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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Results and banter - DEC. '04

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Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Keeper #1 said:
Ypu guys just don't get it. The Canes are gonna win the div and the cup. Curious please read my previous post on the Canes resume. If they did not have a depleted and injured line up ant the begining of the season, the would be unfeated thus far. The Canes have an excellemt resume, beating top quality teams and not just from the FVSL but VMSL (premier teams and Div 1 teams). Can any of you do that. Facts are facts and their past has shown that they are champions and will continue with that.

bottom line is the canes have never beat us have they .we have yet play each other and until that happens i must have confidence that we will get the job done .and who do you on the clones and what have we won ? you may not be fully informed on our players and where they have played and what they have won .i said before i did not want to play the depleted squad i wanted the full healthy version win or lose does not matter the challenge is what we look forward to the result will be a bonus :D in one week we will know wont we looking forward to nexy saturday keeper #1


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Dont be so confident, as we will come out strong next saturday and i do not see us losing to you guys. 08star told me he predicts a 4-0 score. i myself only predict a 3-0 win but we will find out who was right.

curious said:
Back on topic. The Tigers play tomorrow and next Sunday against the 2 weakest teams in our division, so hopefully we can win those games and get back in the middle of the pack and maybe gain a little respect going into cup play. Also, looking forward to playing the Hurricanes first game after Christmas. Should be interesting.

clones have aldergrove tomorrow and the canes on dec 18th so we will beat them on the 18th and the tigers can finish them off in january and end their promotion dreams[/QUOTE]

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
NDFC/Royals game is cancelled tomorrow, it looks as though your going to have to play us on the turf eh. The Titans game has been cancelled tonight as well, that leaves a time slot open for you guys to practice on the turf. :rolleyes:

so i heard, that's a shame. and no, it's our home game, we're not going out to ND again (grass or turf) to play you punks. i dunno what your rush is, it's like your scared to play us on grass :eek: anyways, in light of the cancellation, i'm out to get pissed drunk for my pals birthday.


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Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
whack said:
Dont be so confident, as we will come out strong next saturday and i do not see us winning 08star told me he predicts a 4-0 score. i myself only predict a 3-0 loss but we will find out who was right.

08 thinks we will win 4-0 i thought he was more confidant than that and you know we wont score 3 on you so still 2-1 clones thanks for the support see you next saturday :D


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
We can also talk about Guru and how old and slow he is and how he can't protect his own net and teams score at will against them. (ie lost to peace arch and giving up a sweet handful against Aresnel) :D
Yes, we did lose to peace arch.....while we were missing our entire starting back line. And as far as our handful from arsnel....how many fingers do you have, dude.....I have 5, maybe im diferent; I don't know.
Prepare to be shut down tomorrow. :p


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Our 10am game was called off by the ref 20 minutes before it was to start. The ref said that the field was too frozen and that someone could break their leg. The field didnt look too bad to us. Oh well, his call and nothing we could do about it.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
clones 1 aldergrove 2
shite,shite,shite, i feel like were handing it over to the canes after today not a must win but a we should and didnt . no easy road for us. curious out !


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Well, another upset for DFC. A 1-1 tie against the Wolves. We owned the first 10 the fell apart for the next hour and finally regained our composure for the last 20. A shitty goal late in the first half put the wolves up 1-0. DFC tied it up about 15 into the second half with an even shittier goal. One of our strikers took a brutal blow with 10 left in the first that almost broke his nose and jarred 2 of his teeth loose. He lost a lot of blood on that one. Went to the doctor; they had to wire his front teeth together to keep them in place, but he'll pull through. Anyway, good game, hard fought, we'll see you boys again in the new year.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Dirty Money
curious said:
clones 1 aldergrove 2
shite,shite,shite, i feel like were handing it over to the canes after today not a must win but a we should and didnt . no easy road for us. curious out !

Curious what are you guys doin, don't make me drive down there and knock some sense into you guys :D


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Sep 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Moody Lions 5-1 Peace Arch

Just not a very solid squad. The Lions put together a solid 60-75 mins of soccer and that's all that was really necessary. Good to have two wins going into the break! hopefully it'll keep us in the hunt, at the top. and all I want for christmas is whalley, eagleridge and lufc losses :-D


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money

A good match out in the land of big white rocks today. Credit to GEU for a strong effort and clean play, and full marks to their keeper for another strong game. I was impressed in our first match against this squad by his strong play, and again today that impression was confirmed. We should have had two more markers today if not for some quality saves on his part. GEU is fairly strong at the back, but from 25 yards in to goal they have very poor decision making, which is evidenced by their very low goal total on the season. Likely need another year of Div 3 and more skill up front to be a decent Div 2 squad, but they're not really far off. Solid officiating today, with the ref controlling the game without disrupting the flow unless absolutely necessary. An enjoyable game to play, good flow and great passing by WRU kept GEU on the defensive for the majority of the match. A good result for us going into the break, looking forward to the Titans in the new year.


The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
shaven said:

A good match out in the land of big white rocks today. Credit to GEU for a strong effort and clean play, and full marks to their keeper for another strong game. I was impressed in our first match against this squad by his strong play, and again today that impression was confirmed. We should have had two more markers today if not for some quality saves on his part. GEU is fairly strong at the back, but from 25 yards in to goal they have very poor decision making, which is evidenced by their very low goal total on the season. Likely need another year of Div 3 and more skill up front to be a decent Div 2 squad, but they're not really far off. Solid officiating today, with the ref controlling the game without disrupting the flow unless absolutely necessary. An enjoyable game to play, good flow and great passing by WRU kept GEU on the defensive for the majority of the match. A good result for us going into the break, looking forward to the Titans in the new year.


If they also didn't stay out to 3am getting just pickled at shooters they might have faired better to :D


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
We can also talk about Guru and how old and slow he is and how he can't protect his own net and teams score at will against them. (ie lost to peace arch and giving up a sweet handful against Aresnel) :D

Tee hee... Franchise, Great goal today buddy, yer magic! You guys blew us away, and every forward you have, skinned me several times :rolleyes: Oh.... wait a minute, that wasn't what happened was it, none of you young cnuts even got past me... and you didn't score... the only goal you guys got was so clearly offside a blindman could see it....well maybe not, the ref WAS blind and he didn't see it... what was I thinkin? Pretty bad when a 46 year old.... how did you put it? ? ...how old and slow he is and how he can't protect his own net and teams score at will against them... geeze, I guess if I'm so old and slow, you guys should have kicked the crap out of us down my side! Lets see here, old enough to be your dad, and you still didn't get by me, nor did any of the other kids... how does that look on you guys ? I'm pathetic...and old...and slow, and I still shut you down :D I wouldn't do to much raggin on an old fcuk unless you really make him look foolish. Hasn't happened yet this season by any team... Shuting out the top 2 teams 1 nil each, and then keeping 3rd and 4th place teams to 3 goals total, while beating both... I'm like fine wine :rolleyes: Or is that aged cheese :D

I like the comment your keeper made after the game.... he asked Frodo who the 50 year old was in net who shut you guys out a couple of years ago year...Ahhhh, again I hate to say it but ... but that was me in net :D

You got some good character guys on your club, a couple of tits though as well, like any club. Good thing the make up isn't till after the break.... game was fun but a bit nasty at times... could both use some time to cool a bit.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Vegas Odds on Cup Play

At the risk of being banned here, let me respond to this in a calm and rational manner. I'll answer your post in a way that isn't intended to slag or incite and without the intent of rehashing old crap just to stir up $hit. Just to clarify.
Blahzay said:
Not that you thought you were in the wrong? HAH! The thirty some odd replies dissing the fcuk out of you sure did.
Yes they did, and that's there right to. I did and still do think what he said was in poor taste. But I also believe it wasn't his intention. As I said, I thought his post was made hastily and unthoughtful for the circumstances of this occasion.
Blahzay said:
You tried to put the burden of guilt on someone for disrespecting Mobilio's death in a public soccer forum, neverminding the fact that his post was completely harmless.You should read his post again, but be sure to take your pills this time so you can comprehend it normally.
I have re-read it several times, and I still believe it was disrespectful, but as I said, unintentional. Just because we don't intend to do something, doesn't make it alright. IE: A person can shoot and kill someone by accident... purely unintentional, but still not alright... why did he have the gun?
Blahzay said:
I think your self implosion stemmed from the numerous NDFC piss takes directed towards DFC. If you can't handle other teams joking around and dissing you than maybe TTP isn't the right place for you to be.
Couldn't be further from the truth. There isn't anything anyone here could possibly say about our club or any of it's players that would have me react in any way more than a chuckle. Even personal attacks don't rile me. It's a forum where nobody really knows anyone else very well. It's a forum for entertainment pure and simple. NDFC knows nothing at all of our club or it's members, how could anything they say rile me?
It took a post that wasn't directed at me at all, or my club nor it's members to lash out. Even then I wasn't as pissed as everyone seems to think, I sat here reading it and thought, whoever wrote this needed to be told in no uncertain terms, that the disrespect he showed (in my view) wasn't tolerated by myself. Before I posted that, I thought What if Mobilio's family were to read this, and how they would feel about someone using Dom's day of respect so calously by what was writen. Again, unintentional, but that topic should have been off limits for any posts other than in memory or in honour of Mobilio.
Blahzay said:
The intent of your famous post was a fcuking joke, and if you don't think you were wrong then I guess your a fcuking joke. #15.....out.
My intent was to make this person think twice about his posts about topics that should be untouchable. I knew nothing about this person, and from what other say about him he really meant no disrespect, and that he's a "classy" guy. I have no reason to doubt that, and I don't doubt it.
This will be the last time I post about this topic. Because frankly, it's really not that important in the whole scheme of things. It was blown out of proportion, and it should have been laid to rest long ago. It was never my intention to "hurt" him in any way. People here use exagerations all the time, like: "were going to kill you guys" or "try and get by me, I'll shitkick you". It's all chatter... That kind of thing is not my nature at all. I said they were idle threats, and by that I meant a serious verbal confronting of letting him know his comments hit home with me. I felt bad for the Mobilio family when I read it. Just as you don't make jokes about the Jews in a concentration camp to make others think your cool and funny... some topics should be untouchable.

And what's the deal with all this ..... "OUT" garbage? I don't get it.

Regs, if you think this post is out of line, do what you have to do. Send me a PM. My intention is certainly not to stir this up again, it's meant to let anyone interested here know my perspective on this sensitive subject, and to lay it to rest.

..... OUT :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Guru, you must like to here yourself talk or something. You go on and on like a broken record player. If you could run on the field the way you run your mouth off on here you might be a better team.

Keeper #1

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Well guys,

It looks like teams the Clones and Poco are weakinging up a bit late in the season. Or is just the old legs are giving up and the younger legs are just getting started. The clones lose is huge for the canes and might be costly. A win next week for the canes puts pressure on both Poco and Clones for promotion.

The canes will beat the clones next week because of one of two reasons. One, the canes are faster and have alot more skill and if they play their system they will dominate the game with their quickness. Secondly, the canes have more offense than the clones, clones have only scored more than two goals on a select few games.

saint jr

New Member
Oct 24, 2003
Dirty Money
i have seen you play hurricanes and you have no skill from what i saw, it looked like a bunch of kids running around like chickens with there heads cut off.

bulljive the beer is in the coaches hands but can't promise it will be a full case by the time it gets you. the coach drinks beer a hell of a of lot better than he plays soccer

Keeper #1

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
If they had no skill why are they winning games week after week. Did you beat them? These kids that you and others refer to them as are beating all the mens teams out there. Isn't that something to be ashamed of? Losing to a bunch of 16 year olds!!!!! Take in the facts, that the canes are truly are a team to compete with and do have loads of skill. Beat them and then talk Saint Jr.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Sheep said:
Guru, you must like to here yourself talk or something. You go on and on like a broken record player. If you could run on the field the way you run your mouth off on here you might be a better team.
Well lets face facts here, I'm more intersting than anyone else :bronco:

But enough about me, what about you, what do you think of me!! :knvb:


New Member
Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
saint jr, dont know what game you were watching but we are the most skilled team in div 2 this year and will be one of the most skilled teams in div 1 next year. Next weekends game vs the clones will prove two things:
1) the hurricanes should be promoted
2) the clones should go join an over 40's league

saint jr said:
i have seen you play hurricanes and you have no skill from what i saw, it looked like a bunch of kids running around like chickens with there heads cut off.

bulljive the beer is in the coaches hands but can't promise it will be a full case by the time it gets you. the coach drinks beer a hell of a of lot better than he plays soccer
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