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Breaking the Silence


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
To Fenian, Cainy, Skip, Sage, Cuddler et al

Courtesy of KNVB I shall break my silence on TTP

Despite al the personal insults hurled in my direction, despite the toothless pre-game trashing and the distorted spins you choose to place on your versions of why you are no longer at Surrey United I still felt a degree of sadness after the beating. However, the toughest thing is to "walk the talk".

I find it difficult to understand much of your resentment and also why players stuck around for 7/8 years if they were so unhappy. During that time we won four successive first division titles, two presidents cups and a BC Summer games silver medal. From my perspective I have nothing, but great memories of our times together especially some of the road trips and the various escapades.

It is time for you to look forward instead of back. Everyone is aware of the significant role you all played in the history and the development of Surrey United.

I shall continue to watch for Peace Arch results especially as I think they will be faced with a major dilemma. Will they try and acquire some new blood to try and improve their chance of winning the FSVL premier next year or will they continue to keep the squad together?

It might just prove to be deja vu all over again.
Anyways Good luck.

P.S. Brennan and Stevie Mac absolute first class guys.

P.S.S. Cainy just for the record your team only has three guys on it that were part of our domination of the FVSL premier. (ie) You, Cuds and Stevie.

P.S.S.S. Aves I guess the real factor for Peace Arch's loss was that once again your prediction about a close game came true in relative terms. Even Pratt and Mojo come closer with their Sports Action predictions. Oh and on behalf of everyone at Surrey United FCUK OFF!!

P.S.S.S.S Dude where's your brain. Must have been sat on during the first half eh? BTW those 8 passes we kept stringing together in the 2nd half will no doubt serve as the key objective for you and your team to achieve over the next 119 training sessions.

As a consolation for thinking it would still be close at half time I have mailed you an envelope with a postage stamp in it. Please list your soccer credentials on the reverse of the stamp, stick it on an envelope and mail it to yourself.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow knvb!

That was a first class post, certainly non-indicative of someone who scored low on an internet IQ test. ;)

I think you are a little tough on Aves. He does support Surrey United but he has this unwavered love for the purple-skinned, wrestling gnome we know as Cainy. They are practically identical twins except for the height factor.

I'm glad you broke the silence knvb. It was festering in you like a three day shite. I believe a group hug is in order. Someone will have to hoist Cainy onto their shoulders. I have rotator cuff problems so I can't. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Hooked on Phonics

Balls re- read it or maybe just this part........ :rolleyes:
It might just prove to be deja vu all over again.
Anyways Good luck.

118 once again, KNVB


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
......It might just prove to be deja vu all over again.
Anyways Good luck.

Oh for crying out loud. It makes sense now. That was courtesy of Marty! No wonder why there were no spelling mistakes and it was so fluid in script. No offense knvb. :D

I better read more closely next time.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
P.S.S.S.S Dude where's your brain. Must have been sat on during the first half eh? BTW those 8 passes we kept stringing together in the 2nd half will no doubt serve as the key objective for you and your team to achieve over the next 119 training sessions.


Where did that come from, and what is it about? Why 119? Why not 120 or 118?

I thought I paid you a pretty fair complement when I sarcastically said I was disappointed to waste the gas to come down and watch Surrey United play keep-away. I only saw the 2nd half, and by then it was more than over. I was complementing your team, Marty. Or KNVB. Or whoever.

Fcuk it...send me a PM instead.

P.S.: If you're going to slag me on my posting name (the single worst on TTP, I may add), you have to do a lot better than "Dude where's your brain". It has been used, with little success or impact.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Message from Ballbaby's son Matthew

Doesn't your kid have ballet class or something?

Hello Mr. knvb. My name is Matthew and I am Ballbaby's son. My dad called me over to the computer to read your post about me. I don't take ballet Mr. knvb but I could see how you'd think I do. When I was at the tryouts last week and we had to scrimmage against you and Mr. Blakeway, he let's me call him Shawn, you make me call you sir, I was dancing around you. Then when you tried to slide tackle me with those awfully sharp cleats of yours, I danced out of the way again. But I don't take ballet sir. It's just the way I am. I better go now. I scored really high on an IQ test and I'm in a challenge program at school. I have to write a report on climate trends in extreme cold regions of our globe.

See you at the Performance camps Mr. knvb.

P.S. You are my favourite Surrey United player after my dad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by knvb
Courtesy of KNVB I shall break my silence on TTP

blah, blah, blah.......

Anyways Good luck.

blah, blah, blah.....

P.S.S.S.S Dude where's your brain. Must have been sat on during the first half eh? BTW those 8 passes we kept stringing together in the 2nd half will no doubt serve as the key objective for you and your team to achieve over the next 119 training sessions.

Very nice post Marty.
Hang on while I blow my nose. :(

But the last comment intrigues me.
The Dudemeister, I don't think, meant any ill-will.
Are you inside TTPing in the finest of fashions or?



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I once played for Surrey United back in '89 or '90. It was after Croatia's PCSL season, I was going to take it easy and play for Surrey U's U-21's with a friend of mine who had asked me to join...somehow the premier team talked me into playing for them also. I would play 2 back to back games every weekend...it lasted for about 3 games and I quit (it was too much) and went to join Croatia's U-21's.

Now, I can't remember if MF was the coach at the time and I can't really remember who my teamates were but I do remember that they were a good bunch of guys.

Not like the twats who play for them now like KNVB and Guinness.;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Why Stay?

I've known Cainy and some of the boys for a while now. In the mid 90's, we had great exibition game battles. Always fierce and were played with tonnes of respect for the opponent.

They did give SU the courage to go into the Metro. When they were let go, SU was lucky not to be relegated back to the Valley. But SU has persevered and are a quality side.

But through all the years, the same shite kept coming up. The boys always said they hated MF. We always asked, "Why do you stay?" It still hasn't been answered.

Maybe it was the guys that surrounded them and that SU was the only quality side in the Valley-close to home. But if you can't stand the guy, get the fcuk out of Dodge.

As for most of the SU guys today; the cliques run rampant and they essentially bullied out some quality lads. I have heard the stories and as for that skinny twerp, Dalpimple. I do wait for the day I get him in just the right tackle.


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
bullied out

nobody has ever been bullied out of surrey united, the only people who ever leave surrey united are the people who are no longer willing to put it all in twice a week, with no exceptions for missing training. when you sign for our club you make a commitment to the twenty other guys that your going to be there. canucks games, parent teacher nights, tupper ware parties etc, etc, etc, are no excuse for missing training and the guys who don't want to do it anymore are playing in a recreational soccer league like the fvsl. studs up out


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I, for one, will enjoy the Canucks game tonite while you sweat your arse off.

Hey man, like, good luck on the weekend Dude, like, did you get one of your 2 working days off from McDonalds this week Dude?

And like, Dude, can you believe that fcuking guy who went to his kid's parent teacher night rather than train last Tuesday?
The guy is totally non-committed Dude.

RF out Dude.

That is the best post I've seen in a while Twerp


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: bullied out

Originally posted by studsup
canucks games, parent teacher nights, tupper ware parties etc, etc, etc, are no excuse for missing training and the guys who don't want to do it anymore are playing in a recreational soccer league like the fvsl. studs up out

For the most part, I agree with that statement. To have a successful team, there needs to be an honest, universal effort to make training. RF...I know you guys typically get a very good turnout. Personally, I missed two last season. Once out of town for work, and the other time getting my arm operated on. I'm not tooting my horn...I just really enjoy training. The Tuesday and Thursday nights are something to look forward to. Granted, there is the odd time I don't feel like it, but it is just a matter of sucking it up. What I'm saying is, for the most part, schedules can be planned around training if one really wants. Sometimes, though, you do need to prioritize- parent / teacher nights would be an acceptable excuse. Canucks tix...not.

So, it is commendable and enviable that the whole team has bought in to that. We have about half our team buying into that, which makes for some very good sessions, but the odd waste of time. That pisses me off!

Now, Studsup...get real! You make it appear that you've been in the VMSL for a long time. Tell the truth now...how many months has it been?;)


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
stay tuned

Cainy will reply, but me tinks beer, BBQ steak and the canucks are much more important, than talking about a ball pumper, field liner, net stringer, piss taker:D :D :eek: What stunning credentials:mad:


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money

Thank you oh great, and infinitely wise MF for "breaking your silence". We've all been waiting with baited breath for you to do so. :rolleyes:

I find your post quite comical, and while I would have much rather let sleeping dogs lie, here are my two bits on the matter:

"toothless pre-game trashing"?....."hurled insults" thrown your way"?? Kind of sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
One thing I could never understand during my playing days with SU was how YOU could think you could call one of us, slag 5 other fellow team-mates and good friends, talking about how they don't have what it takes, how they've been given their fair chance, how they'll never play at that level etc. etc. Then, after talking to one or more of the people you had just daggered, find out that the very same "insults and trashings" had been offered to them about your original confidente. Makes no sense, and doesn't do much to rally club morale.

Quite honestly MF, from a personal standpoint, I have never had any bad experiences with you. I believe that this is because I have always served some type of "purpose" for you and your club.
It is how you maintain relationships with former SU players who gave your club the foundation for what you have built today that I, and others take issue with. Having been around your club for years, I have seen great players bleed for one another on the pitch while wearing your SU jerseys. You made reference to not understanding why we stuck around all those years if we weren't happy with you. I'll tell you why. Players stayed because they enjoyed playing with EACH OTHER. You were fortunate to have the group of guys you did in those early years. You see it reversed, and feel as if WE the players, were fortunate to have found you. I disagree. You had a deep club because some of us chose to stay and play at the Div. 1 level with mates, as opposed to leaving to seek opportunities elsewhere at the Premier level. You had a group of quality players on your premier team who made up in heart what they may have lacked in talent. These boys took you to the Provincial Final, and helped you and the club gain the attention and respect that was necessary for you to make the jump that you did into the Metro and PCL. As the club gained notariety and attention it became a need of yours to seek out "big name" players. This was at the expense of those that had got you where you were.
The sad part is that now that they no longer serve a "purpose" for you, they are not even given the time of day by you. Not even a turn of your head as you walk past them on the sidelines while watching your match. Players, ex-captains, who don't feel comfortable peeking their head into your dressing room to say hello to the guys that now wear their old jerseys. These same players not being made to feel welcome in so many ways. It is odd.
You have a great club now. They are very talented, and very deep. You should be proud. But, here's to the guys who got on their hands and knees to provide the stepping stone you needed to get where you are today.

(K.B., M.C., M.A., G.F.,S.B., S.P., J.W.,P.H.,D.G.,B.R.,C.S.)


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
oh yeah......one more thing, or two.


You being the moderator, I must appologize for breaking the TTP record for most "long-winded" post ever!


Funny, I know a few lads on your club who train hard twice a week, and don't even get the courtesy of knowing their jerseys won't be hanging come game-day.
Also, it would seem as though you have now become "useful" to the club and are getting your fair shake. Congrats on that, but......weren't YOU one of the guys who was a tad disgruntled in the past about pt, and considered coming over to the "recreational" side?? :D Rather interesting how the tune changes so quickly. Take care of that hammy.


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money

Marty....lurking just wasn't satisfying enough for you I guess. Well you've taken the plunge.
I'm not sure why you want me to fcuk off (in bold caps) or why you think you speak for everyone associated with Surrey United.:(
I was having a little fun with "the match up" of old teammates(I played with nearly all the PAU boys) but I never slagged you or anyone on S.U....in fact I said you would likely win the match up and should go on to do well ( my pick to win it all.) Maybe you can explain this resentment to me sometime.:confused:...it certainly seems a little misplaced given the context.

I wish the boys well ( I still have a few old friends there) and if you continue to spread rumours that I'm anti - S.U. then I'll be forced to call my lawyer:p :p :rolleyes:


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money

That seems to be the question of the day:confused:
Why have a cerimony to retire Glenn Ferraros # only to give it to his replacement the very next season.?
Why replace captain Kelly Bey with 37 year old Doug Muirhead, and when Kelly asks to play FVSL instead of VMSL so he could travel to Prince George to see his future wife more, did you say he would be a distraction and take away spots from young players. From captain to distraction all in one fell swoop.
Why one week after losing in the B.c final in 98 did you target Mark Avery and Joe Wright by not playing them in Kelowna without explanation. They bearly saw the park until the final game when the money and title were up for grabs, only then did they become useful.
Why would you think you are Surrey United? did you ever score a goal or hang a leg out for a teamate, or come to the rescue of a teamate in trouble? I think not
Why would you let Marcus Habb come to the pitch this weekend prepared to play against his former teamates, and when he gets in the room in front of all the lads tell him he has been dropped. Why doesn't the man get the respect he has earned,a phone call one hour before the game would be the classy thing to do.
Why when I was standing with Deacon in the beer gardens in Kelowna ready to go up and accept the winners trophy, as the captain of the team would you walk up behind us and wisper in Joe's ear " you go get it Joe". Full credit to Joe his reply was "no chance Marty I'm not getting involved in this shyte"

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