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Div 2 [FVSL Div 2] Preseason & September 2008

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Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Two new Rams signing tonight. I guess the old saying if you can't beat them join them is true. Welcome to the team guys.


Mar 24, 2005
Dirty Money
I've only played one sunday night game at 8 against a white rock team and it sucked ass! no motivation to play whatsoever and just going thru the motions. the teams with sunday night home games definately have an advantage over visiting teams

Well HouseArrest...Its quite disturbing you call the Titans a bunch of quitters post cup when now I know you didnt really try that Sunday night game in PA. Not saying much for you.

Although if you stop running your mouth, I can peacefully co-exist with you and talk soccer like a normal person. You were good when you played for us, and it helped you had me sweeping in front of you, but I guess we all have to go our seperate ways.

Good luck this year!


Mar 24, 2005
Dirty Money
And to the Strikers. Thanks for the "friendly" on Monday night. It was good to get back on the pitch. Too bad both teams had none starting goalies in net. Not much to talk about. Neither team looked good, but its preseason, so who cares.

Unfortunately we lost our rock. Keepers out for 6-8 weeks. Hopefully we can find an adequate fill in and we can get back to business.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Well its that time again,,hello fellas.
I read talk of guys hateing the 8pm Sunday games,,are you kidding thats a great time as there is nothing else to do but watch tv with the girl you picked up friday or saturday night..Take a look at our schedule the real killer time is 10am kickoff,,10am sihtt our team is still up at 10am,,my god 10am thats for your illigitimate kids game or the over 50s..Bring out the defibulater for those stupid ass morning times. Ya I know you married guys like that time but us single weekend warriors need our beauty sleep.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well HouseArrest...Its quite disturbing you call the Titans a bunch of quitters post cup when now I know you didnt really try that Sunday night game in PA. Not saying much for you.

Although if you stop running your mouth, I can peacefully co-exist with you and talk soccer like a normal person. You were good when you played for us, and it helped you had me sweeping in front of you, but I guess we all have to go our seperate ways.

Good luck this year!

first off I just wanted to say hey man, its been a while...new that post would stir up some blood.

secondly, its not that I or our team didn't try in that PA game. was just saying that its hard to get motivated to play a game on sunday night at 8 in the rain when u know u have to work the next morning. Nothing to do with lack of effort, but u can tell the attitide and demeanour of the team is not what it was in our home games.

Lastly, I never said the Titans were 'quitters' post cup, but the committent to the team was definetly not there, as can be seen by anybody. U were not one of them, but there were many. When u show up to games and can only field 8 or 9 players and, as a goalie, get peppered and blasted with 30+ shots a game to lose 3-0, is not a good feeling, especially when ur committed and want to do well. Hence why the Titans will not win the group and the reason as to why I left

No hard feelings at all. Your a good sweeper, which is y I tried to recruit you to the Nomads, but as ur name suggests, ur a Titan4life. Maybe one day ull realize what I saw from being there for one season and come join the good side when were in div 1.

good luck to ya, see ya in a couple of weeks. You know ill have my A game and I'm bringing the elbows!


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Well its that time again,,hello fellas.
I read talk of guys hateing the 8pm Sunday games,,are you kidding thats a great time as there is nothing else to do but watch tv with the girl you picked up friday or saturday night..Take a look at our schedule the real killer time is 10am kickoff,,10am sihtt our team is still up at 10am,,my god 10am thats for your illigitimate kids game or the over 50s..Bring out the defibulater for those stupid ass morning times. Ya I know you married guys like that time but us single weekend warriors need our beauty sleep.


It is eaiser to type when you put the pipe and glass of scotch down and use both hands... that has to be one of the hardest post to read... my eyes were bleeding by the end.

Also 8:00 Sunday games suck - it sucks even more when you have to drive all the way out to your home field... with no change rooms... I realize there is a lot of guys on your team and they all need thier hair cut before the game... but seriously 5:00 should be the latest game time on sunday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I have more motivation on a sunday night then on a saturday or friday,when i could be getting drunk or high on life.

Friday at 9pm??? your done by 1030pm or so by the time you get home and shower its like 12am or so that sucks.

Saturday at like 7pm isn't that bad but 8pm is pushing it.

If you join a club with some facilities you're showered by 11 and drinking at the clubhouse.


Mar 24, 2005
Dirty Money
Well HouseArrest, I think we're cool now. We're both still going to talk sh*t, but I can accept where you're coming from. I look forward to playing you guys this year. The division is a wierd mix of teams we know and some we don't. Should be interesting to see what happens.

Just found out Big Steve hasn't torn his rotator cuff and should be back in a few weeks. So all is not lost in the land of the Titans. Maybe a come back in time to play the Nomads??? That would make for a much better game and a true test for each side.

I'm out for now....Back after week one.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Don't drop the soap. I would rather smell for two weeks then shower with dudes. What the name of your clubhouse??? Celebrities??

Has anyone heard of soap on a rope? The reason I left the BMSL 6 years ago was the 8 and 9 pm start times. I can't believe football has that much money to knock us off our times. Whatever happened to Friday night lights. Thats when we played football in old Empire stadium in High School.

Must have a bunch of drug money to spend to get those field times unless they charge $1000 for each player to register otherwise how do you explain the bribe to kick us off our times. This may be a good time to retire for me. Kind of like when I quit smoking 10 years ago. You could still smoke in clubs, pubs, and restaurants.
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