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Fraser Valley Summer Soccer League


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, come on KNVB, just come for one. One what coach? One-hundred? With you rolling in at 3:05am and Demo posting at 4:09, thank Christ I pulled the chute when I did.

Thank you Demo for all your efforts this summer, wee man. It certainly couldn’t have been easy getting even the 8 plumbers you did manage to, out for half the games. That piece of glass they gave you was certainly well earned on your part. While I’m thanking people for all to see, thank you to Pipo for the Geegers, AGAIN last night. Fcuking tre-men-dous though I was disappointed I didn’t have enough in me to break my Geeger eating record. Also, thanks to Coach for taking one for the team the last couple and making sure we didn’t piss away the prize that was most certainly ours to lose and finaly to Mac and his missus for hosting us all, even Rene. You know, a sit up or two and your wife could get rid of that belly and be pretty hot. ;)

More details later when Knvb feels like going on a long winded rant.
Long winded rants? 1) I’m not fcuking long winded I just talk a lot, but I'm not so bold to say I have a lot to say. That would be going to far. I guess, thinking about it now, I'm more of a rambler really... a rambler who likes to ramble and type ramble. Ramble. And 2) I don’t rant I express my opinions whenever the mood hits me. I just get hit more than others. Ramble.

I’ll save Buckfast the trouble of reading multiple games analysis’ but will add, had I scored on the shot after my meg I would have pulled off my jersey and boots and walked off the park. There would have been no nicer way for me to end a summer than to meg that mouthy cnut after just nicking the ball off him and slammed the final nail in his fcuking teams coffin. Ahh well, I had to settle with letting him know he just got megged every time he touched the ball for the rest of the night.

Not bad for the second best team in the league.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Thank the Lord I pulled out too....have a busy day today, and my double espresso might not have been able to save me.... :rolleyes:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach said:
It is with sad regret that the team has decided not to pick up the second year on HOS's one way contract.
Good luck catching on with another team HOS, I know you will do well!!

Coach, I have just been informed by the League that I am not a Free agent because I only played 3 games and not the 5 game minimum to get Free agent status, I now will be re-entered into the draft for next year. I am in the process of editing my highlight video from this year, including, attempted bike, kicking some kid, kicking some other kid, not passing to woody, trying to go by three guys and get a break-away, not passing to woody, and trying to kick some kid.
I am hoping to get picked up by the second best team in the League, but I will settle for worst.
Again, well done Muckers, and yes, Demo you did a fantastic job, when ever I was out, there was allways lots of beer, warm water bottles and flat balls ;) .


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I feel like Dan Cloutier today

After months of negotiations I am happy to say that I inked my final summer league contract yesterday.
The five year deal included: plentiful private supply of advil and Rub A535, two geegers per game, and hopefully my own personal Muckers jersey.
I am now a Mucker for the remainder of my competitive summer football life.

Upon reflection of last night's match, yes, my flick into Corey (which he bottled ;) ) then went to Mike who shoved it exactly 1/3 of a centimetre over the goal line past Steve.
Absolute clinical flicking.
What made the moment sweeter was it was 10 seconds after entering the match which shows why Dr. Julio Cormack is money in the bank directing the troops from the sidelines.
He knew the side needed my dominating presence right then and there.


Many thanks to Demo and the rest of the boys for letting me play this year.
I had a ton of fun playing with some quality footballers.

Well done to Langley on another great season.
As Coach said, basically that match could have gone either way.
You are and always have been a class act to play against.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuk, if I've got to listen this kind of ass licking for the remainder of my 3 year contract I'll top myself or at the very least hold out for a trade to Langley. Dunno which is worse, but at least if I’m at Langley and am going to have to play with a bunch of moaning, crying, poor sport cnuts I'll be in line for RF to clean my back side with his tongue.

It's always a pleasure playing against class acts that kick you in the back of the legs behind the play then turn around 5 minutes after getting a yellow and watch them go right through your midfielder extremely late, studs up. I also love listening to 92 straight minutes of moaning. Have you met my wife? I get that 24/7 I don’t need it during my soccer time too.

Nice ball flicking though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
You'll figure it out one day..

Needless to say everyone, but KNVB, you, my friend (?), are a cnut. :D

Ass licker = No tackles from behind from Utah. :)
Nice guys have nice calves the day after. ;)
Not to mention my stunning arse come to think of it.

The fact that I'm the largest lad on the pitch, with a legendary temper :rolleyes: , may have something to do with it.
I'm not sure. :cool:

Taking the high road.

Ppplllthhhhhttttttt :p


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Here are some of the off season signings that I am working on right now for next summers Muckers.
Mike Cainy- Now that he lives in Walnut Grove. :rolleyes:
Leach and Deacon- Now that the Soccer Headquartes are in Walnut Grove.
Whiteshoes - Because the boy is money baby.
Silver Fox - The man just oozes with class and can really pull the ladies.
Pasqua- hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe not, he stood us up as much as HOS.

Lots of deals to made, and a few more releases to be done.
If the phone rings, don't answer it!


silver fox

Jun 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Coach said:
Silver Fox - The man just oozes with class and can really pull the ladies.

I can pull the ladies? Fukc, why didn't you tell me that years ago. :mad:

As for my classy football talents (that is what you mean by classy, isn't it?), it will take plenty of free pints to get my name on the dotted line.

P.S.- when does the Ranger O-35 dynasty begin their training camp? I'm in the greatest shape of my life right now. :rolleyes:


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