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MWSL Div1 2004 Results & Banter

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Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Can_Head_A_Ball said:
Okay, a soccer related, no bad mouthing post....

I've not been out to see a game of theirs this year, so they may have picked up new, strong players, but if they're the same Red Socks from past years, I'm surprised that PCOV or Kerrisdale (who are fantastic teams IMHO) haven't beaten them yet. Any thoughts?

I forgot to say thanks for that thought that we are fantastic...I don't know if we deserve your praise, but we do have some potential and we are working to try and become fantastic. We have been getting better each game, but still have a bit of work to do. Sounds like you guys have been working hard too and probably deserve some kudos for your performances of late :D . Bring on North SHore eh? We have to play PCOV this weekend, so I can only hope they all go out on the piss Sat. night and are too hung over to put up much resistance - wishful thinking I know. Although, having said that it reminds me that one of their players (on defense) and I (hopefully up front)had a deal that we would take each other out the night before we played and drink our faces off, so maybe we will just cancel ourselves out!!!


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Nov 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Munchkin said:
On a side note...I can understand the philosophy of the league to not credit teams for more than a 5 goal difference, but it sucks when you are trying to get your team into a positive goal differential. Kerrisdale made up for the goal scoring drought of late on Sunday (downed them 10-2), but because of the rule, we only got credit for 5 :mad: I know it is hard for the team that is getting peppered, but come on, we are adults aren't we?!. Our team doesn't light up the board that much, so when we do, it would be nice to get credit for them. Hmmm, perhaps I need to go take something...I feel a little bit whiny ;) .

i have asked about this before, they told me that the league records your goals but they just don't post them on the webpage. i keep track of it myself as well just to make sure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Rosco said:
i have asked about this before, they told me that the league records your goals but they just don't post them on the webpage. i keep track of it myself as well just to make sure.

Yeah...just like the promise of a "GOLDEN BOOT" award from the League. :rolleyes: They told me a year and a 1/2 ago that we were to keep records and to post game reports (which I do religously) so that they can give a "GOLDEN BOOT" award out at the end of the year...yet to see anyone receive that. Don't depend on the League to track anything for you...good on ya Rosco to keep track yourself!


go for it

New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Munchkin said:
Holy crap I am on a posting rampage today - look out all!!! We have only played North Shore once, and we lost 2-1, but we had a ton of scoring chance, and could I have gotten my foot out of my ass and scored the 2 opportunities I had (from about 8 yards out-no shitting!), or had anyone else scored on thier chances, the score would have been in our favour!! But they are a good team and it didn't feel like they had any real superstar players to watch out for (except Mitch - she rocks), but they play like they have been playing together for a while. I watched part of their game against PCOV this Sunday, and I thought they were lucky to get a tie (1-1). I did notice that they only had 1 sub while PCOV had 4 or 5. WHo knows...On any given day, every team is beatable, so go for it. YOU CAN DO IT (I was trying to write it in Italics, but it wouldn't let me :confused: )

Yup, I was at that/your game to watch the first half (vs North Shore) and when I left it was 1-0 for you gals!!! I was hoping I'd see a "win" in your column Sunday evening....you gals had some quality chances!!
I know several of the (N.S.) players or have played with them and you're right although they are good, they ARE beatable....ya, Mitch is great - on and off the field! Also Julie, (sweeper) is short, but fast, so I'll have my work cut out for me!!!
I am not suprised when you say "they were lucky to get a tie" (vs PCOV)....too bad....hopefully it will be "our day" and we can dent their no loss record!! Come watch?! (Nov. 28th - Kirkstone @ 9:30)

Well, good luck this weekend!! ;)

go for it

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Nov 1, 2004
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striker14 said:
Nope...you got the wrong gal...I play Div 2, not Div 1.


Oops! I did wonder that!! I have a couple (of names) to figure out still!! Which Div. 2 team are you? I used to play there!! :p

Is Magic still around?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
go for it said:
Oops! I did wonder that!! I have a couple (of names) to figure out still!! Which Div. 2 team are you? I used to play there!! :p

Is Magic still around?

Magic? Not sure who you mean?
I play for the Vancouver Jaguars...Div 2E


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
Dirty Money
It appears as though Wickham has taken the board by storm. I was hiding out for a little while since things got a little too stormy for me! Our team is a feisty bunch for sure, but we're much more civil in the flesh. We are, however, equally proud in our posts as in person and if you know where we're coming from then it makes sense. Three seasons ago we got bumped up to Div. 1, lost a few key players, were plagued by absences most games, and ended up losing practically every game! Back to Div. 2 we went. Hopefully the more feisty Wickham posties won't slag one of their own for revealing that, but I think it was posted earlier on this thread anyway (by someone with incredible records/memory!). Anyway, it's good fun to be the underdogs so I think we're mostly just taking advantage of that. Don't take the piss personally -- we don't know who you are anyway!


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Okay...I don't even know where to start...first of all I hope that all members of this post is reading this closely...especially SPAZZ (a.k.a. Brandy)..., I am a player (veteren) of the Burnaby Rangers. We have all been together for MANY years...we've been through school together, parties, marriages, and now...we're having children. In otherwords, we are a very close team. We are going through a transition right now (as I'm sure every team does) and we're having a challenging year. We don't complain about it...it is frustrating but we keep on playing. We have terrific attitudes on this team; we love the sport and we enjoy the competition. Yes, BRANDY, we are all mostly in our 30's but NO we do not need to play in an over 30's league as we still play a pretty good game of soccer. Yes, we have a number of us away pregnant, but women can have babies and play again...there are a number of us back from maternity kicking some ass! I don't think our team likes to be refereed to as "old Broads" and a "baby factory". We are doing just fine...actually, we've been playing great...even WITHOUT YOU. I won't air out our dirty laundry on this post as you do

As for the rest of you posting on this forum...SPAZZ's views are soley hers. I have read insults towards referees and towards other teams. Those opinions are ONLY hers and not opinions of the rest of our team! In fact, we didn't even know about TTP until a friend of mine (who plays for the same club as Wikham) told me today that one of our players was shooting her mouth off..so apprently it does get around...

Eventually we will have our players return and our "post-baby" players back in shape and we will see better results. For the time-being we will struggle, YET enjoy playing together (as we have been for many years) and continue on with this season. I don't need to sell our team or give excuses...but what I do need to say is this:

SPAZZ, you are a NEW player to this team...to this division. You have only played 3 or 4 games with us and you have not been ar


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Okay...I don't even know where to start...first of all I hope that all members of this post is reading this closely...especially SPAZZ (a.k.a. Brandy)..., I am a player (veteren) of the Burnaby Rangers and I am writing on behalf of myself and others on this team. We have all been together for MANY years...we've been through school together, parties, marriages, and now...we're having children. In otherwords, we are a very close team. We are going through a transition right now (as I'm sure every team does) and we're having a challenging year. We don't complain about it...it is frustrating but we keep on playing. We have terrific attitudes on this team; we love the sport and we enjoy the competition. Yes, BRANDY, we are all mostly in our 30's but NO we do not need to play in an over 30's league as we still play a pretty good game of soccer. Yes, we have a number of us away pregnant, but women can have babies and play again...there are a number of us back from maternity kicking some ass! I don't think our team likes to be referred to as "old Broads" and a "baby factory". We are doing just fine...actually, we've been playing great...even WITHOUT YOU. I won't air out our dirty laundry on this post as you already do a good job of that yourself....

As for the rest of you posting on this forum...SPAZZ's views are soley hers. I have read insults towards referees and towards other teams. Those opinions are ONLY hers and not opinions of the rest of our team! In fact, we didn't even know about TTP until a friend of mine (who plays for the same club as Wikham) told me today that one of our players was shooting her mouth off..so apparently it does get around...

Eventually, we will have our players return and our "post-baby" players back in shape and we will see better results. For the time-being we will struggle, YET enjoy playing together (as we have been for many years) and continue on with this season. I don't need to sell our team or give excuses. We are all out there to play this wonderful sport and respect the game, refs and competition and of course our teams. Quite frankly, us Rangers don't need disrepectful players...maybe another team may appreciate your company!


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
I haven't been posting for long, but lately I feel like the posts have been veering towards mean street. Now having said that, I should back up and admit that in my very first post, I did give CHAB what for (I felt very sheepish afterwards mind you), but since then I've tried to exchange more friendly comments. Personally, I like to read the banter back and forth when it is fun and takes the piss, but doesn't get personal or mean. I might be the only one who thinks that, but I have a feeling I 'm not. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this is an open forum, so I suppose if you are going to make posts of any kind, especially if they are taking the piss, be prepared for the backlash, because not everyone is going to share the same opinion. The post from the old chick doesn't hold anything back, that's for sure. I also think that having a screen name is a good idea. If you want to give out your own name, knock yourself out, but don't give out someone else's name!! I might be rambling, but oh well. Anyone in the mood to get back to some good nature rubbing? Just wanted to share that.


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Munchkin said:
I haven't been posting for long, but lately I feel like the posts have been veering towards mean street. Now having said that, I should back up and admit that in my very first post, I did give CHAB what for (I felt very sheepish afterwards mind you), but since then I've tried to exchange more friendly comments. Personally, I like to read the banter back and forth when it is fun and takes the piss, but doesn't get personal or mean.

Hmmmm....Upon reflecting, I sound like a goody-two-shoes :confused: . Enough of that crap. Bring it on y'all!! ;)


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Can'tHeadABall said:
I'll bring the oil ..... I have lots :D


I think I meant getting back to good natured RIBBING , instead of the good natured "rubbing" that I typed...but the oil does sound interesting CHAB ;) . Does a massage come with that???


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Dear oldchick1

I have to say that your post seems to speak plenty about your character as a person and a team. You are gutsy enough to embarass SPAZZ on a public forum but to much of a btich to expose yourself. I have read nothing on here slandering your team at all. Comments made were all in a fun manner. Maybe you didn't like them but if your as much as a woman as you preach on this post than you should have had the ovaries to speak to her about your thoughts in person. Only cowards tell teammates and friends that they are no longer welcome through email. Myself responding on here may be a bit hipocritical but I have no other way of expressing my thoughts to you as you are too cowardly to expose yourself.

Lets face it your team is not in transition it is in a tailspin. Look at your user ID and think about it........Your a bunch of OLDCHICKS your next transition is into adult diapers.

I can only hope your wonderful baby making team does not raise their children to be as cowardly and short sighted as their mothers are.

Remember that Take The Piss is a forum to egg on and harass other players, teams and friends. It is not a bible study site.

Have a great day. :D

some of you may be offended by my comments but after seeing how upset spazz was about this situation I had to speak my mind. Now let's all get back to what this site was designed for.......Taking the Piss :wa:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

What a joke that was...where shall I begin?!!

First off...SPAZZ...I hope you don't let that SHITE keep you from future posting because you have to consider the source! There are a lot of people here that aren't taking this shite seriously...what a fcuken joke!!

OldChick1...how fcuken gutless do you have to be to come on here and shoot your trap off like that when you have no clue on how this site even works? I doubt you even took a look around the site before posting that garbage, did ya? If anyone looks like an idiot with this whole situation...IT'S YOU! As Balsa said...this sort of SHITE should have been taken up with Spazz at practise, a game, etc... and not publicly on a website! I think you have taken what Spazz has said re: your games way out of perspective and obviously, you have misunderstood what this website TAKE THE PISS is all about. You should never have even stepped foot on this site without full understanding of it...many teams come on here and make points about their games, the unhappy points and the happy points, and Spazz is one to give her opinion and she is entitled to that. If you want to see some slagging...check out the Men's League threads...wow!! I think you have taken her comments the wrong way...actually...I KNOW you have and that is unfortunate. Spazz was great at gettin' under people's skin...ask all the Wickham players...and it is not meant to be taken seriously...the fight is to be done on the pitch...not on a keyboard!!

If you think Spazz stirred up shite and made the Burnaby Rangers look bad...HA HA HA...not even close to what you have done. Way to leave a mark CNUT!!

I have 2 words for you



To all the Wickham players...I am hopin' you aren't feelin' the same as OldChick1...the piss-taking was fun while it lasted...that's what it's all about...all fun and games until some CNUT comes and spoils it all!!

can'twaittowatchthenextrangersgame :mad:
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