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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Nov 29, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm sure Ghouse must have just left a "Tiger Woods type Voice Message" for Diaz.... something like:

"Hey it's Ghouse, can you please not tell anybody I pay you. Reedie is outing me...":wa::D


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
So basically your denying that you payed players for this season, but not that you payed them in previous ones? That's what it seems like.Maybe with the promise to the players that "when things pick up again" they will be payed again?? Just a thought.

No thats not it...I see the pisstakeing now and guys jumping on the poke Ghouse bandwagon.
Funny. All good say what you want.My fault for being on here and so vocal towards everything.
And for haveing a great organization....


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
FRom a neutral stand point......

If Ghouse is paying his players.....

1)Why is it wrong?

2)why aren't more clubs taking that approach ?

3)Aren't the most success clubs the ones that are treated like a business?

Trying to find some balance here..

All of u who claim he pays players have never stated why its wrong...


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm sure Ghouse must have just left a "Tiger Woods type Voice Message" for Diaz.... something like:

"Hey it's Ghouse, can you please not tell anybody I pay you. Reedie is outing me...":wa::D

Guys, there is a story breaking out of Burnaby...I don't have all the details but apparently Admir Salihovic may be getting paid as well...$1000 a month was the number.

Also, and I can't reveal this source, but I just got a phone call from someone in Mission that says they are 99% sure that Habil Otieno is on the pay roll too.

Not sure what to make of all this just yet but hopefully Ghouse will go into hiding.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Guys, there is a story breaking out of Burnaby...I don't have all the details but apparently Admir Salihovic may be getting paid as well...$1000 a month was the number.

Also, and I can't reveal this source, but I just got a phone call from someone in Mission that says they are 99% sure that Habil Otieno is on the pay roll too.

Not sure what to make of all this just yet but hopefully Ghouse will go into hiding.

Personally I think he is worth more than 1000.00/month

Ghouse i thought u were german not jewish:D


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Reedie your a complete Ass...
Good for soccer to start shite like this. Fun is onething but this is takeing it a little to far.
Ok so you want the details.
To show how big of an ass you are...
My bussiness which did well for years took a turn for the worse last year and has now closed down. Thats right ,Bankruptcy had to be filed to save my home and car.
I lost everything. All my toys ,Jetskis ,Boat dirt bikes ,Bus and even my prize Bike. All gone. My pool in my back yard sits with a ripped liner and full of mud and leaves unable to repair or fix it or my garage roof which leeks.
My daughter who had plans for collage now has a job and cant afford school and lives with her mother cause I cant afford to feed her.
My relationship is on the rocks because of the finansual problems at hand. For those that know me ,know how sick i am and I cannot afford the nessasary medication I take just to stay alive. I have had 2 heart attacks over the last 4 years and the health is fadeing quickly as type 2 diabetes has set in.
I am 3 months behind on my mortgage and the Bank has sent all papers over to the Lawyer to take action against me.
Admir who has played for me and worked for me for 4 years is a neighbour and good good friend wouldnt take anything from me if I had it as he helps me almost everyweek with shite around my house. (Lawn yard work and stuff cause I cant do it)
Diaz is a friend and knows my situation too.
Habil and Eray from Kenya play for me as other Africans players do because I helped them find a job and place to live and many other things that friends do when you meet someone new to the country and no one else would help.
They knew no one...I was introduced as someone who knows people. If you havent noticed Africans make up a majority of my team as so many other ethnic groups play together Just like your team Reedie.
I am so broke reedie That rice and beans is what Im eatting again today so I can afford to put gas in my car to make it to our game wednesday and because of our last fundraiser i have a little money left over to pay the official.

There you have it dick face..I hope your happy now that everyone knows my private life..and for what ....so you can be cooler...well let me tell you this ,The only thing in my life I have right now that gets me up and keeps me posative is my team..I love each and every guy and would do anything for them...And I believe they would do the same for me.
So Fukc You asshlo


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money

I am sorry to hear about your personal and private life including details of your current financial situation.

I only think it makes sense that you join forces with the VMSL Premier teams to try and ensure that the BCPL does not go into effect next year. I don't think you or your club can handle the added financial commitment.



Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
You prick ...I have no bank account no credit cards and no cable TV. All taken from me.
I have only what I have to get by with .
I cannot afford to fix my car so im driveing around with no windshield wipers and rims that the center pieces have been stolen and it looks getto.
My mother in law washes the team kits.
Anything else you need to know about me.
So maybe just maybe I love soccer and want whats best for the game and team I love.
Maybe my friends play for me because they get what I am trying to do and just maybe they like me.
Oh and if a guy on my team wants new yellow sox they pay $10 each for them and I run over to North American Sports and pay my bill with it as they have let me put shti on account.
You want me to post my doctors reports and Letters from Revenue Canada and the Banks Lawyers. Or better yet why dont I bring them to your next game and paper your car with them.
You who gets your soccer club to pay your players to coach the kids so guys will play for you...Dont think we dont all know your sweet little setup.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Guys, there is a story breaking out of Burnaby...I don't have all the details but apparently Admir Salihovic may be getting paid as well...$1000 a month was the number.

Also, and I can't reveal this source, but I just got a phone call from someone in Mission that says they are 99% sure that Habil Otieno is on the pay roll too.

Not sure what to make of all this just yet but hopefully Ghouse will go into hiding.

Diaz Kambere told me before the start of this season that he was not going to sign with us because he was being paid by ACBC...I believe the amount was either $1300 or $1600 per month...not sure if that was before or after taxes :knvb:

Rob Reed

Jeez what a load siht. Anyone could say anything and people would believe it.

Don't people realize these people talking may have a grudge against Ghouse, or their team may have just been beat by ACBC.

I played for ACBC for years and no one got paid siht. Trust me on this. If people knew that was how things were done, people would ask for it or know the skinny. I think everyone's mistaking Rich buying guys food or coffees occausionally at Tim Hortons, or maybe finding them a job (via workopolis), basically geniune kindness for them as $1300 a month. Jeez not even the Whitecaps pay that. Get a grip.

Maybe Diaz just likes ACBC, they are first place in the FVSL, and are favourites in every cup competition they are in. That could be it? possibly. Or maybe he told this to you and anyone else, just to politely say fcuk off, or see if he could milk that money out of you. You do know it is recession time.

Truth is this is a rumour that has taken off over the last couple years cause ACBC is so successful. And let's face it, some people just are natural haters and cnuts and just need to feel like it was some crazy thing/reason, like paying players, steriods, moon out of alignment to explain why they were roasted on the field by ACBC. Talk about sour grapes. It's probably a big reason why teams don't want to create league with ACBC in it, cause they might get smoked there as well, so everyone can see.

Everyone, every soccer enthusiast, every dad with a kid in soccer that wants to see their kid go somewhere in soccer, can agree that the BCPL is an awesome idea. And the one guy, Ghouse, that is promoting it and waving it's flag, you guys all bash on. Doesn't make any sense. STFU already. Be proactive and help things that may help your community and Soccer in BC, don't be some useless hating cnut.

Ghouse you need to take a step away from TTP, take er easy, look after yourself. You are explaining yourself to people that it's not worth explaining to. It's a waste of time. And money can be made, you will bounce back on that end, but health first though. Remember salad diet and exercise.

Cheers. (with water)


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money

I am sorry to hear about your personal and private life including details of your current financial situation.

I only think it makes sense that you join forces with the VMSL Premier teams to try and ensure that the BCPL does not go into effect next year. I don't think you or your club can handle the added financial commitment.


Hey Smart Ass I just wont pay my guys for a month and were good to go.
Jun 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Wow...looks like numbertenhamburgler has quite the man crush on Ghouse!!!!

Now, the question is, hamburgler, are you the giver, or the taker?

Judging by your posts you sound like the taker!!!!

Funny how a guy with the user name hamburger is telling Ghouse to eat salad....


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Wow...looks like numbertenhamburgler has quite the man crush on Ghouse!!!!

Now, the question is, hamburgler, are you the giver, or the taker?

Judging by your posts you sound like the taker!!!!

And that would make you the guy jerking off in the rocking chair watching from the corner... FAGGOT


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your personal life. But you come on here day after day saying it is not about the money to join the BC Premier League. Your own players have continued to say they are getting paid and laugh about it. Now you come on here trying to defend your finanical irresponsibilites.

You can't continue to lie. If you were so broke...last year you spend $10-30K on the brazil team that came here when nobody picked them up from the airport (I forgot the exact number you stated...i am sure it is on this site still). Funny how it is easy to fork out that cash and now you are so broke. Yet you said you are a great promoter and marketer..yet you are bankrupct....you are done numerous events...yet the ACBC summer tournament failed and your businesses supposely failed.....oh wait...i get it you are "taking the piss". Don't insult ppl's intelligence on this site.

There is nothing wrong with you paying for players but please don't continue to lie time and time again.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
You prick ...I have no bank account no credit cards and no cable TV. All taken from me.
I have only what I have to get by with .
I cannot afford to fix my car so im driveing around with no windshield wipers and rims that the center pieces have been stolen and it looks getto.
My mother in law washes the team kits.
Anything else you need to know about me.
So maybe just maybe I love soccer and want whats best for the game and team I love.
Maybe my friends play for me because they get what I am trying to do and just maybe they like me.
Oh and if a guy on my team wants new yellow sox they pay $10 each for them and I run over to North American Sports and pay my bill with it as they have let me put shti on account.
You want me to post my doctors reports and Letters from Revenue Canada and the Banks Lawyers. Or better yet why dont I bring them to your next game and paper your car with them.
You who gets your soccer club to pay your players to coach the kids so guys will play for you...Dont think we dont all know your sweet little setup.

Wow. Not sure but I believe I have glanced a nerve. Ghouse, I was just repsonding to someone else's post that I actually thought was quite witty...hilarious actually (the Tiger Woods reference). You had it right the first time when you said people were just poking fun at Ghouse...did I take it too far by cut and pasting some player's names from the FVSL golden boot race? No bloody way.

Anyway, I'm very sorry you're having a tough time pal...I feel for you and honestly hope things turn around. But we all have our issues...we just don't typically air them in an online forum that was designed for taking the piss out of people.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your personal life. But you come on here day after day saying it is not about the money to join the BC Premier League. Your own players have continued to say they are getting paid and laugh about it. Now you come on here trying to defend your finanical irresponsibilites.

You can't continue to lie. If you were so broke...last year you spend $10-30K on the brazil team that came here when nobody picked them up from the airport (I forgot the exact number you stated...i am sure it is on this site still). Funny how it is easy to fork out that cash and now you are so broke. Yet you said you are a great promoter and marketer..yet you are bankrupct....you are done numerous events...yet the ACBC summer tournament failed and your businesses supposely failed.....oh wait...i get it you are "taking the piss". Don't insult ppl's intelligence on this site.

There is nothing wrong with you paying for players but please don't continue to lie time and time again.

Hey fukc you too
Our tournament didnt fail we did what we did for fun..and to prove something to the CSA
The Brazilian team tour was not mine, I was brought in last minute to bail them out.
And my promotion company did super,,Nothing to do with my Salon.
I got out of the Promotion company because my health wouldnt allow me to do that type of work anymore.
The BCPL is not about the money as even at my state we could do it.
AND PS when I had money I did what I did with it cause it was mine to do what I wanted.
And helping others was my thing.

So again Fukc you ...DUDELUV...dudelove...says it all


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Sorry to hear about your personal life. But you come on here day after day saying it is not about the money to join the BC Premier League. Your own players have continued to say they are getting paid and laugh about it. Now you come on here trying to defend your finanical irresponsibilites.

You can't continue to lie. If you were so broke...last year you spend $10-30K on the brazil team that came here when nobody picked them up from the airport (I forgot the exact number you stated...i am sure it is on this site still). Funny how it is easy to fork out that cash and now you are so broke. Yet you said you are a great promoter and marketer..yet you are bankrupct....you are done numerous events...yet the ACBC summer tournament failed and your businesses supposely failed.....oh wait...i get it you are "taking the piss". Don't insult ppl's intelligence on this site.

There is nothing wrong with you paying for players but please don't continue to lie time and time again.

I dont think GHOUSE controls the weather..and I dont see how 2 feet of snow is him being irresponsible


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
Dirty Money
Thank you. Remind me NOT to use you for any soccer related marketing..you will bring the league to bankrupcty. ACBC is the equivalent of the Phoenix Coyotes.

The last line is classic "I make things happen"....I guess this site is TTP but I don't need to say anything.

Millar ,because I have the utmost respect for you and I am friends with Rob I believe you are not pisstakeing me when asking your question.
Firstoff I agree with alot of what you are saying and I believe you are credible enough that your opinion is sound and should be listened to by all. I may not agree with it all but it is valid.
To answer your question.
I do believe the FVSL is moveing in the right direction. But for what I see as total Improvement and to better soccer even more so, we need to all be together. The whole Province. Yes even the Interior.
I am glad you asked this question because...
Let me back up a bit... As you said above we have Lawyers ,Accountants Regs, Businessmen all who could be doing a part.
Well my first profession and the one which I did so well at and how I bought my house from was as a Promoter.
Id like to think it was something I did very very well at because of the success I had doing it. SummerLove Festival 30'000 fans at $60 a ticket for 10 years. Took 4 of those years to get to those huge numbers.
WakeWest the Canadian National WakeBoard Championships in False Creek 35'000 fans.And Televised. I was the host on TSN for the Canadian version of the Big Air X games and owned the Festival that went along with it (WinterLove) 3 years. Various other huge events and small. I also had my own radio show for 3 years on 96.1 fm here in Vancouver which was fairchild radio...It was called the GSPOT..Laugh it up. It was the way I sold out my events. Dont by adds buy the show. And host it.
I was the tour director for the Lollapalooza 3rd tour and road manager for the Last Scorpians and Alice Cooper tour. Actually that came first before all the other stuff. What I learnt there showed me how to promote to the masses.
My point is I know a thing or 3 about how to market events. Sports, Music its all the same and I have done them all. With huge success.
I Know if we all get on the same page and unite all Sr mens soccer. The best soccer below the WhiteCaps, we have a marketable product.
But we need everyone together on the same page.
The older historic clubs with the newer clubs with personality.
The reason this year is so important is because the MLS is comeing and we need to ride the media wave.
We need teams from out of town so the promoters and media have an angle to promote. Derby games are the best but not every week...They need to be special so they can be hyped. A derby game every week loses interest, it doesnt build it.
In this new division or league, I know if done right we could elevate the popularity of soccer to where we really do get fans and with fans comes TV (shaw), they have been doing great with the Giants games. With fans you bring Sponcors.
Sponsors means money.
It all will happen if we get this puppy off the ground and just before the MLS, not after it. Soccer will be very popular very soon and we either are involved or we miss our chance.
TFC has a reserve team playing in the CSL and they have local TV coverage. Same shti different pile. Not to mention the CSL has a fan base.
Ya I know we need to put this down on paper and have a plan, I have heard that...But it just took you all 8 months to get together for 1 meeting. A plan like what you all are talking about will take way to long and its really not needed to just get the division up and running. All the details can be worked out as we move forward.
And for anyone who doubts any of this...I have had doubters for every event I have ever had...Whos going to pay to show up to watch Wakeboarding at FalseCreek...35 thousand did and the TV trucks rolled right in with them.

When I quote the move field of dreams and say 'build it and they will come'...I mean it.
people will come if the games are promoted right. If we have good venders and bevys. Playing double header games at a few of the good little stadiums with the right promotion...Its a no brainer.
Press will eat it up.
But you need the teams from out of town to do it. To make it all work we need everyone Together.
NOW is the time and not later.
Or we just continue down this path we have now...nothing wagered nothing gained...
Whats the worst that could happen....we go back to where we are now??

Where is my place in all this...right next to anyone and everyone else. At the games watchin footy.

Will I step forward and help..you bet i will ,as should everyone.

The opportunity is here now...Lets not waist it.

Bash me all you want...I make things happen and I dont stop till its finnished. Nothing can stop us if we really want to do something.
Dont be a hater..Jump on board..leave your legacy.
Your kids will say..my dad did that.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money

You let this get out of hand by adding fuel to the fire. Anyone can see, U have a personal beef with ghouse and being the Head cheese u gained alot of followers with your negative posts towards him..

Great site man but u need The FVSL support to keep it going, if you dont agree you are just being ignorant.

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