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Knights Cup 2008

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
For an actual game report, here it is. PAU dominated us the first 30 minutes, we weren't tackling, weren't going into any 50/50 balls or anything. I don't know if was nerves or what, but probably the worst 30 minutes we've played all year. PAU took it to us big time. It was back and forth for the rest of the half with our big centre back heading out a corner then doing a full field sprint to end up the recipient of a brilliant 2 on 1 pass to go up 1-0. Second half we gave them nothing but a few corner kicks, after being up 3-0 (rookie7 is wrong on when the goals were scored) we take the foot of the gas and the Reverend pops one in (down a beer damn it). We then start playing again and get our 4th and game over.

Good game, loved to beat the old team, gave it to me for sure. And Steve called me a whiner after he studs up tackles me and gets called for a foul. If he wants me to send him a picture of the stud marks in my ankle let me know. On to the quarter finals!

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Draw is out

Rams to smash the Titans next saturday night in Ridge.....Whalley to smash the Surrey Coyotes in the Ghetto


Nov 1, 2007
Dirty Money
For an actual game report, here it is. PAU dominated us the first 30 minutes, we weren't tackling, weren't going into any 50/50 balls or anything. I don't know if was nerves or what, but probably the worst 30 minutes we've played all year. PAU took it to us big time.

It's too bad we couldn't capitalize that first half, could have been 2 - 0 PAU and then we have a different game. Scoreline flatters Whalley but give them credit, they finished, we didn't. Oh well, not in the cards. Maybe we'll see you in summer soccer and get some redemption.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well tonight i relized how much it sucked to be a goalie. Westcoast 1-2 Guilford. We went to shoot-outs AGAIN. Went to 11 shooters came down to the goalies, he scored...i didnt. Thats the way it goes i guess. But good luck to guilford, they are a fast team. Have a couple Key guys upfront mainly #17. I saw we had some guys come out from nomads. Thanks for watching and hanging out in the rain.

Westcoast OUT!..sorry duff i had to bite it.

Dont worry Matthew......I know exactly how you feel........feel your pain. Unlucky, good luck in the rest of the season


Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
We were elimanated from cup tonight.

I will now go into the "TTP break" no more posts from me. Thanks Kevin and Ricky for standing on the sidelines in the pissing rain. Sorry we couldn't give you more. 1-1 then into the usual shoot-outs. Any given Sunday.....

Didn't get to shoot myself(knee). It would have been tough on Matty. Having to take that 11 th shot, not for me. Well there's always next year. It's been tough playing games 11-12 guys every weekend. Looks like I will be able to take a break(third yellow). Would have been ugly if we won, would have been missing our sweeper and me. So we will play our lone make up game against the Wheelhouse Caps and hopefully play some summer soccer. I will try and make it out to some games. Whalley vs. Coyotes in the heart of Whalley???? How could I miss that. Whalley, Rams, Mission, WRU will make the semis. Whalley to destroy the Coyotes 5-0, Rams to destroy Titans 5-0, Wru beats Rangers in a close one 2-1, Mission to beat Guildford 3-0. Sorry Guildford you may have beaten us tonight, but I would be amazed if the made the next round. Just like if we had won.

No more if's but's or my division is better then your division, I will miss it.

WestCoast.....What???? out of cup. and okay with it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
Dirty Money
Wow WestCoast...thats an upset man!!!!!!!! As much as I do argue with u on here, U guys were still a good team...cant beleive u guys got knocked out....well its honestly to bad...same with PAU..holly Shat...well i guess we draw the Rangers...and Somehow we are freeking the away TEAM AGAIN!....anyone have any infor on the Rangers???Younger , older...speed???


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Not looking, they and us (nomads) have clinched.

They are quick, organised, and take the chances they earn well...

Good luck to Antileno and the rest of our Langley and Div 3A brothers...until we play our make up game of course ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
It's too bad we couldn't capitalize that first half, could have been 2 - 0 PAU and then we have a different game. Scoreline flatters Whalley but give them credit, they finished, we didn't. Oh well, not in the cards. Maybe we'll see you in summer soccer and get some redemption.

Would have been an entirely different game had that one not been cleared off the line in the first half. The game also changed when we realized we couldn't play the ball in the air, as you guys are much, much taller than us. Question, did Bobby wear that Charmaine Hooper headband/glove combo all year? And if so, how come no one makes fun of him for it? :D It was too easy every time he said something to me. We should see you in summer, we're in the same league, the weather will be nicer for post-game beers, that's for sure.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
It's too bad we couldn't capitalize that first half, could have been 2 - 0 PAU and then we have a different game. Scoreline flatters Whalley but give them credit, they finished, we didn't. Oh well, not in the cards. Maybe we'll see you in summer soccer and get some redemption.
bit more from the pau point of view... and so as not to fade gently into that good night... ;)

As is said, we controlled most of first half (if not all). almost got a goal on a corner from a beauty header but one of whalley's defenders on the post managed to head it out right at the line:eek: amazing save as keep was totally beat... one defensive lapse with 2 min left in half and good break by whaller, cracker shot that just squeaked by our keep and down 1 goal... sigh, downhill from there... we seemed to lose heart and most of the team really stopped making the drive for the ball... led to another defensive collapse and another cracker shot (from like 25 yards out) hard low and far corner beats everyone... sigh, 2 down and team even further in the dumps... then a goal in funny jam up off a corner... nice ball to whalley player, but bounces off our man on the post, to one of defenders foot, off the side to whalley, back of the net... ok we're done... throw on the grinders though to make whalley keep playing...our other forward with me makes great run up, gets a beauty cross that he makes a nice header that.... hits the cross. even i'm groaning until i realize that the ball is coming right to me and i make the volley into the corner of the net:eek::cool:... but whalley gets last goal on another set play (man we suck at those!) that our keep just couldn't hold too... too slick... sigh... game play was not a 4-1 game so we felt pretty bummed by the lost... you guys are fast, but you really only play a counterattack game... we really owned you when we played our game (1st half) but we never do that for a full 90:mad:

anyway, not sure what the hell the ref was doing... he blew his whistle every 30sec it seemed... didn't like the physical play... some was justified but not that much!!! and stals... i want to see the picture proof... steve-o really is just not big enuf or strong enuf of a guy to send anyone done.. so i was right on you still having the ankles of a 3-yr old girl... :D

btw good save on the pk for your keep...


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Question, did Bobby wear that Charmaine Hooper headband/glove combo all year?
he started wearing it after the first couple games... gloves are sporadic in the cold.. usu more when wet - grip for throw-ins i think...headband for concussions... he's pretty bad so doesn't want anymore... think of a pro-boxer... that may also be why noone makes fun of him...

i was surprised that we were winning so many headers - our three best guys for headers are our 3 shortest guys - shorter than most of your team too... only the forward who played with me is better and that's cuz he can jump like 3 feet...

i think we really missed lostmytouch and one centre mid (injury)... redemption this summer... :rolleyes:
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