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Men moving to Summer?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Talks underway to move to a summer schedule

I've heard through the grapevine that some very early discussions have started between the men's leagues and a possible move to a summer schedule.

This is a fantastic development for BC if it comes to fruition.

The details I have are a bit murky but involves the top tiers with perhaps the next lower division being involved. It would also mean some sort of reduction in teams per league (it wasn't clear to me if this would mean a large super-league or not).

What was clear was that lower divisions would still play a winter schedule.

Not sure if the PCSL was a part of the initial talks, I can't imagine that they would be too favourable, but if they are, you could pretty much say good-bye to the US-based teams.

Discuss for the summer :D

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Soccer should be played in the winter like it is in Europe. they have the same weather that we have. it's not like it is back east with all the snow.


New Member
May 2, 2005
Dirty Money
Soccer should be played in the winter like it is in Europe. they have the same weather that we have. it's not like it is back east with all the snow.

I agree. However, locally we don't have enough quality fields that are maintained properly. Just look at what was NOT available during the provincial cup games.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All sorts of complications / questions come up...for example, what will those Premier caliber players do in the Winter? Play div. 1? Or, conversly, keep a winter premier league? There will either be a watering down or sandbagging effect.

What leagues? VMSL, FVSL & ? VISL?

On the surface, I like it, and think it is a step in the right direction. They may play in the winter over there, but this is here, and in North America, soccer is a summer sport.

I'd prefer they take it from the grass roots up, instead of elite down, but this is much more manageable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
This is going to be an un-mitigated disaster,

1. There are no fields. Even if you did get the Knight Soccer League and all the other leagues to bow down, you will be in a dog fight for fields user permits

2. Where is the continuity between all the divisions if Premier and 1 in both the Valley and the VMSL only run Summer? What is the purpose of being in a club? Where is the rewards for the clubs if you cannot sign the young bucks coming out of U-21 or Youth to a D2 team and then have them play all over the place on permits?

3. What will happen to the calibre of play overall? I would think it would drop...

However it is a fantastic idea If the Municipalities were going to start fresh, do away with "Historical Precedence" and such...

I just see too many hurdles. It has to be all or nothing.

I agree that for the game to go ahead in this province we should change to not compete with hockey, but the mens game first? Everyone knows Senior Mens soccer takes a back seat to everyone else with respect to fields, Where are the baseball teams going to play?

If this is the way forward kiss weekend games goodbye for ever, and say hello to training on gravel and in Gyms.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Johnny...news flash: most teams already only train on gravel or gyms. We are very fortunate to have the field turf in Langley. A few years ago, we (Langley Prem) were training 2 x / week on Brown Road gravel.

You need to start somewhere. Hopefully they take the identical approach w/ the elite youth as well.


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
The obvious is the lack of fields etc as stated in the above posts. Summer holidays would be a huge issue for any players in all age brackets. Commitment would be a huge issue for all teams as Summer is just too busy. Winter soccer is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Commitment would be a huge issue for all teams as Summer is just too busy. Winter soccer is the way to go.

I agree. Even though I would love to see Summer Soccer, it's just going to be hard to get committed players. Summer is Vacation time for most people... It be nice to see, but i dont think it will happen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Johnny...news flash: most teams already only train on gravel or gyms. We are very fortunate to have the field turf in Langley. A few years ago, we (Langley Prem) were training 2 x / week on Brown Road gravel.

You need to start somewhere. Hopefully they take the identical approach w/ the elite youth as well.

I hear you, but if they move it ALL to summer, there will either be No training, or everyone will be relegated to gravel and gyms.

We as players all pay much higher user permits fees, and get less than desirable time slots already as it is, wait untill you are competing with 8 year old girls softball for a timeslot for a cup game :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
At the “Elite” regional level, this needs to happen. On all levels, from the lowest age Metro level up to Men’s Open. The winter seasons should be reserved and used as it is now.

Yes- there will either be a watering down of all men’s divisions (as many of the “Elite” Premier players chose not to play winter, the next tier will move up to take their spot), or a sandbagging effect if the league choose to do away w/ their Premier divisions (many of the Elite players choosing to play winter ball will be taking spots from Div. 1 guys).

Either way, the whole goal is to improve the sport at that Elite level. To do that, our best players need to be playing in the summer, when they can get the best conditions.

For the small percentage of teams that will operate under this “Elite” status, you should be able to make it work w/ the field availability you have now. Most clubs have and use fields anyways during the summer, under their academies, spring / summer leagues, etc.

Think big picture Johnny…big picture.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey guys- what do you think they do in the rest of the country? It isn't that hard...follow their model, and make it work!

Just because it is logistically difficult, and people will get their noses out of joint because of summer vacations, etc...well, tough shite! At any elite level of any sport, summer vacations means the familly accompanies the kid to the elite competitions.

So, suck it up. It's not like it affect you guys and me anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Yes it will affect all of us.

I am all for it happening. But the sport from the grassroots levels to beer league to premier is a huge amount of people, and without them all working together at the same time it adversely affects the entire thing imho.

The Summer is nice, because often times you will get D3 guys and guys who normally don't play year round out there with the odd premier guy to everyone in between... as we are just out for fun and a run with our mates...It's about keeping some semblance of fitness while playing purley for fun when the results matter less than the antics of the folks around the cooler.

You can't have two 'serious' seasons imho...it will either be watered down too much, or sandbaggers will prevail.

Why don't we just call it the PDL or PCSL when the VISL, VMSL, and FVSL Premier teams form a 'superleague' for the summer...just a thought. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Oh, and what they do in the rest of the country is dictated by the weather.

To start a project like this will do nothing more than infuriate all of the allocations programs and their staff... I can just see Sonja and Sukhi in Surrey alone rolling their eyes now :D

The only way I see this working is if the BCSA and leagues have the municipalities parks boards on side along with all of the major clubs throughout the Coastal Region to leverage as much as possible.

I play year round so, and not at a high level, so when the 'silly season' is really doesn't matter to me one way or the other as I play year round anyways... I just see a lot of logistical hurdles that will be very hard, if not impossible, to overcome.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
How did this degenerate into talk concerning youth? Fcuk the youth for now, this is entirely about fixing something that is "wrong" with the senior soccer system at the highest level.

No offense but if your idea of fun is to play with and against lower skilled players, you have no place in playing top-level.

Yes, there would be many growing pains in trying to move things over but to the point about signing players on permits and CAT stuff - both have proven to be ineffective measures in the grande scheme of things.

Fields? There are EASILY enough parks available in the summer NOW to accomodate 15-20 teams in a 'super-league'.

One of the other talking points was the idea of a 'game of the week' perhaps out of Swangard (or a similar venue)...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The Summer is nice, because often times you will get D3 guys and guys who normally don't play year round out there with the odd premier guy to everyone in between... as we are just out for fun and a run with our mates...It's about keeping some semblance of fitness while playing purley for fun when the results matter less than the antics of the folks around the cooler.

Not a good enough reason to avoid setting the elite levels up to succeed. Honestly, they do not and should not give a shite about us.

It is about the Elite of our sport. Everything below will and should adjust to make this happen.

Regs- I simply think that the next step needs to be that all Elite Metro teams need to be playing and training full time in the summer, too. Winter should be off-season for academies, strength training, clinics, etc.

One step at a time, though..


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, exactly. But too often in this province do I see the senior side of things take a back seat to youth. It's understandable why but doesn't necessarily need to ALWAYS be that way.

BC Soccer was rightfully taken to task for not having a single rep last year in Nanaimo. Their response? Every fcuking member being at the proceedings this year. Seriously. They are starting to sort out the mess that affects SENIOR soccer now and I think you are going to start to see real change in the coming years.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I love the idea. LOVE IT!!

We can still have an 7-8 month "summer season" just as it is now in reverse.
Start in March/April and end in October.

Have Nov,Dec, Jan, and Feb to "stay in shape" take vacations to warm places etc...
We already take off most of December and January as it stands now.

And you can still have no games on long weekends.
As there are at least 3 to 5 games in the winter that is postponed cause of weather.
WE can have 3-4 preset weekends (long weekends) that there are no games.
So you can still have your summer get aways. etc...
Or just set up an exhibtion that weekend if the players are around.
Or a club party/fundraiser
Or an intersquad/club game with a big fundraiser party after.

At least you will know in advance when games will not be played, and can plan life/club events.

Not like now, as its week to week, and then most teams are still idle for 3 weeks waiting for others to finish the season before Provincial Cup games start. There is no flow or consistency in the season.

Also, there would be no excuse of missing all your University/College players in the first 3 months of the season when you get in 12 games..... (over half the season)

Also... (LOVE IT)
We actually might get some more fan support as it won't be 3 degrees, pissing rain sideways!

Imagine the friends and fam that will come out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, or Friday night game.

It will definately help promote the game in so many ways.. and support from folks is one we don't even think of much.

I am totally infatuated with this idea.
Take your vacation in November or January. When you actually want to get away from the wonderful winter weather.



New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
i can agree with a lot of whats been said and i would like to see an elite league in the summer
you dont need to change to much of the winter set up ...just have a serious league running alongside the whitecaps season and those who want to get drunk and play in summer still can do ....but give those who are serious a league in the summer with a meaning at the end of it
there has to be some kind of provincial type reward to make it worth while im not sure what

anything new has to be worked at and debug it as you go dont just push a door marked pull and say fcuk it i can get in :D

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