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FIFA 2010 World Cup


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Ref did as good as he can with the dutch playing as dirty and sloppy as they were. Spain frustrated them and it made for a fairly shitty game. Its too bad Robbens skill doesn't match his speed. He has to be the fastest guy in the world playing football at that elite level, but god damn is he shite. Cut left, dive, cry, cut left, flop around, cut left , dribble, miss breakaway, cut left, miss breakaway, cut left, dive, cry, sprint, miss breakaway, lose world cup, cry.

I think people are a little hard on Robben. the guy comes back from a Hamstring tear, a 6-8 week injury in 3-4 weeks and then is a massive threat all tourny playing at 75%. brazil could do nothing but take him down, Uruguay couldn't contain him in the second half and quite frankly he made 2 brilliant runs cutting throw the middle that should have resulted in the dutch holding the cup. Sure he didn't finish but the first one Iker knew nothing about, it hit his toe nail for fukc sakes with him diving and looking in the wrong direction, 99 out of 100 that still goes in. Sure he dives but quuite frankly so do 99% of these skill guys that everyone seems so anxious to see.(Ronaldo, Robben Iniesta,Villa etc.). I agree with Ranger Forever on Schweinstager he was great all tourny but did he play against Spain, invisible when it was on the line against a better team that's when the best find a way to get it done.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Hahaha, funny links CS.

Honestly long story short, i don't think man for man Holland could compete with Spain. Aside from Sneijder and Robben, Holland couldn't keep up with Spain. Spain was technically and maybe even skillwise more superior to some Dutch players, that's why players like Van Bommel and De Jong started the hack-a-player approach. And Holland had there chances to score and didn't capitalize. In the end, Spain deserved it and finished their chance.

On the topic of Webb, he did what he could do in the biggest game on the planet. He tried to keep Holland in the game and not send anyone off as long as he could, cause who wants to see a game where 11 go at 10. And Holland should thank him for that. That karate kick by De Jong was ridiculous. But eventually Holland persisted and he had no choice to send off De Jong. Given the circumstances and the event, and the play of the Dutch, what more could anyone ask for. The only thing the Dutch should rue is their missed chances, that's it. If they would have scored they would have not been talking/complaining.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
He didn't send off De Jong, he sent off Heitinga, :rolleyes:

do we need to keep posting the same thing over and over? I'm pretty sure we're all in agreement that Holland could have won had they finished their chances, but didn't. Spain are good, Howard Webb did as good a job as you could have asked for and both teams played poorly overall on the day.

There. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point Jive on the Spain game with Schweinstager.
I stand corrected I guess but still thought he was the best of their bunch and blame more his team's overall play than his and feel that prevented him from shining.
I disagree that he was invisible.
He played real well in the consolation final also.

And with all this talk of whining, butchering, diving and being ambassadors of the game, there was simply no one by a fcukin country mile that could touch his class out there.

STD/CS - Go fcuk yourselves. ;)


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Canada is ahead of North Korea, though. By that logic, we should have been in the world cup . . .

freddy, i thought the same thing.... I wonder what a world cup.. based on the top 32 in the world would produce?

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Don't know what Brazil game you watched. Their plan was clearly to whack Robben every time he got near it. Both gave as good as they got. Ironic that, in the past, Dutch teams have lost and been accused of being too soft. Their game plan was sound against Spain and was not thuggery. Try to keep Spain under 60% possesion (unlike the Germans) and take your chances. They did not take their chances. De Jong's challenge was BRUTAL but the rest was solid, if not nickel-dime variety with the Spanish making a meal and asking for cards from a ref far too willing to oblige. IN regulation, it would be hard to say Spain were better. They held a bit more of the ball. I thought in extra time, the Spanish were better and began to expose a tired Dutch back line, but the series of flops in the penalty area followed by Iniesta BLATANT dive leading to Heitenga's (who had moments earlier been dragged down in the Spanish penalty area when trying to get on the end of a cross) send were just, if not more disgraceful than the stuff you describe. More irony, that Robben scews himself by trying to stay on his feet when he is dragged by Puyols. 9 times out of 10 he'd have dropped but he wanted to play hero after missing the earlier one. The series of events in the extra-time will, as a Dutch fan, always seem unfortunate. Heitenga's Red, missed deflection for a corner, Spanish foul on Elia (Sp). and vandvaart falling down on the delfection. Even without the late goal. at best we would have had PK's and it could be the same result. On a positive note, this is a very young Dutch squad who should come into their prime over the next 2 events. They will miss Gio and Van Bommel. I've never been a Van Bommel fan, but he is rather effective. If they cna find a few more top end back-four players, it might allow them to open up the offensive flow a bit more without fear of getting burned, as the did 2 years ago. Congrats to Spain. Gotta feel sorry for Torres. What a year he has had.

Van Bommel was an absolute disgrace!! His tackle on Iniesta was a missed red by Webb and he could have easily broken his leg! His giving the ball back to the Spanish by putting it out for a throw by the corner flag was the epitome of what the man is all about.....and to pretend he didn't mean it was a joke.

Apologies if this stuff has been addressed. Been a while since I've been on and didn't go through the rest of the posts.

Well done Spain.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Van Bommel was an absolute disgrace!! His tackle on Iniesta was a missed red by Webb and he could have easily broken his leg! His giving the ball back to the Spanish by putting it out for a throw by the corner flag was the epitome of what the man is all about.....and to pretend he didn't mean it was a joke.

Apologies if this stuff has been addressed. Been a while since I've been on and didn't go through the rest of the posts.

Well done Spain.

It's called gamesmenship. This isn't golf with a dress code, I know it is the beautiful game but fukc sakes it's a mans game and the biggest game of these guys career and you need to be ready to do anything to win. Some guys seem to forget that and are so quick to judge. Maradona was ready to use his hand and became a hero. The tackle was harsh but kicking it out where he did was a ploy to distract a team full of pouters. Kind of like when Zaurinni gets in your face and dives on the ground holding his face after he has been pushed in a div.1 game.

Fukc Canada is ranked 100 for a reason because people don't get how much this really means. 300,000 in Amsterdam watching in the street, how many would be on Granville 2000. Van Bommel was fantastic this tourny, if everyone hates you clearly you have made an impact, he played his role to perfection. I don't know where soccer players get this feeling that there is a proper way to play, whatever gives your team the best chance to win is the proper way. Ask the New Jersey Devils if they care they won Ugly or if Scott Stevens takes back his career ending dirty hits.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
While the Dutch didn't play "total football", I don't think Spain plays the prettiest soccer either. What did they score 7 goals all tourny? Their tactics were just as boring as Hollands. If Spain was so much more superior they easily could have cracked the Dutch defence. I think Spain winning was not good for soccer. Their shitty keep away game sucks balls. While I was happy when Brazil and Argentina were eliminated, in hindsight i think I'm regretting that elation. 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 wins, ****ing great, congrats Spain.

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Aside from that weird Switzerland game, Spain was a step above everyone in this tournament. They may not have scored 4 goals a game but when you are constantly pushing forward and keeping possession, you don't have to. They play a beautiful game and were the above and beyond best team from goalie to striker at 2010.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Canuckboy, who was the best team in the tournament if Spain winning wasn't good for soccer? Please enlighten us

I'm sorry did you enjoy that game? Or for that matter any of Spain's other games? If you did, good for you I didn't. As far as good for soccer, had an African team made it farther, that would have been good for soccer. Had an offensive minded team like Argentina made it farther, that would have been good for soccer. The New Jersey Devils won the world cup. awsome.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sorry did you enjoy that game? Or for that matter any of Spain's other games? If you did, good for you I didn't. As far as good for soccer, had an African team made it farther, that would have been good for soccer. Had an offensive minded team like Argentina made it farther, that would have been good for soccer. The New Jersey Devils won the world cup. awsome.

Do you work for the CSA?

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