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Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter November 2008

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Aug 21, 2001
Dirty Money
it just goes to show, the difference between the 2 leagues.
I think we may have played a smidge better than we did
against peg last tues. but came out on the other end of a 6-0
drubbing against delta.Seems to me that theres still alot of
work to be done at training. The result is all that matters of course
and rookie nite was a blast...hope to see some pics. On to aldergrove
next week...7 more wins and we'll call it a day:)


New Member
Sep 15, 2007
Dirty Money
it just goes to show, the difference between the 2 leagues.
I think we may have played a smidge better than we did
against peg last tues. but came out on the other end of a 6-0
drubbing against delta.Seems to me that theres still alot of
work to be done at training. The result is all that matters of course
and rookie nite was a blast...hope to see some pics. On to aldergrove
next week...7 more wins and we'll call it a day:)

I struggle a bit with your logic as I would not peg DMU as a strong Div 1 side. I think they would agree. Don't think PA would get humped 6-0 consistently if ever in a league game in the VMSL Premier.

Lang and ND the quietest and most mellow Premier game I have seen in a long time. Pretty sure PNE was bored out of his skull. Beautiful new facility at Delsom. ND goalie was outstanding. For all the saves he pulled out of his ass, the two that beat him could be classified as slightly unfair.

Best line of the night was one of his defenders bitching at him to get off of his line to get a ball. Without him you guys would have witnessed a DMUish score line.

Interesting to see what sort of intensity will be present Wedn. Friendlyish? B-teamish? Better than training anyways.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Interesting to see what sort of intensity will be present Wedn. Friendlyish? B-teamish? Better than training anyways.

We're passing up training and hunkering down for a BBQ to watch your game, we want a classic!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by:LFC123
I struggle a bit with your logic as I would not peg DMU as a strong Div 1 side.
You struggle with selecting nukes week in and out, but Knowone wasn't saying DMU are a strong Div. 1 side. He was refering to the age old comparison of FVSL vs VMSL. ;) You're welcome.

Here's to hoping I'm ready to play in the Wendesday night friendly!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

It's tough to be overly motivated for a new cup with no tradition but the idea it's self, name aside, is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The FVSL site says GEU 1 Whack 1 - Looks like Langley sits alone on top and a big log jam just behind them.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
we had a stinky first half and whack got all the momentum keeper kept them down to one at the half
second was a little better and we scored with about 15 or so to go and pushed for the win but it was not to be
all credit to whack who looked way better than first time round and their one touch game kept us chasing shadows most of the night

no finish

New Member
May 23, 2002
Dirty Money
went and watched croatia vs serbia great atmoshere and a great game to watch. good job boys last time i watched a big game in the vmsl it was imperial cup indo vs surrey un. maybe a hundredfifty people and the game was terrible. last nite was how it should be at these games we get 5 to 7 hun to the pak cup every year and its always a good show. well done vmsl


New Member
Oct 6, 2004
Dirty Money
Every league in the world the rule is 5 yellows and u sit a game, what is with the FVSL sitting a guy after 3?? What a joke especially with the refs in our league who think they are God on the field and are just dying to give some out. Ya so obviously im pissed for having to sit the next game.

The same fcuking ref we had against PAU we get last night. This fcuking clown we call a ref is the biggest power tripper I have ever seen. He was literally challenging me saying what, what are u gonna do and then he says how do u like this and gives me a yellow. This guy all by himself has costed us 5 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most unprofessional shiite i have ever seen!! This was right after the whole ****in field saw me get thrown out of the way and the guy rips one top corner with no one around him, 5 mins into the game. Another absolute joke!! This happens every second game. This is a huge reason why the FVSL gets such a bad name.

This ref thought every one was there to see him like there were cameras on him and it was his show. If this guy acted like this anywhere else but on a field he was reffing he would get himself into a lot of trouble.

We train hard all week and give a lot of time to play this game and we get refs out who literally control the whole game and they have never played a sport in their lives.

They have no idea what its like to be an athlete and there fcuking jealous, they come in to the game with this huge chip on there shoulders trying to show us who's boss. Its pathetic how they look trying to be tough holding up a yellow like they have the power of GOD.

Ya Im fcuking pissed!! Im so sick of this BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im going to get ripped on here for this post. Go ahead and say what u will but this guy should not do Prem level games!!! Its beyond a joke.

He gave me a yellow before i had even said a word after they scored i picked myself off the ground up I went running up to him and I swear I hadnt even said one word yet and he started challenging me like he wanted to fight it was the weirdest thing i have ever been apart of on a field.

Does anyone know if u can read his report?? Because I want to know what he wrote down for the reason cuz i hadnt said one word yet and 3 of my teammates can attest to it. Im not letting this one go, Ill be talking to someone about this.

I know all the nerds on this site are gonna defend the refs saying its a hard job and all this shiite..................FCUK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whistle blower

Active Member
Mar 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Every league in the world the rule is 5 yellows and u sit a game, what is with the FVSL sitting a guy after 3?? What a joke especially with the refs in our league who think they are God on the field and are just dying to give some out. Ya so obviously im pissed for having to sit the next game.

The same fcuking ref we had against PAU we get last night. This fcuking clown we call a ref is the biggest power tripper I have ever seen. He was literally challenging me saying what, what are u gonna do and then he says how do u like this and gives me a yellow. This guy all by himself has costed us 5 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most unprofessional shiite i have ever seen!! This was right after the whole ****in field saw me get thrown out of the way and the guy rips one top corner with no one around him, 5 mins into the game. Another absolute joke!! This happens every second game. This is a huge reason why the FVSL gets such a bad name.

This ref thought every one was there to see him like there were cameras on him and it was his show. If this guy acted like this anywhere else but on a field he was reffing he would get himself into a lot of trouble.

We train hard all week and give a lot of time to play this game and we get refs out who literally control the whole game and they have never played a sport in their lives.

They have no idea what its like to be an athlete and there fcuking jealous, they come in to the game with this huge chip on there shoulders trying to show us who's boss. Its pathetic how they look trying to be tough holding up a yellow like they have the power of GOD.

Ya Im fcuking pissed!! Im so sick of this BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im going to get ripped on here for this post. Go ahead and say what u will but this guy should not do Prem level games!!! Its beyond a joke.

He gave me a yellow before i had even said a word after they scored i picked myself off the ground up I went running up to him and I swear I hadnt even said one word yet and he started challenging me like he wanted to fight it was the weirdest thing i have ever been apart of on a field.

Does anyone know if u can read his report?? Because I want to know what he wrote down for the reason cuz i hadnt said one word yet and 3 of my teammates can attest to it. Im not letting this one go, Ill be talking to someone about this.

I know all the nerds on this site are gonna defend the refs saying its a hard job and all this shiite..................FCUK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to let everyone know it was me reffing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm in tears! LOL!

We had the same ref this weekend and he was picking on me too.

Don't ever change Cantona it would be a shame to lose the village idiot.


New Member
Feb 12, 2003
Dirty Money
You've gotta watch Whistleblower, I've seen him play this game and he is one jealous bastard!
I wanna know what it's like to be an athlete!
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