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FIFA WC 2018 & 2022 Hosts


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
If this tournament takes place in Qatar, it will absolutely destroy the credibility of FIFA once and for all. It is ludicrous. The fact supposed intelligent leaders in the football community could issue Qatar the tourney to begin with, bribes or not, is alarming. Money makes people very stupid quickly. Pretty effin sad!

I thought you were retired?

On the cooling, or ability to cool the training grounds…

It can be done. Anybody who knows anything about cooling space knows this can be done, and it would be a dream account. All it takes is a lot of space for the equipment, a lot of money, and a lot of energy. The technology exists, plus Qatar has these three things in spades.

I don’t see the WC being pulled, because that would be an admission of guilt in the highest order, and open FIFA up wide open to litigation against a nation that paves it’s sidewalks in gold. Figuratively speaking, but would not be surprised if literally, too.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I thought you were retired?

On the cooling, or ability to cool the training grounds…

It can be done. Anybody who knows anything about cooling space knows this can be done, and it would be a dream account. All it takes is a lot of space for the equipment, a lot of money, and a lot of energy. The technology exists, plus Qatar has these three things in spades.

I don’t see the WC being pulled, because that would be an admission of guilt in the highest order, and open FIFA up wide open to litigation against a nation that paves it’s sidewalks in gold. Figuratively speaking, but would not be surprised if literally, too.

Cooling technology? I want you to be more technical in your post about this technology. There is no one on TTP that knows about cooling space other than emptying ice into a beer cooler.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, to give it to you in simple terms, it's all about area and air changes, no different than any indoor stadium, except now you need to account for the big open hole in the roof, as well as the heat factor you need to overcome. Just like in your home, if the window is open while the A/C is on, the system needs to work that much harder to compensate. In the case of a stadium, the window is especially big, so the correction factor is massive. That's why I say, so long as you have the real estate, and the money, anything can be done.

There are also several other factors...distribution points, for example. Hot air naturally rises; air at 21 deg C weighs 0.075 lbs/ cf, air at 42 deg C weighs 0.070 lbs / cf (all at sea level), so lower distribution points will help to push the warmer air up. Again, it comes down to creative building design...the whole building and quite a bit of the interior surface will need to be a plenum. The "Carbon Neutral" technologies they speak of? We'll see. They are likely referring to a gasification system that uses bio-waste to generate energy. These systems are in use more and more (companies like these guys are quite prevalent in Vancouver, actually http://www.nexterra.ca/ ) , and claim to be carbon neutral (UBC has one for one of their new communities, Kruger products in New West for one of their plants, Dockside Green Community in Victoria...), but aren't really because they really aren't burning waste, they are burning wood pellets that are manufactured these days from fairly green product in such high quantities to supply Asia. Nobody can argue that they are actually converting wood waste anymore as many of the the trees are cut down primarily for pellet production.

Now, if they would allow coal, they could actually burn that fairly clean, and get closer to a carbon neutral claim...but coal is frowned upon by environmentalists, even though it burns more efficiently. I think the idea here is that, optically, it needs to be a recycling of some type, so the tree huggers at large will support burning "wood" because they believe the pellets are manufactured from primary wood manufacturing by-product (chips, sawdust), or pine beetle kill. The truth is, the pine beetle kill wood is running out, and the world still wants pellets in massive amounts, so it will get to the point soon where we are cutting down trees primarily for the pellets...and NOBODY can argue that pellet mills are carbon neutral. The stuff here- https://www.google.com/search?q=woo...cFs_joATe84D4Cg&ved=0CEUQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=951 - is built here: https://www.google.com/search?site=....0....0...1ac.1.54.img..1.14.1055.CzRE49ZnUGs .

Anyhow, the cooling can be done- anything can be done with enough money- and they will find a way to power it all with some sort of "carbon neutral" gasification system, but we all on TTP will know the truth.

Now fcuk off, Ballbaby, I need to go sell equipment into some pellet mills while the going is good.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
You are a pretty face. And forgetting a couple of minor points.:p
  1. Nothing "green" in the desert. Just oil and NG to burn. They don't give a shite about how they're perceived; they'll just make it bigger.
  2. Refrigeration requirements to cool a space that size will be massive. Even with sinking the playing surface and most of the stands, you've still got to find a way to shed the waste heat, which is even more difficult when the ambient air temperature is above 40C...
  3. you also need air movement for cooling. To cool that much air, you need massive amounts of air movement = really big fans. Playing a game in constant wind? Fun...
Disclaimer: I am not a thermodynamicist; I just play one on TV...:rolleyes:;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You cut me deep, Balls. I'm more than just a prett
You are a pretty face. And forgetting a couple of minor points.:p
  1. Nothing "green" in the desert. Just oil and NG to burn. They don't give a shite about how they're perceived; they'll just make it bigger.
  2. Refrigeration requirements to cool a space that size will be massive. Even with sinking the playing surface and most of the stands, you've still got to find a way to shed the waste heat, which is even more difficult when the ambient air temperature is above 40C...
  3. you also need air movement for cooling. To cool that much air, you need massive amounts of air movement = really big fans. Playing a game in constant wind? Fun...
Disclaimer: I am not a thermodynamicist; I just play one on TV...:rolleyes:;)

1st point, DUH! Google Qatar, plenty of green around, all of it imported soil and seed. A hurdle easily cleared by spending money.

To your 2nd point, absolutely! Money, and enough of it, can accomplish anything. If you read my post, I never denied that VAST amounts of equipment and real estate for it would be required.

To your second point, you are forgetting the formula: CFM=V*A, or V=CFM/A. When A is as big as it is, V factor will be not be significant. You'll have a bigger issue w/ sand storms, or wind off the water.

Hey, I didn't say it would be simple, or cheap, but I did say it is possible. At a reasonable expense? Hell no...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
JBN and I do not share the same body. I have asked about sharing his missus, but he declined. In short, he's a selfish bastard.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
yes he is...:p

Still laughing at that and the distinction between my "2nd point" and my "second point." :wacky:

And I should have rephrased my first statement: you aren't a pretty face. Pretty hair, however...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
See what happens when I rush a post? I hate you. I hate Regs, too, because after 10 minutes I can't even edit that.

I also hate JBN.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
You guys actually seem to know what you are talking about. I apologize to Dude that I gave Trece's post a Thanks and his just a like. It will bother Dude deep down inside. He will look at his wife for affirmation, and BINGO, another baby will be born. But maybe this baby will be the one who solves the Global Warming issue.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Joke's on Kesler.

Sure he makes millions, sleeps with random hot women, and get's to live the dream now in a town that doesn't care if he sleeps with random hot women...I have a newborn at 40, and now need to work the rest of my life to put a 3rd kid through life instead of the Dude Freedome 55 Plan. Fatherhood is wonderful.

Even if it's Kesler's.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money


Sep 30, 2006
Dirty Money
But really are we suprised?....Only one was this will change that if the grass roots on the major federations force their associations to windraw from Fifa sponsored events Take out the top ten teams would really shake em up but show me a federation with balls not shrivelled by cashitis.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
But really are we suprised?....Only one was this will change that if the grass roots on the major federations force their associations to windraw from Fifa sponsored events Take out the top ten teams would really shake em up but show me a federation with balls not shrivelled by cashitis.

Have you learned to speak like Mr. Base?

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