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Canucks 2019/20


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The West is WIDE OPEN, getting to the final is more achievable right now than many may think...


Added to this, the team will progress way faster by being in the playoffs. This has to happen this year to continue to grow the team. Tafoli is still young enough to have an impact for the next 3-4 years (assuming the team can re-sign him long term). I'd rather have a productive top 6 winger for that period of time at this moment in the club's evolution. You also have to ask about the current club needs. I think at Center they are looking good for the next 5 years or so, as Adam Gaudette could become another Kessler. If not, we know he'll be a guy pushing for the second line. Is there enough room for Madden in two years? Considering we actually need the top 6 winger now, it's a good gamble.

Basically, that is the gamble. They need to make the playoffs, so without totally selling the farm, do what you can to make it ASAP. I'm jacked, really enjoying the team this year.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You do, yes, but I see him as a chip now that the club was going to play eventually. If they kept him, it'd be at the expense of a center leaving (Gaudette) in 2-3 years. There is never any guarantee w/ a draft on how they'll grow. In Tafoli, you are giving up about 6 years of time to gain a known commodity now that can help for this window of 3-4 years (hopefully). There is a lot of pressure to resign, so big Jim still has a lot of work to do. If he can't resign, and if the 'Nucks don't make the playoffs, does he lose his job? There are a lot of talking points around the club this year, really fun again.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
If they don’t make the playoffs Jim is gone. Before this trade if they fell short you could still argue he did enough to improve but now he has traded our first and second and a good prospect. It’s playoffs or good bye


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
To be fair, if we miss the playoffs the pick in the JT Miller trade bumps to next season.

This is one of those moves that hopefully works for both sides. Unfortunately the Ferland signing has been a bust, which is too bad because I remember how influential the guy was for Calgary in that playoff series the last time the Canucks were in and the Canucks need those type of players in their lineup. However, his injury history was always a bit of a gamble.

With him done and it being announced this morning that Boeser is out for two months, there is no way the team could just stand still with how close things are in the standings, so I like the move. Toffoli has experience and knows Pearson who has been a good fit since coming in. I agree that I think the Canucks will try to re-sign him, though the cap dancing could get interesting. Don't love him as a pure rental because I am not sure the Canucks are in that market at the minute, but, given the circumstances I don't hate it either. If he is productive and we do re-sign him then I think it is a great move.

Madden looked like a decent prospect but you have to give to get. He was by no means a sure thing and we do have depth at centre with Horvat, Petersen and Gaudette. There's also Graovac who is playing in Utica and the organization seems to think might earn a real look at some point. For once we actually have a decent crop of prospects, so moving one of them does not hurt as much as it may have in the past.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
It’s a great trade and gives us a player in his prime. Hopefully he re signs. These draft picks are not certain NHL players let alone NHLers that can play top 6 minutes and produce.

I love the Miller trade and this one. It gives you something proven.
our cupboards are stocked with young talent.
Jim has done an amazing job. He could have drafted back to back rookie of the years. Won the Miller trade and have rebuilt pretty decently here.
what else are people expecting from the guy?
tyler Myers was another good signing. He has built this team up with drafts and acquisitions that have worked out.
Yes Ferland isn’t working out due to injury. But that doesn’t go against the cap anyways. So many guys shite on Benning. But he has brought in Some amazing talent and drafted very well. What else can he have done to get the team to this point?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Boeser out for rest of the regular season though. That hurts, and the trade now makes more sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Actually, I think that means it makes less sense.

No Boeser. No Ferland. Dodgy D. Best two players not yet built for the rigours of playoff hockey.

This team isn't winning the Cup this season. They're not even close.

Toffoli is a rental - they can't afford to re-sign him. Luongo's cap recapture penalty is significant next year. Eriksson has two more years left at 6 plus. Who is expiring? Certainly not Turnover Myers.

You need more than just one or two guys on entry level contracts making contributions. Madden may never have been top 6, but he'd have given them 3 years at 850k per. Instead you get half a season of Toffoli at 4.6 per.

Dumb trade. This is nothing more than Aqulini, as usual, rushing things along and wanting to win now. Works for me because it means they won't ever actually get there.

PS Akslop- Marchand says he'll buy you one of those Baccardi Silver's you favour when he's here in three days... if you ask nicely and promise to kiss his Stanley Cup ring...



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This is, of course, what someone who is not a fan would say. It’s a safe, low risk, low reward approach.

Peterson. Horvat. Gaudette. Sutter. The only one of that group the team may want to upgrade on or replace in the next 5 years is Sutter, and Madden is projected to be more in line with Gaudette or Horvat (and that is a huge push). You would not keep him to develop him for 4th line. Trading him now is a sound approach.

Cap hit wise the club has plenty of young guys in positions of need that will reduce the price tag.

You, as a non fan, don’t want the team to make the playoffs and don’t see value in it, so massive grain of salt with your comments. The playoffs are massively important for development. No, they aren’t going to win, but these young guys need to experience the grind and heat of it, especially what it’s like here. That will do more to propel and develop this club than keeping a young talent that may or may not make an impact on the years to come. It’s actually a pretty good calculated risk, this trade.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Actually, I think that means it makes less sense.

No Boeser. No Ferland. Dodgy D. Best two players not yet built for the rigours of playoff hockey.

This team isn't winning the Cup this season. They're not even close.

Toffoli is a rental - they can't afford to re-sign him. Luongo's cap recapture penalty is significant next year. Eriksson has two more years left at 6 plus. Who is expiring? Certainly not Turnover Myers.

You need more than just one or two guys on entry level contracts making contributions. Madden may never have been top 6, but he'd have given them 3 years at 850k per. Instead you get half a season of Toffoli at 4.6 per.

Dumb trade. This is nothing more than Aqulini, as usual, rushing things along and wanting to win now. Works for me because it means they won't ever actually get there.

PS Akslop- Marchand says he'll buy you one of those Baccardi Silver's you favour when he's here in three days... if you ask nicely and promise to kiss his Stanley Cup ring...


Look at the bright side. All these rentals you can bet will using Uber while they're here.

As for Marchand, it doesnt affect me. Hes just Below Kobe on my list of favorite athletes.



Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
both hall of fame caliber, I see your point...

Sure, I guess so. If the prerequisites are to be rat weasal or rapist I don't like the Sedins Chances of getting in. I'm sure Marchand is great guy and his donations to the community are on par. He just just doesnt wanna be acknowledged so he chooses to keep it quiet.

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