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Domenic Mobilio


New Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Having played with Domenic for over ten years with the 86ers it pains me to think he is no longer around . I remember him as a teen ager with unbelievable skill, and the ability to score at will. I've always considered it as a privilege to play along side of Domo. My deepest sympathies go out to the Mobilio family and may you Domenic,rest in peace.

Doug Muirhead and Family.


Nov 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Our condolences to Tony and the Mobilio family. The posts are a testiment to what an outstanding person Dom was and how many lives he touched. May we all take this as an inspiration to live life to the fullest and give back to those around you just as Dom managed to do so well.
Nik Nashlund and Nonie Williams
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
It brought tears to our eyes when we heard the shocking news of Dom's passing.

Our sincerest condolences to Tony and the Mobilo family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Dom will always be remembered and never forgotten.

Tony....by living with Dom you were obviously very close. It will be difficult for you but in time the memories will be worth it. There must of been lots of happy times.

MARY and MARCELLO MANNELLA(c/o Inspector Blakes Account)

It was always worth taking in a Cliff Ave. game, when our team wasn't playing, just in the hopes that Domenic was playing. Truly a pleasure to watch him play. A pure talent!!

Thoughts and Prayers to the Mobilio family from ours.


Lee Atterton.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
I must say when I first heard of Domenic Mobilio's passing, it affected me deeply. I was extremely sad to hear that someone so young, full of life and a fantastic all round person had been taken away from his family, friends, fans, and admirers.

The name Domenic Mobilio means something to us here in the Lower Mainland. Dom left us with a legacy of being one of the most well respected and loved Soccer Star in Canadian history and everyone, from the young to the elderly and all in between, who knew Dom loved and respected him as a Great Ambassador not only for soccer, but as a caring, loving human being.

I had the pleasure of knowing Domenic for the past eight years. Domenic would run the Vancouver Police Soccer School held every year in Vancouver at Andy Livingston Fields. The VPD Soccer School would have 200 and sometimes 300 young children running, jumping, smiling and playing soccer. Dom was a huge part of the success the camp enjoyed every year that he was involved as Head Coach. I can tell you Dom had time for each and every child and adult, to talk, laugh, and teach them the beautiful game that he loved so very much! Dom made everyone feel welcome. I can honestly say Domenic Mobilio loved teaching, coaching, interacting with everyone at the school especially the kids. Dom would be the first one there and the last one to leave and make sure everyone had a piece of his time, signing autographs or just talking, everyone loved Dom. What an absolutely Great Man!

In honor to Domenic and his mourning family I would like to suggest that soccer players from all over BC and anywhere Domenic touched hearts. Wherever we can spread the message as a soccer community. I am suggesting we all for the weekend of November 26, 27, and 28. Players who normally wear the number 10 as Dom did throughout his marvelous career as an Amateur, National Team and Professional Soccer Player, Place the #10 shirt on the bench, hang it on the field, some how display the Number 10 in honor of Dom and his family. Show the Mobilio Family how much we loved and respected Domenic Mobilio. Thanking Dom in this small way for all he has done for the soccer community and show his family we have all been touch by Domenic Mobilio.

I have contacted Bob Lenarduzzi and he is very supportive of the idea. The WhiteCaps will be making a press release. Let's make it happens Lads and Lasses.....Start contacting your league execs and spread the word...

Just think how wonderful it would be for the Mobilio Family to see #10 hanging on every pitch in the Lower Mainland in Honor of their son and brother Domenic Mobilio...

Our Deepest Condolences to the Mobilio Family from Cal Traversy and Family

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Tony, sincere regrets to you and your family.

I've only gotten to know you through co-ed, and I can honestly say that I've never heard one person say one negative thing about you. You are all class, and that is also evident from your posts on TTP. I don't think I have ever read someone take a malicious shot at you on this web site which is all about that, and you, in return, have never done so to others. To me, this speaks volumes about your character and how much people respect and admire you. You're always the cheerful guy who wants everyone to have a good time and to get along.

I never really knew Dom, but the more I hear about him from those who really knew him, I can see that you and he were very much alike. Awesome. Amazing. Admired. Him leaving us is a huge loss to all, especially those who were fortunate enough to be the special people in his life.

I remember playing against Dom for the first time last year, and I was really hyped to do so. Even though I knew Dom wouldn't approach the game like it was a World Cup qualifier, I still wanted to see how I'd fare against him.

Dom arrived late and didn't come on until the 2nd half.

Well, it came down to a one on one. I thought I was being clever by pushing him towards the cornerflag so that my team mates could get back. I was kind of hoping he'd take me on so I could see what he had.

We were on the right corner of the 18, and before I could react, Dom tapped it inside to his rightfoot, and in one motion curled it to the opposite top corner. The keeper only stood and watched. A team mate came over to me and laughed. "Holy ****! Did you see that?" Uh...yeah.

About 10 minutes later, he slipped away from me, and with a team mate draped all over him, he knocked in a header from 12 yds out.

5 minutes later, his left footed free kick from 20 yards whizzed past my head in the wall and rattled the crossbar, as the keeper again, could only stand and watch.
Left foot. Right foot. Header. He could score any way he wanted...and I could do nothing to stop him. Reality had set in for me.

Usually I would have been disappointed with my performance; but, after the game, I was too impressed with Dom's abilities to be disappointed, and I mean that sincerely. I told whomever I could, and I still do, that: "I once played against Dominic Mobilio. I held him to two goals and a cross bar...in 45 minutes of play!"

The fact that Dom was a greater man than soccer player is what truly makes this loss so difficult to bear.


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
On behalf of Richmond FC, our sincere condolensces to the Mobilio family and to those who knew Dominic. I never had the pleasure of meeting Dominic personally, but reading the stories and memories of those who did know him shows that he was an even greater man off the pitch, than he was on it.

The 105 replies left by TTPers are a testament to the greatness of this legend.

Taj Senghera

White Knight

New Member
Sep 29, 2004
Dirty Money
It was a real shame that Domenic Mobilio died a week ago today. At my CAI West Coast Over Thirties league game on Sunday Nov 14, we had 1 minute of silence before the start of the 1st half - a well-deserved tribute!

My only regret is that I never got meet or play with Dominic. I watched him play with the 86ers at Swanguard Stadium. He was definitely a great player!


New Member
Sep 21, 2004
Dirty Money
It's always a strange thing to deal with, when a role-model dies. It makes us look at why we do what we do (soccer in this case) and we'll all come up with our own reasons. Dominic's reasons will never be known to me, but the way he played spoke volumes. A guy entering the twilight of his career playing with friends at level far below him is testament to his character.
Much respect.
John Graham
thanks for making me so proud of Canadian soccer from time to time.

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
On behalf of the Mobilio family,I would like to THANK all of you for all the wonderful words and the overwhelming support..

After reading all the beautiful posts,I am so glad that most of you had the opportunity to not only be dazzled by Domo on the pitch, but more importantly off.He had that uncanny ability to make everyone feel special.

Thank You

Tony Mobilio


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
a good pal of mine wanted to pass on these few words

The Molilio family

We are so sorry about the passing of your son.

If it is any consolation & comfort at such a sad time,it would be in the wonderful world your son lived...soccer!.Domenic accomplished what takes most people years to master.I personally watched from a distance,how his student players,boys & girls progressed.All I can say is ......what a wonderful job Domenic did & I pointed this out to other people.Mostly I can say without fear of being contradicted ,he was very muched loved by all who met this dedicated & talented young man.
B.C. soccer,Coquitlam city soccer & Archbishop Carney will all miss Domenic

On a parting note,...definitely I can with much affection "magic son"

Love,Peter Doyle & Family
Nov 25, 2004
Dirty Money
i think it's a good idea to rest the number 10 jersey on the bench of whom is wearing it, on whatever team they are playin for. it would show a sign of resepect for a player who loved the game. rip my friend domo


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
My Condolences to the Mobilio family on behalf of Langley United.

At our Sunday game following Dominic's tragic passing, the Referee thoughtfully held a minute of silence in memory of Domo, one of our heroes. This really hit home with many of our young players.

Our team will gladly display the #10 Jersey at our game this Sunday. It is the least we could do.

Chad Spurgeon


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
Dirty Money
What a terrible loss, not only to the soccer community but also to everyone who knew Domenic.
My sincere condolences to the family.
I was fortunate to be around Dominic for most of his career, his records speak for themselves.
Domenic could have played at the highest level in Europe, but could not bear to be away from his family and friends,and his love of Vancouver.
He was one class individual.
It is no surprise that there are as many comments about Domenic the person, as there is about Domenic the footballer, he was a bit special both on and off the field.
I know that his family were very proud of him and he was a product of a loving supportive family, he did them proud.
Always a smile and a happy greeting when ever we met, which was always quite often in soccer circles.
With the knowledge and experience that he was sharing with the players in Coquitlam, soccer was better off.
We have truly lost a "gem" who can never be replaced.
But never forgotten.

Alan Errington


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice to hear Dominic was inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame last night.

Did anyone here go? What was it like?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Good for you Regs to point this out. :)

I saw the photo in the Province today and it felt good inside to see the proud and warm smiles on the Mobilio's faces.

Well done Domenic.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
And this Friday, June 20th will be the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament at Westwood Plateau for the Domenic Mobilio Foundation. This is a fantastic way for our soccer community to take time out of our hectic lives to remember the life of a genuine soccer legend. I was at this golf event last year and will be there again this Friday...last year it was an incredible site to see all of the golfers dressed in Mobilio jerseys...only to be topped by a touching and surreal video tribute to this very special individual.

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