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Federal Election 2015


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Canadian Environmental Defence recently compared the Tories, Libs, NDP and Greens promises with regard to global warming. If you care about the future for your children then don't vote for the Tories because they will continue to support tar sands oil. ///:Comparing%20federal%20parties%20positions%20on%20climate%20change%20-%20Updated%20July%202015%20(1).pdf
Other issues are important, like how much we pay in taxes, but does it really matter if you can only afford a F150 when you really want a Ford 350. Compare our concerns to the pain which people in southern hemisphere countries will have to suffer from more droughts , hurricanes, and flooding caused by global warming.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Personally, I know who ISN'T getting my vote - I can't stand what this current government represents.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
I wont be voting with the hand wringers. I supported PET back in the day, but Justin has way too many of his flaky mother's genes.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Harper will never show leadership like his US counterpart as shown below, so we need a new PM with courage to make the right changes.

"President Barack Obama on Monday announced even steeper greenhouse gas cuts from U.S. power plants than previously expected, a challenge to the rest of the world to take serious action as a global summit to finalize a landmark climate change treaty approaches at the end of this year.

The Obama administration last year proposed the first greenhouse gas limits on existing power plants in U.S. history, triggering a yearlong review. These final changes aim to address concerns raised by both environmentalist and the energy industry. Some changes further cut the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming. Some states will be given a more lenient target, while others will have tougher targets to meet. The Obama administration has yet to disclose those state-specific targets.

Power plants will have to attain an even lower level of carbon dioxide pollution to be in compliance. Obama's proposal from last year set the target as a 30 percent nationwide cut by 2030, compared to the levels in 2005. His new plan calls for a 32 percent cut in the same time period.

Left unchanged is Obama's overall goal for U.S. emissions cuts from all sources of pollution. As the U.S. commitment to a major global climate treaty that Obama is championing, the U.S. committed to cutting its emissions 26 percent to 28 percent by 2030, compared to 2005. Power plants account for roughly one-third of all U.S. emissions of the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming, making them the largest single source.

Obama's revised plan relies more heavily on renewable energy sources like wind and solar replacing dirtier coal-fired power plants. Obama now wants the U.S. to get 28 percent of its power from renewables by 2030, compared to 22 percent in his earlier proposal. The Obama administration estimated the emissions limits will cost $8.4 billion annually by 2030. The actual price won't be clear until states decide how they'll reach their targets.

The earlier version of Obama's plan sought to accelerate the ongoing shift from coal-fired power to natural gas, which emits far less carbon dioxide. But the final rule aims to keep the share of natural gas in the nation's power mix the same as it is now. Plans for how states will comply are technically due next year, but there's no penalty to asking for a two-year extension, so most states are expected to delay. The final deadline is being pushed back to 2018".


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
It's a real tough decision this time around. Current Administration has pretty much done nothing for our country in the last 10 or so years, NDP are pro Union and I'm a non union contractor, Green Party ( FAK ), and the Liberals?

Leaning towards Liberal but depends also who my local government MP is too. I can't see myself voting for someone to represent my costituancy if they are a moron.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I can't vote NDP. Harper's time has run its course, and Trudeau would be an unmitigated disaster. Really only leaves one choice.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm in Bronco's shoes.

This may be the first time I vote for my best local MLA, instead of a party. I'm not a big fan of Harper's government, and I personally think the best chances the conservatives had was to retire Harper and roll out a new, charismatic, middle ground leader that would retain the votes of people like Bronco and I.

Trudeau scares the shite out of me, and I will never, and I mean EVER vote NDP. Yet I can't waste my vote.

A Conservative vote and government is best for team Dude. But, a young, idealistic Dude would easily float over to the Libs and all of Trudeau's promises. Too bad I'm old now, and know better. When he wins, watch very carefully how all the same back-door deals with the French remain in place, and how the West will be ignored on important issues to the West, and pillaged for our resources (when they come back, that is). I'm not afraid of stiffer environmental regulations, but I am afraid of a taxation situation on corporations that will send businesses South. It's OK to try and create a stronger middle class, but if it means a negative impact on job creation, it all will have a negative impact.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
I'm in Bronco's shoes.

This may be the first time I vote for my best local MLA, instead of a party. I'm not a big fan of Harper's government, and I personally think the best chances the conservatives had was to retire Harper and roll out a new, charismatic, middle ground leader that would retain the votes of people like Bronco and I.


This nomination for the Tories has RF written all over it. I would vote for him.

Sir M


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
An elderly male Harper supporter twice told a couple female reporters this morning that they are "lying pieces of shite" and they "should go fcuk themselves". This happened at a Harper event after the reporters asked questions about the Mike Duffy affair and why it is that Harper would not admit that 12 of his staff knew about the plan to deceive the public. A Conservative spokesperson later apologized to the reporters for the behaviour of their supporter.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
That was awesome, reminded me exactly of my dad. My dad if he had a really high voice...
If that was your Dad, then he was doing the Liberals a big favour. Lots of discussion among women on social media about the insulting way this old guy talked to the female reporters and its not reflecting well on the Tories. Maybe its the other parties trying to turn this into an issue.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
If that was your Dad, then he was doing the Liberals a big favour. Lots of discussion among women on social media about the insulting way this old guy talked to the female reporters and its not reflecting well on the Tories. Maybe its the other parties trying to turn this into an issue.

The Tories can't make a right move these days.

I have to say I'm severely conflicted. I'd like to see a commitment from my government to, at the very least, open the up legalizing marijuana for serious debate and consideration. For the Conservatives to outright reject the concept, I think, is archaic. There are some serious taxation and social benefits to consider by legalizing. The continued prohibition is simply outdated, and let's face it, socially, we as a country could use a taxation revenue stream dedicated to, say, improving Medicare, or education.

That being said, I think both those areas need Provincial and National wide reform, but still, improving the funding model would be a good start.

Fcuking Tudeau....and fcuking Harper. We need another option, for cnut's sake....

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude, sometimes you just need to hold your nose and vote for whoever stinks the least. You may want to consider your options for local MP instead of MLA, however...:D

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