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Premier FVSL Premier League 2002/2003.

Who will win the FVSL Premier league?

  • Peace Arch United

    Votes: 38 37.3%
  • Poco City Dominion

    Votes: 17 16.7%
  • Golden Ears United

    Votes: 12 11.8%
  • Surrey City Pegasus

    Votes: 9 8.8%
  • Langley Thunder

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Chilliwack FC

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • GN Sporting

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • North Delta United

    Votes: 5 4.9%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Fat Monkey
Licking their wounds.:D


and.......preparing to drink our faces off at the club Halloween dance tonight. Anyone wanna come?:D


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Not much to say

Not hiding just busy decorating the hall for our legendary halloween dance. Full credit to delta, for the win they defended their hearts out. We played well again just having problems in the attacking third.
On another note I don't know who ink is, some of the stuff is pretty funny, he must know our group quite well judging by the comments, but some stuff is offside.
Raiguy if what you say is acurate, I agree there is no place in our game for racism, or anywhere else for that matter. Good on you for standing up for you lads, and putting your name out there, it 's that kind of character that has changed your clubs fortunes this season.
What a surprise Luc and Dolimite, Jake the muss etc etc.. all the same lad, what a geek, get a life. Really is that all you have to do with your time. No friends hey, go figure:eek:
Well tonight should be a great night out, Should be alot of drunk soldiers drowning their sorrows after the loss, but hey it's only a game:rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Listen, I don’t know what Roy said on the sideline to Walter. If you say it was a racial bomb, or an inappropriate comment, I have no reason to not believe you. That said, I think it is pretty safe to say Roy is not a racist. That is evident when looking at our players. SFC doesn’t show favoritism towards any ethnic group or community. If you can or want to play soccer, SFC will find a home for you.

Apparently, Frank and Roy gave Walter a chance to play four years ago. I’m told that Roy personally paid out of pocket for him to play- and paid for his shoes, gave him gas money when he was broke, helped him get into Douglas College, and helped get him a summer job.

Again, without knowing the kid’s motivation, he went and signed with Delta last year. He apparently took part in the Delta/Rangers uniform fiasco too. My point is, this kid was given a break by the chairman of our club, and treated well by the club. He had free access to some of the best coaching, facilities, and club system in British Columbia. If I were Roy, I’d be pissed at his short memory, too. There are lots of great club guys in SFC that will battle on and off the field, out of loyalty. This kid just took what he wanted, and turned coat at the first opportunity.

On top of that, we see Edwin suited up for you last night, whom I saw myself just last week training with our U-21 team, using our facilities, and wearing our gear. This is a kid that I recognize as being involved in the club for over 4 years, and he jumps ship at the first opportunity.

Once again, I don’t look too kindly on any racial slurs or ethnic favoritism. Whatever Roy said though, I’m sure was out of anger, not racial hate. That doesn’t excuse what he may have said (again, I don’t know). On the other hand, I would run out of fingers and toes if I tried to count the number of times I’ve been thrown a racial bomb when playing Ethnic teams- especially East Indian teams. “White Bitch” seems to be a favorite. This doesn't apply to last night's team, though. They seemed like a pretty classy group as a whole. They're OK.

That’s all. Just thought I’d shed a bit of light on the picture.

star #1

Active Member
Aug 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude Wheres My Car

fair enough, but the ref heard everything that was said to our player and told us that he would also write it up in the match report, even if it was said in anger, there still is no use for it anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: word from the mouth

Originally posted by housearrest
Not sure if this is the truth or if it will follow through, but the Surrey/GN game might be under protest due to ineligible players activated by GN.

Do people actually protest such a STUPID infraction? I mean playing completely ineligible players (long term susp, suspended, teams signed elsewhere etc) but a player from Youth? Thats pretty picky.

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Player from youth.....

If I'm on the right page...........A team can bring up a youth player but they must get a youth permit form signed from the youth player's team coach as well as the team whom he will play for and then they must fax it into the league for approval.....as far as I know but then again I may be wrong.

Hard Ballz


Mar 17, 2002
Dirty Money
Madhandle = Walter Oyuela

Now, listen dude wheres my car.

You come out here spitting out how roy helped me out and this and that. Yes, he bought me shoes. Yes, he gave me gas money to take players to games. He hooked up sweaters and blah blah blah. That is all true.

Why did he do this? Lets take a trip down Memory lane.

Q:Ask roy mitchell what happened when everyone walked out on him in the 00-01 season when he couldnt field a Premier team.?

A: I helped him out by getting some of my friends and made up Surrey City Celtics aka so called "team honduras" We were alright.. yah we sucked... but still helped him out. Or else the club would have lost their premiere spot that year and got a fine. (Not saying that the Rangers wouldnt of got the spot back) The gas money he gave me was to drive players to games. The shoes he gave me he said was for helping him out. Guess i didnt know he was going to throw it back in my face. But thats just how people are i guess.

Hey if you want to throw out shots here.. go ahead... Calling me a "Spikk" doesnt hurt me... just goes to show how much class this old guy has... i respected roy.. after last night.... the guys shite.... and his son asking for a fight in the parking lot... hahaha whoever knows him.. knows why im laughing......what a joke.....

And as for edwin- you want to keep a kid down playing with those u-21's... of course hes goin to jump ship..... kid is the best right defender in this league...

ohh yeah....
SFC played a great game last night. They really didnt look like a bottom of the table team. If they can get stuck in when the 2nd half comes around.. this team can do some damage. classy guys that were on the field....


New Member
Apr 19, 2002
Dirty Money
How many cards for Aves this year for yapping, as we have active bets's going on with his former team :wa:
Does he still complain about running in practice :D
Oh well this is ......................."Take the Piss"

Cheers PAU


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
RE how many?

That would be three, but who"s counting:rolleyes: We were hoping to see you and the misses at the dance tonight, or just the misses:wa:

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money


You are right, I was totally out of line calling you a "Spic" I apologize for this.

I did this to try and draw you into a confrontation which with some thought was inappropriate and considering your history quite stupid. I have never seen you actually stand up for yourself as I have many time had to defend you in the past especially when you accused Cainy of calling you the same thing two years ago in PA.

If you want to meet me and discuss this I am more than willing.

As to a couple of other points you made:

Edwin was asked out by the SFC Manager and myself for the last three weeks but never showed. In fact when he was given a ride by the Manager last week he agreed to play but then his word is great.

What of the fact he told his U21 Coach and The SFC Manager he was getting paid $40.00/game to play for GN?

As to my son confronting you in the parking lot, you must be referring to the older one as the younger one left with me to go to Kelly O'Bryan's and he never saw you at all!!

I will however pass on your comments to both of them.

If you want to see me you know the number or ask Scotty!!



Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

I keep hearing about this Roy Mitchell guy and it ain't all good.
Last year he punches out some young 19 year old at the pak cup and now I am hearing he is calling other young players racist names and everytime having one of his son's trying to fight the guy.
I don't get it.
Everyone is throwing around the word "class" on this site. If thereis one guy that represents a club does not have any, it seems it is this Roy guy. I find it hard to disagree with this. I have heard people in his own club dig in to him because of this.

Sorry Roy, it is just what I hear!


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
no chance fella

Next to God. For the record I remember the incident at south surrey, The lad in question was wearing gloves and I wound him up about the gloves. He also was sporting a nice pair of coloured boots and again I had a go about the boots. This was during my year out of soccer because of the reconstructive knee surgery, needl;ess to say I was very frustrated. when he was subbed off he told you that I called him a spic. BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED.
I would have said Did you comb your hair with a pork chop? but not spic.
I must say sometimes when two people get in a heated confrontation sometimes words like that do get thrown around, but I know Roy and I personaly don't think he meant anything by it. Hell half of Surrey FC teams are from different ethnic backgrounds.


New Member
Feb 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Madhandle vs Mitchells


I was at this game, and I witnessed all of these supposed comments.
Roy was getting you off of your game. I've know Roy all of my soccer life and I have never once known him to be a racist. He has had instances where he loses his cool, and from what I was directly told by Roy, he has a right to in this case. Madhandle, it seems a lack of communication has ruined a good friendship between the two of you. As for his son, he was out of line, agreed. And a fight with the young mitchell? He indeed left with his father. I saw them leave.
Apparently, If a Mitchell really wants a fight, he shows up for it ( IE: Scotty Williams).
He isnt a fighter, either Madhandle, but he is a good friend. And apparently you abused that. The fight it seems was almost as big of a joke as you not coming in the lineup handshake. Even young Edwin had the class and the balls to shake all of the SFC players hands, including the Mitchells. As for young Mitchell, he told me he was angry at the lack of class you showed on the field, and he enjoys heckling you on the field. We all saw the cheap shots you threw at Surrey players, and the swimming lessons you gave in the 18. Emotion takes a huge part in soccer as the game is intense to people who play, watch and love the sport. Cheap play does not. This may be a part of your game, but you need to accept one thing. You stir the pot, it boils.
I think if you intend for people to show class to you, Madhandle, then I beleive you should show some yourself.
As a fan watching a game, on the other hand, this was a great game, filled with emotion, intesnity and loads of skill. The rematch should be anything but amazing.
As for the shennanagans, Madhandle, grow up. If you go through life worrying everytime someone heckles you on the field, you may end up flipping burgers your whole life, because no one will want to give you a chance at soccer or a job or life for that matter with the attitude you have. Dont burn bridges.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I just got the call...Looks like I will be getting some minutes on your team...( the one where you get 90 minutes) I'm hoping that I get my usual 9.
delta -1 pau 0 ...
In the last 19 months I have posted 135 times under 5 different names. You have posted 268 under one. I need to get a life...can I have yours?...with all your "friends" that you shower and sing with?
I'm guessing you comb your hair with a chalk line.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
just want to say one thing...

the incident between Peg and GN was not as bad as it is sounding here on TTP. It was a very miniscule part of the game that only took place in a matter of about 30 seconds in the second half and had no real impact on the outcome or the actions throughout the game. As has been stated in previous posts, it was just a heated statement out of anger, not racism. Just past history that did not sit well with either individual. I am friends with both of these individuals, and talked to both after the game and both really didn't mean what was said.


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Peg Suck

First of all, I was at the game. Housearrest, i think when you were busy eating smokies while you were BENCHED the entire game. Dont worry not your fault you had no idea what was going on during the game. You Suck... For Roy, well, you and your sons show alot of class for Peg. You guys show the reasons why you guys are in LAST PLACE...HAHAHAHAHAHA...FCUK FATS :D I can give details on how Roy has been an ass to east indians, such as when he wouldnt sign the rights for them to play in youth east indian tournaments during the summer...(they arent good for the kids):rolleyes: FAT FCUK...

Ohhh yeah, i almost forgot, guess what everyone, PEG ARE IN LAST PLACE.:D

:wa: :wa: :wa:
ps. Reshams Buddy where are you.....and Walter, you dumb spic:D


Mar 17, 2002
Dirty Money
Golden goal,
Are you 100% sure i didnt shake the players hands after the game? ha ha ha get your facts straight. Why would i not shake their hands? We played a good game.The guys on the field gave it all they had. SFC guys played a great game and i think this was their turn around game. SFC has a chance to wake up after this weekend. But anyways i was in that line up.

I dont mind getting yelled at from the sidelines.... i actually like it... Poco boys do the best job when it comes to yelling from the sidelines.

P.S Kokanee sleeps with midgets.:wa:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

No more fcuking racist accussations or insinuations on TTP, period. It wasn't tolerated before, and it isn't now. As far as TTP is concerned, I don't really care if the guy is racist... this is not the place to have stuff like that aired out.

This is for your protection as well. Think about it.
What exact part of that don't you fcuking understand?

Another post by anyone on this subject here will result in an automatic banning.

Move the fcuk along. :mad:

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