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Fcuking cheating bastard

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
As for Money owing from Will Hill 1, I will collect it. Believe dat! OD, Power and Parkhead I'll be seeing you real soon.

I'm taking my ball home and you're not playing with it.

First of all, you close the contest, which happened to be the most shoc-king thing I have EVER been involved in, because you have been conveniently knocked out. Now you're threatening to collect the money from an equally shoc-king(Surv 1) contest just because you won it? I want my fcuking money back from the first contest. Why must you collect your 'win' and the three poofs who are still left in Sur II(do you fcukers ever make bets? and Fasty, do you ever place bets BEFORE the events?) not have a chance to collect theirs? Granted, they don't ****ing deserve to win with the pathetic performance.

You're worse than the U.S. for setting double-standards and of course, for reaching new heights of hypocrisy.......

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I just noticed the name change. That's good because I can add it to TheRobs' Nascar/Dude's Freeride experience threads, as a thread that will not be read or posted in. Fcuk the premium membership. Cnuts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Speaking of double standards

First of all, you close the contest, which happened to be the most shoc-king thing I have EVER been involved in, because you have been conveniently knocked out.
Well, you bitch about the rules because you've been knocked out. :rolleyes:

You call the contest Mickey Mouse, you bark that it's a shitty format, you even thought the whole cnuting idea was stupid in he first place, I then close it which BTW, had nothing to do with me being knocked out and now you're mad? Get bent. Admittedly the "contest" is not with-out it's faults, but all you've done from the start is bitched and moaned about the petty things.
I just noticed the name change. That's good because I can add it to TheRobs' Nascar/Dude's Freeride experience threads, as a thread that will not be read or posted in. Fcuk the premium membership. Cnuts.
Talk about taking your ball and going home.

No thanks necessary.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Admittedly the "contest" is not with-out it's faults,

Understatement of the last ....say...couple of hundred years? That's like the U.S. saying we have only lost a couple of troops so far......

I then close it which BTW, had nothing to do with me being knocked out

Please tell us the deciding factor, Pinocchio.

from the start is bitched and moaned about the petty things.

Great point. Rules are always so petty, especially rules that apparently lack......thought.

Talk about taking your ball and going home

How do you figure, Einstein? A thread that has been there for a couple of years has now been named after a fcuking Dutch donkey who has NEVER won a bet that is worth talking about? Or even given a pick that has led other TTPers to a win? I think one of us should get bent, and it's not me. Note the spelling of it's. You obviously didn't in your previous post.....Fcuking moron....

the "contest" is not with-out it's faults


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money


I gotta go with the Captain on this one.

I don't recall you ever giving us a guaranteed winning bet like the Captain's promise for TTP night at the horses!

I am forever indebted to the Captain's pick to Show in the third! I don't how much I would be down if that guaranted hadn't been there.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Great point, Reccos......

I am forever indebted to the Captain's pick to Show in the third! I don't how much I would be down if that guaranted hadn't been there.

I completely forgot about that guaranteed victory. :rolleyes: That was just one of many winning NAPs I have posted over the years........:rolleyes:

Who could forget these apples which I gave to all my fellow TTPers?....

There is 435, 000 quid on the line for the winner here. I am going to oppose the favorite(Grandera), One Dart. Let's go with

GOLAN with Kieran Fallon on board. It had a great year last year, and should be fresh for the race. He should go off at about 8/1........This is the value bet as the favorite will go off at about 7/4(2.75). This is too short for a race of this caliber.....


For a straight out winner, go for Russian Rhythm in the 2:35 at Ascot who is coming out of stall 7 in the 6 furlong contest. It should be 2nd favorite at a decent price....

3-50 ASCOT GOLAN @ SP Open

Transaction Number : 437960701

Placed : 27/07/2002 06:53:39 Bet Type : Singles Stake : 25.00
1 Bets @ 25.00 per bet Status


Transaction Number : 737090501

27/07/2002 Bet ITI: GOLAN 3-50 ASCOT @ 11/2 W (1/5) 10.00 65.00

Placed : 27/07/2002 06:53:39 Bet Type : Singles Stake : 25.00
1 Bets @ 25.00 per bet Status


Transaction Number : 737090501

Total Returns : 50.00

NB - True Night 4:10 at Brighton

$20 on each to win on the nose.

1st 8 TRUE NIGHT 2.75 FAV
2nd 10 IT'S OUR SECRET 17.00
3rd 12 MOVING EXPERIEN' 9.00

Forecast 8 beat 10 33.48
Tricast 8 beat 10 and 12 198.00

One Dart(I know you're watching),

Here are the two picks for tomorrow and they will both be good prices...

(NAP) 2:05 Ascot - Prince Nureyev

(NB) - 2:40 Newmarket - Soviet Song

Take these to the Gulag


3-20 NEWMARKET - 8 runners Places Paid 1,2 and 3 @ 1/5 odds
Off at 15:21:54

1st 10 SOVIET SONG 5.00
2nd 11 SUMMITVILLE 7.00
3rd 8 MISS ASSERTIVE 34.00

Forecast 10 beat 11 28.49

So, my NAPs are now a positive $60 with the above win

Oh, the memories........

Here is a horse NAP for tomorrow. Let's start this again. I will pick a NAP and a NB again. It will be posted in an hour.......:) in the appropriate thread, if it hasn't been changed to KNVB's NAPs of the Day....



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Do I ever place bets before events? What's that supposed to mean?

It's a tad difficult to have a flutter on willhill.com while at work and the brass are wandering around. They're doesn't seem to be any way that there every going to really sanction online betting at my workplace. I work for a yank company so their more annoying than there UK counterparts.

I bet and post.

But all that's over now. I have nothing to live for.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Three poofs left in the Survivor II eh.

I demand a recount.

I am not a Homosexualist just because I am trying to beat the Toxic Twins at their own game. Well not whatever gay games they enjoy playing anyways.

I simply noticed that they have learned to gamble at the Bob Barker Price Is Right school of punting.

"I'll wager a dollar and win Bob because everyone else has bid too high."

Don't blame me for trying to win by playing by the flawed rules.

Slow and steady my man, just like my 40 metre dash.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
i was still alive too.........

I'm still solvent from my original tenner too so why aren't I included in the remaining poofs category? I demand to be considered a remaining poof.

Slow and steady is right, the rules were flawed but slagging off KNVB for being stupid contravenes the Geneva Convention. Everyone knows KNVB is stupid.

All those who have blown they're loads in this competition are now just acting like fcuking yanks.

Homonyms and rhetoric and homosexuality, Fastshow.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Anyone on TTP know anything about lasers? Anyone on TTP know anything about anything at all? Either way, please PM the Captain.

I'm on a finder's fee.........

1.3m casino 'sting'

By Nilufer Atik, Evening Standard

22 March 2004

Three gamblers are believed to have taken the Ritz casino for more than £1 million in a sophisticated sting.

Although they were caught when police swooped on the casino, they may go free because their actions might not be illegal.

The trio are thought to have won a total of £1.3 million by using a laser scanner to predict the spin of the roulette wheel.

The gamblers, two Serbian men aged 38 and 33 and a 32-year-old Hungarian woman described by one police source as "chic and beautiful", were caught when Ritz bosses became suspicious after watching video footage of them at the roulette table.

They were apparently using a laser scanner hidden inside a mobile phone, linked to a microcomputer that calculated where the ball would drop.

As the wheel was spinning round, the information was delivered back to the gamblers using a button on the phone and bets were then placed before it came to a stop.

It is possible to place bets before the third spin of the wheel.

The threesome won £100,000 on their first visit to the casino, but on the second night they manag ed to scoop £1.2 million.

They were given £300,000 in cash and a cheque for £900,000 by the casino, but Ritz bosses called in the police after reviewing surveillance camera tapes.

Met officers arrested the gang at the casino for "obtaining their winnings by deception". They also seized the cash and several mobi le phones.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said today: " Off icers from our Money Laundering Investigations Team are investigating allegations of obtaining money by deception through gambling.

"The allegations were made by a casino in west London on March 16.

"Three people, two men and one woman, were arrested that evening at the casino and were taken to a London police station for questioning." They have been released on police bail until the end of the month.

There is currently no such offence as " cheating" at a casino.

However, under a Gambling Bill to go before Parliament next year, any attempt to use outside influences will be an offence.

One industry source said: "There have been rumours for several years about a device that could compute the rate at which the speed of a roulette wheel and the ball degrade.

"But there has been no hard evidence before that such a device has ever been used.

"Whether it is a crime at all is a moot point because the scanner does not actually interfere with the wheel or the ball."


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