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Boycott Cat & Fiddle Pub


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Hello All,

I'm asking all of you to boycott the "Cat & Fiddle Pub" in Port Coquitlam.........It's not often I'll say anything bad about a drinking establishment but this time I'm making an exception:

On Saturday Aug 12, 06 a very good friend of mine was at the Cat & Fiddle and as is known to happen at the Cat there was a little altercation inside which lasted all of about a minute. My friend went outside to cool off and was followed by a bouncer, who promptly punched him in the face twice, smashing his head against a wall and as my buddy fell down he smashed his head on the ground. He is now in an induced coma with bleeding on the brain....and they're not sure if he's going to make it. On the plus side the bouncer has been charged with aggravated assault and if JT doesn't pull through the charge will be upgraded.

Please join me in never going to this place again and if possible don't use the cold beer and wine store either. The way I see it, if the Cat is going to hire sadistic idiots like this bouncer I will take my business elsewhere.



PS: This is the same place a Poco player had his face slashed last year for several stitches! And there's been several other incedences as well. This place is a nightmare !


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
You've certainly got my support as well, Guru. That is absolutely brutal. Good luck to your friend.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
My appologies to all here for the misunderstanding. JT is a friend of our co-ed goalie who was injured. I'm just posting what he related to me. But many thanks for the support. Many of us know who the Poco player was though, and I'm sure many people here have a friend, or know someone who's been injured in this bar.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Guru, sorry to hear about such a tragic yet all too common incident involving a friend... Senseless violence like this will continue to be on the rise until the people we pay to protect us from this clean up their act... Not all bouncers or cops are dirty and their job is not one I'd ever take on, but the sick minority that instigate rather than be pro-active and try to defuse a situation are a big problem... I totally support your boycott, as they don't carry Beaver Buzz and it also happens I'm barred for slashing a guy last year!!!:rolleyes:

Good luck for your mates fast recovery!!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
All the best to your friend's friend, Guru. I have never been there and I never will. I hope the ****ing bouncer gets what he deserves.........cowardly man on 'Roids I would imagine.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Too many bars are like that now...not only the bouncers, but patrons all roided up, looking for a fight. 8 seconds out here in Langley is exactly the same way. I don't have an interest in going to these places anymore because I'm sick of having to keep an eye out.

Just give me a simple neighbourhood pub.

Hope your friend recovers, Guru.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
The Cat n' Fiddle was a neighbourhood pub, but since they stop allowing night clubs in the tri-city area, The Fiddle has sort of become one. This is all to common now in going out, I won't go to Roosters or the Fiddle because of shite like Guru talked about, seems like theres more violence now when you go out then say ten years ago? you can;t even just go some place to dance with a bird anymore, with out some ass getting smashed drunk and trying to scrap. Brutal.

Guru I wish your buddy all the best.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Thought I'd update you with a reply to an email sent to the Cat & Fiddle pub. (not my email) :


Dear ???,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us. Not only does it show that you care enough to express your thoughts, but it gives us the opportunity to correct the facts.

It is a terrible thing that there have been injuries sustained to any of our patrons, ever. Especially with this patron who most recently was struck by our one of our doormen. It is true that he was hit, once. However, the information that seems to be missing from the media and even gossip, is that our doorman was defending himself. He had received numerous hits from this patron who had disregarded his instruction to stop fighting. When our doorman struck him, it was not in retaliation, it was an effort to subdue this patron. Our doorman has years of experience at many different nightclubs and is well aware that his position is not a personal situation. In hindsight, we can only assume that the patron had previously sustained injuries not visible, during his fight with the other patrons, and that our doorman’s attempt at restraining him was not the injuring hit, but the disabling hit (not that this makes it any better, but it is important to know that the doorman wasn’t “beating on” our patron).

A doorman’s duties, as you indicated, include protection. They are responsible for protecting all our patrons, our staff and our establishment from injury and damage, even protecting those who may injure him/herself by engaging in a physical confrontation. So imagining that this particular patron was out of control and taking multiple swings at the bouncer, had the doorman not intervened, this patron could have been responsible for injuring any number of our other clientele, staff or himself. The injuries were confined to two people: our doorman (who in protecting everyone else) endured open cuts to his head and the out of control patron. It is definitely with regret that the patron was injured, but had our doorman not stepped in, there could have been a great deal more injury or damage to any number of people.

I certainly don’t expect to change your opinion nor will I try to insist that you return, but I do thank you for the opportunity to discuss this issue.

??? ???
~ Operations ~

Cat and Fiddle Pub

This is the position the Cat & Fiddle support, which doesn't means it's the real story, just thier position. I don't know all the details, just what I posted here.
Personally, this place has been out of control for too long, and I don't patronize that establishment. From what I know so far, the patron is still in a coma.
I've talked to a freind of the bouncer, and he told me the patron had struck him first and cut him quite badly, and the bouncer then hit him once. From what my friend told me, the bouncer is normally a quiet shy person.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
Is there any other restaurant you don't know all the fact about that we shouldn't go to?

Yes.... don't go to any restaurant with you in it... if you see yourself there, boycott it!

Firstly, I didn't write any of the original post other than the PS... I just posted it from email letter from a good friend. The patron in question is his buddy. Not mine. I DO know that there's a long history of violent behavior there... of this I have personal knowledge. I didn't plan on posting it, I was encouraged to get the word out. Hence my second post here:

Guru said:
My appologies to all here for the misunderstanding. JT is a friend of our co-ed goalie who was injured. I'm just posting what he related to me. But many thanks for the support. Many of us know who the Poco player was though, and I'm sure many people here have a friend, or know someone who's been injured in this bar.

The next email again was not mine, it was the pubs response to an email sent to the Cat & Fiddle stating why they would boycott the place. The only part of that post which was mine is again the bottom part, after the letter:

Guru said:
This is the position the Cat & Fiddle support, which doesn't means it's the real story, just thier position. I don't know all the details, just what I posted here.
Personally, this place has been out of control for too long, and I don't patronize that establishment. From what I know so far, the patron is still in a coma.
I've talked to a freind of the bouncer, and he told me the patron had struck him first and cut him quite badly, and the bouncer then hit him once. From what my friend told me, the bouncer is normally a quiet shy person.
I found out the night before I posted this that my neighbour actually works with the bouncer at his regular day job, and also got a very similar story from him, as was outlined by the pub... I found out the personal side of the bouncer, and according to my neighbour (who has worked with him for many years) that the bouncer is a genuinely nice guy, who is quite shy and reservered. He's a huge boy who can do damage, but he doesn't like to... kind of a gentle giant...

Now, other than what I've written personally, aside from the email letters from the friends I have on both sides of this debate, take what you want from it and either boycott the place or go drink your ass off... it means nothing to me.
Personally, I find the place unsafe, understaffed, a nightmare to move around in, and far too noicey for my old ears... I have to turn my hearing aid down way too far, then I can't hear any one speak...

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