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MWSL Div1 2004 Results & Banter

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
It pissed buckets all weekend in nvan. The district closes the fields if someone sneezes on them.


Not when you are down on the REZ!!! We played Squamish Nation and it actually wasn't all that bad...besides the bizatches we played, it was decent weather and pitch!



New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
I just heard the news this morning about Dominic Mobilio.....I am shocked and very sad. I didn't have the priviledge of knowing him very well personally, but I followed his career and do have the pleasure of knowing his brother Tony. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

I was going to go up and watch the PCOV/North Shore game at S. Memorial this morning because it is before my game, and I know that there are a number of girls on the PCOV team that are great friends of Tony's, and probably of Dom's as well. I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you too, as this will be a tough time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Wickham 3 Rangers 0

Man...not one of you on here to shoot the poop about what happened yesterday? What the fcuk? I was lookin' forward to some good piss-takin' and you've all let me down!

I shall now cower into my corner of Div 2 and hope that some lost soul posts in the Div 2 thread by accident so I have someone to talk to :(

Spazz...you didn't play yesterday, did you?



New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
Wickham 3 Rangers 0

Man...not one of you on here to shoot the poop about what happened yesterday? What the fcuk? I was lookin' forward to some good piss-takin' and you've all let me down!


Nice win for Wickham! Payback for all the piss taking they've been getting from Spazz! :D Kerrisdale soundly defeated Dzunakwa, and PCOV tied 1-1 with North Shore. That's all the results that I know of. :cool:

go for it

New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Munchkin said:
Nice win for Wickham! Payback for all the piss taking they've been getting from Spazz! :D Kerrisdale soundly defeated Dzunakwa, and PCOV tied 1-1 with North Shore. That's all the results that I know of. :cool:

Hey thanks Munchkin for the nice comment!!! We were no-doubt the better team. OH, where is SPAZZ?? spazzing out? What was YOUR excuse for not playing? You always have one (for you or your team) for not producing positive results!! So, you can really stop taking the piss out of us 'cause it's just not working!! Don't you see....it only motivates us???? THINK next time before you slag us/teams off. We can play on ANY field baby!!!! :wa:

go for it

New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
I'm here Striker14!! WICKHAM 3 - BURNABY WHO? 0
I don't think Spazz can say much now 'cause her tail is between her legs!!! We sure were "up" for that game....but they (B.Rangers) went to sleep in the second half....
We are just super happy to be in the top three!!! If you "believe", you can do anything.

You tied North Shore? How was your game.....


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
Gopher- You finally figured out how to quote... good for you. Ever thought about offering some details of the games instead of focusing on me?? This isn't a "Dykes on Spikes" thread, ya know.... (not exactly my thing but not that there's anything wrong with that-Seinfeld) :D

As for me, I wasn't there again as I'm still sick (if you can read then you would have figured that out genius) and won't be playing next weekend either. :(

As for excuses and piss takes (which I haven't been since I haven't been around :rolleyes: ) the only thing I know is that we actually had 11 players out, our non-keeper who's being playing in net wasn't there and 2 players got injured so you'd think a second half with 9 players would be tiring but what do I know.... :rolleyes: We need to find a few more players cause the Rangers are a baby factory and we keep losing players (old age does that I guess)....

Munchkin..... I just figured out who you are :D (bugger, should be sticking up for me! ha ha)


New Member
Oct 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Spazz wants details of the game, eh? Okay, we schooled your defense. Then we schooled them again. Then again. Need I go on?

Sorry to hear you're sick Spazz, but none of us take this website as seriously as you, so the fact that we "forgot" that you're sick should not surprise you.

Thanks for your excuses for why you lost yet another game. We'll expect more from you next week, and the week after that. Funny, we're a baby factory too, and yet OUR moms are out playing. Guess we're just a tougher bunch of chicks....

Finally, before you get on me for not "properly" quoting your material, I'll just let you know that I chose to be direct here and not repeat the senseless ramblings of late.



New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
I was into the website before every player of the entire oh-so-wonderful-can't-lose-a-game-in-third-place Wickham team signed up....

It's about game plays, scores, etc so post about your shite an get on with it.... tired of all you yapping at me and clogging up my fcuking email with useless crap.

Anyone else with game scores/game details to report?

Conductor... how's the Fury been doing? You've gotten quiet...

Geeser? Can't Head a Ball? SC been out to any of Club I's games lately? I haven't heard much.... need to get Bear on here....


New Member
Mar 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Spazz said:
Geeser? Can't Head a Ball? SC been out to any of Club I's games lately? I haven't heard much.... need to get Bear on here....

Sorry Spazz, been busy in the arcade trying to get a few more trophies. As Munchkin said, we soundly defeated Dzunakwa but to be fair, I highly doubt it was their regular goalie playing in goal because if it was ........ it'll be a very long season for them. Hope you're better in 2 weeks when we play you. ;) We need another win to stay in the pack.

Not much to say other than it was more lopsided than I thought it would be. I won't fuel anyone's fire.

As to Can_Head_A_Ball schooling your defense, we may have to change our line-up to accommodate that.

See you in 2 weeks.

CHAB :D :cool:

go for it

New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey Spazz....YOU started to "banter" at US.....so I decided to "get in on it".....and was only responding to your incorrect evaluation of the Wickham group. What do you expect when you say shite about a team that has moved up the scale with real wins??

As for the "genius" comment, I did know you were sick BEFORE our game, but only found out you were not at the/our game by "Striker14's" comment.

Plus, if YOU can read, then you'd know I didn't slag you while you were ill AND I do say/ask more than putting up "useless" crap on the board.

-lighten up.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Can'tHeadABall said:
Okay Gopher / Spazz,

Go to your corners ................... and come out swinging!!!! Striker14, you refereeing this one?



Ok Ladies...put your claws back in their sockets, and relax!!
To the "newbies"...yes, this is a piss-taking website, but as Spazz has mentioned, stop the b*tch fest back and forth on here and post something interesting...hence my "WICKSPAM" comment. There is taking the piss, and then there is just annoying comments....how about some game highlights?!
Sure...Spazz did get on you guys (wickham), but that is what this website is about, no? Get over it...play some ball...and get past the shite because I'll tell ya...it's getting tiresome!




New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Spazz said:
Gopher- You finally figured out how to quote... good for you. Ever thought about offering some details of the games instead of focusing on me?? This isn't a "Dykes on Spikes" thread, ya know.... (not exactly my thing but not that there's anything wrong with that-Seinfeld) :D

As for me, I wasn't there again as I'm still sick (if you can read then you would have figured that out genius) and won't be playing next weekend either. :(

As for excuses and piss takes (which I haven't been since I haven't been around :rolleyes: ) the only thing I know is that we actually had 11 players out, our non-keeper who's being playing in net wasn't there and 2 players got injured so you'd think a second half with 9 players would be tiring but what do I know.... :rolleyes: We need to find a few more players cause the Rangers are a baby factory and we keep losing players (old age does that I guess)....

Munchkin..... I just figured out who you are :D (bugger, should be sticking up for me! ha ha)

but why would I want to commit TTP suicide??? kidding. But the Wickham crew are out for revenge :eek: (no matter how many smiley faces they might use!!) we only played them once (2-2 draw), but I thought we should have won, but we didn't - no excuses. They may have improved since then, but at the time I thought they were average, and certainly beatable. To their credit, they have been lighting up the 'W' column of late, so perhaps the next time we play I will be putting my other foot in my mouth, but why not live life on the edge???!!! :D


New Member
Oct 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Okay, a soccer related, no bad mouthing post....

We (Wickham FC) play the North Shore Red Socks in two weeks, and obviously, they ARE the team to beat. We've played them in past years, and even this summer, and beaten them. However, judging from their impressive stats this year, it's not going to be easy. What would you all say is giving them their success? I've not been out to see a game of theirs this year, so they may have picked up new, strong players, but if they're the same Red Socks from past years, I'm surprised that PCOV or Kerrisdale (who are fantastic teams IMHO) haven't beaten them yet. Any thoughts?


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
On a side note...I can understand the philosophy of the league to not credit teams for more than a 5 goal difference, but it sucks when you are trying to get your team into a positive goal differential. Kerrisdale made up for the goal scoring drought of late on Sunday (downed them 10-2), but because of the rule, we only got credit for 5 :mad: I know it is hard for the team that is getting peppered, but come on, we are adults aren't we?!. Our team doesn't light up the board that much, so when we do, it would be nice to get credit for them. Hmmm, perhaps I need to go take something...I feel a little bit whiny ;) .


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Munchkin said:
On a side note...I can understand the philosophy of the league to not credit teams for more than a 5 goal difference, but it sucks when you are trying to get your team into a positive goal differential. Kerrisdale made up for the goal scoring drought of late on Sunday (downed them 10-2), but because of the rule, we only got credit for 5 :mad: I know it is hard for the team that is getting peppered, but come on, we are adults aren't we?!. Our team doesn't light up the board that much, so when we do, it would be nice to get credit for them. Hmmm, perhaps I need to go take something...I feel a little bit whiny ;) .

Does the League not put that in your +/- column, but on the scoreboard, they only use a 5 goal differential? I thought that is what they did? I think they should still put it towards your +/- and who cares what the scoreboard reads, because at the end of the year, that is what they go on if teams are tied, no?



New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Can_Head_A_Ball said:
Okay, a soccer related, no bad mouthing post....

We (Wickham FC) play the North Shore Red Socks in two weeks, and obviously, they ARE the team to beat. We've played them in past years, and even this summer, and beaten them. However, judging from their impressive stats this year, it's not going to be easy. What would you all say is giving them their success? I've not been out to see a game of theirs this year, so they may have picked up new, strong players, but if they're the same Red Socks from past years, I'm surprised that PCOV or Kerrisdale (who are fantastic teams IMHO) haven't beaten them yet. Any thoughts?

Holy crap I am on a posting rampage today - look out all!!! We have only played North Shore once, and we lost 2-1, but we had a ton of scoring chance, and could I have gotten my foot out of my ass and scored the 2 opportunities I had (from about 8 yards out-no shitting!), or had anyone else scored on thier chances, the score would have been in our favour!! But they are a good team and it didn't feel like they had any real superstar players to watch out for (except Mitch - she rocks), but they play like they have been playing together for a while. I watched part of their game against PCOV this Sunday, and I thought they were lucky to get a tie (1-1). I did notice that they only had 1 sub while PCOV had 4 or 5. WHo knows...On any given day, every team is beatable, so go for it. YOU CAN DO IT (I was trying to write it in Italics, but it wouldn't let me :confused: )


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
Does the League not put that in your +/- column, but on the scoreboard, they only use a 5 goal differential? I thought that is what they did? I think they should still put it towards your +/- and who cares what the scoreboard reads, because at the end of the year, that is what they go on if teams are tied, no?


Phew...my fingers are starting to cramp :D . I would have thought that is what happens so that you can use goal differences if there is a tie going into playoffs, but i guess not. Before the gaame sunday we were a -4, and after our game if we got credit for all our goals, then we would be a +4, but we are only a +1 !! go figure...maybe the nice karma gods will smile down on us later in the year.
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