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Irritating member of the day

Is McDirty an Idiot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • He's gay

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Yes and he's gay

    Votes: 18 66.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 22, 2002
Dirty Money
I apologize to everyone then!

Look I came on ttp and posted one thing,I said I was going to own div.2 sorrrrrry,then someone decided my post was annoying and decided to trash me,so I had to trash talk a little bit which lead to this poll.This is all blown way out of proportion my comments should not be taken to heart as I am sure none of you guys are gay and if you are ,so what there is nothing wrong with that but just dont invite me to any parties or anything like that cuase I am not.Just understand one thing the poll on here didnt piss me off I thought it was quite humorous!Reccos I talk to myself becuase noone else will, haha.As for my teammates not being able to tolerate me, if that is the case then they should approach me about this as we are all men here and am sure we arent having little knitting classes talking about one person behind his back.I tell you what if I have really annoyed everyone on here its only becuase I was ganged up on by a bunch of guys who like to stick it to the "new guy".I thought we were all full grown men here and maybe I was mistaken for using such horrendous language.I thought the situation was over like six posts ago!And for the record Keeper I am very sick of you to so keep it clean and so will I!:D


New Member
Dec 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Gripping questions remain for mcdirty

I personally have loved, but not in a gay way, your posts. But sometimes you read a post and your curiosity is just touched off by some of the content and you find it hard to proceed with your day.....for me it is picturing your situation last year of having two broken thumbs at the same time. Questions have been squeezing at my mind all day:
How did this happen? Was handling cutlery an issue? Were they both in small casts with the thumbs up like the Fonz ? And if so, did you get picked up quite a bit while walking on the side of a highway? Or did you take up critiquing movies for 6 weeks until the plaster was removed? Were your addition skills thrown off at all? Did you change your goaltending style to one of basically mimicking a set of ping pong paddles because you were unable to catch ? These and many more questions have been driving me nuts at work today, and I'm quite sure will make for a troubling effort to sleep tonight. So while I'm glad the other issues are sorting themselves out, I myself must try to work thru this disturbing image of a man who became master of his own domain strictly thru injury. It is, I'm quite sure, a truly gripping story just waiting to be told.;)

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