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Man beheads bus passenger!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Absolute awful thing to happen. Something you'd expect to happen on the other side of the world but not here.

Mr. X

New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Dirty Money
The fact they say he was so calm doing it is the scariest part for me. I wonder if it was drugs or maybe some form of schizophrenia that caused him to do it. Freaky business and just another reason for me to stay off buses and in my car.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Good God, the more I read about this, the sicker I get.

I can’t express how badly I feel for the other passengers. If you are like me, I suggest staying well away from the story this morning in the Province.

When I was in between my 1st and 2nd year of BCIT- 20 years old- I worked in Winnipeg for the summer. I had to commute between Brandon & Winnipeg a few times on that same Greyhound route. I have a good idea where they had to stop, and…there’s nothing. Not only did they have to witness this horror, but these people had nowhere to go for hours, and had to keep this lunatic ON THE BUS, and disable the bus from the outside to keep him from trying to drive away. They had to not only protect themselves from this guy (apparently a few of the men, the bus driver, and a trucker who stopped took up some makeshift weapons like crowbars and hammers to threaten and prevent this guy from trying to escape the bus), but no choice but to take the responsibility and disable it, to keep him where he was.

The story writes about a little boy who was on the bus, how the crisis team tried to console him…


Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
I was in grade seven when a friend of mine got stabbed on a bus by a lady who was just let out from Riverview. the people on the bus saved him from getting killed. I thought the people in my office where talking about some new Saw flick or something when I came into work. totally sick feeling. I feel for the family of the victim. you have to read or see it on the news. about your kidding sleeping then he's brutally murdered. just sick.


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
I think we all hear you Dude

Myself I don't think anybody here who if put in that situation would Turtle into the fetal
position ....Just as these people did : they got out of the immediate danger and then did what they felt they had to do ... being finding a weapon and disabling the Bus and barricading the bus ...others staying out of the way

I would like to think and i assume when it comes down to it 99 % people try to do the right responsible thing

Unfortunately they had to be witness to this ... those mental scar's I can't imagine


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I woke up with the Baby this morning because my wife had nightmares about this story last night. I'm dead serious...She has glad bags under her eyes because of the horror of this story yesterday.

girth, you are 100% right, you would think nothing of this (not that it still isn't revolting and terrible) if you heard that this happened in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or wherever, this shite is not supposed to happen in developed western nations.


Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
They/we write "Man accused of"... for legal reasons. We can't convict him of the crime, that's up to a judge or jury despite how obvious it seems.

Anyways, brutal but fascinating story. I've also ridden that bus between Edmonton and Lloydminster many times back in the day.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This will surely spark the whole gun debate, here and US. The knuckle draggers at Smith and Wesson will use this as fodder for their cause, all the way to the bank.

Never mind that no citizen, ever, should be permitted to carry a concealed fire arm while travelling on a bus or plane.

Never mind that if it were as easy to obtain a fire arm in Canada as in the States, it can easily be argued that this nutter could have acquired one and gone off on every person in the bus.

A lot of those comments make me sick. The “If I were there” type comments. I don’t even what to imagine what I’d do if I were there. Besides shite my pants and do everything but remain calm. I suppose those tough republicans down there- who are so well prepared for something like this from all the time spent in their backyard shooting galleries- think they could have saved the day. OK there Billy Bob.

Then you have the terrorist spin. Now they are painting all the Muslims in the world with the same brush.

You know, I have a lot of good American fiends, and business colleagues…but sometimes I can’t help but shake my head at how completely out of touch they are with the rest of the world. The US media is easily the best on the planet at the propaganda game.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
This will surely spark the whole gun debate, here and US. The knuckle draggers at Smith and Wesson will use this as fodder for their cause, all the way to the bank.

Never mind that no citizen, ever, should be permitted to carry a concealed fire arm while travelling on a bus or plane.

Never mind that if it were as easy to obtain a fire arm in Canada as in the States, it can easily be argued that this nutter could have acquired one and gone off on every person in the bus.

A lot of those comments make me sick. The “If I were there” type comments. I don’t even what to imagine what I’d do if I were there. Besides shite my pants and do everything but remain calm. I suppose those tough republicans down there- who are so well prepared for something like this from all the time spent in their backyard shooting galleries- think they could have saved the day. OK there Billy Bob.

Then you have the terrorist spin. Now they are painting all the Muslims in the world with the same brush.

You know, I have a lot of good American fiends, and business colleagues…but sometimes I can’t help but shake my head at how completely out of touch they are with the rest of the world. The US media is easily the best on the planet at the propaganda game.

I think you might be surprised what you would do in that situation. If it comes down to a life threatening situation people do some pretty amazing things. In the face of danger poeple do things they might not normally do just out of instinct for survival. My grandmother carried both my dad, his brother and my grandfather up the side of a mountain on a broken ankle. My grandpa had a heart attack while driving and drove off the side off the mountain. She carried them one by one up to the road on a busted ankle. I know nothing to do with the story but just thought I would give the grandma some love.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Your grandma gets this seal of approval, but seriously, it is a totally different situation.

I can put myself in that situation, but not the bus thing. Can't even immagine...


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Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
What's interesting to me is how nobody seemed to describe the attacker accurately in their previous descriptions: 6ft tall, 200 lbs, muscular, bald, and possibly Native.

None of the above, actually. I am curious if the knife was a big "Rambo hunting knife" as first claimed as well.

Just goes to show you how "accurate" eye witness reports can be and, more interestingly, it shows how the human brain can perform (or shut down) in stressful/life and death situations.

Also, I know that 1st Degree murder requires the "planned" murder of someone, but only in Canada can you chop someone's head off with a knife in front of 30 people and still only get charged with 2nd Degree murder!

With the inaccurate descriptions of the witnesses added to the pathetic court system we have, this guy will probably only get charged with manslaughter.

I am sure we will also be able to know what he is up to when he posts his daily activities on MySpace or sells his memorabilia online like my old next door neighbour Cliff does.


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
It's funny ... when you re read all the post's how much faith and trust we don't have in are judicial(spelling) system
we practically mock it

Yes a Very Rare act of Extreme violence but what about all the acts of violence that aren't this bad that don't get this media attn & that probably happen Daily ... doesn't make you feel to safe

One thing I have recently discussed is if somebody breaks into your house and you lay the law down old school style... you can get sued ????


Oct 1, 2003
Dirty Money
a few clips from a news report

pretty gruesome stuff

On the recording, one officer describes the suspect - who police code-named Badger-moving around the bus, which was barricaded by the driver and a passenger.

"Badger is armed with a knife and a pair of scissors and he is defiling the body at the front of the bus as we speak," an officer says on the transmission.

The approximately 80-second recording was posted on several websites, including YouTube, where it had registered nearly 8,000 hits before it was made unavailable early Saturday afternoon.

The RCMP issued a news release stressing they had not given permission to use the transmission as they are "operational police communications and as such are not meant for public consumption. "

"Okay, Badger's at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it," the transmission ends.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
"Okay, Badger's at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it," the transmission ends.
Didn't think the story could get any worse but it has now :(

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Didn't think the story could get any worse but it has now :(

It has been reported that this psycho thought the young man was a deer...he gutted him and went on to eat parts of his organs after decapitating him. One of the worst things ive heard happening in Canada.

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