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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Why is it so awesome to most people that the US didn't make the World Cup?

If there's a Canada vs USA game then of course I'm supporting our national team over theirs but why do so many take joy in them not qualifying?

Don't we send our youngsters and best players to their colleges and leagues as it's better for development and competition? The states doesn't qualify for the WC so that kind of means their whole system from top to bottom isn't working. A system which we have looked at and we mimic somewhat from grassroots to MLS etc.

I've been watching some reactions from former US players and one thing that keeps on coming up is the "pay to play" system and how it is failing. Kids are playing because they are told too and can afford the costs but don't have the passion; and the kids who have the passion don't end up playing at the higher levels because they can't afford to. Is that happening here?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Why is it so awesome to most people that the US didn't make the World Cup?

If there's a Canada vs USA game then of course I'm supporting our national team over theirs but why do so many take joy in them not qualifying?

Don't we send our youngsters and best players to their colleges and leagues as it's better for development and competition? The states doesn't qualify for the WC so that kind of means their whole system from top to bottom isn't working. A system which we have looked at and we mimic somewhat from grassroots to MLS etc.

I've been watching some reactions from former US players and one thing that keeps on coming up is the "pay to play" system and how it is failing. Kids are playing because they are told too and can afford the costs but don't have the passion; and the kids who have the passion don't end up playing at the higher levels because they can't afford to. Is that happening here?

My ex wife is american. I cheered when Trump was elected


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money

Ummm, you do know how sports work in general, right?

For a brief second, let's pretend I don't.

Hope Man United has a very good game this weekend.

haha. you got me @Regs !

The thing is this, and I'll probably get some flack...but I'm an Arsenal fan and I'm supposed to hate Tottenham. But why? I grew up watching EPL from afar. I didn't grow up over there and haven't been encompassed in the derbies and atmosphere etc. Maybe I don't know the history or I don't "feel" the history.

But I do know what you're talking about @Regs ...lol, obviously. For many years I hated the Calgary Flames because of that kicked in goal by Joel Otto in game 7 vs us Canucks in '88. They went on to win the cup that year I believe. fack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
For me personally, it means that for the whole tournament I don’t have to listen to American channels dick ride their team non stop. It totally ruins it for me, the arrogance is at times just to much. Plus they always win at the olympics and sometimes it’s nice just to see them lose at something.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
obviously when it's a pay to play system you will lose some top players/athletes due to the financial burden. For me as a parent and player Its starting to feel like every Tom, Dick and Harry, as my father would say, is making money to coach right now. A huge chunk of these people don't really have any credentials just played soccer at a college level or premier level.

Sure I understand we don't want it to be all Dads coaching but half these people that walk around the field "overlooking" are raising the fees for parents and aren't even good coaches or really doing much. They are just getting some gravy $30-40 per hr coaching as part of a way to get them playing for their local men's team. Yet the actually people coaching the teams(other then HPL) don't get anything for running a team 2-3 days a week and actually putting real time in both on and off the field.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Why is it so awesome to most people that the US didn't make the World Cup?

If there's a Canada vs USA game then of course I'm supporting our national team over theirs but why do so many take joy in them not qualifying?

Answer: why do I need a reason for cheering against our single biggest sporting rival? This seems like a Captain Obvious moment to me.

Don't we send our youngsters and best players to their colleges and leagues as it's better for development and competition? The states doesn't qualify for the WC so that kind of means their whole system from top to bottom isn't working. A system which we have looked at and we mimic somewhat from grassroots to MLS etc.

I've been watching some reactions from former US players and one thing that keeps on coming up is the "pay to play" system and how it is failing. Kids are playing because they are told too and can afford the costs but don't have the passion; and the kids who have the passion don't end up playing at the higher levels because they can't afford to. Is that happening here?

Well, if you take your logic one step further, then Canada will only benefit from system improvements and in recognizing their deficiencies, and taking steps to avoid them ourselves.

Your last point is exactly what I've been banging on about in my jihad against how the BCPL is structured. Bang on. Better we recognize this now, and take steps to correct it, rather than 10 years from now.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Lots of issues in the North American game for sure. One thing I see for sure is kids learning the basic technical skills at a young age. Most volunteer dads do not know how to coach and connect with the kids. They are barely soccer fans/folk themselves. How to instill the passion and love for the game in a team when you barely want to be there is tough. This is a great topic and my thumbs don't have enough time today to debate it.
Free enterprise like the rest of the world is the way to go. This little article has some good and direct points.


Plain and simple. If clubs in North America get nothing for developing players and moving them to higher grounds. What is the interest of truly putting the footballer and development first?

How is this country ever going to develop top coaches if its not a feasible job to go after?
The 30$ or $40 these guys get is still 2-3 hours max a night. Not many will show up for a $15 job for a 2 hour shift.

If people have positive game changing ideas, lets hear them! What would you do? What should it look like?

Other then going free enterprise and truly having a set up like every other country in the world does,,, we have what we have right now. No true local road to playing pro or making a life out of it. So I think kids are just choosing every other sport as the pathways have been walked and are much cleaner. I've seen multiple top player kids choose hockey at 8 or 9 years old over club soccer, once they make the hockey rep teams. Who honestly wouldn't choose hockey in this country? and the time of year we play here in BC?
Pissing rain cold fall and winter outdoor rep soccer or rep hockey at age 8/9/10?

I see a shift in registrations coming as Spring soccer is getting much more popular with families.

The pay to play isn't killing the Canadian game as much. America sees a larger chunk of poverty levels in areas. So I think it effects them much more. Where kids from certain "ghettos" can't pay those thousand dollar sums, but have all the skill and talent. But missing the financial and at home support.

We need outdoor fenced up futsal courts everywhere. Screw these empty tennis courts 90% of the time.
Where kids can play drop in king of the court until the lights come on. Free playing un-monitored football is the best football in the world. Period. That is where true footballers are formed. The ones that CHOOSE to be there and battle to stay on one more game. At a young age. you can't teach that stuff when these kids get older. I watched it live this past summer in Amsterdam. kids just had the passion for it. The love for it. The want to stay on and keep playing. Kids coming off crying cause of scraped knees/loss on the cement. But same kid went back in 10 min later when his team was up. Wiping away the tears battling for that W. No questions. A way of life. fcuking beautiful.

You can't teach that passion.
Its got to be accessible. The 2 x one hour blocks our kids get with Joe Dad a week isn't enough. And who is sending their 7-8 year old to the local futsal court on their own anyways. (if we had them in local parks). In these other countries its all right there. everyone lives on top of each other. Its in their culture on so many levels.

fricken North America eh.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I too don't have a lot of time, but one topic you touched on: futsal courts, and as well, fields / free play.

I just got back from 3 weeks in Europe / UK, through Portugal, Italy, Germany, then England. Previously been through France and Spain as well. Though I don't specifically try to see football facilities, I take note of how many I see, or don't see.

Bottom line, we have an absolute embarrassment of riches when it comes to fields. It's sick. We have SO much more, even if you consider a hockey court suitable for futsal. Fields and facilities are the least of our issues.

To me, it's both grassroots development / technical teaching (you identified) combined with pathway, or lack thereof. You can fix technical over time, but without fixing the broken pathway, you will not get anywhere in terms of National advancement.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
They are doing it all wrong, you shouldn't be keeping score at young ages.

(said no one ever who has been a kid with passion for a sport)

This, boy it fcuking pisses me off!

Kids, you know, can count. They know how many goals have gone in against, and how many they've scored. Competitive kids want to win. The whole notion of absolute inclusiveness is absurd, because natural selection does it for you. The strong always survive and rise to the top.


Apr 26, 2015
Dirty Money
Having moved to Canada from England 25 yrs ago and having played, coached, then reffed......all on the island. it is my opinion that the actual level has gone gradually down. then , when someone says "kids shouldn,t keep score", I begin to understand why. if you are not going to play to win, why play.My 2cents is that life itself is a competition, I never had a job interview were the boss says "yes, its your turn the jobs yours". in relation to the pay to play, I reffed several of the super league U18 and U16 boys....quite amazing that all of the best players on the island had parents who at the very least had a BMW....but usually a Lexus......


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
in relation to the pay to play, I reffed several of the super league U18 and U16 boys....quite amazing that all of the best players on the island had parents who at the very least had a BMW....but usually a Lexus......

Brilliant, and so true.

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