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NBA Playoffs


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Why does home court advantage mean more in the NBA then it does in the NHL. Or is it just that the teams with the advantage are a lot better than the teams they are playing.


New Member
May 27, 2002
Dirty Money
More of a case in NBA of those that have and those that have not. The top teams are simply way better than the bottom and even the average teams.

How good is the Sacremento vs Dallas series. That is the way basketball should be played.


filling the net

Not Bright
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
ParkHead said:
More of a case in NBA of those that have and those that have not. The top teams are simply way better than the bottom and even the average teams.

How good is the Sacremento vs Dallas series. That is the way basketball should be played.


I really like Dallas they have a great offence but honestly nobody is going to beat the lakers...**** I hate Shaq...that fat **** just stands around under the basket waits for a kobe miss and then dunks the ball....no wonder he only had 7 points the other night.

I do like Payton though....one of the best pg in the league!!

Lakers verus Pistons final

filling the net

Not Bright
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
Well Lakers are through and ready to take out the champs!!

**** can anyone stop the mailman and kobe :confused:

When in doubt throw it to the fat slobe down the middle...he'll dunk it home ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Jesus Murphy, net! Don't go planning the parade just yet. Houston wasn't a bloody 7 seed for nothing. Stick to predicting hockey scores and winding up Captain. He loves it. He told me. Fact is, Houston stinks. If they were any good they would have won 4-1 instead of lose. They had them and should have finished it. Spurs won't let leads like that go so easily.

Lakers are in tough against the Spurs. T. Dunc. is fcuking clutch.

Lakers aside... I'm quickly becoming a Pistons fan



New Member
May 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Your bloody Lakers are all coming into form except Payton who has disappeared. But they will need him to guard Parker and take him out of the scenerio. Malone will make life tough on Duncan and the Lakers should roll on past them. I just want to see the Kings vs Lakers in the conf. final. But the kings have some work to do before we will see that matchup.



New Member
May 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Well the Kings did what they had to and got rid of that defensive powerhouse known as the Mavs. :rolleyes: Mike Bibby was on fire. But what really scares me is that CWEBB is no where near 100%. He clearly is not the player he can be right now. He needs to be better for the Kings to get past the T-wolves then the Lakeshow. I still like their chances mind you to come out of the west.

Knvb your Lakers will win their series, your Pistons will lose theirs. Is there any other winning team or teams that we can find room for you on their bandwagon. :p


filling the net

Not Bright
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Jesus Murphy, net! Don't go planning the parade just yet. Houston wasn't a bloody 7 seed for nothing. Stick to predicting hockey scores and winding up Captain. He loves it. He told me. Fact is, Houston stinks. If they were any good they would have won 4-1 instead of lose. They had them and should have finished it. Spurs won't let leads like that go so easily.

Lakers are in tough against the Spurs. T. Dunc. is fcuking clutch.

Lakers aside... I'm quickly becoming a Pistons fan

I hate the Lakers...don't get me wrong there good but man with talent like that they should win hands down......only if Kobe doesn't slam some poor 16 year old spurs fan ;)

Pistons are impressive....I like there style of defence first......wear teams down then pass to ben for the dunk!


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know who's all been watching the finals closely (like I, the TV nerd, have), but I would feel remiss without mentioning what great basketball the Pistons are playing at the moment. In a series where nobody gave them any sort of chance of toppling the Lakers, Detroit could flip the script on filling the net's bold prediction and take L.A out in five games. And they're doing it with a team of good players, but no superstars of the Kobe or Shaq mold.

Chauncey Billups and Rip Hamilton have been tre-men-dous and have essentially outplayed the Lakers backcourt of Payton and Bryant for four straight games. While Shaq has put up some massive numbers thus far, the rebounding and defense provided by Walllace squared has been great. But the big story is that 'team' basketball based on depth, defense and excellent preparation from Larry Brown is beating the flash and aura of the star-studded Lakers.

Aside from this, the Lakers have shot themselves in the foot repeatedly in these finals. NOBODY is stepping up to assist Kobe and Shaq, which is what killed LA last year against San Antonio. Malone is playing with a damaged knee but Payton....oh man, I cannot fathom how badly his game has deteoriated with age. He looks awful and disinterested at the same time. Guys who have provided sparks in the past (George, Fisher, Fox) have done diddly squat and are getting soundly outplayed by the Pistons role players. It's almost like Brown told his guys to let Kobe and Shaq get theirs, but clamp down hard on the spare parts surrounding the two big guns. And the strategy is really working.

If Detroit does win it all on tuesday, it will be great for the NBA and probably announce a changing of the guard in terms of the power structure...with the Pistons being the first Eastern Conference team to win since Jordan did it with the Bulls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

Well done filling the net. I see your shitty karma isn't restricted to hockey alone. Do the rest of us Laker fans a favor ya? Next time you get the urge to bless us with your prognosticating supper prowess... fcuking don't. Stick your head in the sand instead and take your keyboard with you. Cnut.

Sensei, all to true. I've been watching too, but in relative horror as the purple and gold turn the finals into the biggest joke since Jordon vs any Utah or Cleveland series. As far as I'm concerned the Lakers were just swept! Had it not been for an unbelievably clutch last second shot at in game 2 this series is over in a laugher. D-town are punting a completely HEARTLESS bunch of Lakers all over the court. Shaq put a little something into tonight's non-effort and for all intensive purposes the series, but Kobe fcuking stunk for most of the game and I think ended 8-27 shooting. Fcuking awful.

Walton, sit the fcuk down. You'll never be half the player your dad was. All we can hope for now is that you're a better announcer. Well done on your 12 minutes 6 fouls and 0 points. Thanks. I'm sure Detroit loved being in the bonus the entire fourth quarter. I can't believe how terribly disappointed I am in Payton too. Sad to see, who I thought to be one of the greatest point guards all time, go down like this.

Even if you hate him you've got to feel for Malone. To leave Utah, kiss away all the salary you could have been earning and have to endure a season like that...


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No, I don't feel sorry for either of the two cnuts - Malone/Payton. I'm glad their little charade fell apart. Well, let's hope so on Tuesday. This will definitely be the end of a 'dynasty' as several players will not be back next year. I honestly see Shaq leaving and Kobe won't be long after.....Malone and Payton will not be offered contracts and the cnuts will retire without a championship. Unlucky.

I have watched two of the games and can' get over Detroit's defense. They make the Laimbeer/Thomas/Mahorn teams look like pussy cats they way they attack the ball. They are always able to defend in twos and know exactly how to shut a TEAM down. Obviously, they can't contain Shaq but Coach Brown has conceded that fact. 56 for Shaq/Kobe(8/27 is right, KNVB) and 24 for the remaining players. Ouch. I can't see the Lakers winning on Tuesday. If the looks on their faces meant anything, they will be heading back to L.A. on Wednesday, without an opponent to play.......

Go Pistons( I fcuking hate Rasheed Wallace by the way, especially when he wears those fcuking headphones in the post game conference. Prick.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I didn't really think you of all people would feel for either especially after reading your 40 or 50 relentless Euro posts today. :D

I have to painfully agree the Lakers will all be going home with nothing but nightmares of giant afro's in the heads. (any chance we can pull four of those together for the golf tourney???) Kobe is gone. No doubt about it. Shaq, I think, will stay and the Lakers will continue to surround him with more useless over the hill players looking for NBA titles and fcuking brick laying Serb and Russian rookies.. I hear Charles Barkley is looking for a ring...Who thinks Phil Jackson is knee deep into one of his Zen potions right now? I'm sure mumbling to himself "this never happened when MJ was around...I just don't understand" Here's an idea retard, get off your fcuking can and fcuking coach you stupid bastard. If ever a team needed a little leadership it's this one, right now. Interesting stat (not really) but Phil Jackson has never been down in a finals series. How does it feel to about to lose one? Dick!

Fox = useless, George = useless, Fisher = one shot wonder, Payton = usless, Walton = useless, Phil Jackson = useless, Slava chuck another up Mevadenko(sp) = FCUKING useless

And I'm a Laker fan.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Did anyone else see Kobe's post game interview last night on the stage. Didn't look like he was too disappointed to see his team lose as he was joking and laughing. Wouldn't really say anything bad about the rest of his team even though their shooting percentage is worse than Walks scoring percentage at the Grail. Pistons look to be the first team in finals history to sweep all three games at home since they went to a 2-3-2 format.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Grail in NBA thread

their shooting percentage is worse than Walks scoring percentage at the Grail

Nice One OD.

I'm looking at JAckson on the sidelines and can't help to think what is going through his mind. i honestly think he's ready to snap. I'm waiting for him to yell " Fcuk this ZenMaster guru shite. Fcuk off refs. PAyton play fcuking bettre. Kobe get the fcuking ball ti Shaq. Goddamn you guys your ruining my rep.":D


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Detroit is firing on all Pistons.....sorry I had to....... :eek:

I am really impressed with Tayshaun Prince.........very unsung. He plays 40 minutes a game and is awesome on defense. He grabs key rebounds and is extremley calm under pressure. He has definitely made life tough for Kobe. For a second year pro, i'd say he has a great future......

Nothing is more hillarious than watching Ben Wallace's free throw's.

Imagine if Detroit didn't have the collapse of game #2.....sweep?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Tayshaun is a player. I watched him at Kentucky and was amazed at how versatile he is/was. I was more amazed that he dropped all the way into the second round of his draft year, which was a fcuking steal for Detroit. You're talking about a 6'9 guy with a 7-foot wingspan who can handle the ball, shoot it (even though his jumper is ugly as hell), and play smothering defense on the perimeter because his length lets him contest all kinds of shots.

I know Dumars took a lot of heat for passing on Carmelo with the #2 pick, a decision which had a lot to do with the fact Tayshaun was already at that same SF position. While it'd be hard to argue against taking Carmelo now (given how good a rookie year he had), Prince's defense of Kobe in this series has been excellent, and he really seems to know his role on the team.

Watching Ben Wallace shoot any kind of shot is hilarious. That windup he does takes about two weeks to develop, before the ball leaves his hand. I am still amazed, however, at the guy's ability to virtually hoover in rebounds with one arm. And his defense/work rate in the paint has been solid, even though Shaq is molesting him on a nightly basis.

And I have to agree with the Captain. I do feel a sliver of sympathy for Malone, but only because his body gave out after going 18 seasons of iron man basketball. Other than that, I think he's getting his just dues for leaving Utah in search of a shallow championship. Payton has put together a combination of tired legs and a shite attitude to create one of the most lopsided point-guard battles in NBA history. I think both of these guys were destined NOT to win a title, which really amazes me since everybody basically handed the Lakers the rings after they demoralized the Spurs.

Go Pistons Go.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuk we’re done! Kobe went and guaranteed a win tonight, which could only mean he’ll be jacking up 30 to 40 shots with a very good rebounding and defensive team up in his face. Brilliant stuff. Good thing I went and dropped $12.50 on Will Hill with the Lakers sitting at $2.45/1

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