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FVSL 2003/2004 Rumours and Stuff.


New Member
Dec 2, 2002
Dirty Money
New rumour

Hey I heard the Lions are going to win the Pak this year. For something new, I'll ask that knight rhider explains this hot topic..........:confused:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: New rumour

Originally posted by downtown
Hey I heard the Lions are going to win the Pak this year. For something new, I'll ask that knight rhider explains this hot topic..........:confused:

That will DEFINITELY clarify everything...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Bin Ladden

The Lions are a young team.
Average age of 22-23.
Looks like it is getting younger.
But your right, we have been together for a long time.
Most of us 10 years or so.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money

I bet most of your better matches were 10 years ago. You would think your team would have improved somewhat!
Cheers LION!!!!!!:wa:


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money

Originally posted by Regs
....3rd in the provincials [obviously we would have killed PAU if there was a bronze medal game :D]



Not sure if I should bite on this comment Regs, but I thought I might post it here in the "FVSL Animals" thread. We can always use some motivation for future meetings.


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Just for Crafty ****ney and Water boy Guinness' sake

Originally posted by Next to God
Also the FVSL Premier does not surpass the Cat 1 Division but that would be hard to determine with all the splinters up your arse from the bench!! Especially with the crap that is running the FVSL!!


Actually, a few of us from PAU played in the VMSL Cat (back when we were with Surrey U) for a season, and we all thought it's crap. The competition is not nearly as good as FVSL premier... we lumped teams every week and we had a bunch of guys who didn't try, didn't want to be there, were pissed that they weren't with the first team... all the things that Guiness has mentioned already. Plus, the fields are shite, no fascilities anywhere, no linesmen and the 2nd rate refs every week. The FVSL has waaaaaay better fields etc etc.

Anyhow, you've made your decision NTG, and that's cool man. Hope you guys have lots of success in VMSL, but don't fool yourself... it's not better competition. Your team finished last in premier last year, but I bet you guys will do OK in the Cat div. It just sucks that a club like SFC, with all the history it has in the FVSL would not enter a premier team, even if it's shitty for a coupe of years, and try and build towards a winning team again, like the old days. Hell, I used to be in Surrey FC youth myself!! I think you guys should keep a team in FVSL, but that's just my opinion.

Sageexcitedaboutdefendingthetitle :wa:

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Crafty and buddies

Crafty ****ney

The Club will support the Premier side.

The FVSL issue is dead. The only reason we have any teams there is out of respect for the players on those teams, players such as Rangerforever, Mark Kinder etc that will play out their time in the FVSL.

Our focus will be to support the Pegasus side and to develop players as we have in the past.

As to Guiness' boots, they are way to small and I thught they had velcro so I'm not sure which ones to lace up.

To make sure Guinness is correct, he is right I could never lace up his boots as I have never played a game of Soccer in my life.

Too busy winning baseball, football and Car show Championships but then winning an North American Class Championship with my 1927 T Street Rod is small potatoes to sitting on the bench for SU!!

As to the Cat League if it is used for its true purpose, to develop layers to move up then it works. If it just a spot for players to wallow in obscurity as other Clubs have done just to have a player when the favoured ones are hurt it will fail.


I tried the working towards a FV Premier side by fielding poor teams but it is extremely hard with the way the League is run. I do remember when the Legendary Sage was a "SFC Star of the Future'
Oh, the good old days when paul Marshall and Shuttsy ruled the pitch, some 10 years ago.




Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Steven Page (AKA NTG)

Too busy winning baseball, football and Car show Championships but then winning an North American Class Championship with my 1927 T Street Rod is small potatoes to sitting on the bench for SU!!
You forgot to add all of the music video's you've made with your band the Barenaked Ladies!!! What are you embarassed about???:rolleyes: ;) :D

Enid we never really loved each other anyway!!! (You were fit back then):rolleyes:


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money

Originally posted by Next to God
The FVSL issue is dead

If this is true, why must we continue to read you and your son's verbal bashings of the FVSL......over.......and over.......and over?!?!
Evidence referenced below, from only the last few pages on this thread (I appologize to all others who have to read them again):

Originally posted by Next to God
I tried the working towards a FV Premier side by fielding poor teams but it is extremely hard with the way the League is run

Originally posted by Bollocks
So the FVSL premier isn't sorted out one month before the season ... teams are being promoted without paying dues ... and the CAT system is a joke.....Good luck with the FVSL this year guys. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Next to God
The FVSL Premier does not surpass the Cat 1 Division ....Especially with the crap that is running the FVSL!!.....If it is such a good Premier League why would at least two of the FVSL Premier teams contact me to ask about the Firemen Div 1 spot?

Originally posted by Next to God
The FV brass had nothing to do with this decision other than they are a bunch of asses who cannot keep their word past their pocketbooks.

You're upset at the league execs, you are bitter with the way your club was treated, and you feel the league is poorly run.........these issues we are all VERY clear on!! The fact is most of us are tired of hearing it, and don't give a shite! Now, please....do yourself a favour, and move on.


P.S. God called. He said he wants your ass off his footstool!! :p

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Bitter Skippy


I was answering questions posted by others.

You are a big boy now and can choose not to have someone read it to you if it ruins your sleep.

Personally I don't give a flying fukc what you care about.

Moving on dow the road now.



Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
It's callled a team

Hey I heard the Lions are going to win the Pak this year. For something new, I'll ask that knight rhider explains this hot topic..........

k now how to end this. Downtown i'm sorry, apparently i hurt your feelings saying the Lions would win the Pak. Let me apologize, can ya let it go now? You know it was a joke i know it was a joke, Man even stepchild knows and he's dumber than dog shite. So we can end that thank you.

I don't see why everyone wants to bash the FVSL so much the league has its issues but you can't deny there is talent there and no cat league in Vancouver is better. (Believe me i've seen them)
Sounds to me like verbal vomit and should simply be ignored.

Im assuming the lions are an older team that has been together for a long time and thats fine if they dont want "to break up the core" , but they should also realize that it's premier.

Its been realized believe me. No one seems to want to stop telling us. What league is it again...oh yeah yeah premier.:eek:
You guys need to understand we're young but not dumb. We are adding a few guys to the roster, its not like we're keeping the same team from under 19 united, but the core guys are still there. If you notice thats what we've always done. Added when it was needed ie Brent, timmy, tavis, Chris P. A group that has become a major part of our core.
So it's not that our teams engraved in stone its just that guys who helped build the team don't just get replaced as we move up unless they're commitment diminishes or if they are just being dominated and unable to contribute. It's about sticking together, trusting eachother and working to reach goals together.
It's called a team.


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Crafty and buddies

Originally posted by Next to God

I tried the working towards a FV Premier side by fielding poor teams but it is extremely hard with the way the League is run.


C'mon, quit blaming the league for sfc's poor showing the last few years in fv premier.
As SU found out, trying to run a vmsl premier team and a fvsl premier team within the same club was difficult...and they eventually gave up on their fv premier team.
The difference with sfc the last few years is that their representation in the vmsl was only a handful of players that joined peg premier, wheras SU moved the entire core of premier players over to their vmsl team.
I know there are some young guys who are making an important contribution to peg now ( I'm not sure about the cat team...probably a lot more there,) but until more good valley based players make the team you are still hanging on to someone else's coattails...not establishing a Surrey Premier team.
Perhaps this is your ultimate goal and it will take time, but in the meantime don't blame the fvsl for your ability to field a competitive team.
I think your club is probably best served by focusing on the vmsl but it seems like it will be a while before the team takes on a more local flavour ( and identity / name)
I'm curious how many home games will be played this year at Newton and if the club name will still be Pegasus F.C....maybe you don't care about having Surrey in the name, which is fine.

Good luck to all the local boys who are getting to play vmsl football....whether you're called Peg, or Surrey, or whatever...and hopefully we'll see more in the future.

Now take your fvsl bashing and "take flight" on your winged horse.
:D :D


New Member
Dec 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Knight Rhider

Originally posted by Knight Rhider
k now how to end this. Downtown i'm sorry, apparently i hurt your feelings saying the Lions would win the Pak. Let me apologize, can ya let it go now? You know it was a joke i know it was a joke, Man even stepchild knows and he's dumber than dog shite. So we can end that thank you.

(I'm sorry to everyone that keeps reading his posts saying the same thing, and as painful as this is, and even though the website name is just not helping him, I just have to ask again.....)

Hey Knight rhider, can you explain HOW the lions are going to win the PAK??

next to god

Not Bright
Aug 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Ever notice how all these have Aves hairstyling


"C'mon, quit blaming the league for sfc's poor showing the last few years in fv premier."

I do not think now or ever that the FVSL is responsible for the players on the field. I do however feel that the League is mismanaged, poor Referees (most of them)that are a closed clique and that the League's lack of consistency in rules and regulations contributes to the overall poor quality.

"wheras SU moved the entire core of premier players over to their vmsl team."

I belive that there are less SU developed players on their Premier side than Surrey Developed players on the Pegasus team. Besides the core of that group stayed loyal to SU, oh sorry PA.

"hanging on to someone else's coattails...not establishing a Surrey Premier team."

I do not hang on anyone's coattails (besides I am too heavy). I did not acquire Pegasus to have a "Surrey Premier team' but rather to have a spot for players such as Sean Murphy, Ryan Green, Adam Costley and other young players to aspire to. Whether the team plays in Surrey or Squamish having that avenue was important especially for the 40+ playerrs that McCann and I placed in Colleges and Universities over the 5 years we had the U19 Metro squads.

"Pegasus F.C....maybe you don't care about having Surrey in the name, which is fine."

The name section and what to call the team was solely left to me when Pegasus joined the Club. I chose the name but if you ever play at NAP again look around. Every team sports the little flying horsey on their uni's, tracks, bags etc.

"I'm curious how many home games will be played this year at Newton "

More than enough, they played 10 times at Bear Creek and NAP last year. The Reserves will play all home games at NAP on Fridays except when Pegasus has the slot then they play on grass.

""take flight" on your winged horse."

Up, Up, and Away...



silver fox

Jun 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Knight Rhider

Originally posted by downtown
(I'm sorry to everyone that keeps reading his posts saying the same thing, and as painful as this is, and even though the website name is just not helping him, I just have to ask again.....)

Take it easy on Knight Rhider. He's only a college student after all.:rolleyes:

Like Mr. T once said, "I pity the fool!!"



New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Ever notice how all these have Aves hairstyling

Originally posted by Next to God
"wheras SU moved the entire core of premier players over to their vmsl team."

I belive that there are less SU developed players on their Premier side than Surrey Developed players on the Pegasus team. Besides the core of that group stayed loyal to SU, oh sorry PA.


Up, Up, and Away...



you don't really know what you're talking about here re SU/PA, but that's a long story...better left alone.

One of the reasons I think sfc has affiliated/bought/merged with another premier team is because there doesn't seem to be anybody in the Sfc ranks with a lot of expertise and clout that would step up and take on a premier team.(key point : willing to step up...it's a lot of work)
That's not meant as a knock to the guys who have put in the time, but (unless I'm missing something) there hasn't been that one guy to take hold of the club and steer it along...( i know Frank Mcann did, but not anymore)
You need more than a dedicated manager / president...you need a knowledgeable and respected soccer coach/ core that can play great football, rally the troops and attract new talent.
I imagine this is what S Reed was thinking when he helped parlay the peg-sfc relationship.
Perhaps this is evident in the Peg team, ... I don't really know who is running the team from a soccer sense.
Plus, the older Ranger guys were happy to stick with their own and stay in div 1. I had a conversation with Coach last year that none of the old guard were willing to put the time in to do the premier thing and even though he made an attempt, it just wasn't there.
So in the end, the peg-sfc mix seems like the best solution for two clubs that could not reinvent themselves from within. Over the years a number of clubs have had to do this. Sapperton for example...and many more. You have to evolve to survive and succeed.

So Good Luck to all involved...it looks like the Rangers won't have PAU to kick around after all:rolleyes:
...then again, there's always the Pak:D



Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Why is the FVSL issue so touchy? Can't they just answer the questions regarding Honarariums, Discipline Fines, etc? The only consistency I see is inconsistency.

Skip: I brought up the "verbal bashings of the FVSL" again b/c nothing has been done!! And no one seems to care? Do you care that these guys are unaccountable for tens of thousands of dollars? No? ... Oh well, I guess ... :rolleyes:

Skip, Sage, Guiness, Aves, Cainy and the PAU crew - good luck next year. SYSA .... we'll do our best in our own way and in the meantime have a bit of fun this year playin' the great game. That's what it's all about, n'est pas?


Osame bin madden

New Member
Feb 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: skipper

Originally posted by Skip
I stand corrected

Good, keep standing.

Are you guys in any tournaments labour day weekend..??

We were going to enter the wesburn tournament like we do every year but we have deicided against it this year.
We are looking to set up a couple of games for that weekend.
If anyone is interested send me a pm.

Why did the blonde snort artificial sweetener? She thought it was diet coke?


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money


PAU are entered in the Wesburn tournament this year. I guess we took your spot (much like we took your league Championship ;) )

We also have a friendly lined up vs this year's newly promoted Clan Alumni, to be played next week.

This is all from the red horses mouth (Cainy), so, there's no telling how much of it is actually true. :eek: ;) (just teasin' Boss)

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