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New Youth HPL league

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May 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Whalley aka CCFC hasn't really developed anything to speak of. Players, Coaches, Leaders ... basically either ZERO or originally from SFC anyways.

BTW the rumour mill is saying that the Whalley TD is already "making calls" to jump ship as he didn't realize what kind of a shite-show he jumped into when he arrived at Whalley by way of the USA/England. I wish him luck!

As for our "TD" ... our Club doesn't have a TD in place. We have a "Head Coach", Paul Bahia who I'd stand up for any day of the week. He is on track to have his B-Provincial by the summer, and is one of the best on-field coaches I've seen in my years of footie. Whether Certs are worthwhile or not, Paul is a solid, solid coach and excellent in our community.

Let's see our SFC Technical Director history is ...
2005-2006 - Hubert Busby Jr - currently: Womens Head Coach, Whitecaps
2006-2009 - David Irvine - currently: Manager, Technical Programs, Whitecaps
2009-2010 - Rich Fagan - currently: Staff Coach, Youth Teams, Whitecaps

So our last three TD's are now with the Professional Club. Let's chalk that up to technical development. No local club has that kind of record!

The race for the final HPL spot in the greater Surrey area is really starting to warm up now . The Whalley boys seem to be shite stirring by trying to form allegiances with clubs from north of the river which doesn,t really make any sense.
It seems that the Whalley boys just want to undermine the SFC bid.


Aug 19, 2003
Dirty Money

I think Paul Bahia should be the face and name of our club. He is a true professional at all levels. You are now asking us parents and coachs to knock on the front door of the clubhouse when we have been there for months. Try returning some of the messages we have left on the phones.
Why are we picking on Central City? They are not the ones to blame for our own mismanagement. Was there ever a problem when Chris M was around? I know its hard but sometimes you have to look in the mirror to see why we are where we are.
I don't like to defend others but I don't think any TD is going to run away from a club ( CCFC) that is on it's way up. I've actually had a privelige of meeting there TD and he is a very good lad with tons of knowlegde.

Bollocks, at the end of the day we at SFC did'nt take care of the Indo Canadian community. Our community is probably 80% to 90% of all SFC members. They are moving to Central City. In 2 to 3 years they will be one of the power houses in the Surrey area. By that time I will be done my time at the youth level.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Abby is supported by LFC, Mission, and Chilliwack. Not Langley United.
Reading the news this morning, it appears Mission is NOT endorsing Abby but rather the Pitt Meadows/GEU bid.

So that leaves Abby with just a single endorsement in Chilliwack?

Here's a question: what happens with the clubs that submit a bid but are not awarded a franchise? Will they need to approach the closest geographical winning bid club and attempt to forge a relationship? What happens to their current programs? IS it possible they could be weakened?

For example, let's say Abby isn't awarded a franchise. By all accounts, Ian Knight, their current head coach, does a good job and is a stand up guy. There are going to be quite a few top-level coaching positions needed to be filled I would imagine in the HPL - would someone like Ian Knight be snapped up? Where does that leave Abby then? Same with a guy like Alan Errington - also in the Abby system.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
LFC? Unless they have made a quick 180 in the last couple of days, as far as I'm aware they are firmly behind Surrey United :confused:

I Could be wrong. Have been many times before. I do know the Fraser Valley district clubs all supported Abby bidding. Langley Utd have now "made a quick 180" and are developing their own girls and HPL programs...I also know from a Langley United parent there are a lot of families leaving Langley United....her quote "in big bunches." One boy I know already left to play u21 and he was on a metro "A" team.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Reading the news this morning, it appears Mission is NOT endorsing Abby but rather the Pitt Meadows/GEU bid.

So that leaves Abby with just a single endorsement in Chilliwack?

Here's a question: what happens with the clubs that submit a bid but are not awarded a franchise? Will they need to approach the closest geographical winning bid club and attempt to forge a relationship? What happens to their current programs? IS it possible they could be weakened?

For example, let's say Abby isn't awarded a franchise. By all accounts, Ian Knight, their current head coach, does a good job and is a stand up guy. There are going to be quite a few top-level coaching positions needed to be filled I would imagine in the HPL - would someone like Ian Knight be snapped up? Where does that leave Abby then? Same with a guy like Alan Errington - also in the Abby system.

We will all have to wait and see! :) No clue.

Too much conjecture on this site - so I give up on that front!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Too much conjecture?

I don't really see "too much" of anything going on here - all discussion I've have seen has been good and gets people thinking and asking questions. Some people have more info than others and as far as I'm concerned, the more they share, the more we are all better for it.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
The discussion has been great! But there is lots of going back and forth about this club and that shortcoming and that club and that strength. I am just gonna wait and see what clubs are accepted in a few weeks. Then we will all know the links etc...I love the discussion though!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I think Paul Bahia should be the face and name of our club. He is a true professional at all levels. You are now asking us parents and coachs to knock on the front door of the clubhouse when we have been there for months. Try returning some of the messages we have left on the phones.
Why are we picking on Central City? They are not the ones to blame for our own mismanagement. Was there ever a problem when Chris M was around? I know its hard but sometimes you have to look in the mirror to see why we are where we are.
I don't like to defend others but I don't think any TD is going to run away from a club ( CCFC) that is on it's way up. I've actually had a privelige of meeting there TD and he is a very good lad with tons of knowlegde.

Bollocks, at the end of the day we at SFC did'nt take care of the Indo Canadian community. Our community is probably 80% to 90% of all SFC members. They are moving to Central City. In 2 to 3 years they will be one of the power houses in the Surrey area. By that time I will be done my time at the youth level.

Jesus...you know, you had me nodding my head in agreement until the last statement.

Fcuk me, when is the Indo Canadian community going to wake up? The whole "Apna" approach to monopolizing everything they are involved in is as much to do with SFC "losing it" over the past 10 years than anything. SFC damn well should be proud of what they have developed, but ask yourself why many of the top coaches that have a direct hand in those accomplishments started leaving the club after Roy left.

I'll be straight up honest and say that is one of my biggest fears of the Breakers joining CCFC (now known as CCB)...that the Indo community will do what they have done in the past, bulldoze everyone else for the betterment of their own agenda. That is a real fear of mine.

Also, the boys side of CCB has produced nothing of any substance. They have no history of sending on players to greater things. In my mind, and now as a member, they have a LONG way to go in that area. Their feet will be held to the fire to step up and put some substance behind their promises.

That said, I have to give credit where it's due to the Breakers executive. They had to merge w/ a club in order to continue on w/ the Breakers program, and they have found a partnership that was receptive, and allowed for new laws to be written into the constitution to serve the Breakers girls programs best interest. Without facilities, we're dead, and we had no clout.

I'll be recommending to my parents to sign their kids next year as returning to our team under CCB, as I'll sign on as a coach for the U-10 Girls. The club deserves at least one year to show us they can continue to develop the girls program the way they envision, and they have big plans for the boys. What's been lost in all this guys...the power is now in the hands of the membership, more than ever. Clubs: with all the back door politicking and maneuvering, I sure hope you have real and tangible plans for development going forward, because its not a long drive to switch clubs if need be.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
burkee&nonis - Once again, I'd love to listen more to what you have to say. I am certain that you haven't left any messages for me ... In any case, it looks like you have some good feedback to give and perhaps you're willing to help us move forward. Check your PM.

Soccer Krazy

New Member
Jan 20, 2011
Dirty Money
Good Morning All,
As I am starting to get addicted to all of this HPL talk I have been browsing club websites and found this annoucement on the golden ears website;
This means that their bid is huge with over 8000 ppl.
Also Surrey united has posted the following on their website:

Surrey United SC

They have officially annouced Langely joining with them

The question is how strong is the Abby bid now?

The other unclear picture at this time is who is with South Fraser and Surdell Pegasis FC

As everything look I believe the following:

These bids are slam dunks in my eyes:
1- Interior
2- Island
3- Surrey United
4- CMF
5- North Shore /Burnaby
6- Vancouver/Richmond
I think neck to neck compition will be between Abby bid and North Fraser Bid
and also SFC bid and South Fraser bid.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Good Morning All,
As I am starting to get addicted to all of this HPL talk I have been browsing club websites and found this annoucement on the golden ears website;
This means that their bid is huge with over 8000 ppl.
Also Surrey united has posted the following on their website:

Surrey United SC

They have officially annouced Langely joining with them

The question is how strong is the Abby bid now?

The other unclear picture at this time is who is with South Fraser and Surdell Pegasis FC

As everything look I believe the following:

These bids are slam dunks in my eyes:
1- Interior
2- Island
3- Surrey United
4- CMF
5- North Shore /Burnaby
6- Vancouver/Richmond
I think neck to neck compition will be between Abby bid and North Fraser Bid
and also SFC bid and South Fraser bid.

Surdel Surrey FC bid is clarified on the Surrey FC web page as including Surrey FC, SurDel Girls and North Delta Youth Soccer.

Re: Abby - Chilliwack supports them, logically. But I actually am starting to believe they have the strongest bid because they don't have any other club to deal with and please!

For me the Pitt/GEU bid loses credibility by joining with Central City. How many Whalley kids want to go to Maple Ridge for practices! Links like that say "smoke and mirrors" to me.

Keep in mind - Abby has history of SYL, a new Super 20, a new women's premier PCSL, a PDL and a direct link with Abby men's premier and the University of Fraser Valley. Not sure about the women's side other than the PCSL spot. These bids aren't just about numbers and the youth programs.

For me, Abby is ahead of Pitt and South Fraser because those areas can be served by CMF, Surrey United, BBY, Richmond-Van, and not to mention Surrey Peg. Whereas Abby kids aren't necessarily served by those clubs. Surrey United....even that's 35-45 minutes (trust me, I drove it daily for work!)

Soccer Krazy

New Member
Jan 20, 2011
Dirty Money
Jesus...you know, you had me nodding my head in agreement until the last statement.

Fcuk me, when is the Indo Canadian community going to wake up? The whole "Apna" approach to monopolizing everything they are involved in is as much to do with SFC "losing it" over the past 10 years than anything. SFC damn well should be proud of what they have developed, but ask yourself why many of the top coaches that have a direct hand in those accomplishments started leaving the club after Roy left.

I'll be straight up honest and say that is one of my biggest fears of the Breakers joining CCFC (now known as CCB)...that the Indo community will do what they have done in the past, bulldoze everyone else for the betterment of their own agenda. That is a real fear of mine.

Also, the boys side of CCB has produced nothing of any substance. They have no history of sending on players to greater things. In my mind, and now as a member, they have a LONG way to go in that area. Their feet will be held to the fire to step up and put some substance behind their promises.

That said, I have to give credit where it's due to the Breakers executive. They had to merge w/ a club in order to continue on w/ the Breakers program, and they have found a partnership that was receptive, and allowed for new laws to be written into the constitution to serve the Breakers girls programs best interest. Without facilities, we're dead, and we had no clout.

I'll be recommending to my parents to sign their kids next year as returning to our team under CCB, as I'll sign on as a coach for the U-10 Girls. The club deserves at least one year to show us they can continue to develop the girls program the way they envision, and they have big plans for the boys. What's been lost in all this guys...the power is now in the hands of the membership, more than ever. Clubs: with all the back door politicking and maneuvering, I sure hope you have real and tangible plans for development going forward, because its not a long drive to switch clubs if need be.

Great points, PLEASE ALL KEEP THE COLOR POLITICS OUT OF IT. WE ARE ALL SOCCER PLAYERS REGARDLESS OF THE RACE OR COLOR OF OUR SKIN. I do believe that old Whalley the new CCFC or CCB whatever they are called are definetly the flavour of the month. But I think guys in all the discussion we are missing that this is not the topic of discusion as this should be all for HPL related issues.

Sorry man everytime we have gone to the front desk at the reception at NAP all we have found is dis respect. There is no respect for volunteer coaches and the time they put in. Also please do PM me your number as I would definetly meet you before season ends and hopefully you can convince me to change y mind on how things are run and let's be honest I have never seen NAP fields this empty ever. Why did so many kids leave, I think it's all ours responsibility to makesure that we fix the system rather than focus too much on bashing others.


New Member
Jan 17, 2011
Dirty Money
Good Morning All,
As I am starting to get addicted to all of this HPL talk I have been browsing club websites and found this annoucement on the golden ears website;
This means that their bid is huge with over 8000 ppl.
Also Surrey united has posted the following on their website:

Surrey United SC

They have officially annouced Langely joining with them

The question is how strong is the Abby bid now?

The other unclear picture at this time is who is with South Fraser and Surdell Pegasis FC

As everything look I believe the following:

These bids are slam dunks in my eyes:
1- Interior
2- Island
3- Surrey United
4- CMF
5- North Shore /Burnaby
6- Vancouver/Richmond
I think neck to neck compition will be between Abby bid and North Fraser Bid
and also SFC bid and South Fraser bid.

8,000 registered players is below the number recommended by the HPL organizing committee for a franchisee. I recall 15,000 players being the number quoted somewhere.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Great points, PLEASE ALL KEEP THE COLOR POLITICS OUT OF IT. WE ARE ALL SOCCER PLAYERS REGARDLESS OF THE RACE OR COLOR OF OUR SKIN. I do believe that old Whalley the new CCFC or CCB whatever they are called are definetly the flavour of the month. But I think guys in all the discussion we are missing that this is not the topic of discusion as this should be all for HPL related issues.

Why keep it out of the discussion?

Allow me to quote burkee&nonis:

Bollocks, at the end of the day we at SFC did'nt take care of the Indo Canadian community. Our community is probably 80% to 90% of all SFC members. They are moving to Central City. In 2 to 3 years they will be one of the power houses in the Surrey area. By that time I will be done my time at the youth level.

And you want me to be quiet about this? You have to be fist fcuking me. Seriously, open you eyes, and open your ears. This guy posts a blatant threat like this on a public BB, and you want ME to keep color politics out of it? Wow.

Sorry brother, not going to happen.

Besides, it's all a power play right now; one agenda serving another. The HPL and this merger are tied in with each other, and any thought otherwise is naive.


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Reading the news this morning, it appears Mission is NOT endorsing Abby but rather the Pitt Meadows/GEU bid.

So that leaves Abby with just a single endorsement in Chilliwack?

Here's a question: what happens with the clubs that submit a bid but are not awarded a franchise? Will they need to approach the closest geographical winning bid club and attempt to forge a relationship? What happens to their current programs? IS it possible they could be weakened?

For example, let's say Abby isn't awarded a franchise. By all accounts, Ian Knight, their current head coach, does a good job and is a stand up guy. There are going to be quite a few top-level coaching positions needed to be filled I would imagine in the HPL - would someone like Ian Knight be snapped up? Where does that leave Abby then? Same with a guy like Alan Errington - also in the Abby system.

It would be difficult to draw current club head coaches or TD's away from their full time positions with their current clubs to take on the "part time" challenges of TD at an HPL club at a significant pay cut.

It is possible that clubs not awarded an HPL franchise will build on their current programming and look to produce tier 2 teams that will compete with HPL teams when they play A cup. An effective and forward thinking executive board with quality administrative and technical leadership will accomplish this regardless of HPL. You will find that it is the clubs who have a strong and capable leadership with forward vision that will be awarded the HPL franchises anyway.

To see all these current clubs who have never really made true efforts to work cooperatively with anyone in the past looking to combine and join forces in the hopes of being awarded an HPL francise is silly...it is not about numbers. If I was to be awarding franchises for the HPL I would be looking at clubs who have a history of strong leadership, a historical focus on player and program development and consistent growth. Everything else will come out of that.

To see CCB join with GEU join with Pitt Meadows join with Hope soccer to build a super club with 8000 kids doesn't mean anything same with North Delta, SurDel and SFC. They have ZERO history of cooperating with each and a very limited history of working cooperatively with others in their region (if at all). North Delta and SurDel have had decades to wrok together but it has never happend - ND (Boys Club) runs competing programs to SurDel (a girls club) at the younger ages.

The HPL comittee should want to see cooperative organizations who are looking to drive player development FORWARD. If that is not reflected in your leadership and past actions should that club really be considered for one of the current HPL franchises?

I would be extremely cautious of these super clubs that have instantaneously appeared. What will their executive and operating structure be? How will policy be driven? What about access to facilities?

The single entity bids (with a history of strong leadership, development and growth) have more clout for me...at least you know what you are getting.


Jan 11, 2011
Dirty Money
forgive what may be a dumb question but, with the organizations "teaming up" to better their ability to take advantage / be a part of the HPL....am I right to assume that they are now truly joined at the hip and forming one organization up and down and across the board? IE; not just for HPL but for ALL levels, genders and age groups?


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
forgive what may be a dumb question but, with the organizations "teaming up" to better their ability to take advantage / be a part of the HPL....am I right to assume that they are now truly joined at the hip and forming one organization up and down and across the board? IE; not just for HPL but for ALL levels, genders and age groups?

NO. But a good question.


Jan 11, 2011
Dirty Money
so, they'd join forces in hopes to get an HPL franchise but the rest of their programming they would operate and show themselves to still be two seperate clubs?


New Member
Jan 21, 2011
Dirty Money
I have been watching the development of the HPL since the rumours first began circulating. I am not alone in stating that this will not work in the short term and indeed, potentially it will also suffer long term. It's all fine and dandy to 'funnel the best players' into a reduced number of teams but really, does that matter when the majority of these kids cannot pass well, shoot, use only one foot, cannot dribble, track back, etc.?

I could go on and on. The point is this: This must be done at a younger age level if anything. Think about how long it takes pro teams to develop a cohesive vision amongst very good players. 2-3 years minimum. Barca has the right idea as does Holland. Develop younger players. Teach them to solve problems. Teach them actual technique, teach the basics - yes the basics! Oh yes, most important; have the coaches in each franchise teach exactly the same things.

The players targeted for this are pretty well past the stage of changing their mindsets as happens with children and therefore it is a wasted exercise. The teams will still resort to picking athletes as opposed to skillful players just like the Provincial teams.

I wish them well and hope they are able to make something out of this... Perhaps they could surprise me.


Aug 19, 2003
Dirty Money

My intention wasn't to make it a pro Indo post. The point that I was trying to relay was that a big portion of that area is Indo Canadians and they (the players) were a big part of the success over the years. Unfortunalely we never gave the players/ parents enough recognition. I think the coaching staff overall has always been solid. But, how much can you keep patting yourselves on the back.

Regarding Central City, I don't think its an Indo Canadian run club. I know a lot of kids/ teams are there because they wanted a change. We all know the old Whalley didn't provide much out of there but you can't blame the new executive for that. I personally think it's great that we in Surrey have another club that will be strong for years. I don't know how and if they can do it, but time will tell.
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