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Div 1 [FVSL D1] Results & Banter - November 2009

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New Member
May 21, 2003
Dirty Money
I never disputed the talking to the ref. We did deserve those 2 cards, I never said we didn't. You can't talk to a ref like that, and we know it. We did it, and got the cards. But he missed a blatant handball in the box that might have tied the game up. If it was reversed, and our guy fell on the ball in the box, it probably would have been a red card and a PK against us.

The first red, was very soft. It was his second yellow, and there was other stuff that deserved a yellow, more than that one. It was two guys battling hard for the ball. Very soft call to throw a guy out of the game. That card changed the game, as we just couldn't keep up with 10 men. You guys took over at that point. Your first goal was a lucky one, as our keeper got injured on the play. It was actually quite an easy tip over the bar. He tried to suck it up and keep playing but the pain got worse.

The website shows 6 reds. I didn't think we had 6. I guess he is caling mine a red, even though he never showed it. I still don't know what I said to deserve it. Never swore or said anything bad towards him. Just told him he missed a call. I said you missed that one, and the guy goes all baseball umpire on me. I should have kicked some sand at him, or a puddle, as our field has no sand, yet.

It's too bad it happened, as it was a good game until the cards started flying. Wish we got to play you guys again.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
We were up 2 nil when we got our first weak red card. It was actually a second yellow, and there was way worse stuff happening out there that was going uncalled. Then the Rangers got a weak one on a free kick. Our keeper ended up tearing a bunch of muscles on his ribs by reaching up for it. He left at half. Then in the second half, #22 runs into the box all alone, a Ranger dives on the ball hands first. No call. I was standing on the other side of the fence, as the ref asked me to, and it happened right in front of me. Definitely a PK. Even some of Rangers thought it was. What is it with missed hand balls this week?? We got some cards for arguing. Our fault, but that was a bad missed call that would have changed the game. Could have been 3-3,.

Yup tapp, was 2-1 and we were really all over you.
As for ref, he was harsh from the start. BIG point, we shut the f up and kept our composure.....plain and simple.........you guys did not. He gave us equal cards initially until we took control of the game and our mouth/tackles. After that, you guys made it easy for us. I do think some cards were weak, but you have to read the ref and keep it simple. The one guy who got the early 2 yellows was a nut job throwing fake punches and challenging guys for a fight in the parking lot...twice to our count. The guy you said asked the ref why no pk asked while using **** several times and called him useless (very aggressively). The second guy basically stated the same so I have no sympathy on those 2 reds.
Ya 50% of the refs would have called it a pk, but he didn't and you guys just f'ing lost it!!! Some of our guys were telling your players to cool it otherwise I am sure more would have been tossed. Finally, the death threats at the end were not cool at all, come on tapper that was pretty harsh.
Of note, it sucks that the game went down like that b/c we felt very confident that we were going to take that game even when we were down 2. I do enjoy playing you guys, but that was not a fun game at all.........even I didn't get a card!:eek:


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Dirty Money
Wow, what a meltdown. Sounds like the Waderbacks's manager had zero control of his players.

Not to defend the accused antics, (I wasn't there) of the Waderbacks because you can't verbally attack the officials but how does a team go from an average of 2-3 yellows per game to 6 reds and 6 yellows? Word is that the ref of the game used to coach a bunch of the younger Waderbacks and had a falling out with them. Conspiracy....?

As for the pending fines and suspensions, it could be the season for many of those involved.

From the Yellow Pages:
SPECIAL CASES - Players reported for foul or abusive language directed at a game official before, during or after a match (red card offence) will be fined a minimum of $50.00 and a minimum 4 game suspension in addition to any penalties incurred for other yellow or red card infractions received. Suspended players reported for foul or abusive language directed at a game official before, during or after a match will be suspended an additional 8 games and fined $100.00.

Non playing team personnel reported for foul or abusive language directed at game officials before, during or after a match will be fined a minimum of $50.00 and receive a minimum 4 game suspension


Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money

I have to say that your perspective on the match is WAY off. No one likes to be tossed and I do think you are a hell of a guy, but you went over the line . First of all, what coach calls offsides in Div 1? Second - why argue and swear at the ref for it? RELAX

The officiating in our match was, if nothing else, very consistent. He was tough and didn't accept any abuse. The meathead who was throwing fake punches and knocking guys behind the play deserved his second yellow (red). For the record, we did get cards too, just not any red ones.

As for the handball - we were up 3-2 and Wade made a helluva move to get around our defender. Our defender actually tripped and fell over his own feet b/c of Wade's deke - unfortunately he fell on the ball. Maybe if you guys weren't swearing your heads off at the official for the previous 70 minutes you get that call. Regardless the meltdown that got you the 3 reds in the span of 1 minute all for swearing/abuse - that is ridiculous. Thanks for ruining the match.

I suspect big suspensions for your lot ... especially to the guy who threatened the ref that he would "cave his F***in face in".

You've lost the plot mate.


New Member
May 21, 2003
Dirty Money
Actually Bollocks, I'm not a coach. Don't want to coach and don't enjoy it.

I actually never swore at him. That's why I'm shocked I got tossed. I called him a powertripper after I got tossed, but not before. I just told him he missed that one. Then he tells me to get behind the fence, yet the other guy that got the red is allowed to sit on the bench. WTF? Says if I say another word to him or my team he is calling it a forfeit and walking off the field. So I didn't say anything else, as asked. That's the second red in my 30 years of playing. I'm not a dirty player, or a foul mouthed player that berates officials. This guy was just over the top.

If our guy did threaten him, that's totally uncalled for and he should be suspended for a long time. You don't threaten refs. I never heard it, but Z pm'd me and told me about it, and that's garbage if he said that. Very selfish and immature.


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Dirty Money
Well you get my drift...

The russian ref was weird...he was kicking people off the pitch for tying boot laces..we had a player get mauled off the sideline onto the pavement, and when the ref refused him and injury sub...he got up to take a throw, and there were both teams arguing to let the injury sub take place, he cards the hurt player for time wasting...

So our experience with him....although he was very sharp on calls, his extras and his attempts at calling a game that obviously we aren't used to caused a lot of issues..

no one on either team, aside from maybe myself would agree with everyones notion that he is an excellent ref. I just feel that if he wants little things to happen his way...subs from center, etc...to clearly communicate that before the game ...not ring up a bill for both teams to swallow with the number of yellows.

having said that...he's not the reason we tied when up 3-1 with 5 left in the game.
We deserved the win but didn't seal the deal.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It’s not like subs from centre aren’t normal. It’s done that way in Premier, University, and College. It isn’t that big a deal. That’s a pretty major moan for a very minor issue. So what if guys aren’t used to it…do it right, and be done w/ it. Not worth a moan.


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Dirty Money
It’s not like subs from centre aren’t normal. It’s done that way in Premier, University, and College. It isn’t that big a deal. That’s a pretty major moan for a very minor issue. So what if guys aren’t used to it…do it right, and be done w/ it. Not worth a moan.
That wasn't the issue, just an example.

There were a number of moments where he seemed eccentric...even in players faces, it was awkward. I'm hoping someone around here from port moody can chime in their displeasure as well, because I'm pretty sure they must have taken more of the cards over his antics. And like I say....everyone was upset at this guy, so it could be perceived as petty arguments, but in the moment of his numerous tirades over things like boot laces, and injured players down. He was flipping because when the ball would clear out of bounds, someone would leave the field to go and get it...and he'd start shouting as though he was in a hurry to get back to his old lady or something.

If Friday night was any indication of what to expect from him, you can expect more of the same greif this weekend. Although the league president was out to watch ...and maybe had a chat with him.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Holly shite.

There are threads all over TTP bitching and moaning about bad officiating, and now you are bitching and moaning about a guy that calls it by the book? Unreal.

I’m pretty sure this is the same fellow who did the Cap’s / Athletic game. He was fit, up w/ the play, controlled any situations he needed to control, and treated the players, coaches, and sidelines w/ respect, while demanding respect.

By no means the very best, but hell…far from the worst. I’d take him in any game of consequence, no problem.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
Fowler is correct, The ref was very inconsistent with what you have become used to in Div 1... The yellow for the delay in game on your injured player, and our yellow for a player stepping on the field early during an allowed sub come to mind, while it may be a rule that a player cannot enter the field of play before the other comes off, I have never seen this penalized before.

We also had a guy on the sideline sent off the pitch for yelling... later found out it was a red and he's suspended even though he was not part of the game.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, maybe we didn't see that over anal side of him, and maybe it was a result of the league pres having a chat, getting him to lay-off being over-punnishing. He did have a chat w/ us before our match about entering / leaving the field of play.

Being Russian, they are used to systems. They are extremely analytical. Very strict. In Communist Russia, man no play football, football play man.

As for the sideline chat-back...not the first time a ref has carded a guy on the line for abuse, so nothing special there. You don't want the card? Keep your yap shut.


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Dirty Money
Fowler is correct, The ref was very inconsistent with what you have become used to in Div 1... The yellow for the delay in game on your injured player, and our yellow for a player stepping on the field early during an allowed sub come to mind, while it may be a rule that a player cannot enter the field of play before the other comes off, I have never seen this penalized before.

We also had a guy on the sideline sent off the pitch for yelling... later found out it was a red and he's suspended even though he was not part of the game.
the best one was when your guy was tying his boot while KGB was sorting out a foul, and when the ref yelled at him to get off the field, he had already finished tying his boot...and went to take his position, the ref got into a position to kind of cut him off...almost chest bumping him...like "to get back in play you have to get by me" now get off the pitch! GET OFF! It was your ethnic looking striker/winger.

And Dude, again, I think his ability to keep up with the play is excellent...and calling the line on things like subs etc, isn't a bad thing...but he definately added a lot more drama than was appropriate. Kicking people off the pitch to tie their boot when they're no where near in the way.

Anyways, who knows who will have him this weekend.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Fowler is correct, The ref was very inconsistent with what you have become used to in Div 1... The yellow for the delay in game on your injured player, and our yellow for a player stepping on the field early during an allowed sub come to mind, while it may be a rule that a player cannot enter the field of play before the other comes off, I have never seen this penalized before.

We also had a guy on the sideline sent off the pitch for yelling... later found out it was a red and he's suspended even though he was not part of the game.

ahhh Ian he has spent more time suspended then he has played.....dad i mean coach must be proud


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
the best one was when your guy was tying his boot while KGB was sorting out a foul, and when the ref yelled at him to get off the field, he had already finished tying his boot...and went to take his position, the ref got into a position to kind of cut him off...almost chest bumping him...like "to get back in play you have to get by me" now get off the pitch! GET OFF! It was your ethnic looking striker/winger.

And Dude, again, I think his ability to keep up with the play is excellent...and calling the line on things like subs etc, isn't a bad thing...but he definately added a lot more drama than was appropriate. Kicking people off the pitch to tie their boot when they're no where near in the way.

Anyways, who knows who will have him this weekend.

The Ref got in his face threatening to give our guy his second yellow... for tying his shoe during a stoppage :confused: Fortunately our guy didn't open his mouth...
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