results...

Study finds the double-vaxxed who are later infected are better protected against Delta variant​

Researchers say the antibodies following infection were 1,000 per cent more effective at neutralizing the Delta variant than those produced two weeks after a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The idea of letting the virus naturally take its course is a pretty popular and growing opinion right now. Me, going to try and not get too amped up later today, have a nice dinner with Dad on the Island before they shut us down, and ski my ass off until they fcuk us on mountain access again. Cause you know, being outside and getting fresh air / exercise is somehow bad.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
You guys should read the study before jumping to erroneous conclusions. Its about breakthrough infections, which means it applies to people who have been vaccinated and then got infected. It does not support the notion of letting the "virus naturally take its course".
If governments had not intervened then covid would have crippled our health care systems and we would have experienced multiple times more deaths.

On a personal note, I am pleased that BC took measures to keep the virus and hospitalizations under control. Those measure allowed my wife to get an ultrasound and biopsy, followed by a CAT scan last week. Our Xmas gift is that the results came back healthy.

I hope you folks do get to enjoy time with your elderly parents and your kids. Seasons Greetings.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
glad to hear your wife got a clean bill PV!

you make a good point about the necessities up until now, but I think the argument being made is that at this point - i.e., with most of us double or triple vaxxed and seemingly protected from serious illness or death - it's safe and even preferable to let the vaxxed get infected so as to give them optimal immunity.

So, still get as many needles in arms as possible, and the boosters are still good ideas (just like with your annual flu shot), but it's time for the mandatory maskings and distancing and passports and restrictions and all that jazz to end.

My parents remain quite nervy about COVID, which is curious to me because my father is usually a staunch libertarian. I've had to point out that at a certain point you either live the rest of your days in your own basement, or you accept a certain level of risk and get on with things. It moved the needle. Marginally.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Good stuff PV. There are alot of people waiting for health services in pain or with prospects of worse outcomes. It is unfortunate that the state of the world at present is not setup to best deal with this natural "happened before...will happen again" FU from Nature. Less diversity, less natural land barriers, population density and mobility, and disparity in treatments means this sad song will be on repeat a while yet. Enough of that dark cloud proclamation.... All the best for these last strokes of 2021 and looking forward to next year and sunnier days(without a heat dome please.....)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Good points!

Also just read that cases in South Africa had dropped by 50% as of yesterday? Not bad if true.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
About that study:
Two doses + breakthrough = super immunity, high antibody levels

A rather small sample size of 52 but promising results.

But how long will these antibodies last?
It's the same question for natural infection and also vaccination...just how long do the antibodies last? (the estimate 6 months)

The study doesn't comment on the reverse of their findings...Can super immunity be achieved from first contracting covid and then acquiring the vaccine? And would a person with prior covid infection need just one jab or two?

For the most part this is old new...all covered in that Joe Rogan podcast with Sanjay Gupta in October. Sanjay tells Rogan(recovered from Covid) to get the vax and that will boost his immunity. Rogan in turn tells Sanjay(Vaxxed) to get Covid if it's just that simple.

At this point I don't know who's more annoying, anti-vaxxers or staunch vaccine supporters. They both piss me the fcuk off.

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