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Nationals Canadian BMO National Championship 2009

BC Teams @ Nationals

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't worry, lads. The B.C. Super League will remedy all these problems. :rolleyes:

Unlucky, WV.........shitty circumstances and I'm sure this year's winner will have a big asterik beside it.........


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
This is absurd.

What a joke for WVAN to accomplish all they did and then have it end like this. Obviously there was always a chance for snow in Saskatchewan in October, so why wasn't there a better backup plan in place for this self proclaimed "high profile event" the CSA puts on? 60 minute indoor games at 11:30pm sounds more like a futsal tournament at the Hastings Community Centre. It is a shame and I feel for the WVAN team, as they are a very high quality team and a great group of lads.

As Captain says, the super league would have surely made for a different result. Had WVAN competed against the top fvsl and visl teams all season, they surely would have walked away with the National Futsal Title.

Look for some funny headlines in the Sask paper over the next few days, as now that they have been eliminated the WVAN staff will do their best to leave their mark on the town. For example:

"BC Soccer Coach Blocks Field Goal with Whiskey Flask at Roughrider Game"


edgar d.

New Member
Sep 15, 2007
Dirty Money
DCR20 here. First off our boys are the greatest bunch of lads that i have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. dedicated, loyal, hard working and a proud, proud bunch. i am a very lucky manager to have such a great group!!! I will never forget the year we had, sadly it came to an end today. so on behalf of our boys, our apologies for not bringing home the cup.

callies are a strong team, no two ways about it. congrats to them!! they got the better of us, in a very good match. fckuing cnuts!!!! thanks for all the support from the ttpers. it was really great to read the posts at 2am which is when coach and i began are night walks to 3rd ave. bj's are still pretty good in back alleys in minus 8!

were now getting geared up to go to the mandatory tournament dance! fcuk!!! just found out that there will be no placement games. these will be decided by shootouts!!! what a motherfcuking joke. fcuk me!!! a shootout!! tomorrow night at 11pm or something like that.......hahahha. CSA, has really fckued this one up. cnut!!!! oh well, we will select the five most pissed lads and go from there!!

ah well, a big asterix by this shite show of a national tournament. motherfcuker!!!! time to have a few 100 pints and get well known in this town!!! hahahha.......oops just been informed by captain doddy that we are now not mathematically out...........so fcuk me! anything it seems can fcuking happen!

also, saw one of the field men trying to plow the turf, caught hold of a seam, and began ripping up the 18. pissed my pants, as he tried to explain this to me with frozen snot glued to his face.

like i told the lads, after this shite show, the next forseeable thing will be our plane crashing into the rockies, thank fcuk our coach is beginning to resemble and smell like a sausage. we will be able to survive for a while.




Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
the field is bumpy, if you hit the ceiling you have to kick the ball back to the other team!!! fcuk me!! like wtf!!

Welcome to the BMO National indoor tournament!!:mad: As stated above this is not always the case. WV boys got *ucked cause of this so called rule. From what we have heard it is the ref's discreation as to what happens after the ball hit's the ceiling. With the score 1-1 and a scramble in WV's 6 yard box a defenceman goes to clear it and you geussed it, hit's the roof. The ref says to WV player "It would be a sportsman thing to just kick the ball out for a corner on the drop ball" so the player obliges, on the ensueing corner kick the Callies score. Later in the game similar thing happens on the Callies 15 yard line, only difference is on the drop ball Calgary punts the ball all the way back to "29" thus getting out of a dangerous situation and forcing WV to have to regroup from 80 yards back. This tournament has been disorganized at best and is coming really close to overtaking BC in terms of being really shitty at hosting a so called Club National tournament. Tonights social was a joke and we were the second team to show up. There was no tables or chairs in the entire place, I actually had to ask them if it was possible to pull out tables and chairs seeing as there was gonna be another 16 teams of players and staff showing up to this event. To those that have been before you know that we need to sit through approx 30 minutes of BS well they thank sponsors and CSA for such a great accomplishment and achievement to be at this event. The reffing has been inconsistent in all the games I have watched so far, and to be honest I actually appreciate the refs from my league which is the NSCL and that is definately not saying much!!:eek: As for our scored today we tied Saskatchewan 0-0. We really need to adapt to the fact that the games are only 60 minutes as we didn't start to turn up our play until the final 12 min. We are fortunate though as we still control are destiny. Ontario beat MB 1-0 in the earlier game. We play MB tomo at 11:30 and then ONT on sunday, if we get results against both, I'm pretty sure we will advance to the final as I can't see SASK beating both of them. The only thing is we need to find some offense and go and getter done!! We are the hope now in terms of BC coming home with a Gold!

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
The CSA should be embarassed by this. The worst part is that it costs a team from BC between $10K and $20K to make this trip. Of course, since most of the teams there are shite, and the host province is usually a shite province, it's all about the experience and everyone just being happy to be there.

Well, fcuk them all. BCSA should show some freaking leadership and tell the CSA to pull their collective head out of their ass.

First, you can't hold a national championship soccer tournament on the prairies in October. Sorry, all you flatlanders, I don't have to be a meteorologist to know it's a gamble at best.

Second, if provinces can't send teams to every tournament - male, female, all ages - then they don't get to host. Two NS women's teams? And the tourney is in SK. What's up with that?

And 60 min halves? What a joke. It's like a freaking youth tournament. Crap. The teams could have stayed home and played in the NS Thanksgiving kids tournament and had a better experience.

This happens all too often. This tournament should be hosted in BC, AB (maybe), ON and QUE. All even go so far as to say the Maritimes, since to their credit they usually do a good job. It's fcuking long way to go, but odds are pretty good it might be cold but it won't be snowing.

In 2001, we played in Toronto. It rained and the City closed the fields. We couldn't go indoors for our game that day because the OSA had a soccer camp. Yes, a soccer camp. So, we ended up playing at 11:00pm at night an hour outside the GTA. The next day we played indoors on astroturf. (The soccer shop down the road made a freaking killing selling turf shoes.)

And don't get me started on Jimmy Nicholson and the screwing we took in St.John's in 2002.

You'll notice BC isn't hosting these. The next four senior cups are all back east I believe. Sure, BCSA dropped the ball the last time, but there's clubs out there that could host this. And we're not hosting the youth events either.

BC Soccer should be standing up for our club teams. I realize that Findlay and his boys down there couldn't give a rat's ass about club soccer, and that these club nationals are a waste of time in the endless quest towards 'wellness to the world cup', but BC Soccer represents all of us, not the handful of kids playing on provincial teams or the NTC. Time they start looking out for our needs to.

I am curious if the BCSA rep in Saskatchewan is voicing any dissent. Or if he/she is simply enjoying the free food and bevvies in the hospitality suite, and a weekend away on the BCSA membership dime.

Crap, I'm bitter. And I'm not even there. Can't fathom how the boys from WV and the Surrey ladies are feeling right now. Well, I can. I am just sorry they're going through this. I guess some things never change.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Now if BC and Alberta Pulled out of the CSA like Many other Countries that have more than 1 Federation. And started our own...What advantages we would have, and we wouldnt have to put up with all the CSA crap..we could control our own destiny,


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
FB, you bring up very good arguments. We (SU ladies arrived tuesday early afternoon.) So this meant most players and staff had to book 4 days off of work and school. The reason being we showed up tuesday was cause we need to be in town for the managers meeting to get our accredition passes and list what colour our uni's will be. Even though no women games where scheduled until thursday which CSA already had posted awhile back. So we arrive in to town only to be told that the womens side will have their managers meeting on the wednesday night. Great $1500 towards rooms at the hotel for a wasted day and night, and who knows the cost of players and staff lost wages at work. Mother nature ends up getting bitter and cold and bam, we are holed up in a shite hotel for just over 3+ days before we even play our first game. Meanwhile are friends back home are working, going to school, sleeping in the comfort of their own home and the lucky one's maybe even working on the tan lines. As for are BC rep, let's just say he should be called Caspar, as in the friendly ghost. Not sure about the men, but we have saw him twice I believe. Each time we have known more info than he has via other Provincial reps, this guy is a waste of time and money being spent on him to be out here. For the record this is IMO only as I don't want to get the club in any kind of trouble with BCSA for stating the facts. In the past other Reps have come and introduced themselves to the ladies and have showed support by being at games coming and talking with us and trying to keep us in the loop, not this guy. As for hosting Provinces the next 3 yrs go PEI(2010) Quebec (11) Manitoba (12). In all fairness the last two were in the maritimes and both were supported very well by the community. The time and effort that the organizers had put into hosting was very well noticed. Maybe Saskatoon is a little preoccupied as they are hosting the World Junior hockey Championships this Christmas. But believe me this town doesn't have much to offer and whenever you have the oppurtunity to show case your town or small city to approx 3500 out of town visitors, you would think they would put a little more effort into it, especially in hopes that people may return on their own to visit or sight see for tourism!:eek:


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Surrey 1-0 over MB with Nutmegs coming up clutch with the winner with about 12min to go. Sask also won 1-0 over Ontario. We play Ontario tomo well Sask plays right after us against MB. MB is the only team in our group with nothing to play for while 3 of us are very much in contention for first place and a chance to play for Gold on monday.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Callies beat Ontario today 3-0

Saskatchewan beat Manitoba 3-0

Callies are through unless Manitoba can beat Ontario by 5 goals tomorrow (I think)

WV plays Saskatchewan tomorrow and can get into the bronxe medal game with a win and a Manitoba loss (I think)

When they said spotshots for seeding games, that doesn't include the bronze medal game does it?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Regs first tie breaker is head to head. So if Manitoba wins they will be tied with Callies in points but beat them head to head. Bronze medal games will be played, but nothing is set in stone yet!


Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Callies beat Ontario today 3-0

Saskatchewan beat Manitoba 3-0

Callies are through unless Manitoba can beat Ontario by 5 goals tomorrow (I think)

WV plays Saskatchewan tomorrow and can get into the bronxe medal game with a win and a Manitoba loss (I think)

When they said spotshots for seeding games, that doesn't include the bronze medal game does it?

We only beat them 2-0 but it should have been more!! They had a guy sent off and he challenged the whole bench to a fight on the way out!! But we're done unless Ont can get a result tomorrow - which I don't see them doing as they really don't have a lot of character guys. Overrated CSL players to me.

Game v BC was excellent, well played by both teams and we finished and they didn't. Good bunch of guys - hope they do well, if sober, Sunday.
They're in the bar as I write!!

Bronze will be played - we're still pushing for 90 for medal games but don't think we'll get it. Rest of placings will be pk's on Sunday night.


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