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New teams, possible changes, and probable improvements to the premier div next season

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next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money
To answer the question. The Firemen can move to Premier under the SFC Banner as SFC had two teams three years ago and the Firemen A and B both played Premier in the VMSL in the same year.

The Div 1-4 teams will have to decide which League they are going to play in next year, SFC will play the in the FV if they want.

As to Better discipline in the FVSL has anyone asked why the fines and suspensions increased this season after the turfed long time Discipline Board members? Where does all the $$$$ go?

Asking if anyone cares?

KNVB- The Rowdies were part of WW's SFC not the Club's.

The Whalley Storm were offerred a Premier spot last year but declined saying they never wanted to play Premier.

$2000 for a FV Premier spot, shows what the League is all about.

Maybe SFC should offer it's spot and use the $$$ for Peg Golf Tourney....

Rangerforever, Coach what do you think?

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by TheRob
The other rumour is that Delta has purchased or are in the process of purchasing a Div. 1 Metro spot. Crafty? Any truth?


As Milhouse said, we will have a FVSL Premier team next year. We have had merger offers from current DIV 1 Metro teams and that is where you probably heard the rumour. None of the mergers transpired and that is that.

As most of you know, I am a strong advocate of both leagues playing under one banner and have been involved in conversations with Willy Azzi of the VMSL and our own executive to that effect. Unfortunately both executives are unwilling to comprimise enough to make it work. Having had the opportunity to coach the best players from both the VMSL and the FVSL it would be tremendous to get all this talent together and be able to represent this area with the respect it deserves.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

What are the main issues that the two sides can't compromise on?

I do know Azzi hates the unlimited sub rule, but there must be some bigger issues than that. That seems to me like one they could put a vote to.

Enlighten us...makes for good discussion. I personally feel they should get the wheels in motion now, with the goal of bringing it all together for the 2004/2005 season.

It would be best, and it would be an opportunity to bring about a stronger, more concentrated Premier division. Vancouver / Greater Vancouver produces the best players in Canada…we should all be under one league umbrella.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Next to God
KNVB- The Rowdies were part of WW's SFC not the Club's.

Maybe SFC should offer it's spot and use the $$$ for Peg Golf Tourney....

Rangerforever, Coach what do you think?

A team that gave the Rangers Bryan Halvoson is IMO part of the club. Fcuking GREAT player.
Rick Anderson was an SFC man too IMO.
The St Hilaire brothers, etc. - SFC all the way.
Players like Teddy Brennan, Dave Hleuka and John Collins - shite.
But in general the Rowdies were a big part of the club in their day. :D

$$$ for the Rangers golf tourney.

Fcuk off Regs


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude-where'smycar?
I personally feel they should get the wheels in motion now, with the goal of bringing it all together for the 2004/2005 season.
Vancouver / Greater Vancouver produces the best players in Canada…we should all be under one league umbrella.

This is all well and good, but I think there some issues here that have not been addressed. Has anyone asked the opinion of the quality players who now play, and reside in the eastern areas of the Fraser Valley what they think?? My guess is, Cam Wilmetts (sp?) will not be willing to make a weekly trip from Chilliwack to North Van. to play Pegasus....for example! This is in essence what you are condoning when you say there should be one quality league under the same umbrella.....is it not!? My point is, there are a lot of quality players spread throughout the greater Vancouver area. This is a VAST area. Those players who would be deserving of playing in such a league may not be able, or willing to do so. I vote for keeping the FVSL alive, and looking for solutions and improvements to it as it's own entity......seperate from the VMSL.



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Skip beat me to it, in reverse.

I am certain that very few VMSL'ers would be willing to travel to Abottsford for a game no matter what level, not just Premier.

Hell, when my team used to play in the Brickmen tournament, we stayed overnight at a motel.:rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You bring up a good point Skip.

I think that would be the extreme, for sure. There will always be issues like this.

I guess it would be up to Chilliwack (and a club like GEU) to decide if they wanted to compete. On the bright side, they’d get ½ home games. On the negative, the travel costs go up.

I just feel that to truly get parity, to get all the players playing close to home, and to serve up the best quality we can for the Provincials / Nationals, you need to merge the two leagues, and shrink the Premier league. Ten teams.

I see where you’re coming from, though.

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
In the whole scheme of things travelling is not an issue. Chilliwack to N.Vancouver is no big deal when it comes to what is potentially the best thing that could happen to local amateur soccer here in the Lower Mainland.

The clubs and players in the competitive divisions would be the only ones effected. Lower divisions, consisting of recreational teams can be made up of teams that are geographically suited.

This would however, rule out some Friday night games. You couldn't expect Chilliwack to travel to North Van on a Friday night, but that is a minor detail.


crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude-where'smycar?

What are the main issues that the two sides can't compromise on?

Firstly, where would teams fit in and how many teams from Premier in the FVSL would go straight to Premier with the VMSL teams. The Valley was asking for five spots and VMSL were considering possibly two. Secondly, would it just be a combination and merger of the two Premier divisions or would it be a complete merger of the two leagues. Thirdly, how was the executive to be set up and who would be in charge.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
How Close to God are You

Originally posted by Next to God
To answer the question. The Firemen can move to Premier under the SFC Banner as SFC had two teams three years ago and the Firemen A and B both played Premier in the VMSL in the same year.

I had thought that it was passed by the League Execitive that there would no longer be two teams from the same Club in Premeir at the same time.
That is why Tayside did not move to Premier and why Bimini's left Westside because they could not move up under the Westside Club.
But is SFC wants to own half the teams in the VMSL and can supply enough young players for all the teams to survive, good on em.

My guess is, Cam Wilmetts (sp?) will not be willing to make a weekly trip from Chilliwack to North Van. to play Pegasus

I played with Cam for a few years at Wesburn during the early and mid-90's and he travelled from the Wack for two practices a week and a game on weekends. He did this because he wanted to play at the highest level in the Lower Mainland (No Wesburn jokes, please). He was young then and the 1 hour each way was easier than it would be now. But if you want to play in what you think is the best league, you sarcrific the travel time and gas money.

Still think that the Premeir Leagues should join, at least the strongest Teams in the Valley, mabey 4 or 5 teams, to replace the very weak teams in the VMSL Premier Division.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
my two bits

HOS has a good point when you talk bottom feeding VMSL teams and the top few FVSL teams... I have played in both the VMSL and FVSL in the last 5 years and personally think the gap between league's is huge in some area's where as it is very close in others...
Take three teams in each league for example...
VMSL, this season I've played against Sapperton, West Van and Westside... Westside are ALWAYS a loaded squad willing to battle if they need to or just win with skill... My point is they always have talent and experience... West Van are a bunch of out and out muckers... (the GEU's of the Metro league in my opinion) They stay up each year because they keep the same core guys and work their collective arses off to battle week in, week out... Make no mistake, you feel your bruises for the next few days after meeting them... Sapperton are similar to West Van only they have some good footballers without the same will as their "so called" muckers... Whataboutbob is a tough nut that plays with an edge, leads by example (overzealous at times) but can play the game as well... Losing the criminal hurts them big time... He was the MVP of the VMSL... What he lacked in skill or grace, he made up in heart, work ethic and determination... All class on and off the park... He is a dying breed!!!

FVSL, I'd compare those above three with Poco, GEU and PAU... Don't get me wrong, I don't consider PAU nearly the team Westside are, but I do think we have similarities knowone else in the valley does... Skill, muckers and experience... We still need to prove it in the BC's!!!:( Poco are the replica of Sap, only lack something??? Not sure how they finished behind GEU... JTL can play with the best of them if he chooses to... Their midfield works as hard as any team around and their size is deadly in the penalty area... Where as GEU (see West Van above) muck it out plain and simple... Two (may be three) guys can play the game and knock it about, while the others run 110% for 90 minutes... Good GK and lots of size make GEU at team that could battle well in the VMSL...

My point is Poco, GEU and PAU could all battle in the VMSL and trounce teams like Argentina, Croatia and AC Milan... GN Sport along with North Delta (with a few experienced additions) could compete also...

Surrey United started slow and have developed into a powerhouse... Their first season in the VMSL they barely stayed up... They added a few players and got better the next season and the same the following season... Last year they won the League, lost in the Imperial Cup final and lost to Westside in the BC semi final in golden goal... If teams in the Valley had a shot at getting their feet wet in Vancouver then maybe a few would attract more local players (ie)DJones is from Poco and Shawn Blakeway is from Pitt... Who knows what could happen??? It certainly couldn't hurt the league in it's current state...

How about a one Premier league with two conferences???

The Valley conference could be made up of teams in or near the FVSL:Surrey United, Peg (assuming they are now SFC?), Metro Ford, PAU, GN, GEU, North Delta and Poco...
Leaving bottom feeders, Chilli, SFC and Langley etc. to battle with the upper half of the Div. 1 like the Rangers, Storm and Highlanders etc...

Vancouver the same: Sporting, West Van, Bby, Sap, Westside, Clan, Indo and Khalsa...
Also leaving bottom feeders: AC, Argies, Croatia, sportstown etc. mucking it out in a tougher VMSL Div.1 with Firemen, Club I, Richmond, Bimini's etc...

Two teams up and down each season... Same goes for Div. 1, 2, 3 etc... Making for both leagues getting stronger and ensuring a competitive league each year... :eek:

Who knows, just a thought??? Personally, I believe something has to change... The FVSL is run to the best of the execs abilities, but could drastically improve with the injection of positive new blood there to make the game develope back into a tough competitive League... The VMSL is also an old boys club and could do with new idea's and some change...

Stillthinkbothleague'saregood&servetheirpurpose, Guinness

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Shocking.

Originally posted by TheRob
HOS,What the fcuk is that. Seriously. What the fcuk.:rolleyes:

CDK? A little help?

Thanks for asking TR, sarcific is a Sacrifice of Terrific proportions.
The vocabulary is more advance in the VMSL.



New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Got my vote

Guinness,I have to say I love that idea. 2 conferences would provide wide spread competition and travel really isn't a huge issue. I played Div 1 VMSL and Div 1 FVSL and the similarities are so close. I'd be excited to see the 2 conferences share the same league. Why not? How would promotion/relegation work for the cross divisional teams in Premier and Div 1?

It seems obvious that new insight and energy on the Executive is a priority and what better time to do so when our leagues are craving change. I to vote Ranger for the job to lead us into the promise land. :)

I sure wouldn't want to share our FVSL great facilities with VMSL though. Just kidding.

I'm new to all the league changes but these ideas are very interesting. I've always be an advocator of change. Then again I've been known as a soccer slut jumping from team to team. This trend I've come to terme with and have recieved counselling for. :rolleyes:


Mar 17, 2002
Dirty Money

It alright to be a soccer slut... :wa: :wa: :wa: :rolleyes:

I would want to see a change in the fvsl. Joining the two leagues would just give a rise to the calibre of futbol played around here.


New Member
Sep 3, 2001
Dirty Money
All this talk

Just putting my two cents into this discussion..

I do remember attending a FVSL league meeting last season, and recall Bobby Brown saying that there has been some discussion with the FVSL & VMSL to join together in one league. His explantion of how they thought it could work is much like the thoughts that Guinness just posted, or to split the leauge geographically into three divisions. I think that with all this talk of teams leaving to go the VMSL, that it might be the best thing to do and have one leauge for everyone.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Enough already!!!

Just got this off the wire...
Assosiated Press
An anonymous billionaire has been quoted as saying that he is going to start his own soccer league in the Lower Mainland area. He has stated that he would like to make the game more exciting. There will be some rule changes, for instance, instead of the coin toss, two oppossing players will run from centre and have to slide tackle the ball on the 18. If the ball crosses the goal line, the player that got to the ball first wins. Goals scored from outside the 18 are worth 2 pts, nutmegs are worth 3 pts.

He has also been over heard saying that he will have rippers/hookers on the side lines to act as cheerleaders/trainers to help with goin pulls.

Again, these are preliminary meetings right now, and we will keep you updated...

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